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Dhanush: Grandson of A.S Kiran Kumar

A.S Kiran Kumar: Former Chairman of ISRO, India

Siva Kumar: Pilot at Air force station

Priya: wife of Siva Kumar, works at Air force station

Bryorg : founder of AlienCON

Karunkar : police officer

The First Interstellar visitor

Dhanush was given a Celestron CGX 700 telescope on his 21st

birthday by his grandpa Kiran Kumar. He always has love in
astrophysics and space sciences as his grandpa. His parents died in
a accident when he was 8. His grandpa took care of him from then.
His grandpa voluntarily retired from ISRO to take care of dhanush.
Dhanush also wanted to work in ISRO as his grandpa did.

Dhanush wanted to test the telescope he was presented. It has

inbuild sky map automatic focus setter and many more advanced
features. He assembled it and connected to his lappie and saw the
Gemini constellation at first (His birth constellation). He started
exploring the sky from that day onwards. One day he saw an
unexpected moving star in the sky. The map in telescope gets
updated every second through internet every time it is connected
to lappie. It always every comet, meteor, planet and star. It is so
strange that it doesn’t appear in the map.

2 months later, That moving star came into news. Yes it is

Oumuamua. Scientists from pan-STAARS observatory Hawaii
concluded that it is an object from a far-away galaxy. They didn’t
conclude what that object is. It is a object of length around
400-1000m body ratio of 3 to 10 with wobbling motion. It has very
near to earth and went away. It took 40 days for them to get to this
conclusion. Some of them, even believed it might be a spaceship.
Scientists say that it might have come this far due to a supernova or
a neutron explosion in a faraway galaxy. Hawaiians named it as
Oumuamua(o-Moo-ah-Moo-ah) which a visitor from the past.
The Flight Crash

A test jet Rafale is being tested by pilot Siva kumar at Air

Force Station, Tambaram. A team coordinating him is at the
runway ready to celebrate for their success. Suddenly, The Jet loose
control and went into them and blasted. The strange thing is not
even a single corpse is found. Ever since that case has been a
mystery. Every thing happened in front of them but no one knew
what happened there. They don’t even see their ashes. Even
Forensic report doesn’t reveal any remainings of the missing.

The Case is handed over to CBI. CBI found the audio

conversation of Siva Kumar exactly till 40sec before the crash. The
conversation was so normal that there is no problem at all.
Suddenly, the conversation stopped and there is nothing but
absolute silence except for the sound of air. Unfortunately, they
didn’t get the video footage as there is no CC camera in that area.
There is no possible explanation of what happened there. The case
is unsolved even now. Every one loose hope on it.

“To search a somewhere you’ve never seen before, you have to

think in ways you’ve never thought”

“If you don’t find any possibility, Search for the impossible”
Mysterious Monoliths
The beginning of the apocalypse

On Nov. 10, 2020

In Utah, During a routine survey of big horn sheep in Red

Rock Country, the US wildlife agency found a 10-12ft. tall metal
monolith at the base of a canyon. There were no indications of how
or when it appeared or who installed it. This so called monolith is
purely metallic and might be of tons. No human can install it
without heavy machinery like cranes. If that is the case, everyone
would have known about it. There is no correct explanation about
them. The Federal Bureau of Land Management announced that it
was most likely an art installation of a new wave artist.

After this incident such monoliths are discovered every now

and then at different places of earth like North America, South
America, Europe and some where in central Asia. Some of them
were pranks made by local artists. None of them are as real as in
Utah. It is installed in such a way that it has come out of sand all of
sudden by itself. It is in a place no one would have found except for
rare explorers. It is well hidden from the outer world. There were
so many stories or shall I say rumors' spread like a wild-fire across
nations and became world wide news. Many NGOs and Agency on
Aliens and Extra-terrestrial life made this as their proof and wrote
as many articles as they can.

No one knew what is about come. No one knew that this is

just the beginning of the apocalypse that postponed in 2012 and
2020. The Apocalypse predicted by Nostradamus, hydatius, David
meade etc. The predictions weren’t false. They might be just
inaccurate. The sky is gleaming shinier ready for the wormhole to
be appeared. The veil between the realms is vulnerable. The
Apocalypse is now inevitable.
The Revelation
The truth long hidden

Dhanush got a fellowship in DRDO with his grandpa’s

recommendation. He is working under Dr. Sudhir Mishra in New
Delhi. Dhanush has been given an assignment to select a case study
about a air craft accident and write a detailed report about
technical failure. Dhanush’s choices always have their uniqueness.
He wanted to choose a special case. He browsed on internet and
found many but none of them touched him. Then, he saw the The
tambaram flight crash. Accident at Air force Academy got his best
interest. He read every thing posted on the internet about the
accident. After a long research he found photos of the missing
people. He never expected to see those photos in it. He stunned
seeing picture of his parents in the missing list. Grandpa never said
that his parents were in Air Force. He never said how they died.
Now that he saw this it is time that he must know about his father.
The next day he took leave for his thesis completion went to his
hometown Chennai.

Grandpa asked about his unexpected arrival. Dhanush

questioned his grandpa about his parents. “ You were 8, when your
father is working at IAF tambaram. I didn’t even get his corpse to do
funeral. The government hasn’t officially announced about their
death” grandpa said. Dhanush didn’t understand what that means.
He thought that taking this case is not a mere coincidence. This is
his destiny. He mailed to CBI headquarters for the case details
stating his need for the report to be submitted. He got the details of
the case. He found there is a local police officer nearby who
worked under CBI in this case. He went to meet that police officer
“Karunakar” to discuss about the case. The strange thing is that he
was suspended marked mentally unfit.
Dhanush met Karunakar at his home. He introduced himself
as Junior scientist. He also explained karunakar why he came and
his relation to the case. Karunakar went to evidence room of local
police station tambaram and took the audio footage he gathered
and some other evidences and returned home. He played the audio
footage and showed them.

Vijay : “ Every thing is under-control, flying at max speed and

altitude of 14,499., Over...”

Priya : “This is it Siva, you must come back ”

Siva : “ Priyaa.. , I wanna fly a little a more”

Vijay : “ Sivaa, Just get it down now. It’s getting dark”

Siva : “ Ok.. Ok.. Coming down”

Vijay : “Altitude : 1,234”

Siva : “ I can seee”

Vijay : “Runway Line 19EX”

Siva : “Yes, Captain” (Some kind of radio disturbance for 10 sec)

The recording ended after half minute silence when the flight

“Did you observe the recording, Dhanush!.” Karunakar asked

him. What is that radio disturbance?, Why none of the crew
observed the crash and tried to scape?, Why didn’t the crew say
any thing during the last 40 seconds?, Did they do not expect the
crash?, Where are the bodies or atleast traces of them? These are
some of many unanswered questions at the crash. There are not
even possible answers for them. These answers suspended me
from the case. I was so determined to get a clue. When I realised
there can’t be any possible, I searched for the impossible answers.
May be the crew is not at the spot, May be they disappeared. It took
me more than 2 years to get the data. There are many such cases of
sudden disappearances. Karunakar drew a big file from his

There are many such cases happened in certain parts of

Western USA. Some of them reappeared after about 2-3 years. They
say that they remember nothing. They were in a car travelling and
a strange light appeared and then they wake up at home after 2
and 1/2 years. This kind of incidents were shown in many places.
Karunakar showed those documented proofs of them. Dhanush
asked how did he conform it is such case. Karunakar said that he
asked everyone who were near the spot and found a kid who said
that he saw a bright blue light there. Department rejected the kid’s
statement. No one is ready to accept my explanation. They
suspended marking me mad.

Dhanush asked that there is still hope that my father is alive.

Karunakar said there is a rare chance that he might be alive. From
over 200 years there is no such case appeared. Karunakar asked if
he believes in it and finds positive.
Alien CON
Warriors to stop the Real Extinction

Dhanush, let me show you something. Do you think only I did

this research. There is a lot more than that. We are part of a
organization Alien CON. I’m not Karunakar. There is no such
person called Karunakar. We brought you here. We have been
following you ever since your father died. We are the one who
changed details sent you the email. Our people are everywhere,
even in CBI.

“But why me?” asked Dhanush in confusion. “Dhanush , You

must come to West Jordan”. Bryorg will say about it. Bryorg found
this organization when he found that we are at brim of war. The
enemies are far powerful than us. Here are your passport and Visa.
Just Come with me. Say your good byes.

Dhanush landed into utter confusion. He don’t know what is

happening there. He has no option but to follow him. Dhanush
called his grandpa and said that he is going to Delhi. He lied that
Sudhir Mishra Sir called him urgently. He went to Chennai and
took the flight to Jordan. We went to Somerset Villa to meet Bryorg.
I met Bryorg in a room fillled with big TV screens. He explained to
me about the research in this way.

This all started on 7th sept. 2017, when Oumuamua came

near to earth. That is not a asteroid or comet. It is a alien space ship
that came from a galaxy of about 900 Astronomical Units. They
came to our solar system through worm hole. The Veil between the
realms is so weak when the wormhole opened. To create such a
wormhole we need Purest Energy in a large quantity. We call it as
Aura. Humans have a field of aura sorrounding them. In the same
way, We have this Aura , These Extra-Teresstrials have some aura.
They used the aura of some of their own people to weaken the veil
between realms. When it is vulnerable they created a wormhole
and sent a troop. They’ve found that we’ve aura 10times the aura in
them. From that day, they kidnapped as many as hundreds of
people across the globe. They came in spaceship which looks like a
cloud. They control it from somewhere underground. They select
people with large aura field. Your father was one of such. This aura
capacity depends on parents capacity too. We found you also had a
large aura field as your father. That wanted to open the worm hole
again. This time they will open it not for seconds but forever. That
is why, We are following you ever since we found this.

We tried tracking them. We planted platinum capsules in one

of our men. When they kidnapped our men. We were following
them. We saw the light from the spaceship kidnapping them. But
the trackers are left open in the car. The light is specially designed
to capture organic material.

Dhanush now understood what all this is about. He know

what he has to do. He opened his lappie and showed them the
organic electricals, a experimental model of his friend. They
created a organic tracker in no time. Bryorg appreciated dhanush.
Dhanush said i will become the spy. Bryorg opposed it. Dhanush’s
aura is so powerful that it is enough to complete their mission.
Dhanush explained that this will be our only choice. We must very
near to their victory to fool them. They will get alerted very fast if
the mission at near end. They only get relaxed at the end of victory.
Bryorg satisfied with the explanation. They planted the chip in him
and took out the watch he’s been gifted long ago by his grandpa.
That watch is part Alien CON’s plan to hide the aura from extra
Alien Abduction
The Extra terestrials are not very tall. There is a troop of 7
creatures green in color and height of about 4ft. They have well
equipped in a dark room with no ventillation/windows. May be it is
under ground lab. There are about 10 screens in the lab. Showing
different locations. One of them has sky indicating 90%age. They
are equipped with advanced weapons. There is a big tower like
structure in a screen. Thus Dhanush commented about his

Bryorg(over bluetooth): That tower might be the antenna

controlling their spaceship or a instrument to send energy to sky

Dhanush : They are really contented. There are another 2 aliens at

the tower holding three men. They might be uploading the energy

Bryorg : Yes, you might be true. That tower might be the energy
uploading device

Dhanush : Why didn’t they use me?

Bryorg : They wanted to open the worm hole forever. It needs high
energy. So they might’ve reserved you for that. They weaken the
veil with other’s aura

Dhanush : What should i do now?

Bryorg : We’ve found you. You’re at red sandstone country. Exactly

at the monolith that is found 2 days ago. Our assumption is true
that the monolith belongs to them. You are exactly below the
monolith. You must destroy their project when we divert them

Dhanush : Wait sir, There is a canyon in other camera. The canyon

might be the real energy storage. You must destroy the canyon.
This will divert the whole team at instant.
Bryorg : Yes, that will do...

Bryorg’s alpha team used the nitrogen bomb to destroy the

energy but it didn’t work out

Dhanush : Sir, Nitrogen bombs won’t do the work use organic

electricals and transfer mass through the canyon.

They said as indicated. The idea worked out. Canyon blasted

out. The ETs teleported themselves to the energy reservior.
Dhanush worked in the system to crash the whole system. He
immediately contacted nearby team to get the aura absorbing
watch and transferred into monolith and absorbed whole energy
into watch. Then he transferred it out. That watch can’t hold
energy for longer time. At that instant of time, Bryorg and his team
was a prisoner to them. This is my only choice to end it. He took the
watch teleported it to the place where those aliens stood. When it
absorbed the aura of those aliens it exploded leaving no traces of

Bryorg opens his eyes to see dhanush in the lab and asked

Dhanush : I used the same space ship which transports organic life.
As my guess they were inorganic, left behind and died..

- * + The End + * -

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