Lesson Plan Edu 214

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Besma Eid

EDU 214
Dr. Joni Flowers
Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Title: Cultures around the world!

Concept / Topic To Teach: The diversity around the world.
General Goal(s): to teach the children the cultures around the world.

Specific Objectives: To help the children understand there are many different cultural aspects in
the world that should be accepted.

 Required Materials: kids will use a computer for research as well as art tools to draw out on a
poster board.
Anticipatory Set (Lead-In): Hello kids! Who is ready to travel around the world?!
Step-By-Step Procedures: After reviewing the different cultures around the world from our
lesson plan the students will get in groups of three and create a poster board based on the culture
I will choose for the groups.
 Plan For Independent Practice: The children will get on computers and research their culture
assigned to them.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set): The students will reflect on what they learned and what was
your favorite part of the activity by writing a few sentences at the end of the activity on a piece
of paper and will turn it into me at the end of the lesson.
Assessment Based On Objectives: Will be able to assign the students a test matching the culture
with the correct country.
Possible Connections To Other Subjects: this lesson connects to geography and learning about
the different cultures and the countries they will be learning about.

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