Activity 6 Media Literature

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Subject: Media and information literacy in the 21st century

Warm-up! Evaluate the activities you had for the past 2 days, and write the number of hours and minutes you have
spent in using the following media. BE HONEST!

2 hrs Watching television

20 hrs Watching videos on your phone, computer, and other gadgets
0 hrs Watching movie at a theater
0 hrs Reading newspaper
0 hrs Reading magazines
5 hrs Reading novels/pocketbooks/comics
30 mins Reading textbooks and other materials related to school
0 hrs Listening to radio
2 hrs Listening to recorded music via mp3, iPod, etc.
1 hr & 30 mins Surfing the internet
2hrs Texting
45 mins Playing video/computer games
PERFORMANCE TASK # 1.1: Directions: Using Venn diagram below, Compare and contrast Media Literacy, Information
Literacy and Technology Literacy.

Information Literacy

- A set of abilities which requires individuals to recognize when

information is needed to locate, evaluate, and use it effectively.

-Both literacy aims to provide appropriate

-An ability needed
to evaluate information.

Media Literacy
Technology Literacy
- The ability to access analyze,
- The ability to responsibly use
evaluate, create information from media
appropriate technology to communicate,
and other information sources.
solve problems, access, manage,
integrate, evaluate, design, and create
information to improve learning in all
subject areas, and acquire lifelong
knowledge and skills in the 21st century.

PERFORMANCE TASK # 1.2: Directions: Read the information on the table below and answer the following questions.

1. Based from the table, which form of mass media do Filipinos use more often? Why do you think Filipinos prefer
to use this medium?
 The form of mass media that Filipinos use more often is Television. Filipinos prefer using television as
majority of the happenings in the Philippines, and some from other country, are tackled on it. Television
allows us to gather information useful, informative, and entertaining to our daily lives by just sitting in
front of it. Therefore, making it the most frequently used form of mass media.

2. Which gender is more exposed to mass media? What do you think is the reason behind it?
 The gender that is more exposed to television are females. I think the reason to it are because most
females spend majority of their time at home. Television entertains females the most compared to
males who prefers radios.
3. What is the relationship of media and information literacy and the exposure of Filipinos to mass media?
 The relationship of media and information literacy and the exposure of Filipinos to mass media is that
the exposure of Filipinos to the informations they have learned from the forms of mass media was
analysed and evaluated. After that, they then use the information gathered effectively.

PERFORMANCE TASK # 3.1: Directions: In your own words, briefly describe each stage in the history of media on a
piece of paper.

1. Tribal Age
 It is the age where people uses verbal or oral communication to communicate to other people. They
solely rely on their memory based on what the other one have said as a form of their communication.

2. Age of Literacy
 It is the age where people learned to express themselves through hieroglyphs that was later on turned
into alphabets.

3. Print Age
 It is the age where people produced books and papers that was used to associate themselves on groups.

4. Electronic Age
 It is the age where people have invented the telegraph used to send messages to far places by coded
signals and the starting point of television, radio, and telephone as a media of communication.

5. New media
 Also known as information age, is the age where products and services such as computers and internet
became the primary providers of information and entertainment.

PERFORMANCE TASK # 3.2: Directions: Watch Mike Eisenberg’s13-minute vodcast on information literacy
( Based on the video, what items did Mike Eisenberg discuss? Use
the following chart to map the six steps, as mentioned in the video, with the corresponding time stamp.

Information Literacy Steps Time Stamp Speaker’s Points

1. Defining Information needs 2:55 – 3:11 Information literacy is the big six. The big six
skills of task definition, information seeking
strategies, location and access, use of
information, synthesis, and evaluation.
2. Figuring out resources and strategies 5:10 – 5:13 The Wikipedia is a fine source for some things
in some situations…

3. Locating and accessing information 5:49 – 5:58 While they say it’s their source of perhaps
first check, it’s not their last, and that’s
what’s really important about Wikipedia…

4. Comprehending information 5:58 – 6:13 …And the reason that it’s so relevant to
information literacy is its not absolute yes or
no. Yes you use the source, no you don’t. It’s
what the proper use what is the appropriate
source in a given context and situation.
5. Organizing information 8:50 – 9:11 …let them realize that I like to say you’re the
main character in a story and just like the
main character there’s a beginning, and a
middle, and an end. And in the beginning you
planned, you figure out what you’re
supposed to do and you figure out the
sources and things you’re going to use. In the
middle you do it, and in the end you look
back and review.
6. Evaluating end result 12:14 – 12:35 …you’ll see that we have ways of
systematically analysing school curriculum,
identifying the what we call bug juicy units
that are just brimming with information
potential and then work on having the
students learn these skills in conjunction with
learning the content area.

PERFORMANCE TASK # 4: Direction: Read the instruction below:

1. Choose one from the topics below:

 Fake news
 Removal of Filipino Subject from Tertiary Level

2. Research the topic you chose and follow the steps below to practice your information literacy skills:

Why do you need Where do you What is the How are you How are you Which
the information? find the quality of the going to plan going to produce information are
information? information? your research? the information? you going to use?
As an individual The information The quality of I am to visit I am to produce The informations
who is still on can be find information legitimate the informations, that are going to
learning stage, through some depends on the websites as my assuming the be used are
fake news will form of media legitimacy of the form of gathering informations informations that
play a big role on and social media information informations as evaluated are are useful and in
confusing my platforms. gathered. this is the easiest credible, through demand to a
thoughts or how Legitimacy of the way. Referring to ways people are certain topic
I see and think information some books and to understand discussed or
about something. includes steps personal works the first time things that the
and process or of some verified they have read or information
the methodology people for seen it and gathered will be
used to further understand useful and
formulate the informations or further as they informative.
information. informations go deeper into it.
rarely mentioned
on today’s works.

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