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Lenten is about purification,repentance and acknowledging Christ’s

sacrifices for us. As we celebrate this season we cleanse our hearts and
be sorry for our mistakes. We all know that Christ’s was condemned to
death because of People’s pride. Pilate has nothing against God but
because he is in the position he let them kill Christ’s. The pride of not
letting the just prevail but hearing the shout of ignorant people that
Christ should be crucified. Jesus stands alone on his own without
someone on his side.

We should always remember that everything we have and

accomplished is because of Him. Pride is the root of evil even before the
creation. Many creatures have their downfall because they believed that
they are greater than God. We should not let it blind us for we may fall
into a pit. Lenten is the season to pray for those people and things that
harm and hurt us. We should focused on Humility because it is an
excellent way to freedom and peace. Thinking less about ourselves and
thinking more about others does not belittle who we really are. Christ’s
humbleness until the end is a great example of humility. He died on the
cross but still prays and forgives those who did not believe in him.

As a Christian, God is the most powerful and most loving God.

Everything we have is because of him. We should always remember that
we are successful because of him and we cannot carry our own burden
on our own. You don’t have to justify yourself to other people just
because you are being judge. Knowing who you really are inside is the
most important thing. Having pride can be a downfall but with humility
it comes with wisdom.You just have to cast everything to Christ.

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