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Title: From Under the Bed

Tag line : When the fears come out to play.

Logline: When Aine inherits her family estate she realises her childhood fears are real, with
time running out will she be able to stop her fears becoming a permanent reality.

Format: Feature

Length: 115 minutes

Genre: Horror, fantasy

Age Rating: 15

The Title and a brief summary paragraph: From Under the Bed – When Aine inherits her
family estate she learns about a curse placed on her bloodline. To remove the curse she is
forced to compete in rounds of childhood games, competing against her childhood fears for
her freedom.

Short Synopsis:
After the funeral of Aine’s Grandma she learns of an curse placed on her bloodline. She
meets the creature who placed the curse on her bloodline and is offered away to remove it.
Aine must face some of her childhood fears in her favourite childhood games and win.


Sleep paralysis demons- The sleep paralysis demons . They surround

and haunt Aine’s dreams, dark figures with glowing eyes and wide
smiles, mimicking Balor, king of demons. They are mostly harmless and
cause no harm to Aine. They are nearly indistinguishable from the
background with dark figures in the shapes of different
anthropomorphic creatures, mutated in unnatural ways and in the
image of childhood stuffed toys.

Balor - Named after the Celtic king of demons. He is

2271 years old and is located in the Dream realm
mostly, his job is to keep order of his selection of
demons . No known education but is incredibly
intelligent , we cannot apply a financial status to him
as the demons do not have a currency, aside from Balor nobody else has
any distinct features. His ambitions are to win the challenges he sets, he
fears the losing, he strengths are his magic/supernatural gifts and stamina,
his flaws are that he is over confident. He also doesn’t consider others'
feelings before he acts which often leads to negative consequences for
other people. He feels the safest in the mind as its where he has the most
control, he can get back to the mind easily but cannot move things back into the
mind when things have even set in motion in the real world. His family
background is unknown, he is unable to form friendships or meaningful
relationships due to a superiority complex. his entertainment is watching human
be tormented either in their minds or in real life. He doesn’t eat or drink other for
illusions and has no concept of it, he dislikes liars. He doesn’t follow religion but
is regarded as Irish folk lore, his political beliefs are centred around keeping
himself in power. His pets are the creature he uses for the games, such as the
seekers and ‘Mr Fox’.

Dagda or Dave - Named in Irish mythology as ‘good god’.

He is 2230 years old and is located in the Dream realm
mostly, his job is to keep order of watch from under the
bed, a rare for of under the bed monsters used as a
guardian. No known education but is isn’t overly smart
relying on instincts over brain, we cannot apply a
financial status to him as the monsters do not have a
currency. His ambitions are to win the challenges/games
set, he fears the losing because of what it would do to
Aine, he strengths are his instincts and stamina, his flaws
are that he is self sacrificing . He consider others' feelings
before he acts which often leads to negative
consequences for himself. He feels the safest under the
bed as its where he has the most control, he can’t be
seen and he likes that. His family background is unknown, he forms a friendship
with Aine. His entertainment is watching human dreams. He doesn’t eat or drink
other for illusions and has no concept of it, he dislikes Balor and other fears. He
follows no religion but is regarded as Irish folk lore . He has no pets.

Seekers – A pack of dogs named after the child’s game. Named by the Celtic king
of demons. Their age is unknown and is located in the Dream realm mostly, their
job is to help Balor in tormenting people. No
known education but is isn’t overly smart relying
on instincts over brain, we cannot apply a
financial status to them as the monsters do not
have a currency and they is treated as a pet. Their
ambitions are to win the challenges/games set,
they fear losing because of Balor, though the have
no control over the games when they start and
are used as a prop, their strengths are their
instincts and ability to track, their flaws are that
they are inpatient and often brash. They don’t
consider others' feelings before they act playing by the games rules, following
orders, they have no other purpose . They feel the safest in the forest as its
where they have the most control, they can’t be seen easily and their game often
takes place here. Their family background is unknown, their only relationship is a
pet/owner relationship with Balor. Their entertainment is watching human
dreams. They doesn’t eat or drink other for illusions and has no concept of it,
they dislikes good hiders and losing. They have no religion. They have no pets.
Mr Fox - Named after the child’s game. Named by the Celtic king of demons. His
age is unknown and is located in the Dream realm mostly, his job is to help Balor
in tormenting people. No known education but is isn’t overly smart relying on
instincts over brain, we cannot apply a financial
status to him as the monsters do not have a
currency and he is treated as a pet. His ambitions
are to win the challenges/games set, he fears the
losing because of Balor, though he has no control
over the games when they start and are used as a
prop, his strengths are his instincts and eyes, his
flaws are that he can only use magic or
supernatural abilities during a game. He doesn’t
consider others' feelings before he acts playing
by the games rules, following orders. He feels the
safest in the forest as its where he has the most control, he can’t be seen and his
game often takes place here. His family background is unknown, his only
relationship is a pet/owner relationship with Balor. His entertainment is watching
human dreams. He doesn’t eat or drink other for illusions and has no concept of
it, he dislikes liars. He has no religion. She has no pets.

Headless figure - Named in after the childhood fear of the clothes on the chair
looking like a human figure. All though he has a head it doesn’t work and he
cannot use it and carries it as a prop. He is 20 years old and is located in the
human realm mostly, he has no clear job and is used as a prop by
Balor. No known education but is isn’t overly smart relies on
natural instincts, doesn’t care about getting injured and has no
clear motives. We cannot apply a financial status to him as the
monsters do not have a currency. His ambitions are to cause issues
and scare Aine, he fears nothing as he has no idea of fear, having
very limited concept of reality, his strengths are his lack of pain and
his ability to unnerve people, his flaws are that he is completely out
of touch with reality. He consider others' feelings before he acts which often
leads to negative consequences for himself. He feels the safest in the house as its
where he has the most control, he can’t be seen and he likes that. His family
background is unknown, he forms no relationships. His entertainment is watching
human get scared by him. He doesn’t eat or drink other for illusions and has no
concept of it, he also has no head, he dislikes people who aren’t scared of him.
He follows no religion. He has no pets.

Spider - Named in after the fear of spider. Her age is unknown and is located in
the attic mostly, she has no clear job and is used as a prop by Balor. No known
education but is isn’t overly smart relying ad has no natural
instincts, doesn’t care about getting injured and has no clear
motives. We cannot apply a financial status to her as the
monsters do not have a currency. Her ambitions are to cause
issues and scare children, she fears nothing as she has no idea of
fear, having very limited concept of reality, her strengths are her lack of pain and
her ability to unnerve people, her flaws are that she is completely out of touch
with reality. She consider others' feelings before she acts which often leads to
negative consequences for herself. She feels the safest in the house as its where
she has the most control, she can’t be heard and she likes that. Her family
background is unknown, she forms no relationships. Her entertainment is
watching human get scared by her. She doesn’t eat or drink other for illusions
and has no concept of it, she draws power/energy from children’s fear , she
dislikes children who aren’t scared of him. She follows no religion. She has no

Sewer monster - Named in after the childhood fear of sewer monsters, he takes
the form of a large doll. His age is unknown and is located in the sewers mostly,
he has no clear job and is used as a prop by Balor. No known education but is
isn’t overly smart and has no natural instincts, doesn’t care about getting injured
and has no clear motives. We cannot apply a financial status to him as the
monsters do not have a currency. His ambitions are to cause issues and scare
children, he fears nothing as he has no idea of fear, having very limited concept of
reality, his strengths are his lack of pain and his ability to unnerve people, his
flaws are that he is completely out of touch with reality. He consider others'
feelings before he acts which often leads to negative consequences for
himself. He feels the safest in the house as its where he has the most control, he
can’t be seen and he likes that. His family background is unknown, he forms no
relationships. His entertainment is watching human get scared by him. He doesn’t
eat or drink other for illusions and has no concept of it, he draws power/energy
from children’s fear , he dislikes children who aren’t scared of him. He follows no
religion. His has no pets.

Bartholomew White – Seemingly human, he is Aine’s grandfather. He is 72 years

old and living with Aine, he is a carpenter. His education is limited to
apprenticeship work he did in a carpenters workshop, he is upper middle class
and lives mostly of his wife inherited money/business. He is married and his
social status is unknown as he doesn’t interact with people outside of Aine. His
ambitions are to survive, he fears the the dark, his strengths are his sense of
loyalty, his flaws are that he is willing to do anything to escape even if that means
someone else getting hurt. He feels the safest in his bedroom away from every
one. His family background is unknown, he is able to form a family bond wit Aine.
He preferred entertainment is a book. His favourite food are the sandwich’s, he
dislikes getting lost. He follows no religion, his political beliefs
change are in line with what suits him at the moment in time. He
has an unknown background, but has been around all of Aine

Aine White – Áine is an Irish goddess and Faery Queen of summer, wealth
and sovereignty. She is associated with midsummer and the sun, and is
sometimes represented by a red mare. She is 20 years old and lives with her
grandfather. Her education is limited to a college degree, and what she knows from work
experience . She is upper middle class and is the sole beneficiary of her grandmothers will.
She is not married and her social status is unknown as she doesn’t not have many friends,
her father was a doctor before he died and her mother was unemployed when she dies.
Aine is an orphan. Her ambitions are to win the games, she fears the Balor, his pets and her
fears, her strengths are her quick thinking and her instincts, her flaws are that she overthinks
and panics easily. She feels the safest in the her bedroom reading. She forms relationships.
She rereads the books over and over when bored. Her favourite food is chilli, she dislikes not
knowing what’s happening, and feeling watched. She follows no religion, her political beliefs
are limited to what her grandfather tells her as she has not researched it herself.

Target Audience:
Our target audience is females and males aged 15 to 25, this is as research shows that
people interested in paranormal or supernatural films is often split evenly but leans more
towards female slightly. The main age range does from the fact that more and more teens
are watching horror film as the generations are becoming more desensitised to the material
being shown.

About Me/Us:
We are aspiring script writers with a background in English. We have experience in story
writing and an interest in film.

What I/we Want:

We want our film to be broadcasted in Cinema’s first, most likely the Vue and Odeon. This is
as these are the places most accessible by our target audience. Once I have been how in
cinemas, we hope to have it broadcasting on streaming sites, such as Netflix which has an
increase in horror series and movies over the past couple of months.

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