Unit 4

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Electromagnetic Field Theory

ECE- 2nd Year
Chandra Shekhar Prasad (Ph.D.)
Electronics and Communication Engineering
3/26/2021 NIT, Hamirpur 1
UNIT-01 Introduction: Fundamental of vector algebra, Scalar &vector fields, Introduction and transformation on
different coordinate systems: (rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate system), introduction to line, Surface and
volume integrals, Definition of gradient, Divergent and curl of a vector and their physical significance.

UNIT-02 Electrostatics: Principle of Coulomb's law, Definition of electric field intensity from point charges, Field due
to continuous distribution of charges on an infinite and finite line, Electric Field due to an infinite uniformly charged
sheet, Gauss’s law and its applications, Electric flux density, Potential fields duo to electric dipole, Laplace’s and
Poison’s equations.
UNIT-03 Magnetostatics: Definition and explanation on Magnetic Field intensity due to a finite and infinite wire
carrying current, Magnetic field intensity on rectangular loop carrying current, Ampere’s Circuital law and its
applications, Biot-Savart’s law, Lorentz force equation for a moving charge, Magnetic Vector Potential.

UNIT-04 Time Varying EM Field: Maxwell’s equation in differential and integral vector form and their interpretations,
Continuity of currents, Conduction and displacement current, Boundary conditions, Helmholtz equations, uniform plane
Continuity of currents, Conduction and displacement current, Boundary conditions, Helmholtz equations, uniform plane
wave in dielectric and conductor media, Skin effect and depth of penetration, reflection and refraction of plane waves at
boundaries for normal incidence and surface impedance, Energy Flow and Poynting theorem.

UNIT-05 Transmission Lines: Transmission line model, Parameters and properties of transmission line equations,
Reflections in transmission lines, Voltage, current and impedance relations-open, Short circuit and matched lines,
Standing wave ratio, Impedance matching, Quarter and half wave lines, Single stub and double stub matching; Circle
diagram – Smith-chart.

Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics by Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Oxford University Press.

Engineering Electromagnetics by William Hayt, TATA McGraw-Hill

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Lecture - 16
Time Varying EM Field: Maxwell’s equation
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We had restricted our discussions to static, or time invariant, EM fields. Henceforth, we
shall examine situations where electric and magnetic fields are dynamic, or time varying

It should be mentioned first that in static EM fields, electric and magnetic fields are
independent of each other whereas in dynamic EM fields, the two fields are interdependent

Stationary Charges Electrostatic Fields

Steady current Magnetostatic Fields

Time- varying currents Electromagnetic Fields (or wave)

Our aim in this chapter is to lay a firm foundation for our subsequent
studies. This will involve introducing two major concepts:

(1) electromotive force based on Faraday's experiments, and

(2) displacement current, which resulted from Maxwell's hypothesis

It should be stressed that Maxwell's equations summarize the laws of electromagnetism

and shall be the basis of our discussions in the remaining part of the text

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After Oersted's experimental discovery (upon which Biot-Savart and Ampere based their
laws) that a steady current produces a magnetic field, it seemed logical to find out if
magnetism would produce electricity.
In 1831, about 11 years after Oersted's discovery, Michael Faraday in London and Joseph
Henry in New York discovered that a time-varying magnetic field would produce an electric
According to Faraday's experiments, a static magnetic field produces no current flow, but
a time-varying field produces an induced voltage (called electromotive force or simply
emf) in a closed circuit, which causes a flow of current.
Faraday discovered that the induced emf, Vemf (in volts), in any closed circuit is equal to the
time rate of change of the magnetic flux linkage by the circuit.
where N is the number of turns in the circuit and V is the flux through each turn. The
negative sign shows that the induced voltage acts in such a way as to oppose the flux
producing it. This is known as Lenz's law
The electric fields considered so far are caused
by electric charges; in such fields, the flux
lines begin and end on the charges. However,
there are other kinds of electric fields not
directly caused by electric charges. These are
emf-produced fields

Sources of emf include electric generators, A

batteries, thermocouples, fuel cells, and circuit showing emf-producing field Ef and
photovoltaic cells, which all convert electrostatic field Ee
nonelectrical energy into electrical energy.
The electrochemical action of the battery results in an emf-produced
field Ey. Due to the accumulation of charge at the battery terminals, an
electrostatic field Ee ( ) also exist
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It may also be regarded as the potential difference (VP - V N) between the battery's open-circuit

It is important to note that:

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The variation of flux with time may be caused

in three ways:
Induced emf due to a stationary
Induced emf due to a stationary
loop in a time varying B field

transformer emf

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Lecture - 17
Moving Loop in Static B Field (Motional emf)
When a conducting loop is moving in a static B
field, an emf is induced in the loop.
We recall that the force on a charge moving
with uniform velocity u in a magnetic field B is

A direct-current machine
A direct-current machine

This type of emf is called motional emf or flux-cutting emf because it is due to motional
action. It is the kind of emf found in electrical machines such as motors, generators, and
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Another example of motional emf is illustrated
here, where a rod is moving between a pair of
rails. In this example, B and u are perpendicular,
so Induced emf due to a moving
loop in a static B field
loop in a static B field


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Moving Loop in Time-Varying Field
This is the general case in which a moving conducting loop is in a time-varying magnetic
field. Both transformer emf and motional emf are present

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A conducting bar can slide freely over two conducting rails as shown in the figure.
Calculate the induced voltage in the bar
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the figure
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Lecture - 18
Displacement Current
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Relaxation time is the lime it takes u charge placed in the interior of a material to drop to
e-1 = 36.8 percent of its initial value
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For static EM fields, we recall that

Ampere's circuit law

These eqs. are obviously incompatible for time-varying conditions

To do this, we add a term to eq. so that it becomes

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Without the term Jd, electromagnetic wave propagation (radio or TV waves, for example)
would be impossible. At low frequencies, Jd is usually neglected compared with J. However,
at radio frequencies, the two terms are comparable. At the time of Maxwell, high frequency
sources were not available and the above eq. could not be verified experimentally. It was
years later that Hertz succeeded in generating and detecting radio waves thereby verifying
the above eq. This is one of the rare situations where mathematical argument paved the way
for experimental investigation.
We must bear in mind that displacement current
is a result of time-varying electric field. A
typical example of such current is the current
through a capacitor when an alternating
voltage source is applied to its plates

This is contradictory in view of the fact that the same closed path L is used.
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To resolve the conflict, we need to include the displacement current in Ampere's circuit law.
The total current density is J + Jd

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Lecture - 19
Time harmonic fields

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It can be shown that the solutions to the above eqs. are
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So far, our time dependence of EM fields has been arbitrary. To be specific, we shall
assume that the fields are time harmonic.
A time-harmonic field is one that varies periodically or sinusoidally with time
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Notice that
Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations Assuming Time Factor ejωt

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Lecture - 20
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Using phasors
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It should be noticed that working with phasors provides a considerable simplification compared
with working directly in time domain. Also, notice that we have used
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Lecture - 21
Boundary Conditions

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If the field exists in a region consisting of two different media, the conditions that
the field must satisfy at the interface separating the media are called boundary

We shall consider the boundary conditions at an interface separating

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We apply the closed path abcda assuming that the
path is very small with respect to the variation of E.
We obtain
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Similarly, we apply the above eqn. to
the pillbox (Gaussian surface).
Allowing gives

where ρs is the free charge density placed deliberately at the boundary. It should be borne
in mind that the above eqn. is based on the assumption that D is directed from region 2 to
region 1.
If no free charges exist at the interface (i.e., charges are not deliberately
placed there), ρs = 0 and

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It should be noted again that above eq. implies that E field must approach a conducting
surface normally.

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Lecture - 22
Boundary Conditions

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C. Conductor-Free Space Boundary Conditions This is a

special case of the conductor-dielectric conditions and is illustrated here

We expect the electric field E to be

external to the conductor and normal
its surface. Thus the boundary conditions
its surface. Thus the boundary conditions

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where an12 is a unit vector normal to the interface and is directed from medium 1 to
medium 2
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Lecture - 23
Boundary Conditions
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Since y - x - 2 = 0 is a plane, y - x ≤ 2 or y ≤ x + 2
is region 1 in the figure.
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Boundary Condition
For Time Varying Field

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Lecture - 24
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Time-Harmonic Maxwell's Equations Assuming Time Factor ejωt
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In general, waves are means of transporting energy or information.
A wave is a function of both space and time
Helmholtz's equation
Consider a linear, isotropic, homogeneous, lossy dielectric medium that is charge free (ρv = 0)
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Helmholtz's equations or
simply vector wave equations
Helmholtz's equations or
simply vector wave equations

In Cartesian coordinates, it is equivalent to three scalar wave equations, one for each
component of E along ax, ay, and az.

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Since ϒ is a complex quantity, we may let

We obtain α and β by noting that

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Without loss of generality, if we assume that the wave propagates along +az and
that Es has only an x-component, then
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