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Some of you might be don’t know about corona viruses. The appearance of the
viruses, how it spreading, the country that have been effected, and other else. Today we will
tell you about all of that. Without any further ado, let’s get in to the first topic.

The appearance of coronavirus began to be detected first in China in early December 2019.
The virus first appeared in Wuhan, one of china's cities. The intersection of news about the
source of the emergence of this virus, ranging from food to poultry animals. Supporting
Detail #1: The World Health Organization (WHO) has previously stated that it is likely that
animals are the main source of the virus. Supporting Detail #2: Specialist doctor Erlina
Burhan from the Pdpi Central Infection Pokja also said that the case of severe pneumonia
started from a fish market that also sells poultry in Wuhan, China.However, Supporting
Detail #3: some limited transmission between humans can occur with close contact.
Supporting Detail #4:

After knowing the origin of the Corona Virus, I agree with the level of its spread. The
rate of spread of the Corona Virus is increasing very fast. Almost all countries are infected
with the corona virus. This is because many countries considered the virus to be harmless at
the beginning of the emergence of the corona virus. Supporting Detail #1: After several
months the virus spread to various continents including the Asian Continent. The first case of
the spread of the Corona Virus in Asia occurred in Japan, then South Korea, then Taiwan and
Macau, and followed by other countries. For more details, we can see the chart below.
Supporting Detail #2:
Graphic 1 The spread of the Coronavirus in Asia from 15 January to 1 April 2020

From the graph above for the State of Indonesia itself. The “First Case” of the Corona
virus began in early March. At that time the virus began to spread and develop very quickly,
so that on March 15 in Indonesia a "National Recommendation" was set. Supporting Detail
#3: Then after a few days to be precise at the end of March the Corona virus increased to
various regions so that the government carried out "Local Quarantine" in various places
which were considered to be the centers of the spread of the Corona virus. Even though local
quarantine has been carried out, the Corona virus is still spreading in Indonesia because a
vaccine has not been found. Supporting Detail #4:
Like a competition, various countries are competing to find a vaccine for the Covid-
19 virus. Some countries have even started testing vaccines on humans. The process of
making a vaccine is indeed not a short one, especially if the failure may occur due to a lack of
calculation in conducting trials. Supporting Detail #1: However, all of this is done in the
interests of the health of the world community, so that the corona virus pandemic can end
soon. Supporting Detail #2: The following are countries that have tested the corona virus
1. China: The Chinese government has approved the initial stage of clinical trials for 2
experimental coronavirus vaccines. This vaccine trial was carried out on 108 healthy people
and lasted between 16 March and 31 December 2020
2. India :The head of the Serum Institute of India, which makes the AstraZeneca vaccine, said
on November 23 the candidate's positive final status trial results would allow him to seek
emergency use authorization by the end of the year, before getting approval for full rollout in
February or March 2021.
3. Australia: Australia is testing whether a vaccine to fight tuberculosis can be used to
increase immunity against the coronavirus. Supporting Detail #3:
Of the various problems previously described, at least a few bright spots can be found
that can make the public a little calmer and relieved, where there are already several types of
covid-19 vaccines that can be used at least to minimize the spread of covid-19 itself, in this
paragraph I will explain about the information about the covid-19 vaccine in Indonesia that
the public should know. From the articles on the website there are some
basic information that the general public needs to know. First, based on Permenkes No.10 of
2021, it is explained that vaccination in Indonesia can be divided into 2 type, namely
vaccination for government programs and vaccination for mutual cooperation. Supporting
Detail #1: Second, the limit for clinical trials of vaccines is 18-59 years of age, which is
based on the age range over which the population was exposed. Supporting Detail #2:
Furthermore, it is necessary to know that the Covid-19 vaccine was developed in stages that
apply internationally, namely through the clinical stage, 1-3 clinical stages and finally the
approval for use from the BPOM in the form of EUA. Supporting Detail #3:
Then, what is no less important is that the community must know about the benefits of
administering the vaccine as well as the quality criteria for vaccines, which must meet 2
criteria in the form of efficacy and effectiveness. Supporting Detail #4: It should also be
noted that vaccines are not drugs, meaning that the public is still required to comply with the
previous health protocols, commonly called 3M. Supporting Detail #5: Last, the public needs
to know that the Ministry of Health has determined 6 types of covid-19 vaccines that can be
used for vaccination in Indonesia, however, each of these types must obtain a distribution
permit (EUA) in advance from BPOM for its use. Supporting Detail #6:

So after reading the article above, it would be nice if we continue to be vigiliant, keep
wearing mask, wash our hand properly, and adhere to health protocol. That’s all we have to
share about. Thank you and see you next time.

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