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Aman Zoraiz 70067264

Task # 1 (lab 1)

Exercise 1.1: Search and list down possible errors during Xammp installation.
Write down steps to resolve port issues errors in Xammp Installation
Fixing Apache Port Conflicts

 To make this change, open the XAMPP control panel but don’t start MySQL or Apache. Instead,
click on Configure in the Apache row and select the Apache (httpd.conf) option.
 Select Config and Apache httpd.conf
 Alternatively, you can navigate to C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf to open the file.
 Once you have the file open, locate the line that says Listen 80 and change it to Listen 8080.
Next, find the line that says ServerName localhost:80 and change that value to ServerName
localhost:8080. Save the changes and close the file.
 With those changes made, restart XAMPP and start up Apache and MySQL. Port 80 should no
longer be in use. Instead, you should see Apache now running on ports 443 and 8080.

Exercise 1.2: Explain what are the advantages of database over file handling
Advantage of DBMS over file system

There are several advantages of Database management system over file system. Few of them are as

 No redundant data: Redundancy removed by data normalization. No data duplication saves

storage and improves access time.
 Data Consistency and Integrity: As we discussed earlier the root cause of data inconsistency is
data redundancy, since data normalization takes care of the data redundancy, data
inconsistency also been taken care of as part of it
Aman Zoraiz 70067264

 Data Security: It is easier to apply access constraints in database systems so that only authorized
user is able to access the data. Each user has a different set of access thus data is secured from
the issues such as identity theft, data leaks and misuse of data.
 Privacy: Limited access means privacy of data.
 Easy access to data – Database systems manages data in such a way so that the data is easily
accessible with fast response times.
 Easy recovery: Since database systems keeps the backup of data, it is easier to do a full recovery
of data in case of a failure.
 Flexible: Database systems are more flexible than file processing systems.

Exercise 1.3: Explain in which cases File handling should be preferred to

 The database is a software application used to insert, update and delete data while the file
system is a software used to add, update and delete files.
 Saving the files and retrieving is simpler in file system while SQL needs to be learn to perform
any query on the database to get (SELECT), add (INSERT) and update the data.
 Database provides a proper data recovery process while file system did not.
 In terms of security the database is more secure then the file system (usually).
 The migration process is very easy in File system just copy and paste into the target while for
database this task is not as simple.

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