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When patients get really really anxious about a procedure that we're about to do

it or something that's about to happen I always say to them you can get nervous
when I looked nervous you can definitely feel like you're on fire and you're
putting yourself out with a with a 99 Cent Store Sun care for that patient can
your skills and take care of that patient that's a cross Adventist are you don't
have them today that's what makes a nurse and no matter where you work your
ICU you know of foreigners outpatient you have to have those feelings inside of
you a nurse is not just a nurse a nurse is part repair person is Hart
Communicator take the trash out whatever that communication throughout the
hospital medical clinic on being able to put things Hearts environment Services
create nursing almost in so many ways and bodies all these different roles each
and every day is it cuz I'm taking over for her part of working emergency
department you know it's nearest has their specific assignment but I don't feel
that anybody's ever really alone it definitely has to be willing to kind of reroute
your course in the day on upon a local Bitcoin that's kind of how it goes you
know everyday that's kind of woman more challenging parts of it for sure you
know kind of decompressing taking deep breath trying to get rid of you know
the red face and walk out into a completely different situation honestly
distressing and kind of earring out with co-workers this huge they know what
you're going through they know the the toll it can it can take on you support is
huge but you know I could walk to the bathroom on sip water super coffee and
then just kind of being able to put that you know part of it in the back your mind
and go say hi to somebody without that stress or I'm down on your mind you
know being your first impression for the new patient I think that people when
they think of a turning a nurse or an OB nurse I think that we just hold babies
and feed them all day and it is not I'm lucky if I get to hold a baby for 10 minutes
out of my 8 hours of course we all going to maternity nursing hoping to bring
new life into the world and be a part of the happiest day of someone why but
there are days where you're done kind of there for one of the worst it never gets
any easier I've been doing this for almost 11 years and it never gets easier you
remember every single baby that you lose I still remember to this day every
single baby that I've lost and it is a miracle every single time you see a baby born
better huh sometimes I honestly if the dad is crying I will cry with and the same
goes for you know we lose the baby I will cry with my patients I will stay in that
room and cry for hours with them just being supportive to somebody and to be
there for them and their best or worst time :-( we're seeing a lot of a lot more
patient and we're seeing patients that are more sick now so that's a challenge
trying to triage those more sick patients but it's moving more towards
outpatient what hasn't changed is the Corps base of of caring person and how
you care for them to help someone to make them feel better to you know provide
resources for that I don't think that just carrying the core of caring has not
changed pocket knives for your family and visitors are gone or 3:00 in the
morning the person that's going to be able to sit there sit down by there their
hand if they can't answer the questions that can certainly give the patient
confidence that we will get an answer to the nurse it's a lot of things coming in
from the patients that's a lot of patients going out and somebody's got to keep
everything straight on Target and on time and the nurse of the bedside of that

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