Complete Preliminary b1 Student S Book

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& CAMBRIDGE COMPLETE PRELIMINARY Student’s Book without answers Second edition B ] ‘ONLINE RACTICE wine For the revised exam from 2020 p of the units roduction ry content and overview My life and home Making choices abulary and grammar review Units 1 and 2 Having fun On holiday abulary and grammar review Units 3 and-4 ifferent feelings That’s entertainment! abulary and grammar review Units § and 6 Getting around Influencers, abulary and grammar review Units 7 and 8 Stay fitand heatthy Looks amazing! abulary and grammar review Units 9 and 10 The natural world Express yourself! abulary and grammar review Units 14 and 12 gular verbs ting bank aking bank ra resources 16 m4 26 4 2 “4 52 60 62 0 7% 80 88 96 98 106 aa 116 aa 43 144 152 162 Reading co Part s:'Emil'shome'-livingona boat | Part: Anema, Readingforunderstanding of vocabulary | Planning reply fo Part 2: Listening for specific information “Two candidates doing Speaking Part1 aking choices Part 6: Wouldyou choose tostudyata | Apostabout what you used todo ten college or university Uke this?" years ogo Readingfor detailed understandingot | part2: An article on what makes a words and sentences reat place to work Using a mind map to plan an answer ‘Eni talkingaboutherwork experiencein Mexico Part 1:Seven short texts about dal life ‘wo candidates doing Speaking Part3 Vocabulary and grommar review Units 1 and 2 ‘Some friends discussing their next holiday Vocabulary and grommar review Unts3 and Different feelings | Part 4How i dealt with stress Part2:Astory Part 2: Listening for facts, opinions or feelings Identifying the topic of aparagraph Usingadjectives todescribe feeling | Two candidates doing Speaking Part 4 Identifying linking words (his, then, do, also, however, etc} That's Part2:"Turnaffthe TVand go out? Parti Anarticle abouta celebration | Eliza and Bella planninga rightout fentertainment! | Sclectingeventsfrom anentertainment | inyour country Part 1: Seven short texts about éailyife aide Using the corectstyleforanarticle | wo candidates doing Speaking Part 3 Vocabulary and grammar review Units Sand Getting around art a Identifyingtext purpose Part 1: Anema Useful email expressions 2: Olivia talks about extremely heavy ‘snow while traveling initaly Identifying distracting information Mia and Owen discuss getting tothe station Two candidates doing Speaking Part 2 Famous families art 2: An article abouta person you Part6:An article about Emma Watson,a | admire famousinfiuencer Using corcerspellingand punctustion £3: How to become famous on YouTube” Completing notes Carter and Wil discuss presenters fora YouTube channel “Three candidates doing Speaking Part Vocobulory and grammar review Units Tanda Stay fitand healthy Part 3 Evie Scott talks aboutexercice at | Part 2: story about feeling nervous work Using arangeof past tenses to explain dentfying opinion and attitude what happened Part 2: People talking ni different Identifying the situation and what you need tolisten for “Twa candidates doing Speaking Part 4 Looks amazing! ‘Part 2: ‘Our top peks atthe street food market Selecting places teat Part 1: Seven short toxts about dally if Listening carefull fr information “wo candidates doing Speaking Part 2 Vocabulary and grammar review Units and 10 The natural world “Scientists use robot chicktostudy Part: Anemall penguins Checking yourworfor mistakes Part 5:'Workingon the Galipagos Islands Fa Looking for the tberian yn Identifying expressions with similar or diferent meanings “wo candidatesding Speaking Part 4 Express yourself, Part 4:‘Can you ve without your Part2:A story smartphone for aweek? Using a range of tenses and reported Matching sentences to paragraphs speech Raising money for charity Part3:A competition todesign anew aap ‘Two candidates doing speaking Part 1 ecabulory and grammar review Units 11 ond? Speakin Part 1: Saying your name, where you lve, what you do, and ifyou ke studying English enn endings fa! and zl Se House and home Countable and uncountablenouns Gn Prepositions of ime Frequency adverbs Present simple and present continuous State verbs ‘fe, abit of, many, much, alot ofand lots of Prepositions of place Builcngs and places, Part3:Discussinganew lubfor | -edendings AZ, | Life choicas Pastsimple srucentsto practse English anda! fa, poss, take, lose, miss, study and teach | Past simple end past continuous Agreeing and disagreeing 4, z0ra,moks, spend, takeand win | used to aking decision Sodotand Nor/Neither dot Part 2: Describinga picture Tngendings in) | Leisureactvities Verbs fellowed byte or ing Explaining what you can see and Prepositions of place swrerethings are Phrasal verbs People's hobbies Part: Discussingwheretogoin —|Weakformsin [Holiday activities ‘Comparative and superlative adjectives acy comparative travel journey and tip obit litle, slighty, much, fr alot Dekingsuggestions and giving | structures, (ota. 08.- big and enormous (gradable and non-gradable adjectives) [Part 4: Describing personal leeriences “sckng other people what they think Modal verbsiweak andstrang forme Feelings ‘Adjectives and prepositions [Adjectives with and ing Adjectives and their opposites ‘an, could, might, may ablity nd possibly) should, shoud’, ought to, mu, mustn't, have ‘toand don't havea (adviee, obligation and prohibition) Adjective order {Part 3 Discussing plans for afestval | Wordstress Television programmes Present perfect oving on toa new subject Goingout just, okeadyand yet beenigone, meet, gettoknow,krowand | sinco and for find out Present perfect or past simple? 2: Describingwhat people are [Wordstressin | Weather ‘extremely llr, quite, rather, aly and very sin photos ‘compound nouns | Compound words tooandeneugh ng new points, and correcting Thefuture tt Prepositions of movement bing things you don'tknow the 1: Answering ganeral questions | Conditional Phrasal verbs Zero, frstand second conditional ng about your dally routine and_| sentences, Describing people lien, i unless» present, futuro Sr youtike Contracted words | Adjective prefies and sulfixes 4: Discussingsport itnessand_| Word tres Tinesse5 and accidents Relative dauses " agreeingand Sports (defining and non-defining) ingegreementandpolite | disagreeing do, go and play Past perfect 2 Describing everyday objects | Connected speech: | course, dish, food, meal and plate ‘Commands and instructions linkingsounds | Shops andservices ove something done ining what things are made of Discussing ways tohelpthe | Wordstressin | The environment The passive: present simple ond pastsimple passiveforms | Noun sufixes, Comparative and superative adverbs amples 1 General questions Tntonationin ‘allocations: using your phone ‘Reported speech and reported commands Kegabouthabitsand routines | dioctand indirect | ask ask or, speak, talk, say and tell Reported questions ‘questions Negative prefixes Inditectquestione Reading Sminutes Gian Part 1 Five very short texts: signs and messages, postcards, notes, emails, labels, etc. followed by five three-option multiple choice questions. Part 2 Five descriptions of people to match to eight short texts. Part 3 Longer text with five four option multiple choice questions. Part 4 Gapped text where five sentences have been removed. Candidates must select the five correct sentences from a lst of eight. art § Four option multiple choice cloze text with ix gaps. Candidates select the word which best fits each gap. Part 6 An open cloze text consisting ofa text with six gaps. Candidates think of a word which best suits each gap. Ee Parts 1-4 and Part 6: Candidates are expected to read for the main message, global meaning, specific information, detailed comprehension, understanding of attitude, opinion and writer purpose and inference. Part 5: Candidates are expected to show understanding of vocabulary and grammar in a short text, and the lexico-structural patterns in the text. meiting Sminutes Part 1 An informal email, Candidates write an email of about 100 words in response to text. Part 2 An article or story. There is @ choice of two questions, Candidates are provided with a clear context and topic. Candidates write about 100 words. Candidates are mainly assessed on their ability to use and control a range of Preliminary-level language. Coherent organisation, spelling and punctuation are also assessed. 3 ‘stening =pproximately 22 minutes Part 1 Short monologues or dialogues with seven three-option multiple choice questions with pictures. Part 2 Six short unrelated dialogues with six three- ‘option multiple choice questions. Part 3 Longer monologue. Candidates complete six sentences with information from the recording. Part 4 Longer interview. Six three-option multiple choice questions. Candidates are expected to identify the attitudes and opinions of speakers, and listen to identify gist, key information, specific information and detailed meaning, and to identify, understand and interpret meaning. 4 ‘Speaking 2minutes Part 1 Ashort conversation with the interlocutor. The interlocutor asks the candidates questionsiin turn, using standardised questions. Part 2 An individual long turn for each candidate. A colour photograph is given to each candidate in turn and they talk about it for about a minute. Each photo has different topic. Part 3 A two-way conversation between candidates (Visual stimulus with spoken instructions). The interlocutor sets up the activity. Part 4A discussion on topics related to the collaborative task in Part 3, The interlocutor asks the candidates the questions. Candidates are expected to be able to ask and understand questions and make appropriate responses, and to talk freely on topics of personal interest.

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