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Following recommendations are suggested how to protect yourself from

supernatural beings.

1) Different kinds of gemstones can protect you from supernatural beings. The
usage of agate, bloodstone, emerald, labradorite, black onyx, peridot and
emerald and among them, the black tourmaline is considered as the most
effective one.


2) Different herbs are recommended to use for protecting yourself from

supernatural beings. Some of them you can easily get are basil, cacao,
chamomile, clove, cumin, dill and fennel.

3) Praying daily can save you from the fear and even protect you from
supernatural beings. Praying is the best instrument that is used as a sheild
against supernatural beings.


4) Supernatural beings usually stay away from the places that are clean so it is
highly recommended that the places e.g. houses, store rooms should be
clean. Make sure there is not any sort of uncleanliness in houses. Even the
spare room that no one prefers to go there, try to clean it up first.

5) Try to stop believing first that supernatural beings exist. The more you
believe, the more you get scared so it is recommended that when you feel
such odd things around you ignore it.

6) Try to stop reading books on supernatural beings and it is highly

recommended to stop watching movies on supernatural beings because the
more you read and discuss them, the more they come in your way.
7) Salt is considered as one of the best instrument to get rid of supernatural
beings. As in Germany, they believe that using few grains of salt and placing
it in milk bowl can prevent them from supernatural beings while in
Morocco, they wear tiny bits of sea-salt in lockets to prevent from
supernatural beings. On the other side, Americans place some grains of salt
on the bottom of their doors and windows which acts as a shield to get rid
o them.

8) It is recommended to hang a horseshoe above your front door. Hanging a
horseshoe above your front door can save you from supernatural beings.
You can hang garlic instead of a horseshoe.
9) It is recommended to wear jewelry that is made from obsidian, silver or
chalcedony. These can save you from supernatural beings.

10)Use a flat mirror and place it in each and every room facing the doorway. In
that way supernatural beings see their reflection before entering the room and
get scared.
80% people recommend to use gemstones to avoid supernatural

50% people recommend to use salt.

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