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Veronica Santos


Instructional Technology


Longest Ride 2015:

The video that I chose is from the movie the “Longest Ride” that was released April 10th, 2015.

This video shows two different love stories, one is a couple that is pictured when they are

younger and then as they age together. The other is a younger couple who meet through a rodeo.

The younger couple only end up meeting because the girl's friend finally talks her into going

because she is doing too well in school and such that she has no reason to not take time to herself

and the guy was there riding. The younger couple somewhat follow in the footsteps of the older

couple. The older couple is pictured at “Black Mountain College” visiting to see all the creativity

shown there at the college. Some people are painting, and others are doing a for of expressive

dance and such. The younger couple also visit this college. The women from the older couple

was a teacher in her younger days. She saw a student that was struggling and was being bullied.

She took the books and things that the students had placed on him when he had his head down

off. She somewhat took him in under her wing, helped him get cleaned off and taught him

different things like how to identify different stars. She was meeting him where he was at and

trying to build on his interest. She believed every child was teachable, this shows by her deciding

to give this boy a chance. This clip was sightly difficult to identify as teacher centered or student

centered because the teaching is shown for shorter periods of time in the clip and in one of the

first moments, she is seen spelling out a word on the chalk board while her class is supposed to
be watching. This to me appears to be teacher centered because like the textbook mentions

“Some teachers consider teaching to be the formal conveyance of information from a

knowledgeable instructor to novice students... These teachers use student scores from tests and

other quantitative measures to determine who has learned and who has not.”(pg.40). She was

teaching the children herself buy giving the information on the board and vocally. I remember

some of this from teachers I have had. Then she is shown allowing the child to explore astrology

by looking through the microscope on his own. This is allowing the child to explore an interest in

a hands-on way. She asked him questions and engaged with him which can be explained as

student centered. The book states that “At the other end of the teaching philosophy continuum

are those who view teaching as orchestrating different experiences for students. They believe the

role of the teacher is to create puzzles, ask questions, and engage in conversations with students,

which leads to learning information and skills through interesting activities based on exploration

and discovery.”. I would have to say that the teaching used was a hybrid of the two. I was

inspired by a teacher back in high school, who did teach in a hybrid method of both teacher

centered and student centered and she changed my life more than I could ever have imagined.

She knew that though testing me was good to see what I had learned in certain ways, that I

needed to be tested in a non-standardized way as well. I needed to be tested on what I learned by

actually putting it into practice as well. So I did and she found creative ways to teach me

different things, provided me with different learning opportunities and made sure that I had a

variety of materials and such to teach me/help me learn and wasn’t just forced to sit and read.

She inspired me to be a teacher and she helped me turn my life around for the better. I enjoyed

her class because I knew I would have many different opportunities to show my learning and that

if I didn’t understand something that I was being punished but simply was going to be given the
chance to learn it in a different way. I was inspired to learn about different methods of

observation by getting to do them for myself and being evaluated in non-standardized ways. I

also receive lectures which helped. I learned just like the boy in the clip and I think personally

that the hybrid is the best.

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