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Intl J Engg Sci Adv Research 2016 Dec; 2(4):13-17 ISSN NO: 2395-0730

Sandeep Kumar Singh1, Manik Chandra Pandey2, Amit Asthana3
SITE, Swami Vivekananda Subharti University, Meerut

Abstract-Neuro-Robotics has become an important Philosophy, Cognitive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence,

abstraction in many areas of science and technology. Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Anthropology, and
Robotics is the part of electrical engineering, mechanical Cognitive Linguistics.
engineering, and computer science assign with the design,
construction, operation, and application of robots. Neuro- II. Neuro-Robotics
Robotics are branch of Robotics, Cognitive
Neurorobotics [1] is combined of robotics, electrical
Sciencestudy of the mind and its processes (Philosophy,
engineering, mechanical engineering, computer science, and
Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Neuro Science,
cognitive science such as psychology, philosophy, artificial
Anthropology and Linguistics), and Behavior (Attention
intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology.
and Visual Search). Neuro-Science
Artificial intelligence used to create neural systems, that
iscombine with other fieldssuch as computer science, cogn
behavior like human or animals brain. Neural systems are
itive science,chemistry, engineering, medicine(including n
brain inspired algorithm’s, computational models based
eurology),linguistics, mathematics, genetics, and allied di
biological neural networks, connectionist networks, artificial
rection including philosophy, physics, and psychology
spiking neural networks, large scale simulations of neural
This paper identifies and difference five different
microcircuits, biological systems, in vivo and in vitro neural
views of Neuro-Robotics system which can roughly
nets. Neural system and computational model that combined
specify as (1) Robotics, (2) Neuro-Robotics And Major
with machine or robot.
Class of Neuro-Robotics Model, (3) Cognitive Science
and fields, (4) Behavior and Attention (5) Visual Search Major Classes of Neuro-Robotics
(6) Learning, development knowledge and
processing of language Neurorobots are divided into various classes based on the
Keywords-Neuro-Robotics, Robotics, Cognitive Science,
Behavior, Neuro-Science Locomotion and Motor
Locomotion and motor control models used to study motor
Neuro-Robotics has become important area of Science and feedback, control system, developing controls, error
Technology. That combine study of Cognitive Science and correction on robots. Locomotion is model that is inspired
Robotics. Robotics is denote the area of Science and from computational model, machenacial engineers, and
Technology that are mechanical engineering, electrical cognitive science. The main purpose of this process to make
engineering and computer science this are making design, knowledge and communicate for capable to performing a
construction, operation, and application of robots, and particular, or targeted action.
computer science that control their system as well as sensory
feedback, and information processing. Robots are have some Another purpose to study motor control, error correction,
kind of mechanical construction operation, as well as they motor action, sensory input, error feedback.
have some electrical components which are source of power
and control the machinery, that are a shape or frame to Learning and Memory System
perform a particular task. Robotics contain some level of
basic knowledge that is make from computer program code is In learning and memory system study of process brain
robot decides when or how to do some particular or targeted design, memory system, and learning. Learning process is
task. model of memory that analyze environment, culture,
behavior, thinking, planning, navigation, etc. and store
These technologies relate with automated machines that can information into brain with categories and organized.
replace of humans in dangerous environments. That can
make possible from use of cognitive science and behavior. Action Selection And Value
Cognitive Science make knowledge in robots that are System
inspired by human brain. And the Cognitive Science denote
six major areas of representing the knowledge are Cognitive
Intl J Engg Sci Adv Research 2016 Dec; 2(4):13-17 ISSN NO: 2395-0730

In action selection and value systems studies with positive or Philosophy study process is divided into sub-fields are:
negative and value on an action. Behavior thought that
provide some changes of information into brain positive or o Chronological
negative thought that direction of action information based o Topical
on value system. o Divisions of style
Sensory Perception
Psychology [4] term used and first time introduced in 1950s
In sensory perception is ability to take information via sense and 1960s is process of study of behavior and mind. And
or any other action. Senses that allow to use environment theoretical process cognitive psychology is use to study brain
process to performing a task. Perception is such as sound, processes like attention, memory, language use, problem
speech, touch, taste is combined with sensory system that solving, perception, thinking and creativity.
studies in sensory perception.
Cognitive psychology[5] is integrated with various fields of
psychological study are social psychology, personality
III. Cognitive Science psychology, educational psychology, personality psychology,
developmental psychology, abnormal psychology, and
In 11 September, 1956 a large scale meeting on cognitive economics.
science in Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
Cognitive is process of brain action or process that acquiring The main focus of study cognitive psychology process is
knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, study brain process that affect behavior. Those process are
and the sense. The process such as knowledge, attention, related with following:
memory and working that use to judgment and reasoning,
o Attention
evaluation, problem solving, decision making and analysis
o Memory
the environment. Cognitive process use knowledge to
o Perception
generate new knowledge.
o Language
The process are analyzed from different – different areas o Metacognitive
linguistics, neuroscience, and anesthesia, anthropology,
Cognitive psychology applications are:
psychiatry, education, psychology, philosophy, biology,
systemic, logic and computer science. In Neuro-robotics o Social psychology
analysis different type of field’s electrical engineering, o Personality psychology
mechanical engineering, computer science and cognitive o Educational psychology
science is related with branch are Cognitive Philosophy, o Personality psychology
Cognitive Psychology, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive o Developmental psychology
Neuroscience, Cognitive Anthropology, and Cognitive o Abnormal psychology
Cognitive Neurophilosophy is branch that relate with
Cognitive Architecture is refers to the theory of cognitive cognitive philosophy that aims to understand structure and
science and branches Cognitive Psychology, Artificial function of brain and specify psychological processes.
Intelligence, Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Cognitive psychology is the science capable for brain
Anthropology, and Cognitive Linguistics that are structure of processes are responsible for cognitive abilities to store and
knowledge of human mind. produce new memories, recognize people, produce language,
and objects as ability to reasoning and problem solving.
Cognitive Science [2] has been three levels of analysis are:

o The Computational Theory Artificial Intelligence

o Representation and Algorithms Artificial Intelligence (AI) [6] is purpose to making
o The Hardware Implementation intelligence for machines or software. In this field study to
Philosophy make robots, computer, embedded machine, smart device,
software and etc. that are capable of intelligent behavior. The
Philosophy [3] is the process of study general and
main goal of artificial Intelligence (AI) research is
fundamental nature of reality, value, knowledge, reason,
knowledge, reasoning, planning, natural language processing,
language and mind. Philosophy of language is related with
learning, communication, perception that is make ability in a
problems four areas are language use, nature of meaning,
machine to move and manipulate or other type of changes in
language cognitive and the relationship with language and
object. Artificial Intelligence touch many kind of field’s
reality environment. Philosophy of mind is process to study
mathematics, mathematical optimization, logic, probability
of nature of mind, brain events, brain action ,brain function,
based method, economics, and mathematics based searching
brain properties and relation with physical body that perform
technique and many others.
particular or targeted task.
Intl J Engg Sci Adv Research 2016 Dec; 2(4):13-17 ISSN NO: 2395-0730

The main purpose and capability of artificial intelligence are machine learning, computational theory, and neural
following: networks.

o Deduction, reasoning, problem solving Major points and goals of Computational Neuroscience are:
o Knowledge representation
o Breadth of commonsense knowledge o Single-neuron modeling
o Default reasoning and the qualification problem o Development, axonal patterning, and guidance
o Sub symbolic from of some commonsense o Behaviors of networks
knowledge o Memory and synaptic plasticity
o Planning o Sensory processing
o Learning o Cognition, discrimination, and learning
o Natural Language Processing o Computational clinical neuroscience
o Communication o Consciousness
o Perception Anthropology
o Motion and manipulation
o Social intelligence Anthropology[9] is the process to study humanity, culture,
o Creativity sociocultural, biological, archaeological, linguistics, social
o General intelligence activities, art, music, media, visual, economic, political
economy, political, legal, public, applied, development,
Neuroscience medical nutritional, psychological, cognitive, transpersonal,
Neuroscience [7] is science purpose to study of nervous or nature, science, technology, digital, cyborg, ecological,
neural system and branch of biology. That science environmental.
collaborates with other fields such as computer science,
Cognitive anthropology [10] is approach to study cultural
cognitive science, engineering, linguistics, medicine and
anthropology which explain pattern of cultural innovation,
neurology, genetics, mathematics, psychology, philosophy,
shared knowledge, and transmission of time and space using
neuroeducation, neurolaw, neuroethics, neurobiology.
the field’s theories and methods of cognitive science
Cognitive Neuroscience [8] is process to study to theoretical collaborates with evolutional biology, experimental
biological process and psychological, cognitive function are psychology, historian, linguists, archaeologists,
produced from neural circuits in brain. As well as cognitive ethnographers, musicologists, cultural forms. It also able to
science is branch as study of process physiology psychology, concern with peoples from different groups, language,
psychology, cognitive, neuroscience, neuropsychology, interaction of language and thought, culture, culture model,
overlapping. Cognitive neuroscience release theories in knowledge, sense, series of changes and etc.
cognitive science with the help of neurology,
Cognitiveanthropology divided into three sub-fields are:
neuropsychology, psychiatry, neurobiology, bioengineering,
physics, philosophy, linguistics, mathematics, computer o Semantics
science, engineering and computational modeling. o Syntactic
o Pragmatics
Cognitive neuroscience is focus on the neural sub-branch of
brain process are: Linguistics

o Neurolinguistics Linguistics [11] is the scientific process to study of language.

o Neuroimaging There are three basic points of study: language meaning,
o Positron emission tomography language form, and language in context. Description of
o Functional magnetic resonance imaging language is introduced in 4th century BCE from Indian
grammarian Panini, was a student of linguistics.
Theories of cognitive neuroscience and sub-fields branches
make methods and experimental theories from Language [12] is ability to acquire and use complex systems
psychophysics, functional neuroimaging, cognitive of communication. The study of language “ability to make
psychology, electrophysiology, behavior genetics, cognitive knowledge that able to create a new language that used to
genomics, and computational neuroscience. communicate” is called linguistics. Linguistics analyzes
human language that communicate with system relating with
Computational neuroscience or Theoretical neuroscience is sound, signs, signed languages, meaning. Linguistics also
process to study of brain function aims to focus on includes to representates human language as social,
information processing properties of structure that make historical, culture, political factors,social activities, art,
nervous or neural system. That links from science fields as music, media, visual, economic, political economy, political,
well as cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, legal, public, applied, development, medical nutritional,
electrical engineering, computer science, physics, and psychological, nature, science, technology, ecological,
mathematics. And also connected with learning theories of environmental.
Intl J Engg Sci Adv Research 2016 Dec; 2(4):13-17 ISSN NO: 2395-0730

Cognitive Linguistics [13] is branch of linguistics that Visual search [16] is a type task requiring attention for an
analyzed to study language, concept,language tongue, active scan of the visual environment to particular object or
storage, speech, writing, production, understanding speech target. Visual search can perform action from eye
and writing. movements.

Cognitive Linguistics focus to study on functions are: Visual Search major functions are:

o Cognitive semantics o Feature search

o Cognitive phonology o Image matching
o Cognitive grammar o Conjunction search
o Construction grammar
o Conceptual blending and conceptual metaphor
o Force dynamics and image schemas
o Conceptual organization: Categorization, Frame
Learning, development knowledge
semantics, Metonymy, and Iconicity and processing of language
o Cultural linguistics
Learning, development knowledge are the process of
o Linguistics relativity
knowledge and information. Processing of language is part of
o Sign language and gesture
study linguistics that perform knowledge of language and
IV. Behavior able to communicates with environment and objects
The behavior [14] is mainly focus on learning and memory
V. Conclusion
that can perform or action a particular task. The behavior
action is part of neuroscience that science analyze nervous or In this research paper studies on neurorobotics that can make
neural system that able to action. nature, behavior, learning process, emotion, decision making,
reasoning, thinking, planning, control movement, action or
The behavior is science that study in behavioral neuroscience
task like human and animal. The neurorobotics purpose to
also known as biology psychology, psychobiology, or
make is depends on classes are: locomotion and motor
biopsychology to purpose to study psychological, genetics,
control, learning and memory system, action selection and
development of behavior in human and animals.
value system, and sensory perception. The classes of
Behavior neuroscience analyze brain processes and behaviors neurorobotics is to define the purpose or motive of making
are: the neurorobotics.

o Perception to action and sensation The learning, development, knowledge and processing of
o Control of movement, action, task language, memory, attention, perception, action ability to
o Motivated behavior (hunger, thirst, sex) take information via the senses and processing, vision,
o Learning and memory hearing from cognitive science. In neurorobotics take to
o Language ability information process through the cognitive science that
o Emotion combine studies of philosophy, psychology, artificial
o Consciousness intelligence, linguistics, neuroscience, and anthropology
o Decision making and Reasoning through mathematics, logic, computer science, computational
model,mathematical optimization, probability based method,
economics, and mathematics based searching technique,
Attention [15] is part of behavior science and cognitive mechanical engineering, electrical engineering that make
science that process and allocation of information, area of design, construction, operation, and application.
active, source of sensory, signals that generate attention and
allocate in working memory. The sensory make signals for
sensory neurons that relation with attention, behavior and
cognitive process that allocates the information in brain.

Attention focus on major area of education, neuroscience,

VI. Reference
psychology, cognitive science, and neuropsychology.
Attention clinical model objects are following:
o Focus attention
o Selective attention
o Divided attention
o Sustained attention [3]Philosophy
o Alternative attention
Visual Search [4]Psychology
Intl J Engg Sci Adv Research 2016 Dec; 2(4):13-17 ISSN NO: 2395-0730













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