Sweeney CSTP 3 Semester 4

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Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Has a Examines Understands Uses broad Uses extensive

foundation concepts in and explains the knowledge of inter- knowledge of
al subject relationship relationships of subject matter
knowledge matter and between concepts, academic concepts, current
of subject academic essential content standards, issues, academic
matter, language to subject matter and academic language, and
related identify concepts, language in ways research to make
of subject
academic connections academic that ensure clear relevant
language, between language, and connections and connections to
and academic academic relevance to standards during
academic content content students. instruction and
content standards standards. extend student
standards. and learning.
. I don’t only In my rhetoric  In a recent
use the class, we have lesson on
textbook been exploring
provided for how persuasion
my course, and argument paragraphs, I
but I also differ in various outlined four
look at the contexts, but basic
Common how many of components of
Core State the concepts
Standards for overlap
ELA to guide somewhat. This introduction
my teaching. exploration is paragraph and
I also read important since wrote in front
pedagogy following the of the students,
literature to rules of a thinking aloud
learn more debate in a
about sales pitch make
as I did so. I
instructional a person also introduced
methods. I incredibly them to various
still struggle obnoxious and hooks providing
to making a sales them with
consistently pitch during a
examples in a
provide debate may
instructional look foolish. handout, model
methods that Students are ing examplesin
optimally invited to my introduction
engage my explore the paragraphs I
students in nuances as we wrote in front
ELA content. I study rhetoric in
rely a bit too editorials, in
of them, and
much a the daily speech, in also writing an
process of formal introduction
direct- speeches, sales with their input.
teaching, pitches, in Finally, they
guided academic
wrote an
practice, pair- debate, and in
work, and argumentative introduction
then academic paragraph
individual papers. They independently.
work, back to can also bring
pairs, back to persuasive
the main contexts that In our recent studies
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
group. To be matter to them of rhetorical analysis
honest, even into our study. and precis /
though my 5-1-20 rhetorical analysis
academic essay writing, I color
content coded various
changes, I scaffolding tools to
know that my show the
instructional connections. I also
methods get had students color
a bit stale for code a sample
the students. rhetorical analysis
I am striving essay to deconstruct
to improve, how the various
but it’s a elements from our
challenge for reading and
me. discussion were
9-25-19 represented in the
formal essay. I
modeled the color
coding and making
the connections
between the
documents for
students, then had
them do the process
with a partner, then
on their own for

Connection: NBPTS
Proposition 2:
Teachers know the
subjects they teach
and how to teach
these subjects to
students. 6.
Teachers command
knowledge of how
to convey a subject
to students.
In order to break
this process of
rhetorical analysis
down into different
parts and show the
relationship to other
writing tasks, I have
to know the content
intimately. color-
coding it and
modeling how
exactly I go about
the process of
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
translating my
reading and
annotations into my
writing is par of
knowledge for
conveying this
aspect of ELA
3.2 Has basic Expands Adapts Integrates Utilizes
Applying knowledge knowledge of instruction in knowledge of range comprehensive
knowledge of student student response to of students knowledge of
of student stages of development knowledge of development into students to guide
developme developme and student instructional all students to
nt and nt while implements development decisions to ensure develop
proficiencie becoming learning and student proficiencies,
s to ensure aware of activities in proficiencies to understanding of understand subject
student differences single lessons meet students’ the subject matter matter including
understandi in students’ or sequence diverse learning including related related academic
ng of understand of lessons needs. Ensures academic language. language.
subject ing of that understanding
matter subject addresses of subject Provides explicit Engages student at
matter. students’ matter including teaching of specific all levels of
proficiencies related academic language, vocabulary,
Teaches and support academic text structures, academic
subject- understandin language. grammatical, and language, and
specific g of subject stylistic language proficiencies in
vocabulary matter Provides explicit features to ensure self-directed goal
following including teaching of equitable access to setting,
curriculum related essential subject matter monitoring, and
guidelines. academic vocabulary, understanding for improvement.
language. idioms, key the range of student Guides all students
words with language levels and in using analysis
Provides multiple abilities. strategies that
explicit meanings, and provides equitable
teaching of academic access and deep
essential language in understanding of
content ways that subject matter.
vocabulary engage students
and in accessing
associated subject matter
academic text or learning
language in activities.
single lessons
or sequence
of lessons.
formats, and
vocabulary to
access to
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
matter when

Fortunately I consider  With my

, I’m really that quicker
interested teenagers are
in more focused
psychology on their students, I
and stages current added
of worries and additional
developme their current grammar
nt as struggles, so I
people try to find
mature into opportunities with lessons
adulthood to relate our from
as well as academic Noden’s Ima
the stages content to ge Grammar.
of helping them With my
developme attain their
nt during goals in their
other group
learning. hobbies or in who takes a
However, communicati little longer,
in honesty, on with we stuck
I do not adults in with our
consciously their lives.
textbook. In
these For reading my class,
aspects and writing students do
much in my lessons we close
usual often have activities
planning vocabulary with
and and grammar
operations that we see
as a modeled and Students
teacher. I then we can were
know that imitate it to surprised
adolescenc put it into last week
e is a practice in
that back
period our own
where ways. also means
teens have 5-1-20 support. In
many each unit of
insecurities our
and a NorthStar
series, we
when their
identity is focus on
developing, vocabulary
so I As far words and
as subject- phrases
specific including
goes, I idioms and
teach academic
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
terms in language.
the 10-20-20
by the
for my
e, I also
add literary
terms and
into the
aspects of
my lessons.

to be
careful of
how I
them to
failures and
ng results.
This point
returns to
of a
which I
believe is
for children
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Follows Examines Uses knowledge Integrates Uses extensive
organizatio organization of curriculum knowledge of knowledge of
n of of curriculum and student curriculum and curriculum and
curriculum and considers readiness to resources to related resources
as provided adjustments organize and organize and adjust to flexibly and
by site and in single adjust the instruction within effectively organize
district to lessons or curriculum to and across subject and adjust
to facilitate
support sequence of ensure student matter to extend instruction.
student lessons to understanding. student
understand support understanding. Ensures student
ng of the
ing of the understandin comprehension
subject g of subject and facilitates
matter. matter. student
articulation about
what they do and
do not understand.
The school It’s great
just gives me working in this
the textbook position since I
(and really can adjust
associated the curriculum
materials). I to a pretty high
do less from degree in order
the book to adapt to
when I see student
students readiness. As I
don’t need or gain experience,
can go much I’m finding I use
deeper into more
the concepts appropriate
than the graphic
textbook organizers and
might take sentence
them, and frames. I find I
yet have a am more and
more more able to
immediate support
need. I will students based
also add on where they
more are weak and to
practice or point out and
activities encourage
intended to students where
engage they are
students in excelling.
the content 5-1-20
that the book
might not This
have. For semester, I
example, I
found some repeatedly
worksheets had my
on irony and students
made a practice
lecture on
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
three annotating
different texts for
types of irony
in literature,
whereas the and non-
book just fiction sign
discusses posts. These
irony as a strategies
aren’t part
device of our
without curriculum,
further but they
nuance. I also support my
made the students’ in
into a
dramatic skit more deeply
kind of and actively.
activity Additionally,
where in writing, I
add graphic
acted out a
small reading organizers,
and their rubrics,
peers used presentation
the lecture s, and
information modeling
to identify
the type of
that are not
irony. The in our
textbook’s textbook to
only activity supplement
on irony was the
to match pre-
explanations curriculum
of irony with in support
pre-selected of my
quotes. students.
9-25-19 10-20-20

3.4 Utilizing Uses Gathers and Selects and Integrates Uses an extensive
instructiona instruction uses adapts a variety instructional repertoire of
l strategies al additional of instructional strategies instructional
that are strategies instructional strategies to appropriate to strategies to
appropriate that are strategies in ensure student subject matter to develop
to the provided in single lessons understanding meet students’ enthusiasm, meta-
subject the or sequence of academic diverse learning, to cognitive abilities,
matter curriculum. of lessons to language ensure student and support and
increase appropriate to understanding of challenge the full
student subject matter academic language, range of students
understandin and that and guide student in towards a deep
g of academic addresses understanding knowledge of
language students’ connections within subject matter.
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
appropriate diverse learning and across subject
to subject needs. matter.
Related to I definitely am I have improved
the last applying a my
answer, I will variety of implementation of
take a strategies from the jigsaw method
resource some direct and successfully
from the instruction and implemented it this
provided modeling, to year. My co-
curriculum group work, to teacher and I
and try to individual conduct Socratic
use a assessment. I seminar type of
different really try to discussions where
instructional incorporate the students generate
strategy than gradual release their own inquiry
the book model in my questions. My
intended. I’ve lessons. I hope students have
tried jig-saws that by working begun practicing
with mixed with the debate how they can write
success. I like teacher and various levels
the another teacher of questions for
“stations” on campus who discussions of
discussion wants to short stories.
method. But I coordinate on 12-10-20
would still narrative
like to writing that I Evidence: It was my
improve in can move into idea to break the
my variety of integrating, over-arching aspect
instructional where I will of text down into
strategies as make more the elements of
well as my connections fiction and style for
effectiveness across subject our students in
in deploying matter. There is order to make
them. I also some of that “over-arching
use various going on aspects of the text”
graphic already, but I more concrete and
organizers to think I can manageable. When I
help with include it to a teach rhetoric with
before, higher degree. my juniors, we look
during, and 5-1-20 at the rhetorical
after situation and
reading/writi appeals, but we also
ng. take stylistic
9-25-19 elements into
account. I know that
breaking the
content into
manageable pieces,
but them coming
back together to
look at the
connections can
help my students
Students also see
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
how reading and
writing are often
interconnected in a
conversation as we
study They-Say, I
Another recent
example is that my
seniors wanted
more variety in how
we conduct our
discussions. So,
instead of just a
whole class Socratic
seminar, we’ll use
literature circles
before meeting
together to share
the insights we
found in our small
group discussions.
Connection: NBPTS:
Proposition 3:
Teachers are
responsible for
managing and
monitoring student
learning. This
includes: calling on
multiple methods to
meet instructional
goals; supporting
students in varied
settings and groups;
valuing student
engagement; and
engaging students in
the learning
My evidence above
shows valuing
engagement and
supporting them
through varied
settings, groups, and
methods since I
apply different
methods of
discussion in order
to help prevent our
class from becoming
overly monotonous
and to give students
practice with their
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
language skills
within a variety of
tasks and settings.
Literature circles
have proven a great
way to transfer the
responsibility I had
in leading Socratic
seminars to
students within
their small groups.
In literature circles,
the students have to
contribute much
more frequently
than if we do a
whole class Socratic
seminar the entire

Uses Explores Selects, adapts, Integrates a wide Engages students

available additional and utilizes range of adapted in identifying and
instruction instructional appropriate resources, adapting
al materials, instructional technologies, and resources,
materials, resources, materials, instructional technologies, and
3.5 Using resources, and resources, and materials to meet standards-aligned
and and technologies technologies for identified student instructional
adapting technologie to make concept and needs and make materials to
resources, s for subject skill subject matter extend student
technologie specific matter development in accessible to understanding and
s, and lessons to accessible to subject matter. students. critical thinking
standards- make students. Resources about subject
aligned subject reflect the Assists student with matter.
instructiona matter Explores how diversity of the equitable access to
l materials accessible to make classroom and materials, Ensures that
including to technological support resources, and student are able to
adopted students. resources differentiated technologies. Seeks obtain equitable
materials, available to learning of outside resources access to a wide
to make Identifies all students. subject matter. and support. range of
subject technologic technologies
matter al resource Guides students through ongoing
accessible needs. to use available links to outside
to all print, resources and
students electronic, and support.
online subject
resources based
on individual
Some of With online With my seniors
these learning I really and as I
things feel got a boost in collaborate with
a little out these areas Nate, my co-
of my where teacher, we are
hands. For technology is using VPN’s so I
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
example, I used to assist can add Google
love using student learning Classroom
the and to share discussions and
document appropriate feedback through
cameras, resources. I still that LMS. I have
but even have a way to them making up
though I go in terms of speeches some
have matching failed in class on
identified individual Knovio. With my
that the students and Juniors, I’ve begun
document small groups of to use Padlet since
camera is students with we can use it
broken in resources that without a VPN.
one of my best fit their I’ve also added in
classes, no need, but I Quizlet practice to
one will get definitely was reinforce our
the support able to offer grammar lessons
or fix it. So I more choices with flashcards
try to work and support and games. There’s
around that through the a lot more I can
issue. My Ding Talk App still do to include
book has and WeChat. I technology,
some really had an especially with
online easier time project-based
supports modeling learning. The
for through resources this
students screensharing semester inspire
me to little by little
that I than in the
add more and
haven’t classroom, but
more support and
tried using. students found
Those it more difficult
resources to participate
technology. My
would be online. Online I
students generally
worth tried to engage
love using more
exploring students
technology. For
further. I through voice
the project at the
am able to chats and
end of this unit,
use the written we’ll use
main conversations the technology
computer since my playlist. This will
in each students here be a great
classroom are especially opportunity to
to averse to video engage students in
distribute chatting. new technologies
digital 5-1-20 that support them
materials in creating and
since we communicating. 
don’t have
like Google
sharing or
in China.
3.6 Is aware of Seeks Identifies Integrates Engages English
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
students’ additional language knowledge of learners in
primary information proficiencies English language assessment of
language describing and English development, their progress in
and English elements of learner English learners’ English language
language culture and strengths in the strengths and development and
proficiencie language study of assessed needs into in meeting content
s based on proficiencies language and English language standards.
available in listening, content. and content Supports students
assessment speaking, Differentiates instruction. to establish and
data. reading, and instruction monitor language
writing. Uses using one or and content goals.
multiple more
measures for components of Develops and adapts
assessing English instruction to Is resourceful and
English language provide a wide flexible in the
Provides learners’ development to range of scaffolded design,
the needs
adapted performance support English support for adjustment, and
of English
materials to identify learners. language and elimination of
to help gaps in content for the scaffolds based on
and student
English English Creates and range of English English learners’
with special
learners language implements learners. proficiencies,
needs to
access development scaffolds to knowledge, and
content. . support skills in the
standards- content.
access to
Attempts to based
the content
scaffold instruction
content using using literacy
visuals, strategies,
models, and SDAIE, and
graphic content level
organizers. English
development in
order for
students to
and understand
I definitely I love the SDAIE I use SDAIE I make time to
try to learn strategies! I use strategies. I don’t meet outside of
about my many of them, have an official class with my
students’ but I think a mark for students’ students,
culture as I great goal going language especially those
live in their forward would proficiency but who need extra
native be to make sure from rubrics it’s support or extra
country. I each lesson has quite easy to see encouragement.
also study most, if not all, who is more on One of my senior
their of these the emerging level students struggling
language strategies and who is on the the most with
(although not present to help highest levels of acquiring English
nearly as make sure that I proficiency in was suspended,
rigorously as support my content area but I advocated for
they study learners. I knowledge and him to receive an
mine) in definitely try to language fluency on-campus
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
order to include respectively. One suspension so he
understand cooperative area I’ve been could still receive
the mistakes learning / social pushing myself in academic support.
they may learning of lately is He had failed a
make while some kind in demonstration and quiz and was going
learning every lesson modeling. I feel the to re-take it with
English, as except for the most nervous and gradual release
well as to exams, which the least instruction from
have students must comfortable me in a tutoring
empathy for take on their writing and session. When I
them as EL own. thinking aloud in heard he was
learners. front of students, suspended, I just
I don’t have an but I know it’s one knew that I had
As for the official mark for of the most important
assessments, students’ important teaching academic
I use the language strategies I can use intervention plans
Pearson proficiency but to support ELL’s, with him already.
NorthStar from rubrics it’s students with So, I had to discuss
assessments, quite easy to exceptional with about three
but I will be see who is more learning needs, different
learning on the emerging and all students. administrators, but
more about level and who is According to Dr. I finally got him
the CEFR on the highest Sadek, demonstrati back in school. The
model as one levels of on and modeling student was so
of my proficiency in are “the most grateful and
colleagues content area crucial studied an hour
assesses knowledge and instructional and a half straight
component in ALL
sophomores language with me during
lessons, but
using this fluency lunch when
particularly in
European respectively. returned. I was so
SDAIE lessons.
metric. I’m 5-1-20 impressed by his
The key role of the
also looking change in attitude
teacher is to
into the and how the
demonstrate and
WIDA intervention
model all the
screener for helped him. Here’s
behaviors to be
EL students, some texts from
learned in the
which many the process.
students will VERBAL NBPTS/TLMS
take when BEHAVIORS Connection:
they go to EXPECTED TO BE TLMS Domain 7:
high school in MASTERED BY Advocates for
Wisconsin. THE STUDENTS, Student Learning
that is, the and the Profession:
Many of the language of the c) Collaborates
materials I content areas.” with colleagues to
use with my select appropriate
students are opportunities to
excerpts of advocate for the
larger rights and/or
informational needs of students,
and literary to secure
works, so EL additional
students can resources within
focus on the the building or
same skills district that
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
without support student
being learning, and to
overwhelmed communicate
by massive effectively with
amounts of targeted audiences
text. With such as parents
writing, I will and community
provide some members.
sentence In the example
frames for above, I advocate
new for my student’s
grammar right to learn and
points we are have support even
learning. I if he has some
definitely use behavioral
visuals, struggles. Evidence
models, and from John
graphic Hattie’s Visible
organizers. Learning demonstr
Although I ates that
can still be suspension and
more expulsion
consistent negatively impact
with my use student learning.
of graphic When students
organizers, I need to be out of
have been the classroom to
improving cool off from
lately in this disputes, I
regard. advocate for in-
9-25-19 school suspension
and for their
teachers to drop
by to support and
encourage them
socially and

3.6 Has an Seeks Utilizes Integrates Guides and

Addressing awareness additional information on accommodations, support the full
the needs of the full information the full range of adaptations, and range of student
of English range of on the full students extensions to with special needs
learners students range of identified with instruction for the to actively engage
and student identified students special needs to full range of in the assessment
with special with special identified assess strengths students with and monitor their
needs to needs with special and special needs to own strengths,
provide through needs to competencies ensure adequate learning needs,
equitable data address to provide support and and achievement
access to provided challenges or appropriate challenge. in accessing
the content by the supports in challenge and content.
school. single lessons accommodation Communicates and
or sequence s in instruction. collaborates with Communicates and
of lessons. colleagues, support collaborates with
Communicates staff, and families to resource
regularly with ensure consistent personnel, para-
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Attends Cooperates resource instruction. educators,
required with resource personnel, para- Supports families in families,
meeting personnel, educators, and positive leadership, and
with para- families to engagement with students in
resource educators, ensure that school. creating a
personnel and families student services coordinated
and during are provided Initiates and program to
families. meetings and and progress is monitors referral optimize success of
activities in made in processes and the full range of
support of accessing follow-up meeting students with
learning appropriate to ensure that special needs.
plans and content. students receive
goals. support and/or Takes leadership at
Refers students extended learning the site/district
Learns as needed in a that is integrated and collaborates
about timely and into the core with resource
referral appropriate curriculum. personnel to
processes Seeks manner ensure the smooth
for additional supported with and effective
students information documented implementations
with special on struggling data over time, of referral
needs. learners and including processes.
advanced interventions
learners to tried previous
determine to referral.
ess for
In my Still the data I see I can do I use SDAIE
context this isn’t very more to strategies. I don’t
data isn’t readily document have an official
readily available and interventions mark for students’
available. there isn’t a with students. I language
I’m still lot of support can make a proficiency but
working on personnel in spreadsheet to from rubrics it’s
getting it terms of keep track of quite easy to see
though. supporting this who is more on
-I will students with information. the emerging level
attend all special needs 5-1-20 and who is on the
required – it’s a bit highest levels of
meetings D.I.Y. here in proficiency in
with this area. But content area
resource I do discuss knowledge and
personnel with language fluency
and colleagues respectively. One
families, how to area I’ve been
though support pushing myself in
these are students we lately is
also not suspect may demonstration and
very have some modeling. I feel the
common in kind of most nervous and
my current disabilities or the least
context. special comfortable
-I know needs. We writing and
that if I also make thinking aloud in
front of students,
suspect sure to refer
Element Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
students of them as soon but I know it’s one
having a as we can to of the most
learning our principal important teaching
disability, I who can get strategies I can use
can refer in touch with to support ELL’s,
them to the parents and students with
academic talk about exceptional
affairs head looking into learning needs,
and he will the proper and all students.
look into services for According to Dr.
having that student. Sadek, demonstrati
them In terms of on and modeling
officially English are “the most
tested. learners, all crucial
9-25-19 of my instructional
students are component in ALL
English lessons, but
learners. So, particularly in
basically SDAIE lessons.
supporting The key role of the
English teacher is to
learners is a demonstrate and
core focus model all the
when I behaviors to be
scaffold. learned in the
5-1-20 lesson,
that is, the
language of the
content areas.”

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