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Proposed In Order to Fulfill The Task of The Intro to Cinema Study of English Literature
Program Study

Supported by Dra.Hj.Siti Hafsah,M.Hum

Nina Juliati



1.1 Background of The Study

Film, or cinema, basically means moving images –images of time, space, sound and
story, has enjoyed tremendous popularity ever since its first appearance in Europe and America
in the last part of ninetenth century. The film industry has grown rapidly due to people‟s
interest in making and especially, watching films. With annual Bollywood‟s production reaches
more than eight hundred films in average and Hollywood‟s is close to half the number of it,
people can have so many choices to watch. Although most people watch films for
entertainment, many become more interested in discussing what makes a film good or bad.
Some film goers will probably not be satisfied by watching how the story goes, but they might
be disturbed by what ideas underlying the story and why the story goes in certain way. It is for
the purpose of analyzing films critically –both its forms and context- that film studies emerged.
In its form, film, is not just a means of entertainment. It is an art –the seventh art, as
UNESCO has declared it. And just like any other arts, film is shaped “… not only by political,
philosophical, economic factors, but also by its technology.”(Monaco, 1981). Novel experienced
rapid growth due to the invention of printing technology, while drama stage developed from
outdoor Greek amphitheater to contemporary soundproof prescinium stage. In case of film, it
has been through the development of photography to computer technology. Nevertheless,
unlike other arts, film is a teamwork; there is no individual to take the credits. There are
director, script writer, actors and actresses sound engineer, and gaffer to name a few. These
people work in accordance with their responsibility. Their work is an art in its sense; and their
artistic work –cinematographic aspects- determines the quality of a film.
Contextually, film is not only telling stories but also showing ideas –politically and
philosophically. Visual images presented in a film are not always as what they are per se. They
may have different meanings and understandings. Furthermore, whether we like it or not, films
have shaped ideas and values held by many people nowadays. These aspects of non-
cinematography – contextually and receptively- which are represented by sound and visual
images are also the concern of film studies.[ CITATION Nia07 \l 1033 ]

1.2 Narrative Analysis

Narrative analysis is an examination of the story elements, including narrative structure,

character, and plot. This type of analysis considers the entirety of the film and the story it seeks
to tell.

To create this type of analysis, there are some questions which required like :

1.2.1 How does the film correspond to the Three-Act Structure : Act One : Setup ; Act Two :
Confrontation ; and Act Three : Resolution ?

1.2.2 What is the plot of the film ? How does this plot differ from the narrative, that is, how
the story is told ? For example, are events presented out of order and to what effect ?

1.2.3 Does the plot revolve around one character ? Does the plot revolve around multiple
characters ? How do these characters develop across the film ?

2.1 Synopsis of The Film

Based on the true story of Leigh Anne Tuohy and Sean Tuohy who take in a
homeless teenage African-American, Michael Oher. Michael has no idea who his father
is and his mother is a drug addict. Michael has had little formal education and few skills
to help him learn. Leigh Anne soon takes charge however, as is her nature, ensuring that
the young man has every opportunity to succeed. When he expresses an interest in
football, she goes all out to help him, including giving the coach a few ideas on how best
to use Michael's skills. They not only provide him with a loving home, but hire a tutor to
help him improve his grades to the point where he would qualify for an NCAA Division I
athletic scholarship. Michael Oher was the first-round pick of the Baltimore Ravens in
the 2009 NFL draft. [ CITATION Gar09 \l 1033 ]

Picture 2.1.1 The Blind Side Movie Poster

Directed By : John Lee Hancock
Writers : John Lee Hancock, Michael Lewis
: Quinton Aaron as Michael Oher
: Sandra Bullock as Leigh Anne Tuohy
: Tim Mcgraw as Sean Tuohy
: Jae Head as S.J Tuohy
: Lily Collins as Collins Tuohy
: Ray Mckinnon as Coach Cotton
Based On : The Blind Side : Evolution of A Game oleh Michael Lewis
: 17 November 2009 (New York)
Released Date
: 20 November 2009 (Amerika Serikat)
Running Time : 128 Minutes

2.2 Three Act Structure

Act One : Michael Oher also known as Big Mike establishes the world of the story.
The opening scenes explains how Big Mike was registered to a new and
famous Christian school in town. The film’s plot start from here where
Big Mike is underestimated by his teachers due to his bad score in
academic. He is also being exiled by his classmates because of his big
body, his black skin, his explicit background and identity and also because
he rarely talked in the class. This situation become the key point of Big
Mike’s journey in the film.
Act Two : Tragedy strikes when Big Mike’s foster family fought because of the
wife of his foster family doesn’t want him to live with them again. Big
Mike heard all of the fight and leave the house to nowhere. He doesn’t
have place to live, so he often sleep in the laundry place or the gym near
his school. Everything’s change since Big Mike was found by the Tuohy
family when he was in his way to the gym. Leigh Anne, Mr.Tuohy’s wife
asked him to live with them whilst he find his mother. Day by day, week
by week, months by months Big Mike failed to find his mother, so
Tuohy’s family, initiative by Leigh Anne, wants to adopt Big Mike to their
Act Three : Because of Tuohy’d family support and kindness, Big Mike finally found
his home again. His character become more bright. Due to his big body,
Big Mike was included to the American Footbal’s team in his school from
the first day of his school. At first, Big Mike was unable to play but
because of Tuohy Family’s support, he expand himself to become
American’s Footbal most famous athlete in his school. Because of this
successness, many American Footbal clubs targeting Big Mike to be in
their team and so, Michael Oher, become one of the most popular
American’s Footbal Athlete in town.

2.3 The Plot Of The Movie

The plot of the film is using a Mixed Plot, between Chronological Plot and Reverse
Cronological plot. Why? Because the film want to describe how Big Mike develop
himself into a well-known athlete but also the sad story behind his success which
includes his real family’s story.

The plot also revolves around two characters, which Big Mike and Leigh Anne. From Big
Mike’s side, tell us about how should we live the hardrock live and from Leigh Anne’s
side, tell us about how should we appreciate and loved each other because we’re all the

2.4 The Evidence of Watching The Movie

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