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Instituto Bilingüe Carlos Dickens

Miss Sara Ronquillo

4th Grade

a) Complete using Present Continuous in positive form.

1. Mark _____________ (ride) a bike today!
2. Jane _____________ (play) the piano beautifully.
3. The athlete __________ (run) really fast, he __________ (go)
to win.
4. They_____________ (sleep) on the sofa right now.

b) Complete using Present Continuous in negative form.

1. Thomas _____________ (not watch) the TV.
2. She _____________ (not speak) English, I don’t understand.
3. I _____________ (not fly) to Greenland this year.
4. My family and I _____________ (not travel) to England!

c) Complete using Present Continuous in negative and positive

1. I _____________ (not read) a book, I ____________ (study)
for my Math Quiz.
2. They _____________ (not bake) a cake, they ____________
(cook) traditional food.
3. Mary _____________ (not sing), she ____________ (dance)
on the dancefloor.
4. He ____________ (not wash) the dishes, he _____________
(take) a shower.

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