Covid 19 Script. Edited

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Hi Guys, its Globe Z and I’m your host M.Hassan Nadeem.

Purpose of this tutorial is to build the strong analysis of the audience about the recent Covid -19
outbreak, more commonly known as corona virus.

The Agenda of the tutorial is to discuss mentions following in detail:

 Ongoing blame game and Geo-Politics in the international

political arena amid the outbreak.
 Projection of the trajectory of the post-corona virus world
(which is simply the anticipation that How the World may
look like once the virus dies out)
 Other important dimensions of the topic

But before getting into the details, we need to be in line with important facts and figures and brief
background of the pandemic.

Corona virus originally originated In Wuhan city, China, however, it has drastically spread all across the

According to Wealth Health Organization (WHO) about 800 thousand people are affected with
approximately 38000 deaths. The report also mentions that the intimidating virus has spread to 202

Here what matters is that Were we ready for such a deadly disease?

No, we were not!

Let’s relate it to some interesting facts

Statistics by International Campaign for abolishment of nuclear weapons show that

ONE YEAR OF U.S. NUCLEAR WEAPONS SPENDING could have provided 300,000 ICU BEDS, 35,000
VENTILATORS DOCTORS if invested in the health care industry rather than expanding nuclear arsenal.

In the U.K., nuclear spending costs nearly $8.7 billion in 2019. That could pay for 100,000 ICU beds,
30,00 ventilators if invested in the health care industry rather than expanding nuclear arsenal
Let’s take a look on different factors viz-a-viz this recent Covid-19 outbreak.

Geo-Politics, taking a turn towards virus politics.

President Trump once again called COVID-19 the "Chinese virus," and said the country treated America
"terribly," just hours before he was supposed to speak with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In response to the statement issued by U.S president Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian,
made an unproven claim on Twitter saying that it might be the US military who “brought the epidemic to
Wuhan”, the epicenter of the pandemic. Zhao also shared articles from a conspiracy website suggesting
that the coronavirus originated in the US rather than in China. It was linked to military world games held
in wuhan last October, the event drew competitors from 100 countries which included US soldiers.

This shows how China felt offended by the U.S reaction on the pandemic.

C) Russia is also a part of big blame game

Pro-Russian news agencies such as Russia’s Channel 1 promote conspiracy theories that British Scientists
made Covid-19 and UK had a vaccine. The aim of this propaganda is to malign other state governments

While Iran (being one of the most affected country from the outbreak) claimed it was a bio-weapon.

The blame game clearly shows that the major powers are doing virus politics as a part of their power
struggle plans.

The question which grabs attention in this intellectual debate is around rising China Because

China takes center stage by Building a hospital in 6 days. And effectively contains the Virus spread as

WHO stated “China launched the most rapid and effective containment program in history”. Mortality
rate in China could have been far greater if it had not reacted to the outbreak with such a vigilant

Here It is also interesting to note that

East is challenging the West:

Western nations such as Italy, Spain, the UK and the US are the ones bearing the brunt of the Covid-19
wave right now. While Countries in the east, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong have
successfully contained it to some extent.

This is an unprecedented shift in global dominance. Since the disintegration of the USSR, the US – which
wields immense power, both soft and hard – had been the world’s sole superpower.

In fact, significant changes in the international politics theatre could have spotted with Donald Trump’s
ascend to the top as President of U.S which signaled the beginning of nationalism and populism taking
center stage.

This has left a void on the world stage – a void to be filled by China
Partly in a bid to flaunt its capability and partly trying to change the narrative of the coronavirus
pandemic for which it is widely being blamed, China has sent medical supplies and doctors to Italy,
Spain, France, Belgium, Iran and Iraq, among other countries.

Here Globalization also comes under question

In connection to this, the pandemic has also brought globalization under severe criticism with many
critics demanding globalization on the back foot.

Globalization, a benchmark for the compression of time and space and interconnectedness, has become
notorious for the spread of the deadly virus all across the world as it originated in Wuhan & now it’s
This will strengthen the case of nationalists and populists to de-globalize the world.

Another important point to note in this ongoing intense situation is about the World economy:

Given the near-shutdown of many economies, IMF is forecasting a global recession in 2020. moreover,
UN also estimates that COVID-19 could cause up to a $2 trillion shortfall in global income.

However, at the same time, experts are anticipating some significant changes in the technological world.

People are likely to move towards digital world and Cyrto currency things.

Similarly people would prefer working from distant locations to avoid human interaction.

For example online classes and distant mode of education may become a trend.

Though experts view this change as a positive one, it has some negative effects too.

As people will be more vulnerable to privacy Invasion with onslaught of the digital world and
Unemployment For example: a pizza delivery boy may be replaced with some other delivery facility to
avoid physical contact in the post-Covid-19 world.

Lastly, intellectuals also need to view the scenario in different dimensions

Religious Perspective

More & more people would move towards religion as they see this as the end of the world & this will
lead to the formation of cults.
Religious dogma did play a role in spreading this virus we have the example of Iran, in case of crisis
people look towards the skies, dividing world in two blocs. Zealots & Seculars

Another important dimension is a Social Perspective

People will set their priorities towards health care, research & education. People will demand freedom
of speech
Further, People may demand their governments to explain the spending on weapons but not on health
Last but not the least we have a environmental perspective

Environmental Perspective:

Pollution and greenhouse gas emissions have fallen across continents as countries try to contain the
spread of the new coronavirus.

From last year,pollution in New York have reduced by nearly 50% because of measures to contain the

In Europe, satellite images show nitrogen dioxide (NO2) emissions fading away over northern Italy.

Therefore, the environmentalist, already in global spotlight, may demand to continue the same patterns
as practice during the outbreak.

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