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Submitted To
Dr. Vinayak Hande

Submitted By
Varun Sharma
Entry No: 2018EEB1193

Submitted On : 1st March 2021

Experiment – 1
Transconductance of NMOS and PMOS transistors biased in
saturation region of operation.

To plot the input and output characteristic plots and to find the transconductance and the output resistance of
NMOS and PMOS transistors biased in saturation region.

Components and Tool Required

LTspice XVII: For design and simulations
LTspice components and commands used
 .dc : DC Sweep
 .op : Operating point
 .model : Custom Model Declaration
 NMOS4 : Custom NMOS Model
 Basic Electrical Components: Voltage Source, Resistor

MOSFET’s stands for Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors. They are a 4 terminal voltage
controlled active devices. The 4 terminals are gate, drain, source and body. Based on their different configurations
and load connections, they can be used to realize all types of controlled sources i.e. VCVS, CCVS, VCCS and
CCCS. The MOS capacitor is the main component of the MOSFET and it is the electric field between the gate
and the ion channel that decided the amount of current flowing though the MOSFET. Based on difference in the
nature of body, drain and source terminals, MOSFETS are categorized as NMOS and PMOS. NMOS involve n
type carriers and p type is involved in PMOS.
For both NMOS and PMOS, there is a specific barrier that the electric field has to overcome in order to make the
MOSFET to conduct. This potential barrier is attributed in terms of MOSFET’s Threshold Voltage. The threshold
voltage is a function of temperature, mobility and voltage drop between body and source. In most cases, the body
and source are connected to avoid body effect. The variation of threshold voltage with Source – Body voltage
Vsb is given by this expression

Vt = Vt0 +  (√Vsb + |2F| − √|2F| )

Vt0 is the original threshold voltage,  is the body effect parameter and F is the Fermi Potential. So, for any
value of Vt, the MOSFET’s will conduct only when the Gate-Source Voltage field is able to overcome the
potential barrier set by this threshold voltage.
The amount of current flowing through the MOSFET’s depends on its Gate-Source voltage Vgs, Drain-Source-
Voltage Vds, Mobility of ions involved µ, length L and width W of the MOSFET and its oxide capacitance Cox.
Id is the drain current. Based on different values for Vgs and Vds, the region of operation for MOSFET is

Cutoff ∶ Id = 0 ; Vgs < Vt

W Vds 2
Linear ∶ Id = µ Cox [ ( Vgs − Vt )Vds − ] ( 1 +  Vds ) ; 0 ≤ Vds < Vgs − Vt
L 2
Cox W
Saturation ∶ Id = µ ( Vgs − Vt)2 ( 1 +  Vds ) ; Vds ≥ Vgs − Vt ≥ 0
2 L

Here  is the channel length modulation factor which depicts the dependence on Id on effective channel length of
the MOSFET. Using the small signal model of the MOSFET, the relation between Vgs and Id is deduced that
gives us the trans conductance parameter gm for the MOSFET that is very important when realizing an amplifier
using MOSFET. gm is defined as the slope of the Id-Vgs curve at constant Vds.
 Id
gm =
 Vgs
At a constant Vgs, the slope of Id-Vds curve given us the intrinsic impedance of the MOSFET ro.
1  Id
ro  Vds
Both of these parameters carries importance mostly in saturation region as the MOSFET is made to operate in
saturation while realizing controlled amplifiers.
The curve between Id-Vgs and Id-Vds are known as the Input and Output characteristics for MOSFET

We will use LTspice to design and NMOS and PMOS circuit in common source and common drain configuration
respectively. We will use custom MOSFET models to design an NMOS and PMOS as per the following
𝑁𝑀𝑂𝑆 ∶ 𝑉𝑡 = 0.57 𝑉  = 0.50
𝑃𝑀𝑂𝑆 ∶ 𝑉𝑡 = −0.57 𝑉  = −0.50
µ 𝐶𝑜𝑥 = 190𝑢  = 0.16  = 0.7
For plotting the input and output characteristics for NMOS and PMOS, we will first evaluate the values for Id for
different combinations of Vgs and Vds.
For plotting the relation between Id and Vgs, we will fix the values for Vd as 3V for NMOS and Vs as 3V for
PMOS, then we will vary Vg from 0 to 3V and record the values for Id at different Vg. For plotting the output
characteristics i.e. the curve between Id and Vds, we will fix the value for Vg as 1V and then vary Vd for NMOS
and Vs for PMOS from 0 to 3V and then record the values of Id at different Vd and Vs for NMOS and PMOS
Also we know that the body-source voltage Vsb too influences the Id by varying Vt, so we will analyze the
difference in Id by varying the body voltage Vb at constant Vgs and Vds.
For evaluating the gm and ro, we will operate both of the transistors in saturation mode by fixing
𝑉𝑔 = 1𝑉 𝑉𝑑 = 3𝑉 ∶ 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑁𝑀𝑂𝑆
𝑉𝑠 = 3𝑉 𝑉𝑔 = 1𝑉 ∶ 𝐹𝑜𝑟 𝑃𝑀𝑂𝑆
And then using the. op command to evaluate the values for gm and ro.

Circuit Diagram
Observation Table
NMOS: Input Characteristics - At Vd= 3V W/L = 10

Vgs ( In V ) Id ( In mA )
0.3 0
0.6 0.00129
0.9 0.152
1.2 0.559
1.5 1.216
1.8 2.13
2.1 3.30
2.4 4.7
2.7 6.38
3.0 8.29

NMOS: Output Characteristics - At Vg = 1V W/L = 10

Vds ( In V ) Id ( In uA )
0.0 0
0.5 189
1.0 203
1.5 217
2.0 232
2.5 246
3.0 260

NMOS: Body Effect Analysis - At Vg = 1V Vd = 3V W/L = 10

Vsb ( In V ) Id ( In uA )
0.0 260
0.4 148
0.8 78
1.2 36
1.6 11
2.0 1
2.4 0
PMOS Input Characteristics - At Vs= 3V W/L = 10
Vg ( In V ) Id ( In uA )
0.3 639
0.6 473
0.9 329
1.2 213
1.5 121
1.8 56
2.1 15
2.4 0.121
2.7 0.00054
3.0 0

PMOS: Output Characteristics - At Vg = 1V Vs = 3V W/L = 10

Vd ( In V ) Id ( In uA )
0.0 287
0.5 272
1.0 257
1.5 241
2.0 205
2.5 121
3.0 1.326

PMOS: Body Effect Analysis - At Vg = 1V Vs = 3V W/L = 10

Vbs ( In V ) Id ( In uA )
0.0 287
0.4 332
0.8 371
1.2 407
1.6 441
2.0 473
2.4 503
Results : Waveforms
NMOS: Input Characteristics - At Vd= 3V W/L = 10

For Vgs < 0.57, the circuit is in the cutoff region so their if no drain current. As Vgs increase above Vt, the NMOS
starts to conduct in saturation region initially. Id varies with square of Vgs in saturation so we observe the
parabolic upward curve upto certain value of Vgs. As Vgs increase further, overdrive voltage exceed Vds and
NMOS enters linear region where Id varies linearly with Vgs. That’s why we have a linear curve afterwards.

NMOS: Output Characteristics - At Vg = 1V W/L = 10

For Vds equals 0 there is no field between drain and source so Id is 0. As Vd increase, the circuit starts conducting
in linear region at first. Id variation with Vd is similar to a downward parabola in linear region. As Vd is increased
further, Vds exceed the overdrive voltage and NMOS enters saturation where Id varies with Vd linearly with a
slope equal to the channel length modulation factor. So, the curve is linear after the pinch off point.
NMOS: Body Effect Analysis - At Vg = 1V Vd = 3V W/L = 10

As the body voltage Vb becomes negative as compared to Vs, Vsb increase that increases the value for threshold
voltage. With increase in Vt, the overdrive voltage decreases that decreases Id. One point arrives when Vsb
becomes positive enough to increase the Vt higher than Vgs and NMOS stops conducting.

PMOS Input Characteristics - At Vs= 3V W/L = 10

As Vg increase, Vsg decreases that reduces the overdrive voltage. The PMOS shifts from linear region to
saturation region. So we observe a change in curve nature from linear to upward parabola. As Vg increase further,
Vsg decrease below the threshold voltage and PMOS stops conducting.
PMOS: Output Characteristics - At Vg = 1V Vs = 3V W/L = 10

Increase in Vd decreases Vsd. PMOS is in saturation region for small values of Vd. Id varies linearly with Vsd
hence we see linear curve initially. Further increase in Vd decreases the Vsd below overdrive voltage and PMOS
enters linear region. Id varies with square of Vsd in linear region so the curve shifts to downward parabola. Further
increase in Vd makes Vsd equal to 0 that ceases the electric field of PMOS hence stopping its conduction.

PMOS: Body Effect Analysis - At Vg = 1V Vs = 3V W/L = 10

As Vb increase,Vsb decreases that decreases the Vt of PMOS and makes it less negative. Hence, the
overdrive voltage increase that increases Id.
NMOS input characteristics for different Vds
Vds = 2 V

Vds = 1.5 V

Vds = 1V
NMOS output characteristics for different Vgs
Vgs = 1 V

Vgs = 1.5 V

Vgs = 2V
PMOS input characteristics for different Vsd
Vsd = 3 V


PMOS output characteristics for different Vsg
Vsg = 2 V

Vsg = 1.5V

Vsg = 1V
Results : gm and ro
The curve for gm of NMOS at different values of Vg at Vds= 3V is as follows

Trans conductance gm for NMOS at different values of Vgs are tabulated below

Vg Gm ( in m-1 )
0.6 0.085
1.2 1.77
1.8 3.45
2.4 5.14
3.0 6.82

The curve for output resistance ro for different values of Vd at Vg = 1V is as follow

The values of output resistance ro at different values for Vd is tabulated below

Vd ro ( in K )
0.1 1.55
0.2 2.135
0.3 3.531
0.4 12.11
0.5 35.6

The curve for output resistance ro for PMOS at different values of Vd at Vg = 1V is as follows

The values of output resistance ro at different values for Vd is tabulated below

Vd ro ( in K )
1.5 32.172
1.8 12.124
2.1 7.054
2.4 5.154
2.7 4.24

The curve for gm of PMOS at different values of Vg at Vsd= 3V is as follows

Trans conductance gm for PMOS at different values of Vg are tabulated below

Vg Gm ( in m-1 )
0.6 51.5
1.2 34.6
1.8 17.78
2.4 0.857
3.0 0

NMOS and PMOS operates in cutoff, linear and saturation region based on the values of Vgs and Vds. Variations
in Id with respect to Vgs and Vds are incorporated in terms of input and output characteristics of MOSFET. The
slope of input and output characteristics gives us the values for transconductance gm and output resistance ro for
the MOSFET. Also, the body voltage Vb too influences the value for Id , gm and ro by varying the Vt.
Hence, using above LTspice simulations we can analyze the operating point and dynamic characteristics of

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