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Kamisha Johnson-Davis, Gwen A. McMillin 12


■ ENZYME KINETICS Alkaline Phosphatase
Catalytic Mechanism of Enzymes Acid Phosphatase
Factors That Influence Enzymatic Reactions -Glutamyltransferase
Measurement of Enzyme Activity Amylase
Calculation of Enzyme Activity Lipase
Measurement of Enzyme Mass Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase
Enzymes as Reagents Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
Creatine Kinase
Lactate Dehydrogenase

with the resultant polypeptide chains twisting (secondary

E nzymes are specific biologic proteins that catalyze
biochemical reactions without altering the equilib-
rium point of the reaction or being consumed or changed
structure), which then folds (tertiary structure) and re-
sults in structural cavities. If an enzyme contains more
in composition. The other substances in the reaction are than one polypeptide unit, the quaternary structure refers
converted to products. The catalyzed reactions are fre- to the spatial relationships between the subunits. Each
quently specific and essential to physiologic functions, enzyme contains an active site, often a water-free cavity,
such as the hydration of carbon dioxide, nerve conduc- where the substance on which the enzyme acts (the sub-
tion, muscle contraction, nutrient degradation, and en- strate) interacts with particular charged amino acid
ergy use. Found in all body tissue, enzymes frequently residues. An allosteric site—a cavity other than the active
appear in the serum following cellular injury or, some- site—may bind regulator molecules and, thereby, be sig-
times, in smaller amounts, from degraded cells. Certain nificant to the basic enzyme structure.
enzymes, such as those that facilitate coagulation, are Even though a particular enzyme maintains the same
specific to plasma and, therefore, are present in signifi- catalytic function throughout the body, that enzyme may
cant concentrations in plasma. Plasma or serum enzyme exist in different forms within the same individual. The dif-
levels are often useful in the diagnosis of particular dis- ferent forms may be differentiated from each other based
eases or physiologic abnormalities. This chapter dis- on certain physical properties, such as electrophoretic mo-
cusses the general properties and principles of enzymes, bility, solubility, or resistance to inactivation. The term
aspects relating to the clinical diagnostic significance of isoenzyme is generally used when discussing such en-
specific physiologic enzymes, and assay methods for zymes; however, the International Union of Biochemistry
those enzymes. (IUB) suggests restricting this term to multiple forms of ge-
netic origin. An isoform results when an enzyme is subject
to posttranslational modifications. Isoenzymes and iso-
forms contribute to heterogeneity in properties and func-
Enzymes catalyze many specific physiologic reactions. tion of enzymes.
These reactions are facilitated by the enzyme structure In addition to the basic enzyme structure, a nonpro-
and several other factors. As a protein, each enzyme con- tein molecule, called a cofactor, may be necessary for en-
tains a specific amino acid sequence (primary structure), zyme activity. Inorganic cofactors, such as chloride or




Oxidoreductases Lactate LDH LDH L-Lactate:NAD
dehydrogenase oxidoreductase
Glucose-6- G-6-PDH G-6-PD D-Glucose-6-
phosphate phosphate:NADP
dehydrogenase 1-oxidoreductase
Glutamate GLD GLD L-glutamate:NAD(P)
dehydrogenase oxidoreductase,
Transferases Aspartate amino- GOT (glutamate AST L-Aspartate:2-
transferase oxaloacetate oxaloglutarate
transaminase) aminotransferase
Alanine amino- GPT (glutamate ALT L-Alanine:2-
transferase transaminase) oxaloglutarate
Creatine kinase CPK (creatine CK ATP:creatine N-
phosphokinase) phosphotransferase
-Glutamyl- GGTP GGT (5-Glutamyl)peptide:
transferase amino acid-5-
Glutathione-S- -GST GST Glutathione
transferase transferase
Glycogen GP GP 1,4--D-Glucan:
phosphorylase orthophosphate -D-
Pyruvate kinase PK PK Pyruvate kinase
Hydrolases Alkaline ALP ALP Orthophosphoric
phosphatase monoester phosphohy-
drolase (alkaline
Acid phosphatase ACP ACP Orthophosphoric
monoester phosphohy-
drolase (acid optimum)
-Amylase AMY AMS 1,4-D-Glucan
Cholinesterase PCHE CHE Acylcholine
Chymotrypsin CHY CHY Chymotrypsin
Elastase-1 E1 E1 Elastase
5-Nucleotidase NTP NTP 5-Ribonucleotide
Triacylglycerol LPS Triacylglycerol
lipase acylhydrolase
Trypsin TRY TRY Trypsin
Lyases Aldolase ALD ALD D-D-Fructose-1,
Isomerases Triosephosphate TPI TPI Triose-phosphate
isomerase isomerase
Ligase Glutathione GSH-S GSH-S Glutathione synthase
Adapted with permission from Competence Assurance, ASMT. Enzymology, an educational program. Bethesda, Md.: RMI Corporation, 1980.

magnesium ions, are called activators. A coenzyme is an venience to identify enzymes. The common abbrevia-
organic cofactor, such as nicotinamide adenine dinu- tions, sometimes developed from previously accepted
cleotide (NAD). When bound tightly to the enzyme, the names for the enzymes, were used until the standard ab-
coenzyme is called a prosthetic group. The enzyme por- breviations listed in the table were developed.2,3 These
tion (apoenzyme), with its respective coenzyme, forms a standard abbreviations are used in the United States and
complete and active system, a holoenzyme. are used later in this chapter to indicate specific enzymes.
Some enzymes, mostly digestive enzymes, are origi-
nally secreted from the organ of production in a struc- ENZYME KINETICS
turally inactive form, called a proenzyme or zymogen.
Catalytic Mechanism of Enzymes
Other enzymes later alter the structure of the proenzyme
to make active sites available by hydrolyzing specific A chemical reaction may occur spontaneously if the free
amino acid residues. This mechanism prevents digestive energy or available kinetic energy is higher for the reac-
enzymes from digesting their place of synthesis. tants than for the products. The reaction then proceeds
toward the lower energy if a sufficient number of the re-
ENZYME CLASSIFICATION AND actant molecules possess enough excess energy to break
NOMENCLATURE their chemical bonds and collide to form new bonds. The
excess energy, called activation energy, is the energy re-
To standardize enzyme nomenclature, the Enzyme
quired to raise all molecules in 1 mole of a compound at
Commission (EC) of the IUB adopted a classification sys-
a certain temperature to the transition state at the peak of
tem in 1961; the standards were revised in 1972 and
the energy barrier. At the transition state, each molecule
1978. The IUB system assigns a systematic name to each
is equally likely to either participate in product forma-
enzyme, defining the substrate acted on, the reaction cat-
tion or remain an unreacted molecule. Reactants pos-
alyzed, and, possibly, the name of any coenzyme involved
sessing enough energy to overcome the energy barrier
in the reaction. Because many systematic names are
participate in product formation.
lengthy, a more usable, trivial, recommended name is also
One way to provide more energy for a reaction is to in-
assigned by the IUB system.1
crease the temperature and thus increase intermolecular
In addition to naming enzymes, the IUB system iden-
collisions; however, this does not normally occur physio-
tifies each enzyme by an EC numerical code containing
logically. Enzymes catalyze physiologic reactions by low-
four digits separated by decimal points. The first digit
ering the activation energy level that the reactants (sub-
places the enzyme in one of the following six classes:
strates) must reach for the reaction to occur (Fig. 12-1).
1. Oxidoreductases. Catalyze an oxidation–reduction The reaction may then occur more readily to a state of
reaction between two substrates equilibrium in which there is no net forward or reverse
2. Transferases. Catalyze the transfer of a group other reaction, even though the equilibrium constant of the
than hydrogen from one substrate to another
3. Hydrolases. Catalyze hydrolysis of various bonds
4. Lyases. Catalyze removal of groups from substrates
without hydrolysis; the product contains double bonds
5. Isomerases. Catalyze the interconversion of geomet-
ric, optical, or positional isomers
6. Ligases. Catalyze the joining of two substrate mole-
cules, coupled with breaking of the pyrophosphate
bond in adenosine triphosphate (ATP) or a similar
The second and third digits of the EC code number
represent the subclass and subsubclass of the enzyme, re-
spectively, divisions that are made according to criteria
specific to the enzymes in the class. The final number is
the serial number specific to each enzyme in a subsub-
class. Table 12-1 provides the EC code numbers, as well
as the systematic and recommended names, for enzymes
frequently measured in the clinical laboratory.
FIGURE 12-1. Energy versus progression of reaction, indicating the
Table 12-1 also lists common and standard abbre- energy barrier that the substrate must surpass to react with and
viations for commonly analyzed enzymes. Without IUB without enzyme catalysis. The enzyme considerably reduces the free
recommendation, capital letters have been used as a con- energy needed to activate the reaction.

reaction is not altered. The extent to which the reaction When product is formed, the resultant free enzyme im-
progresses depends on the number of substrate molecules mediately combines with excess free substrate. The reac-
that pass the energy barrier. tion is in zero-order kinetics, and the reaction rate de-
The general relationship among enzyme, substrate, pends only on enzyme concentration.
and product may be represented as follows: The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km), derived from
the theory of Michaelis and Menten, is a constant for a
E  S K ES K E  P (Eq. 12-1) specific enzyme and substrate under defined reaction
conditions and is an expression of the relationship be-
where E is enzyme, S is substrate, ES is enzyme–substrate
tween the velocity of an enzymatic reaction and sub-
complex, and P is product.
strate concentration. The assumptions are made that
The ES complex is a physical binding of a substrate to
equilibrium among E, S, ES, and P is established rapidly
the active site of an enzyme. The structural arrangement of
and that the E  P → ES reaction is negligible. The rate-
amino acid residues within the enzyme makes the three-
limiting step is the formation of product and enzyme
dimensional active site available. At times, the binding of
from the ES complex. Then, maximum velocity is fixed,
ligand drives a rearrangement to make the active site. The
and the reaction rate is a function of only the enzyme
transition state for the ES complex has a lower energy of
concentration. As designated in Figure 12-2, Km is
activation than the transition state of S alone, so that the
specifically the substrate concentration at which the en-
reaction proceeds after the complex is formed. An actual
zyme yields half the possible maximum velocity.
reaction may involve several substrates and products.
Therefore, Km indicates the amount of substrate needed
Different enzymes are specific to substrates in differ-
for a particular enzymatic reaction.
ent extents or respects. Certain enzymes exhibit absolute
The Michaelis-Menten hypothesis of the relationship
specificity, meaning that the enzyme combines with only
between reaction velocity and substrate concentration
one substrate and catalyzes only the one corresponding
can be represented mathematically as follows:
reaction. Other enzymes are group specific because they
combine with all substrates containing a particular Vmax[S]
V (Eq. 12-2)
chemical group, such as a phosphate ester. Still other en- Km  [S]
zymes are specific to chemical bonds and thereby exhibit
where V is measured velocity of reaction, Vmax is maxi-
bond specificity.
mum velocity, [S] is substrate concentration, and Km is
Stereoisometric specificity refers to enzymes that pre-
Michaelis-Menten constant of enzyme for specific
dominantly combine with only one optical isomer of a
certain compound. In addition, an enzyme may bind
Theoretically, Vmax and then Km could be determined
more than one molecule of substrate, and this may occur
from the plot in Figure 12-2. However, Vmax is difficult
in a cooperative fashion. Binding of one substrate mole-
to determine from the hyperbolic plot and often not
cule, therefore, may facilitate binding of additional sub-
actually achieved in enzymatic reactions because en-
strate molecules.
zymes may not function optimally in the presence of

Factors That Influence Enzymatic Reactions

Substrate Concentration
The rate at which an enzymatic reaction proceeds and
whether the forward or reverse reaction occurs depend
on several reaction conditions. One major influence on
enzymatic reactions is substrate concentration. In 1913,
Michaelis and Menten hypothesized the role of substrate
concentration in formation of the enzyme–substrate
(ES) complex. According to their hypothesis, repre-
sented in Figure 12-2, the substrate readily binds to free
enzyme at a low-substrate concentration. With the
amount of enzyme exceeding the amount of substrate,
the reaction rate steadily increases as more substrate is
added. The reaction is following first-order kinetics be-
cause the reaction rate is directly proportional to sub-
strate concentration. Eventually, however, the substrate FIGURE 12-2. Michaelis-Menten curve of velocity versus substrate
concentration is high enough to saturate all available en- concentration for enzymatic reaction. Km is the substrate concentra-
zyme, and the reaction velocity reaches its maximum. tion at which the reaction velocity is half of the maximum level.

cules, the rate at which intermolecular collisions occur,

and the energy available for the reaction. This is the case
with enzymatic reactions until the temperature is high
enough to denature the protein composition of the en-
zyme. For each 10° increase in temperature, the rate of
the reaction will approximately double until, of course,
the protein is denatured.
Each enzyme functions optimally at a particular tem-
perature, which is influenced by other reaction variables,
especially the total time for the reaction. The optimal
temperature is usually close to that of the physiologic en-
vironment of the enzyme; however, some denaturation
may occur at the human physiologic temperature of
37°C. The rate of denaturation increases as the tempera-
ture increases and is usually significant at 40° to 50°C.
Because low temperatures render enzymes reversibly
FIGURE 12-3. Lineweaver-Burk transformation of Michaelis-
inactive, many serum or plasma specimens for enzyme
Menten curve. Vmax is the reciprocal of the x-intercept of the measurement are refrigerated or frozen to prevent activ-
straight line. Km is the negative reciprocal of the x-intercept of the ity loss until analysis. Storage procedures may vary from
same line. enzyme to enzyme because of individual stability charac-
teristics. Repeated freezing and thawing, however, tends
excessive substrate. A more accurate and convenient de- to denature protein and should be avoided.
termination of Vmax and Km may be made through a Because of their temperature sensitivity, enzymes
Lineweaver-Burk plot, a double-reciprocal plot of the should be analyzed under strictly controlled temperature
Michaelis-Menten constant, which yields a straight line conditions. Incubation temperatures should be accurate
(Fig. 12-3). The reciprocal is taken of both the substrate within 0.1°C. Laboratories usually attempt to establish
concentration and the velocity of an enzymatic reaction. an analysis temperature for routine enzyme measure-
The equation becomes ment of 25°, 30°, or 37°C. Attempts to establish a uni-
versal temperature for enzyme analysis have been futile
1  Km 1  1 (Eq. 12-3) and, therefore, reference ranges for enzyme levels may
V Vmax [S] Vmax vary significantly among laboratories. In the United
States, however, 37°C is most commonly used.
Enzyme Concentration
Because enzymes catalyze physiologic reactions, the en- Cofactors
zyme concentration affects the rate of the catalyzed re- Cofactors are nonprotein entities that must bind to partic-
action. As long as the substrate concentration exceeds ular enzymes before a reaction occurs. Common activators
the enzyme concentration, the velocity of the reaction is (inorganic cofactors) are metallic (Ca2, Fe2, Mg2,
proportional to the enzyme concentration. The higher Mn2, Zn2, and K) and nonmetallic (Br and Cl–). The
the enzyme level, the faster the reaction will proceed be- activator may be essential for the reaction or may only en-
cause more enzyme is present to bind with the substrate. hance the reaction rate in proportion with concentration
to the point at which the excess activator begins to inhibit
the reaction. Activators function by alternating the spatial
Enzymes are proteins that carry net molecular charges.
configuration of the enzyme for proper substrate binding,
Changes in pH may denature an enzyme or influence its
linking substrate to the enzyme or coenzyme, or undergo-
ionic state, resulting in structural changes or a change in
ing oxidation or reduction.
the charge on an amino acid residue in the active site.
Some common coenzymes (organic cofactors) are nu-
Hence, each enzyme operates within a specific pH range
cleotide phosphates and vitamins. Coenzymes serve as
and maximally at a specific pH. Most physiologic enzy-
second substrates for enzymatic reactions. When bound
matic reactions occur in the pH range of 7.0 to 8.0, but
tightly to the enzyme, coenzymes are called prosthetic
some enzymes are active in wider pH ranges than others. In
groups. For example, NAD as a cofactor may be reduced
the laboratory, the pH for a reaction is carefully controlled
to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
at the optimal pH by means of appropriate buffer solutions.
(NADP) in a reaction in which the primary substrate is
Temperature oxidized. Increasing coenzyme concentration will in-
Increasing temperature usually increases the rate of a crease the velocity of an enzymatic reaction in a manner
chemical reaction by increasing the movement of mole- synonymous with increasing substrate concentration.

When quantitating an enzyme that requires a particular strate to bind the enzyme. The amount of the inhibitor is
cofactor, that cofactor should always be provided in ex- then negligible by comparison, and the reaction will pro-
cess so that the extent of the reaction does not depend on ceed at a slower rate but to the same maximum velocity
the concentration of the cofactor. as an uninhibited reaction. The Km is a constant for each
enzyme and cannot be altered. However, because the
Inhibitors amount of substrate needed to achieve a particular ve-
Enzymatic reactions may not progress normally if a par-
locity is higher in the presence of a competing inhibitor,
ticular substance, an inhibitor, interferes with the reac-
the Km appears to increase when exhibiting the effect of
tion. Competitive inhibitors physically bind to the active
the inhibitor.
site of an enzyme and compete with the substrate for the
The substrate and inhibitor, commonly a metallic ion,
active site. With a substrate concentration significantly
may bind an enzyme simultaneously in noncompetitive
higher than the concentration of the inhibitor, the inhi-
inhibition. The inhibitor may inactivate either an ES com-
bition is reversible because the substrate is more likely
plex or just the enzyme by causing structural changes in
than the inhibitor to bind the active site and the enzyme
the enzyme. Even if the inhibitor binds reversibly and does
has not been destroyed.
not inactivate the enzyme, the presence of the inhibitor
A noncompetitive inhibitor binds an enzyme at a place
when it is bound to the enzyme slows the rate of the reac-
other than the active site and may be reversible in the re-
tion. Thus, for noncompetitive inhibition, the maximum
spect that some naturally present metabolic substances
reaction velocity cannot be achieved. Increasing substrate
combine reversibly with certain enzymes.
levels has no influence on the binding of a noncompetitive
Noncompetitive inhibition also may be irreversible if the
inhibitor, so the Km is unchanged.
inhibitor destroys part of the enzyme involved in cat-
Because uncompetitive inhibition requires the forma-
alytic activity. Because the inhibitor binds the enzyme in-
tion of an ES complex, increasing substrate concentra-
dependently from the substrate, increasing substrate
tion increases inhibition. Therefore, maximum velocity
concentration does not reverse the inhibition.
equal to that of an uninhibited reaction cannot be
Uncompetitive inhibition is another kind of inhibition
achieved, and the Km appears to be decreased.
in which the inhibitor binds to the ES complex—in-
creasing substrate concentration results in more ES com-
Measurement of Enzyme Activity
plexes to which the inhibitor binds and, thereby, in-
creases the inhibition. The enzyme–substrate–inhibitor Because enzymes are usually present in very small quan-
complex does not yield product. tities in biologic fluids and often difficult to isolate from
Each of the three kinds of inhibition is unique with re- similar compounds, a convenient method of enzyme
spect to effects on the Vmax and Km of enzymatic reac- quantitation is measurement of catalytic activity. Activity
tions (Fig. 12-4). In competitive inhibition, the effect of is then related to concentration. Common methods
the inhibitor can be counteracted by adding excess sub- might photometrically measure an increase in product

FIGURE 12-4. Normal Lineweaver-Burk plot (solid line) compared with each type of enzyme inhibition (dotted line). (A) Competitive inhibi-
tion Vmax unaltered; Km appears increased. (B) Noncompetitive inhibition Vmax decreased; Km unchanged. (C) Uncompetitive inhibition Vmax
decreased; Km appears decreased.

concentration, a decrease in substrate concentration, a (usually by inactivating the enzyme with a weak acid),
decrease in coenzyme concentration, or an increase in and a measurement is made of the amount of reaction
the concentration of an altered coenzyme. that has occurred. The reaction is assumed to be linear
If the amount of substrate and any coenzyme is in ex- over the reaction time; the larger the reaction, the more
cess in an enzymatic reaction, the amount of substrate or enzyme is present.
coenzyme used, or product or altered coenzyme formed, In continuous-monitoring or kinetic assays, multiple
will depend only on the amount of enzyme present to measurements, usually of absorbance change, are made
catalyze the reaction. Enzyme concentrations, therefore, during the reaction, either at specific time intervals (usu-
are always performed in zero-order kinetics, with the ally every 30 or 60 seconds) or continuously by a con-
substrate in sufficient excess to ensure that no more than tinuous-recording spectrophotometer. These assays are
20% of the available substrate is converted to product. advantageous over fixed-time methods because the lin-
Any coenzymes also must be in excess. NADH is a coen- earity of the reaction may be more adequately verified. If
zyme frequently measured in the laboratory. NADH ab- absorbance is measured at intervals, several data points
sorbs light at 340 nm, whereas NAD does not, and a are necessary to increase the accuracy of linearity assess-
change in absorbance at 340 nm is easily measured. ment. Continuous measurements are preferred because
In specific laboratory methodologies, substances any deviation from linearity is readily observable.
other than substrate or coenzyme are necessary and must The most common cause of deviation from linearity
be present in excess. NAD or NADH is often convenient occurs when the enzyme is so elevated that all substrate
as a reagent for a coupled-enzyme assay when neither is used early in the reaction time. For the remainder of
NAD nor NADH is a coenzyme for the reaction. In other the reaction, the rate change is minimal, with the impli-
coupled-enzyme assays, more than one enzyme is added cation that the coenzyme concentration is very low. With
in excess as a reagent and multiple reactions are cat- continuous monitoring, the laboratorian may observe a
alyzed. After the enzyme under analysis catalyzes its spe- sudden decrease in the reaction rate (deviation from
cific reaction, a product of that reaction becomes the zero-order kinetics) of a particular determination and
substrate on which an intermediate auxiliary enzyme may repeat the determination using less patient sample.
acts. A product of the intermediate reaction becomes the The decrease in the amount of patient sample operates as
substrate for the final reaction, which is catalyzed by an a dilution, and the answer obtained may be multiplied by
indicator enzyme and commonly involves the conversion the dilution factor to obtain the final answer. The sample
of NAD to NADH or vice versa. itself is not diluted so that the diluent cannot interfere
When performing an enzyme quantitation in zero- with the reaction. (Sample dilution with saline may be
order kinetics, inhibitors must be lacking and other vari- necessary to minimize negative effects in analysis caused
ables that may influence the rate of the reaction must be by hemolysis or lipemia.) Enzyme activity measurements
carefully controlled. A constant pH should be main- may not be accurate if storage conditions compromise in-
tained by means of an appropriate buffer solution. The tegrity of the protein, if enzyme inhibitors are present, or
temperature should be constant within 0.1°C through- if necessary cofactors are not present.
out the assay at a temperature at which the enzyme is ac-
tive (usually, 25°, 30°, or 37°C).
Calculation of Enzyme Activity
During the progress of the reaction, the period for the
analysis also must be carefully selected. When the en- When enzymes are quantitated relative to their activity
zyme is initially introduced to the reactants and the ex- rather than a direct measurement of concentration, the
cess substrate is steadily combining with available units used to report enzyme levels are activity units. The
enzyme, the reaction rate rises. After the enzyme is satu- definition for the activity unit must consider variables
rated, the rates of product formation, release of enzyme, that may alter results (e.g., pH, temperature, substrate).
and recombination with more substrate proceed linearly. Historically, specific method developers frequently estab-
After a time, usually 6 to 8 minutes after reaction initia- lished their own units for reporting results and often
tion, the reaction rate decreases as the substrate is de- named the units after themselves (i.e., Bodansky and
pleted, the reverse reaction is occurring appreciably, and King units). To standardize the system of reporting quan-
the product begins to inhibit the reaction. Hence, en- titative results, the EC defined the international unit
zyme quantitations must be performed during the linear (IU) as the amount of enzyme that will catalyze the reac-
phase of the reaction. tion of 1 mol of substrate per minute under specified
One of two general methods may be used to measure conditions of temperature, pH, substrates, and activators.
the extent of an enzymatic reaction: (1) fixed-time and Because the specified conditions may vary among labora-
(2) continuous-monitoring or kinetic assay. In the fixed- tories, reference values are still often laboratory specific.
time method, the reactants are combined, the reaction Enzyme concentration is usually expressed in units per
proceeds for a designated time, the reaction is stopped liter (IU/L). The unit of enzyme activity recognized by

the International System of Units (Système International ciency testing for all laboratories. Problems with quality
d’Unités [SI]) is the katal (mol/s). The mole is the unit for control materials for enzyme testing have been a signifi-
substrate concentration, and the unit of time is the sec- cant issue. Differences between clinical specimens and
ond. Enzyme concentration is then expressed as katals control sera include species of origin of the enzyme, in-
per liter (kat/L) (1.0 IU  17 nkat). tegrity of the molecular species, isoenzyme forms, matrix
When enzymes are quantitated by measuring the in- of the solution, addition of preservatives, and lyophiliza-
crease or decrease of NADH at 340 nm, the molar ab- tion processes. Many studies have been conducted to en-
sorptivity (6.22
103 mol/L) of NADH is used to calcu- sure accurate enzyme measurements and good quality
late enzyme activity. control materials.4

Measurement of Enzyme Mass Enzymes as Reagents

Immunoassay methodologies that quantify enzyme con- Enzymes may be used as reagents to measure many
centration by mass are also available and are routinely nonenzymatic constituents in serum. For example, glu-
used for quantification of some enzymes, such as creatine cose, cholesterol, and uric acid are frequently quantitated
kinase (CK)-MB. Immunoassays may overestimate active by means of enzymatic reactions, which measure the
enzyme as a result of possible cross-reactivity with inac- concentration of the analyte due to the specificity of the
tive enzymes, such as zymogens, inactive isoenzymes, enzyme. Enzymes are also used as reagents for methods
macroenzymes, or partially digested enzyme. The rela- of quantitating analytes that are substrates for corre-
tionship between enzyme activity and enzyme quantity is sponding enzyme quantitations. One example, lactate
generally linear but should be determined for each en- dehydrogenase (LDH), may be a reagent when lactate or
zyme. Enzymes may also be determined and quantified pyruvate concentrations are evaluated. For such meth-
by electrophoretic techniques, which provide resolution ods, the enzyme is added in excess in a quantity suffi-
of isoenzymes and isoforms. cient to provide a complete reaction in a short period.
Ensuring the accuracy of enzyme measurements has Immobilized enzymes are chemically bonded to adsor-
long been a concern of laboratorians. The Clinical bents, such as agarose or certain types of cellulose, by
Laboratory Improvement Amendment of 1988 (CLIA ’88) azide groups, diazo, and triazine. The enzymes act as re-
has established guidelines for quality control and profi- coverable reagents. When substrate is passed through the
preparation, the product is retrieved and analyzed, and
the enzyme is present and free to react with more sub-
CASE STUDY 12-1 strate. Immobilized enzymes are convenient for batch
analyses and are more stable than enzymes in a solution.
A 51-year-old, overweight white man visits his family Enzymes are also commonly used as reagents in compet-
physician with a symptom of “indigestion” of 5 days’ itive and noncompetitive immunoassays, such as those
duration. He has also had bouts of sweating, malaise, used to measure human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
and headache. His blood pressure is 140/105 mm Hg; antibodies, therapeutic drugs, and cancer antigens.
his family history includes a father with diabetes who Commonly used enzymes include horseradish peroxi-
died at age 62 of AMI secondary to diabetes mellitus. dase, alkaline phosphatase, glucose-6-phosphate dehy-
An electrocardiogram revealed changes from one per- drogenase, and -galactosidase. The enzyme in these as-
formed 6 months earlier. The results of the patient’s says functions as an indicator that reflects either the
blood work are as follows: presence or absence of the analyte.


CK-MB 4% ( 6%)
LDH 280 U/L (100–225) Table 12-2 lists the commonly analyzed enzymes, in-
LDH Isoenzymes LDH-1 LDH-2 cluding their systematic names and clinical significance.
AST 35 U/L (5–30) Each enzyme is discussed in this chapter with respect to
tissue source, diagnostic significance, assay method,
Questions source of error, and reference range.

1. Can a diagnosis of AMI be ruled out in this patient? Creatine Kinase

2. What further cardiac markers should be run on CK is an enzyme with a molecular weight of approxi-
this patient? mately 82,000 that is generally associated with ATP re-
3. Should this patient be admitted to the hospital? generation in contractile or transport systems. Its pre-
dominant physiologic function occurs in muscle cells,


Acid phosphatase (ACP) Prostatic carcinoma
Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) Hepatic disorder
Aldolase (ALD) Skeletal muscle disorder
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) Hepatic disorder
Bone disorder
Amylase (AMS) Acute pancreatitis
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) Blood pressure regulation
Aspartate amino-transferase (AST) Myocardial infarction
Hepatic disorder
Skeletal muscle disorder
Chymotrypsin (CHY) Chronic pancreatitis insufficiency
Creatine kinase (CK) Myocardial infarction
Skeletal muscle disorder
Elastase-1 (E1) Chronic pancreatitis insufficiency
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) Drug-induced hemolytic anemia
Glutamate dehydrogenase (GLD) Hepatic disorder
-Glutamyltransferase (GGT) Hepatic disorder
Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) Hepatic disorder
Glycogen phosphorylase (GP) Acute myocardial infarction
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) Myocardial infarction
Hepatic disorder
Lipase (LPS) Acute pancreatitis
5-Nucleotidase Hepatic disorder
Pseudocholinesterase (PChE) Organophosphate poisoning
Genetic variants
Hepatic disorder
Suxamethonium sensitivity
Pyruvate kinase (PK) Hemolytic anemia
Trypsin (TRY) Acute pancreatitis

where it is involved in the storage of high-energy crea- CK is present in much smaller quantities in other tissue
tine phosphate. Every contraction cycle of muscle re- sources, including the bladder, placenta, gastrointestinal
sults in creatine phosphate use, with the production of tract, thyroid, uterus, kidney, lung, prostate, spleen, liver,
ATP. This results in relatively constant levels of muscle and pancreas.
ATP. The reversible reaction catalyzed by CK is shown
in Equation 12-4. Diagnostic Significance
Because of the high concentrations of CK in muscle tis-
sue, CK levels are frequently elevated in disorders of car-
Creatine  ATP Creatine phosphate  ADP diac and skeletal muscle. The CK level is considered a
(Eq. 12-4) sensitive indicator of acute myocardial infarction (AMI)
and muscular dystrophy, particularly the Duchenne
Tissue Source type. Striking elevations of CK occur in Duchenne-type
CK is widely distributed in tissue, with highest activities muscular dystrophy, with values reaching 50 to 100
found in skeletal muscle, heart muscle, and brain tissue. times the upper limit of normal (ULN). Although total

CK levels are sensitive indicators of these disorders, they Because enzyme elevation is found in numerous dis-
are not entirely specific indicators inasmuch as CK ele- orders, the separation of total CK into its various isoen-
vation is found in various other abnormalities of cardiac zyme fractions is considered a more specific indicator of
and skeletal muscle. Levels of CK also vary with muscle various disorders than total levels. Typically, the clinical
mass and, therefore, may depend on gender, race, degree relevance of CK activity depends more on isoenzyme
of physical conditioning, and age. fractionation than on total levels.
Elevated CK levels are also occasionally seen in central CK occurs as a dimer consisting of two subunits that
nervous system disorders such as cerebrovascular acci- can be separated readily into three distinct molecular
dent, seizures, nerve degeneration, and central nervous forms. The three isoenzymes have been designated as
system shock. Damage to the blood–brain barrier must CK-BB (brain type), CK-MB (hybrid type), and CK-MM
occur to allow enzyme release to the peripheral circulation. (muscle type). On electrophoretic separation, CK-BB will
Other pathophysiologic conditions in which elevated migrate fastest toward the anode and is therefore called
CK levels occur are hypothyroidism, malignant hyper- CK-1. CK-BB is followed by CK-MB (CK-2) and, finally,
pyrexia, and Reye’s syndrome. Table 12-3 lists the major by CK-MM (CK-3), exhibiting the slowest mobility (Fig.
disorders associated with abnormal CK levels. Serum CK 12-5). Table 12-3 indicates the tissue localization of the
levels and CK/progesterone ratio have been useful in the isoenzymes and the major conditions associated with el-
diagnosis of ectopic pregnancies.5 Total serum CK levels evated levels. Separation of CK isoforms may also by vi-
have also been used as an early diagnostic tool to identify sualized by high-voltage electrophoretic separation.
patients with Vibrio vulnificus infections.6 Isoforms occur following cleavage of the carboxyl-termi-


CK-MM Heart Myocardial infarction
Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle disorder
Muscular dystrophy
Malignant hyperthermia
Physical activity
Intramuscular injection
CK-MB Heart Myocardial infarction
Skeletal muscle Myocardial injury
Inflammatory heart disease
Cardiac surgery
Duchenne-type muscular dystrophy
Malignant hyperthermia
Reye’s syndrome
Rocky Mountain spotted fever
Carbon monoxide poisoning
CK-BB Brain Central nervous system shock
Bladder Anoxic encephalopathy
Lung Cerebrovascular accident
Prostate Seizure
Uterus Placental or uterine trauma
Colon Carcinoma
Stomach Reye’s syndrome
Thyroid Carbon monoxide poisoning
Malignant hyperthermia
Acute and chronic renal failure

Although brain tissue has high concentrations of CK,

serum rarely contains CK-BB of brain origin. Because of its
molecular size (80,000), its passage across the blood–brain
barrier is hindered. However, when extensive damage to
the brain has occurred, significant amounts of CK-BB can
FIGURE 12-5. Electrophoretic migration pattern of normal and
sometimes be detected in the serum.
atypical CK isoenzymes. It has been observed that CK-BB may be significantly el-
evated in patients with carcinoma of various organs. It has
been found in association with untreated prostatic carci-
noma and other adenocarcinomas. These findings indicate
nal amino acid from the M subunit by serum car- that CK-BB may be a useful tumor-associated marker.9
boxypeptidase N. Three isoforms have been described for The most common causes of CK-BB elevations are
CK-MM and two isoforms for CK-MB; the clinical signif- central nervous system damage, tumors, childbirth, and
icance is not well established. the presence of macro-CK, an enzyme–immunoglobulin
The major isoenzyme in the sera of healthy people is complex. In most of these cases, the CK-BB level is
the MM form. Values for the MB isoenzyme range from greater than 5 U/L, usually in the range of 10–50 U/L.
undetectable to trace ( 6% of total CK). It also appears Other conditions listed in Table 12-3 usually show CK-
that CK-BB is present in small quantities in the sera of BB activity below 10 U/L.10
healthy people; however, the presence of CK-BB in The value of CK isoenzyme separation can be found
serum depends on the method of detection. Most tech- principally in detection of myocardial damage. Cardiac tis-
niques cannot detect CK-BB in normal serum. sue contains significant quantities of CK-MB, approxi-
CK-MM is the major isoenzyme fraction found in mately 20% of all CK-MB. Whereas CK-MB is found in
striated muscle and normal serum. Skeletal muscle con- small quantities in other tissue, myocardium is essentially
tains almost entirely CK-MM, with a small amount of the only tissue from which CK-MB enters the serum in sig-
CK-MB. The majority of CK activity in heart muscle is nificant quantities. Demonstration of elevated levels of
also attributed to CK-MM, with approximately 20% a CK-MB, greater than or equal to 6% of the total CK, is con-
result of CK-MB.7 Normal serum consists of approxi- sidered a good indicator of myocardial damage, particu-
mately 94% to 100% CK-MM. Injury to both cardiac larly AMI. Other nonenzyme proteins, called troponins,
and skeletal muscle accounts for the majority of cases of have been found to be even more specific and may elevate
CK-MM elevations (Table 12-3). Hypothyroidism re- in the absence of CK-MB elevations. Following myocardial
sults in CK-MM elevations because of the involvement infarction, the CK-MB levels begin to rise within 4 to 8
of muscle tissue (increased membrane permeability), hours, peak at 12 to 24 hours, and return to normal levels
the effect of thyroid hormone on enzyme activity, and, within 48 to 72 hours. This time frame must be considered
possibly, the slower clearance of CK as a result of when interpreting CK-MB levels.
slower metabolism. CK-MB activity has been observed in other cardiac
Mild to strenuous activity may contribute to elevated disorders (Table 12-3). Therefore, increased quantities
CK levels, as may intramuscular injections. In physical are not entirely specific for AMI but probably reflect
activity, the extent of elevation is variable. However, the some degree of ischemic heart damage. The specificity of
degree of exercise in relation to the exercise capacity of CK-MB levels in the diagnosis of AMI can be increased if
the individual is the most important factor in determin- interpreted in conjunction with LDH isoenzymes and/or
ing the degree of elevation.8 Patients who are physically troponins and if measured sequentially over a 48-hour
well conditioned show lesser degrees of elevation than period to detect the typical rise and fall of enzyme activ-
do patients who are less conditioned. Levels may be ele- ity seen in AMI (Fig. 12-6).
vated for as long as 48 hours following exercise. The MB isoenzyme also has been detected in the sera
CK elevations are generally less than five times ULN of patients with noncardiac disorders. CK-MB levels
following intramuscular injections and usually not ap- found in these conditions probably represent leakage
parent after 48 hours, although elevations may persist for from skeletal muscle, although in Duchenne-type mus-
1 week. The predominant isoenzyme is CK-MM. cular dystrophy, there may be some cardiac involvement
The quantity of CK-BB in the tissue (Table 12-3) is as well. CK-MB levels in Reye’s syndrome also may re-
usually small. The small quantity, coupled with its rela- flect myocardial damage.
tively short half-life (1–5 hours), results in CK-BB activi- Despite the findings of CK-MB levels in disorders
ties that are generally low and transient and not usually other than myocardial infarction, its presence still re-
measurable when tissue damage occurs. Highest concen- mains a significant indicator of AMI.11 The typical time
trations are found in the central nervous system, the gas- course of CK-MB elevation following AMI is not found in
trointestinal tract, and the uterus during pregnancy. other conditions.

FIGURE 12-6. Time-activity curves of enzymes in myocardial infarction for AST, CK, CK-MB, and LDH. CK,
specifically the MB fraction, increases initially, followed by AST and LDH. LDH is elevated the longest. All en-
zymes usually return to normal within 10 days.

Nonenzyme proteins (troponin I and troponin T) myocardial infarction. The incidence of CK-Mi ranges
have been used as a more sensitive and specific marker of from 0.8%–1.7%. For it to be detected in serum, exten-
myocardial damage. These proteins are released into the sive tissue damage must occur, causing breakdown of
bloodstream earlier and persist longer than CK and its the mitochondrion and cell wall. Its presence does not
isoenzyme CK-MB. More information on these protein correlate with any specific disease state but appears to
markers of AMI can be found in Chapter 10 and 25. be an indicator of severe illness. CK-Mi has been de-
Numerous reports have been made describing the ap- tected in cases of malignant tumor and cardiac abnor-
pearance of unusual CK isoenzyme bands displaying malities.
electrophoretic properties that differ from the three In view of the indefinite correlation between these
major isoenzyme fractions12–16 (Fig. 12-5). These atypi- atypical CK forms and a specific disease state, it appears
cal forms are generally of two types and are referred to as that their significance relates primarily to the methods
macro-CK and mitochondrial CK. used for detecting CK-MB. In certain analytic proce-
Macro-CK appears to migrate to a position midway be- dures, these atypical forms may be measured as CK-MB,
tween CK-MM and CK-MB. This type of macro-CK largely resulting in erroneously high CK-MB levels.
comprises CK-BB complexed with immunoglobulin. In Methods used for measurement of CK isoenzymes in-
most instances, the associated immunoglobulin is IgG, al- clude electrophoresis.; ion-exchange chromatography.
though a complex with IgA also has been described. The and several immunoassays, including radioimmunoassay
term macro-CK has also been used to describe complexes (RIA) and immunoinhibition methods. Although mass
of lipoproteins with CK-MM. methods are more sensitive and preferred for quantita-
The incidence of macro-CK in sera ranges from 0.8% tion of CK-MB, electrophoresis has been the reference
to 1.6%. Currently, no specific disorder is associated method. The electrophoretic properties of the CK isoen-
with its presence, although it appears to be age and sex zymes are shown in Figure 12-5. Generally, the tech-
related, occurring most frequently in women older than nique consists of performing electrophoresis on the sam-
age 50. ple, measuring the reaction using an overlay technique.
Mitochondrial CK (CK-Mi) is bound to the exterior and then visualizing the bands under ultraviolet light.
surface of the inner mitochondrial membranes of mus- With electrophoresis, the atypical bands can be sepa-
cle, brain, and liver. It migrates to a point cathodal to rated, allowing their detection apart from the three major
CK-MM and exists as a dimeric molecule of two identi- bands. Often a strongly fluorescent band appears, which
cal subunits. It occurs in serum in both the dimeric migrates in close proximity to the CK-BB form. The exact
state and in the form of oligomeric aggregates of high nature of this fluorescence is unknown, but it has been
molecular weight (350,000). CK-Mi is not present in attributed to the binding of fluorescent drugs or bilirubin
normal serum and is typically not present following by albumin.

In addition to visualizing atypical CK bands, other ad- The reverse reaction is coupled with the hexoki-
vantages of electrophoresis methods include detecting an nase–glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase–NADP sys-
unsatisfactory separation and allowing visualization of tem, as indicated in Equation 12-6:
adenylate kinase (AK). AK is an enzyme released from CK
Creatine phosphate  ADP Creatine  ADP
erythrocytes in hemolyzed samples and appearing as a KH
band cathodal to CK-MM. AK may interfere with chemi- ATP  glucose ADP  glucose-6-phosphate
cal or immunoinhibition methods, causing a falsely ele- G-6-PD
Glucose 6-phosphate  NADPH
vated CK or CK-MB value. 6-phosphogluconate  NADPH (Eq. 12-6)
Ion-exchange chromatography has the potential for
being more sensitive and precise than electrophoretic The reverse reaction proposed by Oliver and modified
procedures performed with good technique. On an un- by Rosalki is the most commonly performed method in
satisfactory column, however, CK-MM may merge into the clinical laboratory.13 The reaction proceeds two to
CK-MB and CK-BB may be eluted with CK-MB. Also, six times faster than the forward reaction, depending on
macro-CK may elute with CK-MB. the assay conditions and there is less interference from
Antibodies against both the M and B subunits have side reactions. The optimal pH for the reverse reaction is
been used to determine CK-MB activity. Anti-M inhibits 6.8; for the forward reaction, it is 9.0.
all M activity but not B activity. CK activity is measured CK activity in serum is unstable, being rapidly inacti-
before and after inhibition. Activity remaining after M in- vated because of oxidation of sulfhydryl groups.
hibition is a result of the B subunit of both MB and BB ac- Inactivation can be partially reversed by the addition of
tivity. The residual activity after inhibition is multiplied sulfhydryl compounds to the assay reagent. Compounds
by 2 to account for MB activity (50% inhibited). The such as N-acetylcysteine, mercaptoethanol, thioglycerol,
major disadvantage of this method is that it detects BB and dithiothreitol are among those used.
activity, which, although not normally detectable, will
Source of Error
cause falsely elevated MB results when BB is present. In
Hemolysis of serum samples may be a source of elevated
addition, the atypical forms of CK-Mi and macro-CK are
CK activity. Erythrocytes are virtually devoid of CK; how-
not inhibited by anti-M antibodies and also may cause er-
ever, they are rich in AK activity. AK reacts with ADP to
roneous results for MB activity.
produce ATP, which is then available to participate in the
Immunoassays detect CK-MB reliably with minimal
assay reaction, causing falsely elevated CK levels. This in-
cross-reactivity. Immunoassays measure the concentra-
terference can occur with hemolysis of greater than 320
tion of enzyme protein rather than enzymatic activity
mg/L hemoglobin, which releases sufficient AK to exhaust
and can, therefore, detect enzymatically inactive CK-MB.
the AK inhibitors in the reagent. Trace hemolysis causes
This leads to the possibility of permitting detection of in-
little, if any, CK elevation. Serum should be stored in a
farction earlier than other methods. A double-antibody
dark place because CK is inactivated by light. Activity can
immunoinhibition assay is also available. This technique
be restored after storage in the dark at 4°C for 7 days or at
allows differentiation of MB activity due to adenylate ki-
20°C for 1 month when the assay is conducted using a
nase and the atypical isoenzymes, resulting in a more
sulfhydryl activator.18 Because of the effect of muscular ac-
specific analytic procedure for CK-MB.17 Point-of-care
tivity and muscle mass on CK levels, it should be noted
assay systems for CM-MB are available but not as widely
that people who are physically well trained tend to have el-
used as those for troponins.
evated baseline levels and that patients who are bedridden
for prolonged periods may have decreased CK activity.
Assay Enzyme Activity
As indicated by Equation 12-4, CK catalyzes both for- Reference Range
ward and reverse reactions involving phosphorylation Total CK:
of creatine or ADP. Typically, for analysis of CK activ- Male, 15–160 U/L (37°C)
ity, this reaction is coupled with other enzyme systems Female, 15–130 U/L (37°C)
and a change in absorbance at 340 nm is determined.
The forward reaction is coupled with the pyruvate ki- CK-MB: 6% total CK
nase–LDH–NADH system and proceeds according to The higher values in males are attributed to increased
Equation 12-5: muscle mass. Note that enzyme reference ranges are sub-
CK ject to variation, depending on the method used and the
Creatine  ATP Creatine phosphate  ADP assay conditions.
ADP  phosphoenolpyruvate pyruvate  ATP
Lactate Dehydrogenase

Pyruvate  NADH  H lactate  NAD
LDH is an enzyme that catalyzes the interconversion of
(Eq. 12-5) lactic and pyruvic acids. It is a hydrogen-transfer en-

zyme that uses the coenzyme NAD according to elevations can be observed in most patients with acute
Equation 12-7: lymphoblastic leukemia in particular.
Because of the many conditions that contribute to in-
CH3 CH3 creased activity, an elevated total LDH value is a rather
⏐ LD
⏐ nonspecific finding. LDH assays, therefore, assume more
HCM OH  NAD CBO  NADH  H clinical significance when separated into isoenzyme frac-
⏐ ⏐ tions. The enzyme can be separated into five major frac-
COOH COOH tions, each comprising four subunits. It has a molecular
Lactate Pyruvate weight of 128,000 daltons. Each isoenzyme comprises
(Eq. 12-7)
four polypeptide chains with a molecular weight of
Tissue Source 32,000 daltons each. Two different polypeptide chains,
LDH is widely distributed in the body. High activities are designated H (heart) and M (muscle), combine in five
found in the heart, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney, and ery- arrangements to yield the five major isoenzyme fractions.
throcytes; lesser amounts are found in the lung, smooth Table 12-4 indicates the tissue localization of the LDH
muscle, and brain. isoenzymes and the major disorders associated with ele-
vated levels. LDH-1 migrates most quickly toward the
Diagnostic Significance anode, followed in sequence by the other fractions, with
Because of its widespread activity in numerous body tis- LDH-5 migrating the slowest.
sue, LDH is elevated in a variety of disorders. Increased In the sera of healthy individuals, the major isoen-
levels are found in cardiac, hepatic, skeletal muscle, and zyme fraction is LDH-2, followed by LDH-1, LDH-3,
renal diseases, as well as in several hematologic and neo- LDH-4, and LDH-5 (for the isoenzyme ranges, see Table
plastic disorders. The highest levels of total LDH are 12-5). LDH-1 and LDH-2 are present to approximately
seen in pernicious anemia and hemolytic disorders. the same extent in the tissues listed in Table 12-4.
Intramedullary destruction of erythroblasts causes eleva- However, cardiac tissue and red blood cells contain a
tion as a result of the high concentration of LDH in ery- higher concentration of LDH-1. Therefore, in conditions
throcytes. Liver disorders, such as viral hepatitis and cir- involving cardiac necrosis (AMI) and intravascular he-
rhosis, show slight elevations of two to three times ULN. molysis, the serum levels of LDH-1 will increase to a
AMI and pulmonary infarct also show slight elevations of point at which they are present in greater concentration
approximately the same degree (2–3
ULN). In AMI, than LDH-2, resulting in a condition known as the LDH
LDH levels begin to rise within 12 to 24 hours, reach flipped pattern (LDH-1 LDH-2).19 This flipped pat-
peak levels within 48 to 72 hours, and may remain ele- tern is suggestive of AMI. However, LDH is not specific
vated for 10 days. Skeletal muscle disorders and some to cardiac tissue and is not a preferred marker of diagno-
leukemias contribute to increased LDH levels. Marked sis of AMI. LDH-1/LDH-2 ratios greater than 1 also may


LDH-1 (HHHH) Heart Myocardial infarction
Red blood cells Hemolytic anemia
LDH-2 (HHHM) Heart Megaloblastic anemia
Red blood cells Acute renal infarct
Hemolyzed specimen
LDH-3 (HHMM) Lung Pulmonary embolism
Lymphocytes Extensive
Spleen Pulmonary pneumonia
Pancreas Lymphocytosis
Acute pancreatitis
LDH-4 (HMMM) Liver Hepatic injury or inflammation
LDH-5 (MMMM) Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle injury

TABLE 12-5 LACTATE DEHYDROGENASE (LDH) The chemical assay, known as the measurement of -
ISOENZYMES AS A PERCENTAGE hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase activity (-HBD), is
OF TOTAL LDH outlined in Equation 12-8.
LDH-1 14–26 ⏐ -HBD

LDH-2 29–39 CH2  NADH  H CH2  NAD
LDH-3 20–26 ⏐ ⏐
LDH-4 8–16 ⏐ ⏐
Reprinted with permission from Lott JA, Stang JM. Serum enzymes -Ketobutyrate -Hydroxybutyrate
and isoenzymes in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of myocar- (Eq. 12-8)
dial ischemia and necrosis. Clin Chem 1980;26:1241.
-HBD is not a separate and distinct enzyme but is
considered to represent the LDH-1 activity of total LDH.
However, -HBD activity is not entirely specific for the
be observed in hemolyzed serum samples.20 Elevations LDH-1 fraction because LDH-2, LDH-3, and LDH-4 also
of LDH-3 occur most frequently with pulmonary in- contain varying amounts of the H subunit. HBD activity
volvement and are also observed in patients with various is increased in those conditions in which the LDH-1 and
carcinomas. The LDH-4 and LDH-5 isoenzymes are LDH-2 fractions are increased.
found primarily in liver and skeletal muscle tissue, with LDH is commonly used to measure lactic and pyruvic
LDH-5 being the predominant fraction in these tissues. acids or as a coupled reaction.
LDH-5 levels have greatest clinical significance in the de-
Assay for Enzyme Activity
tection of hepatic disorders, particularly intrahepatic dis-
LDH catalyzes the interconversion of lactic and pyruvic
orders. Disorders of skeletal muscle will reveal elevated
acids using the coenzyme NAD. The reaction sequence
LDH-5 levels, as depicted in the muscular dystrophies.
is outlined in Equation 12-9:
A sixth LDH isoenzyme has been identified, which
migrates cathodic to LDH-5.21–23 LDH-6 is alcohol dehy- Lactate  NAD pyruvate  NADH  H
drogenase. In reporting studies, LDH-6 has been present (Eq. 12-9)
in patients with arteriosclerotic cardiovascular failure. It
is believed that its appearance signifies a grave prognosis The reaction can proceed in either a forward (lactate
and impending death. LDH-5 is elevated concurrently [L]) or reverse (pyruvate [P]) direction. Both reactions
with the appearance of LDH-6, probably representing he- have been used in clinical assays. The rate of the reverse
patic congestion due to cardiovascular disease. It is sug- reaction is approximately three times faster, allowing
gested, therefore, that LDH-6 may reflect liver injury sec- smaller sample volumes and shorter reaction times.
ondary to severe circulatory insufficiency. However, the reverse reaction is more susceptible to sub-
LDH has been shown to complex with immunoglobu- strate exhaustion and loss of linearity. The optimal pH for
lins and to reveal atypical bands on electrophoresis. LDH the forward reaction is 8.3 to 8.9; for the reverse reaction,
complexed with IgA and IgG usually migrates between it is 7.1 to 7.4.
LDH-3 and LDH-4. This macromolecular complex is not Source of Error
associated with any specific clinical abnormality. Erythrocytes contain an LDH concentration approxi-
Analysis of LDH isoenzymes can be accomplished by mately 100 to 150 times that found in serum. Therefore,
electrophoresis, by immunoinhibition or chemical inhi- any degree of hemolysis should render a sample unac-
bition methods, or by differences in substrate affinity. ceptable for analysis. LDH activity is unstable in serum
Because of limited clinical utility, such tests are not regardless of the temperature at which it is stored. If the
commonly used. The electrophoretic procedure has sample cannot be analyzed immediately, it should be
been widely used historically. After electrophoretic sep- stored at 25°C and analyzed within 48 hours. LDH-5 is
aration, the isoenzymes can be detected either fluoro- the most labile isoenzyme. Loss of activity occurs more
metrically or colorimetrically. LDH can use other sub- quickly at 4°C than at 25°C. Serum samples for LDH
strates in addition to lactate, such as -hydroxybu- isoenzyme analysis should be stored at 25°C and ana-
tyrate. The H subunits have a greater affinity for -hy- lyzed within 24 hours of collection.
droxybutyrate than to the M subunits. This has led to
the use of this substrate in an attempt to measure the Reference Range
LDH-1 activity, which consists entirely of H subunits. LDH, 100–225 U/L (37°C)

Aspartate Aminotransferase extracellular concentration. The cytoplasmic isoenzyme

is the predominant form occurring in serum. In disor-
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is an enzyme belong- ders producing cellular necrosis, the mitochondrial
ing to the class of transferases. It is commonly referred form may be significantly increased. Isoenzyme analysis
to as a transaminase and is involved in the transfer of an of AST is not routinely performed in the clinical labo-
amino group between aspartate and -keto acids. The ratory.
older terminology, serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transami-
nase (SGOT, or GOT), may also be used. Pyridoxal phos- Assay for Enzyme Activity
phate functions as a coenzyme. The reaction proceeds ac- Assay methods for AST are generally based on the prin-
cording to Equation 12-10: ciple of the Karmen method, which incorporates a cou-
pled enzymatic reaction using malate dehydrogenase
(MD) as the indicator reaction and monitors the change
⏐ ⏐ AST
⏐ ⏐ in absorbance at 340 nm continuously as NADH is oxi-
CH2  CH2 CH2  CH2 dized to NAD (Eq. 12-11). The optimal pH is 7.3 to 7.8.
⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ AST
HCM NH2 CH2 CBO CH2 Aspartate  -ketoglutarate
⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ oxaloacetate  glutamate
COOH CBO COOH HCM NH2 Oxaloacetate  NADH  H malate  NAD
⏐ ⏐
(Eq. 12-11)
Asparate -keto- Oxalo- Glutamate Source of Error
glutarate acetate Hemolysis should be avoided because it can dramatically
(Eq. 12-10) increase serum AST concentration. AST activity is stable
The transamination reaction is important in interme- in serum for 3 to 4 days at refrigerated temperatures.
diary metabolism because of its function in the synthesis Reference Range
and degradation of amino acids. The ketoacids formed by AST, 5 to 30 U/L (37°C)
the reaction are ultimately oxidized by the tricarboxylic
acid cycle to provide a source of energy. Alanine Aminotransferase
Tissue Source Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is a transferase with en-
AST is widely distributed in human tissue. The highest zymatic activity similar to that of AST. Specifically, it cat-
concentrations are found in cardiac tissue, liver, and alyzes the transfer of an amino group from alanine to -
skeletal muscle, with smaller amounts found in the kid- ketoglutarate with the formation of glutamate and pyru-
ney, pancreas, and erythrocytes. vate. The older terminology was serum glutamic-pyruvic
Diagnostic Significance transaminase (SGPT, or GPT). Equation 12-12 indicates
The clinical use of AST is limited mainly to the evaluation the transferase reaction. Pyridoxal phosphate acts as the
of hepatocellular disorders and skeletal muscle involve- coenzyme.
ment. In AMI, AST levels begin to rise within 6 to CH3 COOH CH3 COOH
8 hours, peak at 24 hours, and generally return to normal ⏐ ⏐ ALT
⏐ ⏐
within 5 days. However, because of the wide tissue distri- HCM NH2  CBO CBO  HCM NH2
bution, AST levels are not useful in the diagnosis of AMI. ⏐ ⏐ ⏐ ⏐
AST elevations are frequently seen in pulmonary em- COOH CH2 COOH CH2
bolism. Following congestive heart failure, AST levels also ⏐ ⏐
may be increased, probably reflecting liver involvement as CH2 CH2
a result of inadequate blood supply to that organ. AST lev-
⏐ ⏐
els are highest in acute hepatocellular disorders. In viral
hepatitis, levels may reach 100 times ULN. In cirrhosis,
Alanine -keto- Pyruvate Glutamate
only moderate levels—approximately four times ULN—
are detected (see Chapter 24). Skeletal muscle disorders,
(Eq. 12-12)
such as the muscular dystrophies, and inflammatory con-
ditions also cause increases in AST levels (4–8
ULN). Tissue Source
AST exists as two isoenzyme fractions located in the ALT is distributed in many tissues, with comparatively
cell cytoplasm and mitochondria. The intracellular con- high concentrations in the liver. It is considered the more
centration of AST may be 7,000 times higher than the liver-specific enzyme of the transferases.

Diagnostic Significance CASE STUDY 12-2

Clinical applications of ALT assays are confined mainly
to evaluation of hepatic disorders. Higher elevations are While a 71-year-old woman is walking home from a
found in hepatocellular disorders than in extrahepatic or shopping center, she faints and falls. She is driven
intrahepatic obstructive disorders. In acute inflammatory home by a friend. When home, she realizes that she
conditions of the liver, ALT elevations are frequently is bleeding from her mouth and is slightly disori-
higher than those of AST and tend to remain elevated ented. She appears injured from the fall, but she
longer as a result of the longer half-life of ALT in serum does not remember tripping or falling. The woman is
(16 and 24 hours, respectfully). taken to a local emergency department. The examin-
Cardiac tissue contains a small amount of ALT activity, ing physician determines that there was a loss of
but the serum level usually remains normal in AMI unless consciousness; to determine the reason, he orders a
subsequent liver damage has occurred. ALT levels have head CT and ECG and the following laboratory tests:
historically been compared with levels of AST to help de- CBC, PT, aPTT, CK, LDH, AST, and troponin T and
termine the source of an elevated AST level and to detect troponin I. All tests are within normal limits. The
liver involvement concurrent with myocardial injury. woman is sutured for the mouth injuries and admit-
Assay for Enzyme Activity ted to a 24-hour observation unit.
The typical assay procedure for ALT consists of a cou-
pled enzymatic reaction using LDH as the indicator en- Questions
zyme, which catalyzes the reduction of pyruvate to lac- 1. What possible diagnoses is the physician consid-
tate with the simultaneous oxidation of NADH. The ering?
change in absorbance at 340 nm measured continuously
is directly proportional to ALT activity. The reaction 2. What laboratory tests would be elevated at 6, 12,
proceeds according to Equation 12-13. The optimal pH and 24 hour if this patient had an AMI?
is 7.3 to 7.8. 3. What isoenzyme tests would be useful with this
AST patient?
Alanine ⫹ ␣-ketoglutarate pyruvate ⫹ glutamate

Pyruvate ⫹ NADH ⫹ H lactate ⫹ NAD⫹
(Eq. 12-13) The optimal pH for the reaction is 9.0 to 10.0, but
Source of Error optimal pH varies with the substrate used. The enzyme
ALT is stable for 3 to 4 days at 4°C. It is relatively un- requires Mg2⫹ as an activator.
affected by hemolysis. Tissue Source
Reference Range ALP activity is present on cell surfaces in most human tis-
ALT, 6–37 U/L (37°C) sue. The highest concentrations are found in the intestine,
liver, bone, spleen, placenta, and kidney. In the liver, the
Alkaline Phosphatase enzyme is located on both sinusoidal and bile canalicular
membranes; activity in bone is confined to the osteoblasts,
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) belongs to a group of en- those cells involved in the production of bone matrix. The
zymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of various phospho- specific location of the enzyme within this tissue accounts
monoesters at an alkaline pH. Consequently, ALP is a for the more predominant elevations in certain disorders.
nonspecific enzyme capable of reacting with many dif-
ferent substrates. Specifically, ALP functions to liberate Diagnostic Significance
inorganic phosphate from an organic phosphate ester Elevations of ALP are of most diagnostic significance in
with the concomitant production of an alcohol. The re- the evaluation of hepatobiliary and bone disorders. In he-
action proceeds according to Equation 12-14: patobiliary disorders, elevations are more predominant
O O in obstructive conditions than in hepatocellular disor-
⏐⏐ ⏐⏐ ders; in bone disorders, elevations are observed when
ALP there is involvement of osteoblasts.
pH 9-10 In biliary tract obstruction, ALP levels range from 3 to
⏐ ⏐
10 times ULN. Increases are primarily a result of in-
O⫺ O⫺
creased synthesis of the enzyme induced by cholestasis.
Phosophomonoester Alcohol Phosphate ion
In contrast, hepatocellular disorders, such as hepatitis
(Eq. 12-14) and cirrhosis, show only slight increases, usually less

than three times ULN. Because of the degree of overlap of The bone isoenzyme increases due to osteoblastic ac-
ALP elevations that occurs in the various liver disorders, tivity and is normally elevated in children during periods
a single elevated ALP level is difficult to interpret. It as- of growth and in adults older than age 50. In these cases,
sumes more diagnostic significance when evaluated along an elevated ALP level may be difficult to interpret.26
with other tests of hepatic function (see Chapter 24). The presence of intestinal ALP isoenzyme in serum
Elevated ALP levels may be observed in various bone depends on the blood group and secretor status of the in-
disorders. Perhaps the highest elevations of ALP activity dividual. Individuals who have B or O blood group and
occur in Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans). Other bone are secretors are more likely to have this fraction.
disorders include osteomalacia, rickets, hyperparathy- Apparently, intestinal ALP is bound by erythrocytes of
roidism, and osteogenic sarcoma. In addition, increased group A. Furthermore, in these individuals, increases in
levels are observed in healing bone fractures and during intestinal ALP occur after consumption of a fatty meal.
periods of physiologic bone growth. Intestinal ALP may increase in several disorders, such as
In normal pregnancy, increased ALP activity, averaging diseases of the digestive tract and cirrhosis. Increased
approximately 11⁄2 times ULN, can be detected between levels are also found in patients undergoing chronic he-
weeks 16 and 20. ALP activity increases and persists until modialysis.
the onset of labor. Activity then returns to normal within Difference in heat stability is the basis of a second ap-
3 to 6 days.24 Elevations also may be seen in complica- proach used to identify the isoenzyme source of an ele-
tions of pregnancy such as hypertension, preeclampsia, vated ALP. Typically, ALP activity is measured before and
and eclampsia, as well as in threatened abortion. after heating the serum at 56°C for 10 minutes. If the
ALP levels are significantly decreased in the inherited residual activity after heating is less than 20% of the total
condition of hypophosphatasia. Subnormal activity is a activity before heating, then the ALP elevation is assumed
result of the absence of the bone isoenzyme and results to be a result of bone phosphatase. If greater than 20% of
in inadequate bone calcification. the activity remains, the elevation is probably a result of
ALP exists as a number of isoenzymes, which have liver phosphatase. These results are based on the finding
been studied by a variety of techniques. The major isoen- that placental ALP is the most heat stable of the four
zymes, which are found in the serum and have been most major fractions, followed by intestinal, liver, and bone
extensively studied, are those derived from the liver, fractions in decreasing order of heat stability. Placental
bone, intestine, and placenta.25 ALP will resist heat denaturation at 65°C for 30 minutes.
Electrophoresis is considered the most useful single Heat inactivation is an imprecise method for differen-
technique for ALP isoenzyme analysis. However, because tiation because inactivation depends on many factors,
there may still be some degree of overlap between the such as correct temperature control, timing, and analytic
fractions, electrophoresis in combination with another methods sensitive enough to detect small amounts of
separation technique may provide the most reliable in- residual ALP activity. In addition, there is some degree of
formation. A direct immunochemical method for the overlap between heat inactivation of liver and bone frac-
measurement of bone-related ALP is now available; this tions in both liver and bone diseases.
has made ALP electrophoresis unnecessary in most cases. A third approach to identification of ALP isoenzymes
The liver fraction migrates the fastest, followed by is based on selective chemical inhibition. Phenylalanine is
bone, placental, and intestinal fractions. Because of the one of several inhibitors that have been used.
similarity between liver and bone phosphatases, there Phenylalanine inhibits intestinal and placental ALP to a
often is not a clear separation between them. Quantitation much greater extent than liver and bone ALP. With
with use of a densitometer is sometimes difficult because phenylalanine use, however, it is impossible to differenti-
of the overlap between the two peaks. The liver isoen- ate placental from intestinal ALP or liver from bone ALP.
zyme can actually be divided into two fractions—the In addition to the four major ALP isoenzyme fractions,
major liver band and a smaller fraction called fast liver, or certain abnormal fractions are associated with neoplasms.
1 liver, which migrates anodal to the major band and The most frequently seen are the Regan and Nagao isoen-
corresponds to the 1 fraction of protein electrophoresis. zymes. They have been referred to as carcinoplacental
When total ALP levels are increased, the major liver frac- alkaline phosphatases because of their similarities to the
tion is the most frequently elevated. Many hepatobiliary placental isoenzyme. The frequency of occurrence ranges
conditions cause elevations of this fraction, usually early from 3% to 15% in cancer patients. The Regan isoenzyme
in the course of the disease. The fast-liver fraction has has been characterized as an example of an ectopic pro-
been reported in metastatic carcinoma of the liver, as well duction of an enzyme by malignant tissue. It has been de-
as in other hepatobiliary diseases. Its presence is regarded tected in various carcinomas, such as lung, breast, ovarian,
as a valuable indicator of obstructive liver disease. and colon, with the highest incidences in ovarian and gy-
However, it is occasionally present in the absence of any necologic cancers. Because of its low incidence in cancer
detectable disease state. patients, diagnosis of malignancy is rarely based on its

presence. It is, however, useful in monitoring the effects of Reference Range

therapy because it will disappear on successful treatment. ALP, 30 to 90 U/L (30°C)
The Regan isoenzyme migrates to the same position as
the bone fraction and is the most heat stable of all ALP Acid Phosphatase
isoenzymes, resisting denaturation at 65°C for 30 min-
Acid phosphatase (ACP) belongs to the same group of
utes. Its activity is inhibited by phenylalanine.
phosphatase enzymes as ALP and is a hydrolase that cat-
The Nagao isoenzyme may be considered a variant of
alyzes the same type of reactions. The major difference
the Regan isoenzyme. Its electrophoretic, heat-stability,
between ACP and ALP is the pH of the reaction. ACP
and phenylalanine-inhibition properties are identical to
functions at an optimal pH of approximately 5.0.
those of the Regan fraction. However, Nagao also can be
Equation 12-16 outlines the reaction sequence:
inhibited by L-leucine. Its presence has been detected in
metastatic carcinoma of pleural surfaces and in adeno- O O
carcinoma of the pancreas and bile duct. ⏐⏐ ⏐⏐
RM PM O  H2O pH 5
Assay for Enzyme Activity ⏐ ⏐
Because of the relative nonspecificity of ALP with regard to O O
substrates, a variety of methodologies for its analysis have Phosphomonoester Alcohol Phosphate ion
been proposed and are still in use today. The major differ-
ences between these relate to the concentration and types (Eq. 12-16)
of substrate and buffer used and the pH of the reaction. A
continuous-monitoring technique based on a method de- Tissue Source
vised by Bowers and McComb allows calculation of ALP ACP activity is found in the prostate, bone, liver, spleen,
activity based on the molar absorptivity of p-nitrophenol. kidney, erythrocytes, and platelets. The prostate is the
The reaction proceeds according to Equation 12-15: richest source, with many times the activity found in
other tissue.
O O O O Diagnostic Significance


Historically, ACP measurement has been used as an aid

in the detection of prostatic carcinoma, particularly

metastatic carcinoma of the prostate. Total ACP determi-

 HO M P M O– nations are relatively insensitive techniques, detecting
pH 10.2 elevated ACP levels resulting from prostatic carcinoma in

the majority of cases only when the tumor has metasta-

O O– sized. Newer markers, such as prostate-specific antigen

(PSA), are more useful screening and diagnostic tools

HO M P M O– (see Chapter 31).

One of the most specific substrates for prostatic ACP

O is thymolphthalein monophosphate. Chemical-inhibi-
tion methods used to differentiate the prostatic portion
p-Nitrophenyl- p-Nitro- Phosphate ion
most frequently use tartrate as the inhibitor. The pro-
phosphate phenol static fraction is inhibited by tartrate. Serum and sub-
(Eq. 12-15) strate are incubated both with and without the addition
p-Nitrophenylphosphate (colorless) is hydrolyzed to of L-tartrate. ACP activity remaining after inhibition
p-nitrophenol (yellow), and the increase in absorbance at with L-tartrate is subtracted from total ACP activity de-
405 nm, which is directly proportional to ALP activity, termined without inhibition, and the difference repre-
is measured. sents the prostatic portion:
Total ACP  ACP after tartrate inhibition
Source of Error
 prostatic ACP (Eq. 12-17)
Hemolysis may cause slight elevations because ALP is ap-
proximately six times more concentrated in erythrocytes The reaction is not entirely specific for prostatic ACP,
than in serum. ALP assays should be run as soon as possi- but other tissue sources are largely uninhibited.
ble after collection. Activity in serum increases approxi- Neither of these methods of ACP determination is
mately 3% to 10% on standing at 25°C or 4°C for several sensitive to prostatic carcinoma that has not metasta-
hours. Diet may induce elevations in ALP activity of blood sized. Values are usually normal in the majority of cases
group B and O individuals who are secretors. Values may and, in fact, may be elevated only in about 50% of cases
be 25% higher following ingestion of a high-fat meal. of prostatic carcinoma that has metastasized.

One technique with much improved sensitivity over an antibody to prostatic ACP followed by washing and
conventional ACP assays is the immunologic approach incubation with p-nitrophenylphosphate. The p-nitro-
using antibodies that are specific for the prostatic portion. phenol formed, measured photometrically, is propor-
Immunochemical techniques, however, are not of value as tional to the prostatic ACP in the sample.
screening tests for prostatic carcinoma.
PSA is more likely than ACP to be elevated at each
Source of Error
Serum should be separated from the red cells as soon as
stage of prostatic carcinoma, even though a normal PSA
the blood has clotted to prevent leakage of erythrocyte
level may be found in stage D tumors. PSA is particularly
and platelet ACP. Serum activity decreases within 1 to
useful to monitor the success of treatment; however, PSA
2 hours if the sample is left at room temperature without
is controversial as a screening test for prostatic malig-
the addition of a preservative. Decreased activity is a
nancy because PSA elevation may occur in conditions
result of a loss of carbon dioxide from the serum, with a
other than prostatic carcinoma, such as benign prostatic
resultant increase in pH. If not assayed immediately,
hypertrophy and prostatitis.27–29
serum should be frozen or acidified to a pH lower than
Other prostatic conditions in which ACP elevations
6.5. With acidification, ACP is stable for 2 days at room
have been reported include hyperplasia of the prostate
temperature. Hemolysis should be avoided because of
and prostatic surgery. There are conflicting reports of
contamination from erythrocyte ACP.
elevations following rectal examination and prostate mas-
RIA procedures for measurement of prostatic ACP
sage. Certain studies have reported ACP elevations; others
require nonacidified serum samples. Activity is stable
have indicated no detectable change. When elevations are
for 2 days at 4°C.
found, levels usually return to normal within 24 hours.30
ACP assays have proved useful in forensic clinical Reference Range
chemistry, particularly in the investigation of rape. Prostatic ACP, 0 to 3.5 ng/mL
Vaginal washings are examined for seminal fluid–ACP
activity, which can persist for up to 4 days.31 Elevated ac- ␥-Glutamyltransferase
tivity is presumptive evidence of rape in such cases. -Glutamyltransferase (GGT) is an enzyme involved in the
Serum ACP activity may frequently be elevated in bone transfer of the -glutamyl residue from -glutamyl pep-
disease. Activity has been shown to be associated with the tides to amino acids, H2O, and other small peptides. In
osteoclasts.32 Elevations have been noted in Paget’s dis- most biologic systems, glutathione serves as the -glutamyl
ease, in breast cancer with bone metastases, and in donor. Equation 12-19 outlines the reaction sequence:
Gaucher’s disease, in which there is an infiltration of bone
marrow and other tissue by Gaucher cells rich in ACP ac- Glutathione  amino acid
tivity. Because of ACP activity in platelets, elevations are glutamyl  peptide  L-cysteinylglycine
observed when platelet damage occurs, as in the thrombo- (Eq. 12-19)
cytopenia resulting from excessive platelet destruction
from idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. The specific physiologic function of GGT has not
been clearly established, but it is suggested that GGT is
Assay for Enzyme Activity involved in peptide and protein synthesis, regulation of
Assay procedures for total ACP use the same techniques tissue glutathione levels, and the transport of amino
as in ALP assays but are performed at an acid pH: acids across cell membranes.33
ACP Tissue Source
p-Nitrophenolphosphate pH 5 GGT activity is found primarily in tissue of the kidney,
p-nitrophenol  phosphate ion (Eq. 12-18) brain, prostate, pancreas, and liver. Clinical applications of
The reaction products are colorless at the acid pH of assay, however, are confined mainly to evaluation of liver
the reaction, but the addition of alkali stops the reaction and biliary system disorders.
and transforms the products into chromogens, which can Diagnostic Significance
be measured spectrophotometrically. In the liver, GGT is located in the canaliculi of the he-
Some substrate specificities and chemical inhibitors for patic cells and particularly in the epithelial cells lining
prostatic ACP measurements have been discussed previ- the biliary ductules. Because of these locations, GGT is
ously. Thymolphthalein monophosphate is the substrate of elevated in virtually all hepatobiliary disorders, making it
choice for quantitative endpoint reactions. For continuous one of the most sensitive of enzyme assays in these con-
monitoring methods, -naphthyl phosphate is preferred. ditions (see Chapter 24). Higher elevations are generally
Immunochemical techniques for prostatic ACP use observed in biliary tract obstruction.
several approaches, including RIA, counterimmunoelec- Within the hepatic parenchyma, GGT exists to a large
trophoresis, and immunoprecipitation. Also, an immu- extent in the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and is,
noenzymatic assay (Tandem E) includes incubation with therefore, subject to hepatic microsomal induction.

Therefore, GGT levels will be increased in patients receiv- Source of Error

ing enzyme-inducing drugs such as warfarin, phenobarbi- GGT activity is stable, with no loss of activity for 1 week
tal, and phenytoin. Enzyme elevations may reach levels at 4°C. Hemolysis does not interfere with GGT levels be-
four times ULN. cause the enzyme is lacking in erythrocytes.
Because of the effects of alcohol on GGT activity, ele-
vated GGT levels may indicate alcoholism, particularly Reference Range
chronic alcoholism. Generally, enzyme elevations in per- GGT: male, 6–45 U/L (37°C); female, 5–30 U/L (37°C)
sons who are alcoholics or heavy drinkers range from two Values are lower in females, presumably because of
to three times ULN, although higher levels have been ob- suppression of enzyme activity resulting from estrogenic
served. GGT assays are useful in monitoring the effects of or progestational hormones.
abstention from alcohol and are used as such by alcohol
treatment centers. Levels usually return to normal within
2 to 3 weeks after cessation but can rise again if alcohol
consumption is resumed. Because of the susceptibility to Amylase (AMS) is an enzyme belonging to the class of
enzyme induction, any interpretation of GGT levels must hydrolases that catalyze the breakdown of starch and
be done with consideration of the consequent effects of glycogen. Starch consists of both amylose and amy-
drugs and alcohol. lopectin. Amylose is a long, unbranched chain of glu-
GGT levels are also elevated in other conditions, such cose molecules, linked by , 1–4 glycosidic bonds;
as acute pancreatitis, diabetes mellitus, and myocardial amylopectin is a branched-chain polysaccharide with ,
infarction. The source of elevation in pancreatitis and di- 1–6 linkages at the branch points. The structure of
abetes is probably the pancreas, but the source of GGT in glycogen is similar to that of amylopectin but is more
myocardial infarction is unknown. GGT assays are of lim- highly branched. -AMS attacks only the , 1–4 glyco-
ited value in the diagnosis of these conditions and are not sidic bonds to produce degradation products consisting
routinely requested. of glucose; maltose; and intermediate chains, called
GGT activity is useful in differentiating the source of dextrins, which contain , 1–6 branching linkages.
an elevated ALP level because GGT levels are normal in Cellulose and other structural polysaccharides consist-
skeletal disorders and during pregnancy. It is particularly ing of linkages are not attacked by -AMS. AMS is
useful in evaluating hepatobiliary involvement in adoles- therefore an important enzyme in the physiologic di-
cents because ALP activity will invariably be elevated as gestion of starches. The reaction proceeds according to
a result of bone growth. Equation 12-21:
Assay for Enzyme Activity
The most widely accepted substrate for use in GGT CH2OH CH2OH CH2OH

analysis is -glutamyl-p-nitroanilide. The -glutamyl O H O H O H


residue is transferred to glycylglycine, releasing p-ni- OH– M O M OH M O M OH M O... maltose,




troaniline, a chromogenic product with a strong ab- dextrins

sorbance at 405 to 420 nm. The reaction, which can be OH OH OH
used as a continuous-monitoring or fixed-point method, (Eq. 12-21)
is outlined in Equation 12-20:
AMS requires calcium and chloride ions for its activation.

HOOC M CHNH2 M CH2 M CH2 M CO Tissue Source


The acinar cells of the pancreas and the salivary glands

are the major tissue sources of serum AMS. Lesser con-
centrations are found in skeletal muscle and the small in-
 H2N M CH2 M CONH M CH2 M COOH testine and fallopian tubes. AMS is the smallest enzyme,
Glycylglycine with a molecular weight of 50,000 to 55,000. Because of
HOOC M CHNH2 M CH2 M CH2 M CO its small size, it is readily filtered by the renal glomerulus

and also appears in the urine.

Digestion of starches begins in the mouth with the
hydrolytic action of salivary AMS. Salivary AMS activity,

GGT however, is of short duration because, on swallowing,
pH 8.2 H2N M M NO2 it is inactivated by the acidity of the gastric contents.
Pancreatic AMS then performs the major digestive
p-Nitroaniline action of starches once the polysaccharides reach the
(Eq. 12-20) intestine.

Diagnostic Significance (P1, P2, P3), are slower. In normal human serum,
The diagnostic significance of serum and urine AMS the isoamylases migrate in regions corresponding to
measurements is in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.34 the - to -globulin regions of protein electrophoresis.
Disorders of tissue other than the pancreas can also pro- The most commonly observed fractions are P2, S1,
duce elevations in AMS levels. Therefore, an elevated and S2.
AMS level is a nonspecific finding. However, the degree In acute pancreatitis, there is typically an increase
of elevation of AMS is helpful, to some extent, in the dif- in P-type activity, with P3 being the most predomi-
ferential diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. In addition, nant isoenzyme. However, P3 also has been detected
other laboratory tests (e.g., measurements of urinary in cases of renal failure and, therefore, is not en-
AMS levels, AMS clearance studies, AMS isoenzyme tirely specific for acute pancreatitis. S-type isoamylase
studies, and measurements of serum lipase [LPS] lev- represents approximately two-thirds of AMS activity
els), when used in conjunction with serum AMS meas- of normal serum, whereas P-type predominates in
urement, increase the specificity of AMS measurements normal urine.
in the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis.
In acute pancreatitis, serum AMS levels begin to rise Assay for Enzyme Activity
2 to 12 hours after the onset of an attack, peak at 24 h, AMS can be assayed by a variety of different methods,
and return to normal levels within 3 to 5 days. Values which are summarized in Table 12-6. The four main ap-
generally range from 250 to 1,000 Somogyi units per dL proaches are categorized as amyloclast, saccharogenic,
ULN). Values can reach much higher levels. chromogenic, and continuous monitoring.
Other disorders causing an elevated serum AMS level In the amyloclastic method, AMS is allowed to act on
include salivary gland lesions, such as mumps and a starch substrate to which iodine has been attached. As
parotitis, and other intra-abdominal diseases, such as AMS hydrolyzes the starch molecule into smaller units,
perforated peptic ulcer, intestinal obstruction, cholecys- the iodine is released and a decrease occurs in the ini-
titis, ruptured ectopic pregnancy, mesenteric infarction, tial dark-blue color intensity of the starch–iodine com-
and acute appendicitis. In addition, elevations have been plex. The decrease in color is proportional to the AMS
reported in renal insufficiency and diabetic ketoacidosis. concentration.
Serum AMS levels in intra-abdominal conditions other The saccharogenic method uses a starch substrate that
than acute pancreatitis are usually less than 500 Somogyi is hydrolyzed by the action of AMS to its constituent car-
units per dL. bohydrate molecules that have reducing properties. The
An apparently asymptomatic condition of hyperamy- amount of reducing sugars is then measured where the
lasemia has been noted in approximately 1% to 2% of the concentration is proportional to AMS activity. The sac-
population. This condition, called macroamylasemia, re- charogenic method, the classic reference method for
sults when the AMS molecule combines with im- determining AMS activity, is reported in Somogyi units.
munoglobulins to form a complex that is too large to be Somogyi units are an expression of the number of mil-
filtered across the glomerulus. Serum AMS levels in- ligrams of glucose released in 30 minutes at 37°C under
crease because of the reduction in normal renal clearance specific assay conditions.
of the enzyme and, consequently, the urinary excretion Chromogenic methods use a starch substrate to which
of AMS is abnormally low. The diagnostic significance of a chromogenic dye has been attached, forming an insol-
macroamylasemia lies in the need to differentiate it from uble dye–substrate complex. As AMS hydrolyzes the
other causes of hyperamylasemia. starch substrate, smaller dye-substrate fragments are
Much interest has been focused recently on the pos- produced, and these are water soluble. The increase in
sible diagnostic use of AMS isoenzyme measure-
ments.34,35 Serum AMS is a mixture of a number of
isoenzymes that can be separated on the basis of differ- TABLE 12-6 AMYLASE METHODOLOGIES
ences in physical properties, most notably elec- Amyloclastic Measures the disappearance of
trophoresis, although chromatography and isoelectric starch substrate
focusing also have been applied. In normal human Saccharogenic Measures the appearance of the
serum, two major bands and as many as four minor product
bands may be seen. The bands are designated as P-type
Chromogenic Measures the increasing color from
and S-type isoamylase. P isoamylase is derived from
production of product coupled with
pancreatic tissue; S isoamylase is derived from sali- a chromogenic dye
vary gland tissue, as well as the fallopian tube and
Continuous Coupling of several enzyme systems
lung. The isoenzymes of salivary origin (S1, S2, S3) mi-
monitoring to monitor amylase activity
grate most quickly, whereas those of pancreatic origin

color intensity of the soluble dye-substrate solution is fatty acids. The reaction proceeds according to Equa-
proportional to AMS activity. tion 12-23:
Recently, coupled-enzyme systems have been used to O
determine AMS activity by a continuous-monitoring ||
technique in which the change in absorbance of NAD⫹ at CH2ᎏOᎏCᎏR1 CH2OH
340 nm is measured. Equation 12-22 is an example of a | |
| O | O
continuous-monitoring method. For AMS activity, the | || LPS | ||
optimal pH is 6.9. CH2ᎏOᎏCᎏR2 ⫹ 2H2O CHᎏOᎏCᎏR2 ⫹ 2 fatty
| | acids
maltrotriose ⫹ maltose | O CH2OH
␣-glucosidase | ||
Maltrotriose ⫹ maltose 5-glucose CH2ᎏOᎏCᎏR3
5-Glucose ⫹ 5 ATP Triacylgycerol 2-Monoglyceride
5-glucose-6-phosphate ⫹ 5 ADP (Eq. 12-23)

5-Glucose-6-phosphate ⫹ 5 NAD ⫹
G-6-PD The enzymatic activity of pancreatic LPS is specific for
the fatty acid residues at positions 1 and 3 of the triglyc-
5,6-phosphogluconolactone ⫹ 5 NADH
eride molecule, but substrate must be an emulsion for ac-
(Eq. 12-22) tivity to occur. The reaction rate is accelerated by the
presence of colipase and a bile salt.
Because salivary AMS is preferentially inhibited by
wheat germ lectin, salivary and pancreatic AMS can be Tissue Source
estimated by measuring total AMS in the presence and LPS concentration is found primarily in the pancreas, al-
absence of lectin. Specific immunoassays are also avail- though it is also present in the stomach and small intestine.
able for measuring isoenzymes of AMS. Diagnostic Significance
Clinical assays of serum LPS measurements are confined
Source of Error almost exclusively to the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. It
AMS in serum and urine is stable. Little loss of activity is similar in this respect to AMS measurements but is con-
occurs at room temperature for 1 week or at 4°C for sidered more specific for pancreatic disorders than AMS
2 months. Because plasma triglycerides suppress or in- measurement. Both AMS and LPS levels rise quickly, but
hibit serum AMS activity, AMS values may be normal in LPS elevations persist for approximately 5 days in acute
acute pancreatitis with hyperlipemia. pancreatitis, whereas AMS elevations persist for only 2 to
The administration of morphine and other opiates 3 days. The extent of elevations does not correlate with
for pain relief before blood sampling will lead to severity of disease. Elevated LPS levels also may be found
falsely elevated serum AMS levels. The drugs presum- in other intra-abdominal conditions but with less fre-
ably cause constriction of the sphincter of Oddi and of quency than elevations of serum AMS. Elevations have
the pancreatic ducts, with consequent elevation of been reported in cases of penetrating duodenal ulcers and
inarticulate pressure causing regurgitation of AMS into perforated peptic ulcers, intestinal obstruction, and acute
the serum. cholecystitis. In contrast to AMS levels, LPS levels are
Reference Range normal in conditions of salivary gland involvement.
AMS: serum, 25–130 U/L; urine, 1–15 U/h Therefore, LPS levels are useful in differentiating serum
Because of the various AMS procedures currently in AMS elevation as a result of pancreatic versus salivary in-
use, activity is expressed according to each procedure. volvement. Of the three lipase isoenzymes, L2 is thought
There is no uniform expression of AMS activity, although to be the most clinically specific and sensitive.
Somogyi units are frequently used. The approximate con- Assay for Enzyme Activity
version factor between Somogyi units and international Procedures used to measure LPS activity include estima-
units is 1.85. tion of liberated fatty acids and turbidimetric methods.
The reaction is outlined in Equation 12-24:
Lipase Triglyceride ⫹ 2 H2O
(pH ⫽ 8.6–9.0)
Lipase (LPS) is an enzyme that hydrolyzes the ester link- 2-monoglyceride ⫹ 2 fatty acids
ages of fats to produce alcohols and fatty acids.
(Eq. 12-24)
Specifically, LPS catalyzes the partial hydrolysis of di-
etary triglycerides in the intestine to the 2-monoglyc- Early methods for LPS were historically poor. The clas-
eride intermediate, with the production of long-chain sic Cherry-Crandall method used an olive oil substrate

and measured the liberated fatty acids by titration after a Tissue Source
24-h incubation. Modifications of the Cherry-Crandall Sources of G-6-PD include the adrenal cortex, spleen,
method have been complicated by the lack of stable and thymus, lymph nodes, lactating mammary gland, and ery-
uniform substrates. However, triolein is one substrate throcytes. Little activity is found in normal serum.
now used as a more pure form of triglyceride.
Turbidimetric methods are simpler and more rapid Diagnostic Significance
than titrimetric assays. Fats in solution create a cloudy Most of the interest of G-6-PD focuses on its role in the
emulsion. As the fats are hydrolyzed by LPS, the particles erythrocyte. Here, it functions to maintain NADPH in
disperse, and the rate of clearing can be measured as an es- reduced form. An adequate concentration of NADPH is re-
timation of LPS activity. Colorimetric methods are also quired to regenerate sulfhydryl-containing proteins, such
available and are based on coupled reactions with enzymes as glutathione, from the oxidized to the reduced state.
such as peroxidase or glycerol kinase. Glutathione in the reduced form, in turn, protects hemo-
globin from oxidation by agents that may be present in the
Source of Error cell. A deficiency of G-6-PD results in an inadequate sup-
LPS is stable in serum, with negligible loss in activity at ply of NADPH and, ultimately, in the inability to maintain
room temperature for 1 week or for 3 weeks at 4°C. reduced glutathione levels. When erythrocytes are ex-
Hemolysis should be avoided because hemoglobin in- posed to oxidizing agents, hemolysis occurs because of ox-
hibits the activity of serum LPS, causing falsely low values. idation of hemoglobin and damage of the cell membrane.
Reference Range G-6-PD deficiency is an inherited sex-linked trait. The
LPS, 0–1.0 U/mL disorder can result in several different clinical manifesta-
tions, one of which is drug-induced hemolytic anemia.
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase When exposed to an oxidant drug such as primaquine, an
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-PD) is an oxi- antimalarial drug, affected individuals experience a he-
doreductase that catalyzes the oxidation of glucose-6- molytic episode. The severity of the hemolysis is related to
phosphate to 6-phosphogluconate or the corresponding the drug concentration. G-6-PD deficiency is most com-
lactone. The reaction is important as the first step in the mon in African Americans but has been reported in virtu-
pentose-phosphate shunt of glucose metabolism with the ally every ethnic group.
ultimate production of NADPH. The reaction is outlined Increased levels of G-6-PD in the serum have been re-
in Equation 12-25: ported in myocardial infarction and megaloblastic ane-
mias. No elevations are seen in hepatic disorders. G-6-PD
levels, however, are not routinely performed as diagnostic
aids in these conditions.
HC |
| |
HCOH | Assay for Enzyme Activity
| | The assay procedure for G-6-PD activity is outlined in
HOCH O  NADP  Equation 12-26:
| | G-6-PD
HCOH | Glucose 6 phosphate  NADPH
| || 6-phosphogluconate  NADPH  H
HC  (Eq. 12-26)
CH2OPO3 A red cell hemolysate is used to assay for deficiency
of the enzyme; serum is used for evaluation of enzyme
O elevations.
C| Reference Range
| | G-6-PD, 10–15 U/g Hgb
| | Macroenzymes
HOCH O  NADPH  NH Macroenzymes are high-molecular-mass forms of the
| |
HCOH | serum enzymes (ACP, ALP, ALT, amylase, AST, CK, GGT,
| | LDH, lipase) that can be bound to either an immunoglob-
HC ulin (macroenzyme type 1) or a nonimmunoglobulin sub-
| stance (macroenzyme type 2). Macroenzymes are usually
CH2OPO3  found in patients who have an unexplained persistent in-
6-Phosphogluconate crease of enzyme concentrations in serum.36 The presence
(Eq. 12-25) of macroenzymes can also increase with increasing age.37

Enzymes can bind to immunoglobulins in a nonspecific

manner, but there is also evidence that the enzyme–im-
munoglobulin complex can be formed by specific interac- A 36-year-old Hispanic woman presents to the emer-
tions between circulating autoantibodies and serum gency department with abdominal pain, weakness,
enzymes.36 The reason for the formation of antienzyme and loss of appetite. She had not traveled in recent
antibodies is not known, but there are two theories to months. She has not been well for several days.
explain their formation. According to the “antigen-driven
theory,” the self-antigen becomes immunogenic by being Questions
altered or released from a sequestered site and reacts with
an antibody that is initially formed against a foreign anti- 1. What laboratory tests should be ordered to help
gen.38 The dysregulation of immune tolerance theory ex- diagnose this patient?
plains the formation of enzymes with autoantibodies in 2. What enzyme tests will be useful in diagnosing
patients with autoimmune disorders.38 To date, there has this patient?
not been a strong correlation between the presence of anti-
enzyme antibodies and the pathogenesis of disease.36 3. What two diagnoses are most likely for this patient?
However, the presence of macroenzymes should be docu-
mented in the patient’s medical records because macroen-
zymes can persist for long periods.36 450) enzymes. Xenobiotics can also become transformed
Macroenzymes accumulate in plasma because their into more polar compounds through enzyme-mediated
high molecular masses prevent them from being filtered conjugation reactions, also known as phase II reactions, in
out of the plasma by the kidneys. The detection of which xenobiotics are conjugated with glucuronide
macroenzymes is clinically significant because the pres- (UDP-glucuronyltransferase 1A1 [UGT1A1]), acetate
ence of macroenzymes can cause difficulty in the interpre- (N-acetyltransferase [NAT]), glutathione (glutathione-
tation of diagnostic enzyme results. The formation of S-transferase [GST]), sulfate (sulfotransferase), and me-
high-molecular-weight enzyme complexes can cause false thionine groups.39
elevations in plasma enzymes, or they can falsely decrease CYP 450 enzymes are a superfamily of isoenzymes that
the activity of the enzyme by blocking the activity of the are involved in the metabolism of more than 50% of all
bound enzyme.36 drugs. These enzymes that contain heme molecules, and
The principal method to identify enzymes that are they are given the name CYP 450 because they absorb the
bound to immunoglobulins and nonimmunoglobulins is maximum amount of light at 450 nm. More than 500 CYP
protein electrophoresis. The binding of enzymes to 450 enzymes that have been identified, and they are clas-
high-molecular-weight complexes can alter the normal sified into families according to their homology to other
electrophoretic pattern of enzymes (see Fig. 12-5 for an enzymes.42 There are at least four CYP 450 (CYP1, 2, 3,
example). Antienzyme antibodies can cause the forma- and 4) families that are expressed primarily in the liver,
tion of new enzyme bands on a gel, they can alter the but some isoforms are also expressed in extrahepatic tis-
intensity of enzyme bands, and they can cause band sues such as the lung, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, skin,
broadening on the gel.36 Other test methods used to de- and placenta.39 The specific isozyme is classified by not
termine the presence of macroenzymes include gel filtra- only its family number but also by a subfamily letter, a
tion, immunoprecipitation, immunoelectrophoresis, number for an individual isozyme within the subfamily,
counterimmunoelectrophoresis, and immunofixation. and, if applicable, an asterisk followed by a number for
Last, the immunoinhibition test can also be used to de- each genetic (allelic) variant. Genetic variants have been
termine the presence of macro-CK. identified that lead to complete enzyme deficiency (e.g., a
frame shift, splice variant, stop codon, or a complete gene
deletion), reduced enzyme function or expression, or en-
Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes
hanced enzyme function or expression. Recognition of
Drug-metabolizing enzymes function primarily to trans- genetic variants can explain interindividual differences in
form xenobiotics into inactive, water-soluble compounds drug response and pharmacokinetics.40–43 For example,
for excretion through the kidneys. Metabolic enzymes can four phenotypes are recognized for CYP2D6: ultra-me-
also transform inactive prodrugs into active drugs, con- tabolizers, extensive metabolizers, intermediate
vert xenobiotics into toxic compounds, or prolong the metabolizers, and poor metabolizers. Patients who are
elimination half-life. Drug-metabolizing enzymes catalyze poor metabolizers for the CYP2D6 enzyme are at risk for
addition or removal of functional groups through hydrox- therapeutic failure when inactive prodrugs such as
ylation, oxidation, dealkylation, dehydrogenation, reduc- tamoxifen require CYP2D6 for drug activation. Tricyclic
tion, deamination, and desulfuration reactions. These antidepressants such as nortriptyline require CYP2D6 for
transformation reactions are referred to as phase I reac- inactivation. Thus, CYP2D6 poor metabolizers may re-
tions and are often mediated by cytochrome P450 (CYP quire lower dose requirements than will patients with


CYP1A1 (R)-Warfarin Omeprazole
Benzo[a]pyrene, 3MC
CYP1A2 Acetaminophen Insulin Ciprofloxacin
Caffeine Tobacco Cimetidine
(R)-Warfarin Polycyclic-aromatic Amiodarone
Estradiol hydrocarbons Fluoroquinolones
CYP2A6 Cyclophosphamide Dexamethasone Pilocarpine
Halothane Coumarin
CYP2B6 Cyclophosphamide Phenobarbital Ticlopidine
Diazepam Rifampin
CYP2C9 (S)-Warfarin Rifampin Fluconazole
Ibuprofen Secobarbital Amiodarone
Tolbutamide Isoniazid
Diclofenac Probenicid
Losartan Sertraline
Phenytoin Sulfamethoxazole
CYP2C19 Diazepam Barbituate Omeprazole
Omeprazole Phenytoin Chloramphenicol
Chloripramine Cimetidine
Indomethacin Ketoconazole
CYP2D6 Carvedilol Dexamethasone Bupropion
Amitriptyline Rifampin Fluoxetine
Haloperidol Quinidine
Amphetamine Amiodarone
Chlorpromazine Sertraline
Dextromethorphan Celecoxib
Codeine Chlorpromazine
CYP2E1 Acetaminophen Ethanol Disulfiram
Chlorzoazone Isoniazid Diethyldithiocarbamate
CYP3A4 Erythromycin HIV antivirals HIV antivirals
Quinidine Barbiturates Ketoconazole
Diazepam Carbamazepine Erythromycin
Cortosol Phenobarbital Grapefruit juice
Cyclosporine Phenytoin Cimetidine
Indinavir Rifampin Chloramphenicol
Chlorpheniramine St. John’s Wort
Nifedipine Troglitazone
TPMT Azithioprine Naproxen
6-Mercaptopurine Furosemide
Reprinted with permission from Rendic S, Di Carlo FJ. Human cytochrome P450 enzymes: a status report summarizing their reactions, substrates,
inducers, and inhibitors. Drug Metab Rev 1997;29:413–580.

extensive (“normal”) metabolism and may be at high risk thiopurine drugs like azathioprine and 6-mercaptopurine.
for adverse drug reactions.39,41 The TPMT enzyme has genetic polymorphisms, which
In addition to xenobiotic metabolism, CYP 450 en- causes variable responses (normal, intermediate, and low
zymes are also involved in the biosynthesis of endogenous activity) to thiopurine metabolism. Patients with low
compounds. The CYP5 family consists of thromboxane TPMT activity are at risk of developing severe bone
synthases that catalyze the reaction that leads to platelet ag- marrow toxicity when the standard dose therapy for
gregation. CYP7 and CYP27 families catalyze the hydroxy- thiopurine drugs is administered; thus, genetic testing is
lation of cholesterol for the biosynthesis of bile acids. The essential for identifying patients with metabolizing en-
CYP24 family catalyzes the hydroxylation and inactivation zyme polymorphisms.43
vitamin D3. CYP 450 enzymes are also found in steroid- Pharmacogenetic testing is often used prior to drug
producing tissues and function to synthesize steroid hor- therapy to assist clinicians in identifying patients with
mones from cholesterol (CYP11, 17, 19, and 21).42 genetic polymorphisms, to guide drug and dose selec-
Genetic variants that affect drug-metabolizing enzyme tion. Pharmacogenetic testing can be performed through
function and expression are recognized for other enzymes phenotype tests that measure metabolic enzyme activity,
such as NAT, UGT1A1, GST, and TPMT. These variants through administration of a probe drug and subsequent
are associated with distinct extensive (fast), intermediate, evaluation of metabolic ratios, or through genotype test-
or poor (slow) metabolizer phenotypes, which could lead ing that identifies clinically significant genetic variants.
to adverse drug reactions or therapeutic failure. For ex- The activity of drug-metabolizing enzymes can also be
ample, two phenotypes—fast or slow acetylators—are altered by food, nutritional supplements, or other drugs.
recognized for N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2). NAT2 is the Compounds that stimulate an increase in the synthesis
primary enzyme involved in the acetylation of isoniazid, a CYP 450 enzymes are called inducers. Inducers will in-
drug used to treat tuberculosis. Acetylation is the primary crease the metabolism of drugs and reduce the bioavail-
mechanism for the elimination of isoniazid and, therefore, ability of the parent compound. Compounds that reduce
patients with low NAT2 activity will not be able to inacti- the expression or activity of a drug-metabolizing enzyme
vate isoniazid, putting those patients at increased risk for are referred to as inhibitors. For example, inhibitors can
adverse drug reactions.39 UGT1A1 has polymorphisms compete with substrates for the active site of the CYP 450
that can lead to a nonfunctioning enzyme. UGT1A1 is re- and thereby decrease the metabolism of drugs and in-
sponsible for the metabolism of bilirubin; patients with crease the bioavailability of the parent compound, or
nonfunctioning UGT1A1 are at risk for hyperbiliru- block activity or expression through noncompetitive
binema.43 Last, thiopurine methyltransferase (TPMT) is means.39 Table 12-7 lists the common families of CYP
an enzyme that can be found in bone marrow and ery- 450 enzymes along with some of their substrates and
throcytes and functions to inactivate chemotherapeutic drugs that can induce or inhibit enzyme activity.

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