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Academy Report

Position Paper
Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases*

This position paper on the diagnosis of periodontal diseases was prepared by the Research, Science and Ther-
apy Committee of the American Academy of Periodontology. It is intended for the information of the dental
profession and other interested parties. The purpose of the paper is to provide the reader with a general
overview of the important issues related to the diagnosis of periodontal diseases. It is not intended as a com-
prehensive review of the subject. J Periodontol 2003;74:1237-1247.

laque-induced periodontal diseases are mixed associated with connective tissue attachment loss also
infections associated with relatively specific lead to the resorption of coronal portions of tooth-
groups of indigenous oral bacteria.1-6 Suscepti- supporting alveolar bone.16
bility to these diseases is highly variable and depends This simple separation of plaque-induced peri-
on host responses to periodontal pathogens.7-11 odontal diseases into two categories is not as clear-
Although bacteria cause plaque-induced inflammatory cut as it first appears. For example, if sites that have
periodontal diseases, progression and clinical char- been successfully treated for periodontitis develop
acteristics of these diseases are influenced by both some gingival inflammation at a later date, do those
acquired and genetic factors that can modify sus- sites have recurrent periodontitis or gingivitis super-
ceptibility to infection.12-15 imposed on a reduced but stable periodontium?
There are currently no data to definitively answer
TRADITIONAL APPROACH TO DIAGNOSIS this question. However, since not all sites with gin-
Despite our increased understanding of the etiology givitis necessarily develop loss of attachment and
and pathogenesis of periodontal infections, the diag- bone,17 it is reasonable to assume that gingivitis can
nosis and classification of these diseases is still based occur on a reduced periodontium in which ongoing
almost entirely on traditional clinical assessments.16,17 attachment loss is not occurring. A similar problem
To arrive at a periodontal diagnosis, the dentist must exists when the term “periodontitis” is assigned to
rely upon such factors as: 1) presence or absence of sites with attachment loss and periodontal pockets
clinical signs of inflammation (e.g., bleeding upon in which ongoing periodontal destruction is not
probing); 2) probing depths; 3) extent and pattern of occurring.
loss of clinical attachment and bone; 4) patient’s Demonstration of the progression of periodontitis
medical and dental histories; and 5) presence or requires documentation of additional attachment loss
absence of miscellaneous signs and symptoms, occurring between at least two time points. Since this
including pain, ulceration, and amount of observable is not always possible, especially when a patient is
plaque and calculus.18-20 examined for the first time, most clinicians assign the
Plaque-induced periodontal diseases have tradi- diagnosis of “periodontitis” to inflamed sites that also
tionally been divided into two general categories based have loss of attachment and bone. This is a prudent
on whether attachment loss has occurred: gingivitis practice since such sites may be either currently
and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the presence of gingi- progressing or are at an increased risk for further
val inflammation without loss of connective tissue periodontal destruction. Therefore, demonstration of
attachment.16 Periodontitis can be defined as the pres- progressive attachment loss is not generally consid-
ence of gingival inflammation at sites where there ered to be a requirement for using “periodontitis” as
has been a pathological detachment of collagen fibers a diagnostic label.
from cementum and the junctional epithelium has At the 1999 International Workshop for Classification
migrated apically. In addition, inflammatory events of Periodontal Diseases and Conditions, a reclas-
sification of the different forms of plaque-induced
periodontal diseases was developed.21 This revised
* This paper was developed under the direction of the Research, Science
and Therapy Committee and approved by the Board of Trustees of the
classification includes seven general types of plaque-
American Academy of Periodontology in May 2003. induced periodontal diseases: 1) gingivitis, 2) chronic

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Academy Report
periodontitis, 3) aggressive periodontitis, 4) periodon- pathogens in the subgingival flora might be useful in
titis as a manifestation of systemic diseases, 5) necro- identifying a microbial target of periodontal therapy,
tizing periodontal diseases, 6) abscesses of the but it does not provide information that is used in
periodontium, and 7) periodontitis associated with determining a periodontal diagnosis.
endodontic lesions.21 The major departures from the
previous classification system are: 1) the term “chronic SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION OF DIAGNOSTIC
periodontitis” has replaced “adult periodontitis” and TESTS
2) the term “aggressive periodontitis” has replaced Statistical validation of a potentially useful diagnostic
“early-onset periodontitis.” In the new classification test routinely involves use of a two-by-two decision
system, depending on a variety of circumstances, all matrix as shown in Figure 1. From such tables, the
forms of periodontitis can progress rapidly or slowly validity of a diagnostic or prognostic test can be esti-
and can be non-responsive to therapy. It was also mated.22 A diagnostic device or test is intended to
acknowledged that gingivitis can develop on a reduced detect the presence of a specified disease. Data col-
but stable periodontium.21 lection to evaluate a diagnostic test frequently employs
The above classification should not be confused a cross-sectional sampling scheme, and the validity of
with case types previously suggested by the American the test can be estimated by calculating its sensitivity
Academy of Periodontology for purposes of third- and specificity. These can only be determined in a
party insurance payments. The current case types cross-sectional study if the true disease status of the
for periodontal diseases include: gingivitis (Case patient can be established from a single examination.
Type I), mild periodontitis (Case Type II), moderate This is the case for the presence or absence of peri-
periodontitis (Case Type III), advanced periodontitis odontitis. The sensitivity of a diagnostic test refers to
(Case Type IV), and refractory periodontitis (Case the probability of the test being positive when the dis-
Type V). ease is truly present. A perfect test would be able to
detect the disease in all cases without registering a
DIAGNOSTIC INFORMATION false negative. The sensitivity of such a perfect test
Periodontal diagnoses are determined by analyzing would be 1.00. The specificity of a diagnostic test refers
the information collected during a periodontal exam- to the probability of the test being negative when the
ination. A decision is then made regarding the dis- disease is not present. A perfect test would be able to
ease category that is most closely associated with correctly identify all instances in which the disease was
the patient’s clinical status. The information routinely absent without registering a false positive. The speci-
collected during a periodontal examination includes ficity of such a perfect test would be 1.00. However, in
demographic data (e.g., age, gender, etc.), medical medicine and dentistry, perfect diagnostic tests do not
history, history of previous and current periodontal exist. Therefore, a test’s sensitivity and specificity will
problems, periodontal probe measurements (i.e., always be less than 1.00. It is reasonable to expect
probing depths, clinical attachment loss, etc.), radio- that a clinically useful diagnostic test for periodontal dis-
graphic findings, and miscellaneous clinical fea- eases should have high values for both sensitivity and
tures or observations (e.g., gingival inflammation, specificity. There are, however, no preset upper and
plaque/calculus, mobility, occlusal problems). In some lower limits of sensitivity and specificity values that
situations, supplemental qualitative or quantitative determine if a diagnostic test is clinically useful.
assessments of the gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) and Furthermore, since sensitivity and specificity values
subgingival microflora are performed. In addition, a are calculated in diseased or healthy populations,
genetic test for susceptibility to chronic periodonti- respectively, these values may be higher than calcula-
tis has become commercially available.16 tions performed in a mixed population. In contrast, pre-
It should be emphasized that, at the present time, dictive values are calculated in a mixed population of
supplemental information on GCF components, the diseased and healthy patients.
subgingival microflora, and genetic susceptibility are The positive predictive value of a test refers to the
not commonly used by practitioners in arriving at a probability that the disease is present when the test is
diagnosis since the diagnostic utility of this inform- positive. The negative predictive value refers to the
ation has not been validated. Indeed, genetic testing probability that the disease is absent when the test is
is primarily intended to assist in risk assessment and negative. However, predictive values are influenced by
should not be considered a diagnostic test. In add- the prevalence of disease in a population. Thus, in a
ition, testing for the presence of specific putative periodontal practice where there are many patients

1238 Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases Volume 74 • Number 8

Academy Report
the risk of developing the disease at some
point in the future. Calculations can be made
by using the two-by-two contingency table
(Fig. 2) to determine absolute risk, relative
risk and odds ratios that are measures of the
increased risk of developing the disease.
Absolute risk refers to the probability that an
individual will develop an adverse outcome
over a specified time and can be calculated
in prospective studies. Relative risk is the ratio
of disease in an exposed group to the risk of
disease in an unexposed group. It indicates
the strength of the assessed relationship. The
Figure 1. odds ratio measures the odds of having the
Decision matrix for diagnostic and prognostic tests. exposure (risk factor) if the disease is present,
divided by the odds of having the exposure if
the disease is absent. It is usually calculated
in retrospective studies and also indicates the
strength of the association. It is important to
note that relative risk and odds ratios refer to
the strength of a relationship and cannot be
used to predict what will occur. For example,
if a test that is designed to identify high-risk
sites for developing additional bone loss has
an odds ratio of 15, it means that sites with
a positive test are at a 15-fold higher risk of
developing additional bone loss within a spec-
ified time. For an in-depth analysis and dis-
cussion of the statistical evaluation and
interpretation of the validity of diagnostic tests,
readers are referred to an excellent review of
Figure 2. the subject.22
Contingency table for assessing risk.
Supplemental diagnostic tests can be used to
with periodontal disease, a test may have a higher perform two basic tasks. The first is screening, i.e.,
predictive value than the same test in a general prac- to separate diseased from non-diseased patients.
titioner’s office where there is a lower prevalence of The second is to detect sites or patients undergo-
periodontitis. ing the progression of periodontitis. The second task
In the current practice of periodontics, procedures is more demanding than the first. It is also of greater
performed during the course of a routine periodon- importance since the clinician can easily separate
tal examination are usually sufficient to identify sites healthy from periodontitis patients based on cus-
that have undergone pathologic changes associated tomary clinical criteria. The clinical value of fully
with periodontitis. Such examinations can detect sites validated diagnostic tests is considerable in that the
with features of periodontitis such as the presence of results of such tests are potentially useful in identi-
inflammation, periodontal pockets, local etiologic fac- fying the presence of therapeutic targets (i.e., puta-
tors, and loss of clinical attachment and bone. How- tive pathogens), monitoring the response to therapy,
ever, current periodontal examination procedures identifying sites at high risk for progression, and
performed at a single visit cannot determine whether assisting the clinician in determining a patient-
sites are currently undergoing additional attachment specific recall interval for periodontal maintenance
loss. therapy. Several supplemental diagnostic tests are
A prognostic device or test is intended to assess currently available and some are under develop-

J Periodontol • August 2003 Position Paper 1239

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ment. Most of them are designed to provide inform- cytokines.19,72,93-104 Tissue breakdown products
ation presumably associated with progressing peri- in GCF that have been suggested as possible mark-
odontal lesions. ers for progressing periodontal lesions include gly-
Supplemental diagnostic tests fall into four general cosaminoglycans105-110 and several bone-associated
categories. They can be used to detect the presence proteins.59,67,111-116
of: 1) substances associated with putative pathogens; Chairside tests for asparate aminotransferase
2) host-derived enzymes; 3) tissue breakdown prod- (AST) and nonspecific neutral proteinases have been
ucts; or 4) inflammatory mediators. developed. Dead and dying host cells release AST.
Several strategies have been developed to detect Results from several longitudinal studies of chronic
substances associated with putative periodontopatho- periodontitis patients in which increased clinical
gens.19 They include DNA analyses,23-31 assessment attachment loss was used as the criterion for disease
of antigenic profiles,32-41 and enzymatic activities of progression, suggest that the GCF content of AST
certain members of the subgingival flora.42-52 The gen- might serve as a site-specific marker for ongoing
eral aim of all of these approaches is to detect the periodontal destruction.57-62 Since AST is elevated
presence of potentially pathogenic bacteria in subgin- at sites with either gingivitis or nonprogressing peri-
gival plaque samples. They have the advantage of not odontitis, it remains to be established if its levels in
requiring the collection and preservation of viable bac- GCF can distinguish between sites that are breaking
teria. Most of these tests can reliably identify sites that down and those that are not.19
harbor certain putative pathogens and thereby pro- The other GCF assay for host enzymes is a test for
vide information about potential therapeutic targets. non-specific neutral proteinases. These lysosomal
For example, if recently treated sites continue to har- enzymes are primarily derived from neutrophils and
bor high levels of pathogens, then it is reasonable to have been shown to be elevated in GCF from sites with
conclude that additional therapy may be required. In advanced periodontitis.117-119 This enzyme-detection
such instances, the tests could be used to monitor or system has not been longitudinally tested to deter-
assess the endpoint or effectiveness of therapy with the mine if it can reliably detect sites at an increased risk
ideal result being a negative test for the putative for progression. Neither the AST nor nonspecific pro-
pathogens. One drawback of existing microbiologic teinase assays were originally marketed under the
tests that do not culture the bacteria is that they are claim that they could detect progressing sites. They
designed to detect only a limited number of pathogens. were simply sold as enzyme assays. It was left up to
They cannot distinguish between virulent and avirulent the clinician to decide if the elevation of AST or neu-
clones of putative pathogens. Another drawback is tral proteinases in GCF had any clinical relevance.
their inability to provide any information about the Neither test is currently commercially available.
antibiotic sensitivities of the infecting bacteria. The Further development and clinical testing of certain
only known way to determine antibiotic susceptibili- GCF-based diagnostic tests are warranted in order to
ties of suspected pathogens is by cultural analysis and identify markers that are useful in identifying sites
sensitivity testing of the subgingival flora.53-56 that are undergoing loss of periodontal attachment.
An array of enzymes, tissue breakdown products, Such tests could be used to detect sites that require
and inflammatory mediators are released from host additional treatment prior to, or during, the mainte-
cells and tissues during the development and progres- nance phase of therapy. They also could be of value
sion of periodontal infections. Some of these sub- in establishing optimal recall intervals for previously
stances have been suggested as possible markers for treated patients. For example, patients with persis-
the detection of progressing periodontal lesions. tently positive tests may require more frequent recall
A number of studies have been conducted with the visits. In addition, patients who are in the most urgent
general goal of devising chairside assays for mark- need of treatment might be more easily identified
ers of disease progression in GCF.19 Host-derived through the use of such tests.
enzymes that have received the most attention in In a research environment, neutrophil function
this regard are: aspartate aminotransferase,57-63 alka- assays and tests for cell-surface receptors can pro-
line phosphatase,59,64-67 β-glucuronidase,59,68-72 elas- vide potentially useful diagnostic information. For
tase,59,73-83 cathepsins,84-89 and dipeptidyl pepti- example, neutrophils from some patients with local-
dase. 84-85,90 Inflammatory mediators in GCF that ized aggressive periodontitis (LAgP) exhibit faulty
might be associated with advancing periodontal chemotaxis and abnormal bactericidal activity.9
lesions include prostaglandin E259,67,91-93 and several Molecular markers of LAgP include an abnormally

1240 Diagnosis of Periodontal Diseases Volume 74 • Number 8

Academy Report
low number of chemoattractant receptors and an CAL is the distance from the cementoenamel junction
abnormal amount of another cell-surface glycopro- to the base of the probeable crevice. Probing depth
tein designated GP-110.120,121 On the other hand, measurements are clinically important since they
patients with generalized aggressive periodontitis have provide a useful overall assessment of the depth of
normal numbers of GP-110 receptors.120,121 It is prob- periodontal pockets which are the principal habitats
able that tests of this type that are suitable for use of periodontal pathogens. In addition, PD measure-
in clinical situations will eventually be developed. ments can be rapidly recorded and give a good
However, at the present time, such tests are not assessment of the distribution of periodontal prob-
available for widespread clinical application. lems within a given patient. They are an essential
The only host-based test for susceptibility to component of a complete periodontal examination.
periodontitis that is currently available to practitioners CAL assessments on the other hand are more
is a genetic test for polymorphisms in the interleukin- difficult to accurately measure, but they give a better
1 (IL-1) gene cluster.15 The IL-1 gene cluster includes overall estimate of the amount of damage to the peri-
IL-1A, IL-1B, and IL-1RN genes that code for IL-1α, odontium than do PD measurements. In prospective
IL-1β, and the IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) respec- studies, CAL measurements are the most valid method
tively. Approximately 30% of Caucasians are positive for of assessing treatment outcomes.133 Multiple studies
a composite genotype of IL-1A and IL-1B polymor- indicate that, in the hands of experienced practitioners,
phisms consisting of allele 2 of both IL-1A + 4845 (or CAL measurements taken with conventional peri-
the concordant -889) and IL-1B + 3954.15 People who odontal probes at different visits are repeatable to within
carry this composite genotype may be at an increased ±1 mm more than 90% of the time.19,133 Under clini-
risk of the following: bleeding upon probing,122 severe cal conditions, comparable repeatability values have
chronic periodontitis,15 tooth loss,123 and reduced sta- been obtained with computer-linked, controlled-force
bility of gains of clinical attachment after guided tissue electronic periodontal probes.19,133 Electronic probes
regeneration.124 Presumably this is due to hyper- have the advantage of controlling insertion forces and
secretion of IL-1β in response to inflammation-inducing automatically recording clinical information into a com-
stimuli.125 In contrast, other studies have noted that puter.19,133,134 In addition to controlled insertion force,
the composite genotype cannot be used to identify electronic probes have a better resolution than standard
patients that are predisposed to the following: tooth manual probes. This feature is important since it makes
loss,126 periodontitis,127 attachment loss after ther- it theoretically feasible to detect smaller changes in
apy,128 or increased secretion of IL-1β.129 Since there clinical attachment levels than are possible with man-
is conflicting information in the literature, these con- ual probes.135 For example, in one study, untreated
cepts need further validation. chronic periodontitis patients were examined over a
It should also be noted that the prevalence of the 6-month period using a prototype of an automated
IL-1 composite genotype is very low in some popu- probe which has an accuracy of 0.2 mm. It was found
lations. For example, in people of Chinese heritage that if a threshold of 0.4 mm was used to indicate that
only 2.3% are genotype-positive.130 In addition, the a change in attachment level had occurred, the preva-
IL-1 genotype associated with increased risk of lence of sites that had progressed was 29% over the
severe chronic periodontitis does not appear to be a 6-month period. If a large threshold (i.e., 2.4 mm),
risk marker for aggressive forms of periodonti- comparable to that achievable with a manual probe
tis.131,132 Therefore, in certain populations, the test was used, only 2% of the sites were determined to have
is of little or no value in establishing the risk for experienced additional attachment loss.136
susceptibility to periodontitis. In conclusion, at pre- Manual (conventional) periodontal probes are highly
sent, how best to use this genetic test in clinical satisfactory for the performance of routine periodon-
practice has not been established. tal examinations. Comparable results are obtained
when either manual or electronic probes are used.19
ADVANCES IN TRADITIONAL DIAGNOSTIC Some practitioners prefer electronic over conventional
METHODS periodontal probes, especially because of the auto-
In clinical practice, conventional periodontal probes matic data entry feature afforded by these devices.
are widely used to obtain two important measure- The main drawback of electronic probes is their ten-
ments: probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment dency to underestimate PD and CAL measurements
loss (CAL). PD is defined as the distance from the in untreated patients.19 In such patients, the presence
gingival margin to the base of the probeable crevice. of subgingival calculus can interfere with probe inser-

J Periodontol • August 2003 Position Paper 1241

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tion. To minimize this problem, reproducibility of clin- SUMMARY
ical measurements taken with controlled-force probes At the present time, the diagnosis and classification of
can be improved by using a “double-pass” method periodontal diseases are almost entirely based on
(i.e., measuring each site twice).19,137,138 In treated traditional clinical assessments. Supplemental quanti-
patients, this reproducibility problem is not as great. tative and qualitative assessments of the gingival
Indeed, in treated patients, lower standard deviations crevicular fluid and subgingival microflora can poten-
of replicate single-pass clinical measurements have tially provide useful information about the patient’s
been obtained with controlled-force compared to con- periodontal disease. In certain situations, these supple-
ventional probes.139,140 mental risk-assessment tests may be particularly
In the past decade, many advances have been valuable in establishing the endpoint of therapy prior
made in radiographic imaging methods for peri- to placing patients on a periodontal maintenance pro-
odontal structures. Advanced direct digital (filmless) gram. Although the clinical utility of none of these tests
radiographic and computed tomographic techniques has been validated, their further development is war-
have been developed to the stage where they are ranted. A genetic test for susceptibility to periodon-
already being used on a day-to-day basis by practi- titis has become commercially available. How best
tioners.141 Intraoral radiographs, such as periapical to use this and future host-based tests in clinical prac-
films and vertical or horizontal bitewings, provide a tice remains to be determined. Probing depth and
considerable amount of information about the clinical attachment loss measurements obtained with
periodontium that cannot be obtained by any other periodontal probes are practical and valid methods
non-invasive means. The information supplied by for assessing periodontal status. Computer-linked,
radiographs includes root length, root form, presence controlled-force electronic periodontal probes are
or absence of periapical lesions, root proximity, and commercially available and are currently in use by
estimates of remaining alveolar bone. Although valid some practitioners. Many of the logistical problems
periodontal diagnoses cannot be made from radio- associated with subtraction radiography are being over-
graphs alone, they are an essential component of a come and this powerful diagnostic tool may soon come
complete periodontal examination.19 into widespread use. Future developments in this and
Conventionally read radiographs routinely under- other imaging techniques are likely to have a profound
estimate the amount of bone loss.19,142,143 In addition, effect on our approach to the diagnosis of periodontal
sequentially taken radiographs, when examined by diseases.
eye, are able to reveal changes in bone only after
30 to 50% of the bone mineral has been ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
resorbed.135,141,144 Subtraction radiography, on the The primary author for this paper is Dr. Gary
other hand, allows detection of changes in bone C. Armitage. Members of the Research, Science and
density as low as 5%. Although subtraction radiogra- Therapy Committee include: Drs. Terry D. Rees,
phy detects changes after they have occurred, it is Chair; Timothy Blieden; Gary Greenstein; Vincent
possible with this technique to detect very small J. Iacono; Joseph P. Fiorellini; Petros Damoulis;
changes in alveolar bone that would go unnoticed with William V. Giannobile; Henry Greenwell; Angelo
conventionally read films.135,136,141,145,146 Mariotti; Richard Nagy; Barry D. Wagenberg, Board
Many of the logistical problems initially associated Liaison; Robert J. Genco, Consultant.
with subtraction radiography are being overcome.
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