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EEE1011- Automated Test Engineering Lab

Digital Assignment-7
Name: Kanav Bhasin
Register No.: 18BEE0068
Slot: L31+L32
Faculty: Prof Karthikeyan A

Aim: To design a PCB which functions as a crystal tester on DesignSpark PCB 9.0
Apparatus used: System with DesignSpark PCB 9.0 installed
Description: The idea for this crystal tester circuit sprung out of the need of testing a large
number of oscillator crystals lying unused in a big hobby box. testing the crystals one by one
without the appropriate device would have been very slow and a time consuming task.
Commercial crystal testers are however very expensive, that is why this simple electronic
crystal tester was born. The transistor T1 and the crystal to be tested together makes a
complete crystal oscillator. The capacitors C1 and C2 works as a capacitive voltage divider
that is connected to the transistor T1. If the crystal being tested is intact, the circuit
oscillates. The sine wave oscillation voltage is fed to the rectifier circuit (d1, D2) and filtered
by capacitor C4. With an intact crystal, the DC voltage at the base of the transistor T2 is high
enough to cause the transistor to conduct. The LED lights up signalling that the crystal is
good. The electronic circuit cand be used to test crystals with frequencies from 100kHz up
to 30MHz. The current consumption is low: around 25mA.
Schematic Design:
PCB Design:

Output Status:

• Design Status Report

• PCB Layers
• Net List

• Component height report

• Bill of Materials

Result: The PCB Crystal Tester was designed using DesignSpark9.0 and various reports were
observed successfully

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