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During a Sprint Review, the stakeholders notice that the product development
progress is not clear and visible. Who is responsible for this lack of transparency?

a. Product owner
b. Dev team
c. Scrum team
d. Scrum master

2. If 5 Scrum Teams are working on the same product, how many Product Owners are

a. As decided by the self-organized scrum team

b. As decided by the management
c. Five product owners
d. One product owner

3. Which statement regarding the Product Backlog is FALSE?

a. It is managed by the product owner

b. It is a finalized list of requirements to be done for the product
c. Ordered based on value, priority, risk, and dependecies
d. It is an invetory of work to be done for the product

4. Select the correct statement. Before the Sprint Planning

a. The product backlog items must be refined with complete acceptance criteria before
they are chosen for sprint
b. Completed user stories must be posted on the scrum board
c. None of all
d. The dev team must have a fefinition of done formally approved by the product owner

5. During the Sprint, the Development Team tracks the remaining work and the trend at

a. Everyday
b. Every week
c. Whenever they have time

6. Kevin is a senior developer that has recently joined an existing Scrum Team. The
existing team members are unable to get along with Kevin and conclude that he is not
a culture fit. If necessary, who is responsible for removing the new team member,
and why?

a. The dev team is responsible, and may request help from the scrum master
b. The HR department as htey are responsible for the hiring process
c. The product awner because he/she is responsible for managing the team
d. The scrum master because he/she is responsible for removing impediments
7. Although Burn-down charts are optional, it can be useful tool for tracking what
measure? (choose the best answer)

a. How individual team members are performing

b. How much business value has been delivered to the customer
c. How much cost has been accumulated
d. How much work is remaining across time

8. The Product Owner must release each Increment to production?

a. When it makes sense

b. To make sure the dev team is done every sprint
c. Without exception
d. Whenever the product is free of deects

9. As a Product Owner, which of the following would be a valid point of focus? (choose
the best two answers)

a. Creating user stories

b. Frequently work with customers and stakeholders in identifying potential work that
could deliver the most value
c. Ensuring the project and release status is transparent to customers and stakeholders
d. Always being near the scrum team just in case they need product owner support

10. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a. Only the dev team can finalize the estimate of the proudct backlog
b. The product owner only orders the product backlog items on their value
c. The dev team can write a product backlog item at the product ownear’s discretion
d. Multiple dev teams working for the same product should have only one common
product backlog

11. A properly functioning Scrum Team will have at least one Release Sprint and may well
have several

a. False
b. True

12. What should a Product Owner take in consideration when ordering the Product
Backlog? (choose the best answer)

a. The highest priority items are always at the top

b. Whatever is the most appropriate to achieve the product’s goals and to optimize the
value delivered to the users
c. The availability of the technical lead
d. How much time the dev team is allocated to the project
e. the newest items are added towards hte bottom
f. the items with the highest ROI are always at the top
13. When can a Development Team cancel a sprint?

a. When functional expectations are not well understood

b. When the product owner is absent too often
c. It can’t, only product owner can cancel sprints
d. When the selected product backlog items for the sprint become unachievable
e. When a technical dependency cannot be resolved

14. What measures can help to determine the product success? (choose the best 3

a. How much of the planned scope is delivered by the end of the sprint
b. The frequency of membership changes within the scrum team
c. The product’s impact on customer satisfaction
d. The scrum team’s velocity
e. The product’s impact on cost
f. The product’s impact on revenue

15. You are the Scrum Master on a newly formed Scrum Team. Which three of the
following activities would probably help the team in starting up?

a. Have the development managers for each dev team member introduce their direct
reports and go over their responsibilities on the scrum team
b. Ensure the team understands they need a definition of done
c. Have the scrum team members introduce themselves to each other and give a brief
background of their skills and work history
d. Ensure the scrum team members have compatible personalities
e. Introduce a bonus system for the top performers in the team
f. Ask the product owner to discuss the product or project, its history, goals, and
context as well as answer questions

16. A Development Team member is requested by an important stakeholder to help them

with some external tasks. The Development Team referred him to the Product
Owner. In this case, the Scrum Master should :

a. Do nothing since the dev team’s action is correct

b. Coach the dev team to support senior management requirements
c. Form a sub team that can take care of such external requests

17. Which topics are NOT appropriate in a Sprint Retrospective? Choose 2 answers

a. Sprint backlog for the next sprint

b. Team relations
c. The value of work currently represented in the product backlog
d. Definition of done

18. Scrum is a methodology that tells in detail how to build software incrementally
a. False
b. True

19. What is used by the Product Owner to identify unfinished work at the end of the

a. Definition of ready
b. Definition of done
c. Coding standard
d. Testing standard

20. All work to be done by the Development Team must come from the Product Backlog.

a. True
b. False

21. Multiple teams working on the same product should maintain separate Product

a. True
b. False

22. A Scrum Team can have an exclusive first Sprint to prepare Product Backlog which is
the sole outcome from that Sprint

a. True
b. False

23. What is the accountability of the Product Owner during Sprint 0?

a. Make the complete project plan to commit date, budget and scope to the
b. Gathering, eliciting, and analyzing the requirements that will be inserted into the
product backlog
c. Determine the composition of the dev teams so they have the capacity to deliver the
completed forecast
d. There is no such thing as sprint 0
e. Make sure enough product backlog items are refined to fill the first 3 sprints

24. The number one priority of the Product Owner is

a. Guarding the dev team from any interruption

b. Maximizing the value of the dev team’s work
c. Managing the development work
d. Testing teh dev team’s work against detailed requirements
25. If two Scrum Teams are added to the development of a product that previously had
only one Scrum Team, what will be the immediate impact on the productivity of the
original Scrum Team?

a. Its productivity is likely to stay the same

b. Its productivity is likely to decrease
c. Its productivity is likely to increase

26. Who is responsible for managing the tasks of the Development Team members during
the Sprint?

a. The project manager

b. All of them
c. The product owner
d. The dev team
e. The scrum master

27. An organization that is new to Scrum wants to know how the interactions should be
between the Product Owner and the Development Team. Which two statements best
describes the relationship? (choose the two best answers)

a. They only interact at the start and end of the sprints so that the dev team is not
distracted while they are doing the work
b. The dev team helps the product owner acquire a deep understanding of the
technology being used
c. They collaborate frequently in order for the product owner to make sound decisions
in managing the product backlog
d. They collaborate frequently in order for the dev team to deliver increments that
address user and stakeholder needs
e. The product owner manages the work being done in order to maxmize dev team
utilization and project performance

28. During the Sprint, the Sprint Backlog can be modified as more is learned. However, no
changes are made that would endanger the Sprint Goal.

a. False
b. True

29. Who creates a Product Backlog item's estimate?

a. The product owner with input from the dev team

b. The most senior people in the organization, including architects and subject matter
c. The dev team alone
d. The dev team after clarifying requirements with the product owner
e. The scrum maste

30. Who is responsible for the development quality in Scrum?

a. Lead developer
b. Tester
c. Everyone who performs the development work
d. Scrum master

31. An increase of the Development Team's velocity and productivity is the positive sign
of success as a Product Owner.

a. False
b. True

32. What would be the responsibilities of a self-organizing Development Team?

a. Update stakeholders on the daily progress and keep the burndown chart updated
b. Select the product backlog items for the sprint and do the work planned in the sprint
c. Wirting user stories and reordering the product backlog
d. Deciding on the value of the product features and value estimations

33. Which is the true statement?

a. The sprint retrospective focusses on the product while the sprint review focuses on
scrum team’s process and people aspects
b. The sprint retrospective focuses on scrum team’s process and people aspects while
the sprint review focuses on the product
c. The sprint retrospective focuses on scrum team’s process and people aspects while
the sprint review focuses on velocity

34. Which activity or event takes place between the current Sprint and the next Sprint

a. Management retrospective
b. None
c. Performance retrospective
d. Product planning

35. A Scrum Master is introducing Scrum to a new Development Team. The Development
Team has decided that a retrospective is unnecessary. What action should the Scrum
Master take?

a. Consult with the product owner to see how he/she feels about the situation
b. Begin facilitating productive and useful retrospectives
c. Comply with the decision of the self-organizing team
d. Call a meeting between the dev team and senior management

36. Revenue is the only measure of product’s value

a. False
b. True

37. During a Sprint, when is new work or further decomposition of work added to the
Sprint Backlog?

a. During the daily scrum after the dev team approves them
b. As soon as possible after they are identified
c. When the product owner identifies new work
d. When the scrum master has time to enter them

38. Which answer best describes the topics covered in Sprint Planning?

a. Who is on the team and what team member roles will be

b. What to do and who will do it
c. What went wrong in the last sprint and what to do differently this sprint
d. How conditions have changed and how the product backlog should evolve
e. What can be done and how to do it

39. In accordance with the Scrum theory, how should a group of 100 people be divided
into multiple Development Teams?

a. Understanding the product, the product vision and the rules of the scrum framework,
the group divides itself into teams
b. It doesn’t really matter because you can rotate the teams every sprint to spread
c. Create a matrix of skills, seniority, and level of experience to assign people to teams
d. Check with the allocation department to see who has worked together before and
make these the first teams

40. The Daily Scrum is an event that happens every day. What would be three key
concerns if the frequency were to be lowered to every two or three days? Choose 3

a. The sprint plan becomes inaccurate

b. Too much work is spent updating the scrum board before the meeting
c. The product owner cannot accurately report progress to the stakeholders
d. Impediments are raised and resolved more slowly
e. The scrum master loses the ability to update the gantt chart property
f. Opportunities to inspect and adapt the sprint backlog are lost

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