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Supplications [ad’iyya] after Obligatory [fard] Prayers

Beginning of Supplication [iftitāḥu-d duʿā’] َ َ ْ ُُ ْ َ ْ “ َ ْ < َF ْ َ َ

َْ !"ِ ‫َא‬F  ’t ْ Œَ ‫א َو‬QtَF “ &
ْ 0tَ Œَ ‫ ِאذ‬04َ 5ْ Kَ ‫א‬QَF Uµَ ْ W”“ ‫ع‬N Ôِ ³ُ“ ‫א ˜א‬QَF U‫ ﴿ َ ﱠر‬،8“ِ Ùْ ·َ ‫ א‬8‫א‬
ِ j4‫כ‬z ‫א‬Q
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ْ ِ ‫א‬ ‫א ْ* ٰ) ﱠ‬ ‫ ﱠ‬#$%‫א‬
ِ , ِ  ‫"ِ َ!א 
ْ  ِאن ﱠ‬#$%‫א‬
ْ - ِ ،/ِ t
ْ  ِ ‫א‬ ِ &

‫א‬ ْ َ
ِ ِ ‫ً ﱠ ْ ¶ ﱠ‬ َ َ ْ ‫ﱠ‬
ْ َ ُ ْ َ َ َ َُ َ ً ْ َ ْ ﴾8‫א‬t c Œµَ ‫ “’א‬UF ‫&כא‬F ‫&כ َرْ* َ)Š ۚ ِא‬F Òُ s
Mْ OtNِ Qَ t F &
َ ‫)א‬4َ ‫כ‬0)1ْ 2َ 3‫אכא‬QF U‫ َ
&א َ ﱠر‬،‫ه‬0&
ْ Bِ Cَ DFG‫א‬E ‫ َ ُ
و&כ‬Jُ )4َ 5َ KFِ DFG‫א‬E َ Lُ
‫א‬0)ْ *< ،=َ >
?ِ @5t4 ٰ ‫א‬8 ِّ ‫َر‬ O Allah, verily we beg you for safety and security in our religion, worldly dealings and other-
worldly affairs; well-being of our physical bodies; expansion of our knowledge and guidance
‫َٓ َ ﱣ‬ ٓ َ ٓ c َ ْ َ ََ
Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫א‬،#$%‫ َ
ْ ِ ‫ َ
&א َر‬hُ ijْ
ِ ‫ﱠ\א َ
&אכ‬F َ dt‫ َو ْא‬،‫א&כ‬Fِ VWYX Ztِ
ْ [ ِ N 5tَ ‫و‬E َ ‫אل َو ْ ^ ِ]\כ‬ ِ ab 3ِ therein; blessings in our sustenance; soundness of our intellect; repentance before death, ease in
death, forgiveness after death, and relieve us from all ordeals of the throes of death, O Hearer of
ً َ ْ < ٰ ُ ْ ّ ّ
‫אة‬a< ،#$%‫ ِˆא‬W}ِ Dْ FGE ‫ َد َ‚א‬0َ }َ ،Jٖ 1 ِ „ْ …‫ َو‬rٖ sِ ‫ ﱠوא‬uٍ v‫ ﱠ‬wَ x‫َ&א‬F 0ِ ّ
ِ z< {|ٰ }َ ‫ ْ َ َ و& ِאرכ‬WE Y< ‫< ِ€ َو‬
every pleading voice! “Our Lord!” (they say), “Let not our hearts deviate now after You have guided us, but
grant us mercy from Your own Presence; for You are the Grantor of bounties without measure.

ْ Supplication [duʿā’] after ṣalātu-l Maghrib

،#$%‫ ِכא‬W‚ُ ‰‫ َو ِא‬0َ & ِ Šً )َ i‫َد ِ ٔא‬ َ َ َ ََ ْ َ َ ‫َﱣ‬
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. I begin in the name of Allah, the Universally
‫כ‬Qَ“ َ
”‫א‬Fِ }َ‫א َو‬QَF ْ
W}َ ‫) “َכ‬4َ 5ْ KFِ /‫ ﱠ‬i“ ِ ‫”א‬F ÁÀٍ >“ Yِ ‫א”
َ ٍŠ َو‬Fِ }َ‫) ٍŠ َو‬4َ 5ْ KFِ Dْ FGE ‫ْ!כ‬F ِ" ‫א‬QtَF
ْ ²!< "ْ ‫ﱠ&א א‬F ‫ ِא‬/t‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫א‬
Merciful, the Singularly Compassionate. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, in the measure of ْ َ < ُّ َْ
His blessings and commensurate with His increase of them. Our Lord, all praise belongs to You as
Šِ & َ ‫ َ ِ و&א˜ ِא َ א‬Á jٌ ³
ْ 0ِ ”“ Mٔ ٍ ãْ
Y €ِ ‫ﱠ&כ َ} ٰ|{ כ‬F ‫ ِא‬،‫ة‬jِ َ *ِ N ‫א َوא˜א‬Qَ
UْF Òs‫א‬ ‫ َو ﱡ‬³ْ Òs‫א‬ ّ F َ َ ْ“ َ
much as befits Your Glory and Sublime Majesty. Erase from our record all traces of error and
ِ DGE ‫כ‬À>Yِ ‫و‬
َ ‫َﱣ‬ َ ‫َﱣ‬ َ ْ
transgression, O Source of all Generosity, O Spring of all Compassion, O Allah! O Allah, whelm
benedictions, peace and blessings on our liege Muhammad a, and on his family and companions, !َ "ِ ‫َ&א‬Fjْ * ِ ‫ א‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫؀ א‬ æ ‫ﱠ ِאر‬F ‫َ&א "ِ َ! א‬Fjْ * ِ ‫ א‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫ א‬Á Àُ >
ْ ¬ِ ‫ﱠ‬F ‫ א‬Z4َ 5ْ K‫و‬Fِ َ {äÙْ ·َ ‫ א‬Z4َ 5ْ KFِ Á jٌ ³
ْ 0ِ  َ
in the number that is in Your Knowledge, such that those benedictions may continue forever َ ْ ْ َ
‫َ ﱠ‬
eternal as Your Kingdom. =َ >
ْ )ِ E‫א‬VN ‫א › ﱠš א‬QَF U‫َא َ ﱠر‬F ”‫ َ ِ“و‬،=َ >
ْ ! Fِ ِ"‫ א‬Zٍ ٰW ²< - ِ Šَ 1‫ﱠ‬F 2َ 3‫َא א‬F Wِ N ‫ َوא ْد‬،=َ >
ْ )ِ E‫א‬Y< Í‫ﱠ ِא‬F ‫א‬
Supplication [duʿā’] after Ṣalātu-l Fajr َْ َ ْ َ
‰ِ ْ ¨®“ ‫َ&א َ}|{ א‬FÈْ ÉX Æ‫א‬F ”F ،=َ >
ْ ¨\ “ِ èْ
0ِ &ْF B‫א‬ ّ َ َ ْ “ َF َ َ ْ “ F َ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ْ َ
 َ َْ ً َ ْ
‫א‬0ً 4ْ
5ِ Kَ ِّ ‘ ‫ ً ’ ﱠو َ ِ\ א‬Ujْ
ِ ”“ •ِ >
ْ –N 3‫—א < َ ًאא ُ" َ! َאرכ "ِ َ! א‬tŒٰ ‫َא‬F *‫€ < َ <א‬45tَ ‫ ْ א‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫א‬
‫َﱣ‬ ِ ‫ ِ \¸¨
>= و‬zِ ‫¨
>= وא®¨\א‬t\ ِ ç‫ ِא‬F )‫ َ وא‬³
0ِ Y‫ ِא‬b3‫وא‬
َٓ َْ َ َٓ ْ ْ ْ ْ َْ
َ َ َ َ َ ْ ‫َﱣ‬ َ َ
‫ ًאא‬a< ‫َא‬F  ‫—א‬tŒٰ ‫َ!א‬F ِ" ْ Lَ
‫€ א ﱠول‬45tَ ‫ ْ א‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫ א‬،‫œ ْ ًو‚א‬1ُ 2ْ x ‫َ ِא› ًšא َو˜א‬N ‫ ٔ ًא َو˜א‬z‫َא ِא‬N ˜
َ ‫ﱠ‬ ‫ “®¨\א ِء‬E Ú!َ "َ ، /ِ ijْ
ِ ‫ “®¨\א ِء َو ْ ^ ِ]\כ אכ‬E {ٰ ä‫ َœ ِא‬N ‫ﱠ‬F ‫َא א‬F ”‫َא َو ْא¼ ُ “ز‬F ]\ َ Øٰ ‫ ِא‬،=َ >
ْ Èِ‫ َ َوא ُ) ‘ ِ כ‬³jْ
ِ ”‫א‬Fِ ‫אכ‬
ٓ ّ َ َ < َ ْF َF ْ ّ َ ‫َ َ ً ﱠ َ َ ً َ ﱣ ُ ﱠ‬F ُ َ N َ ‫َ َ ً ﱠ‬F ُ  < ْ َ ‫ﱠ‬
،‫<א ِء‬N ‫א‬ ِ £tmnWp‫ א‬،‫ ر&אא‬¤ ‫אא‬¥ ¦ ‫ه‬j*ِ ‫אא وא‬a” Jz‫وאو‬ ،‫ﷺ‬uٍ v‫ ﱠ‬wَ x‫َ&א‬F 0ِ ّ
ِ z<
ِ ‫א "ِ !כ  אح‬1„¡¢ O Allah, verily we have entered this evening with blessings, well-being and protection from You, so
ْ ‫َﱣ‬ َ ْ ّ ُ َ ٓ َْ َ ْ
€45tَ ‫ ْ א‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫ א‬،±tُ
ْ ِ ‫ َ
&א َر‬hُ ijْ
ِ ‫ َ
&א כ‬hِ i‫ ِ ٔא‬j1َ 2َ 3‫א ِ &א‬QَF Uْ —4ِ 5َ K“ ‫ َو˜א‬،‫<­¬א ِء‬N ¨®“ ‫ א‬DFGE ‫َ\א › ﱠš َ‚א‬F ¨©Fِ ‫אכ‬¤َ bestow [upon us] complete blessings, well-being and protection from You in [our] religion, worldly
dealings and otherworldly affairs; verily You have power over all things and You are quick in
ُُ ُُ ٓ responding to our needs—[for You are] the matchless Patron and the consummate Succour! O
8 ¶ µْ W”“ ‫א‬QَF Uَ ْ Wµ ”‫ َ “و‬،َ ³jْ
ِ ‫´א ِכ‬s‫ َאء א‬²!< "َ ‫َ&א‬F ‫א َء‬²!< "‫ َ َو‬،=َ >
ْ bِ 3‫¬ ِא‬V ‫َא < َ َאح א‬F *‫< َ <א‬ Allah, save us from the Fire (7 times). O Allah, protect us from perdition, making us felicitous; enter
us into the Garden in peace and security; shield us, our Lord, from the evil of the oppressors, the
ْ َ َ َ َ ْ َ َ َْ
،=َ >
ْ ¨¸\ “ِ ‫َא א ْ َ\)אل א ُ) “ﱠ‬F ‫ َوא ْ َ\)א‬،=َ >
ْ 54 ِ ْ
ِ ·ُ ‫َא&א א‬F 0َ & ْ ‫א א‬QَF U‫َא‬F 0َ & ْ ‫ َوא‬،=َ >
ْ 54 ِ z‫– ِא‬N 3‫א‬
envious, the hypocrites, the profligates and the heretics; and aid us against the unbelievers and
idolaters. O God, bless us to witness Your Beatific Countenance during the Encounter together with
our liege Muhammad a.
ْ < َْ َ ‫ﱠ‬ َْ َ َْ
‫ ُد َ} ِאء‬Dْ FGE ‫א‬tَF ‫ ِאرכ‬Y ‫ َو‬،=َ >
ْ W E ”‫א‬4Fِ 5tN ‫ ْ َ‚ ِŠ א‬LF \ْ َ ‫َ \א‬F ]ْ ¹ّ ِ &َF ¤َ ، َ ³jْ
ِ ‫´א ِכ‬s‫َ َŠ א‬F ِ ‫א א‬QَF Qtَ“ F ²ِ ‫َوא‬ Supplication [duʿā’] after ṣalātu-l ʿIshā’
ْ ْ َ َ ‫ﱠ‬F ْ <N ْ F َF ‫َ َ ﱠ‬F َ“ ْN F < َ َ ْ ‫ُ ْ َ ﱠ‬N ْ F َF ْN َF ْ ‫َ ﱣ ُ ﱠ‬
َ َ ْ َ ‫ﱠ‬F ‫ﱠ َ َ ٓ َ ½ ْ ٰ َ ْ َ َ ﱣ ُ ﱠ‬F َ ْ َF ْ“ ُ ْ َ َ ْ ِ 
Šٍ )4َ 5ْ KFِ Dْ F GE ‫ْ!כ‬F ِ" ‫א‬1َF „ْ ¡¢ ‫ ِא&א א‬/tmnWp‫ א‬،=>
?ِ@5t4 ‫ א‬8 ‫Š
&א ر‬12 3‫ א¼ز”א א‬¤ ،=>
bِ 3‫¬א‬V‫א‬ ‫ﱠ\א‬F َ ‫ ِف‬í‫א‬ ‫ و‬Á‫] ِ\אر‬¹‫ ِء א‬ Ù DGE ‫א‬QU‫א
&א ر‬Qt ­¨Öِ  ‫)א‬4‫
 ِ€ כ‬Wp‫@? ِŠ א‬ë DGE ‫¨­א‬֏‫ א‬ZtmnWp‫א‬
ْ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ َF ْ X  ْ َ َ ‫ﱠ‬F َ ٓ َ َ ‫ﱠ‬F َ ¶“ ْF َ َ َ َ ْ ‫َ َ َ ﱠ‬
...Àٍ >“ Yِ ‫א”
َ ٍŠ َو‬Fِ }َ‫َو‬ €45t‫ و א‬Á‫ ِאر‬j³ ‫ א˜א‬Ú!" ‫&א‬ȑ*‫ وא‬Á‫] ِ\אر‬¹‫אء א‬a& ‫š”’ \א‬í‫)א‬4‫
 ِ€ כ‬Wp‫אء א‬a&
‫َﱠ َﱣ‬ َْ c َF َْ ََ
O Allah, make this morning a blessed one that draws to good and far-removed from bad, making it
free from evil, loss, and waste. O Allah, make the start of this day full of goodness, the middle of
Zt‫ ﱠ‬mُ Wpn ‫ א‬Á‫¨ ُ\אر‬tF N ‫ َز َא¼ َ
&א‬¤ْ ‫ﱠ\א א˜א‬F َ dt‫ َو ْא‬Á‫ﱠ ِאر‬F ‫א "ِ َ! א‬1َF „ّ ِ¦‫ َو‬Á‫ ِאر‬j\َ ¨®“ ‫ٰ{ َد ِא¼ א‬ä‫א ِא‬QَF َ W\¨¸“ !ْF "ُ
this day full of prosperity, and the end of this day salvaged and blessed. O Allah, make our morning
one that is pleasing, protect us from the evil of our past actions, and punish us not on account of
َ َ
Zَ *<‫ْ* َ) ِ“כ َ
&אא ْر‬jَ ³ ِ ،‫אص‬ Nِ šَ Cْ ‫ ْא˜ َא‬¤َ ‫ ِאء‬0َ }ْ ‫א َ
&א َو ْא˜ َא‬aَ َ ‫ ْא‬Úْ
?ِïَ !ْ ِ" ‫אص‬
cN  ‫َ”
ﱠ‬F ‫َא َ
&א‬F ­ْN ¨ÖَF ‫ْא‬
our transgressions, O Most Generous, O Singularly Compassionate! O Allah, bless our morning to be ِ
the morning of the righteous; our evening to be the evening of those who remember you ardently;
our hearts to be hearts that manifest fear; our bodies to be the bodies of those in worshipful ،=َ >
ْ ?ِ ï‫אš ِא‬ ‫ﱠ‬
servitude; our actions to be the actions of the pious; our tongues to be tongues of those who O Allah, shield us from the darkness of this night just as you protected us in the light of the day;
remember you fervently; wake us from the slumber of the heedless, include us in the supplications repel from us the trials of this night just as you averted the afflictions of the day; gather us in the
of the righteous, and grant us Paradise, O Lord of the Worlds! O Allah, verily we have entered this company of the righteous and virtuous; make us occupants of the Abode of Everlasting Rest; save
morning with blessings, well-being and protection from You, … (cont. with duʿā’ ṣalātu-l Maghrib) us from the Fire; relieve us of all difficulties, O All-Forgiving! O Allah, O Most Bounteous safeguard
Supplication [duʿā’] after ṣalātu-ẓ Ẓuhr us from all misfortunes, enemies and maladies. By Your Universal Mercy, O quintessence of Mercy!

َ َ ْ ً َ ‫ﱠ‬ ً ‫ﱠ‬ ُّ ُْ ‫َ ﱣ‬
!َ "ِّ ‫א‬à ‫א‬aَN ‫ َو‬،8‫א‬ ِ —45tَ ‫א&א ِّ" َ!א‬F ‚َ ‫ َوא‬Á‫ ِאر‬F ‫ َאءة ِّ" َ!א‬jَ ³ َ ‫!א‬F ِ"0ٍ ‫ כ ِ€ َو ِא‬E’ ْ t“ ‫אכ‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫א‬ ْ َ
Include in All Supplications
َ َ ًَ ْٰ F ً َ ْ ‫ ﱡ‬DFG‫א‬QَF U“ ‫א ٰא‬QَF U‫﴿ َ ﱠر‬
َF ْ َْ ْ َ َ ْ ‫َא‬F Wِ N ‫ﱠ ِאر﴾ َوא ْد‬F ‫ א‬8‫א‬ ¶ —}َ ‫א‬F ”‫Š ﱠ ِ“و‬F < *< ‫ة‬jِ َ *ِ N ‫ א˜א‬DG‫و‬E َ ŠF < *< ‫א‬Qَ
UF Òs‫א‬ E E
‫ “ًא&א‬¥َ ¦‫ َو‬،Šِ 1‫ﱠ‬F 2َ 3‫ ِ &א‬Äَ Åْ ¨®F ‫ َوא‬،Šِ 1‫ﱠ‬F 2َ 3‫’ ِّ" َ! א‬t ً
ْ ¬ِ ÆF‫ َو‬،‫ ِאط‬Èَ ÉVِّ ‫ ًאزא َ}|{ א‬Êَ  < ‫ َو‬،8‫א‬ ِ ²< bِ 3‫א‬ َ ‫ٓ َﱠ‬ ٓ َْ ْ
ُّ ُ ْ َ ‫َﱣ‬ ْ َْ ْ ْ ‫א‬QَF U‫﴾ ﴿ َ ﱠر‬Àً >
ْ 54 Nِ < ‫ ِאن‬Qَ
U‫)א َ ﱠر‬4َ ‫ َ\)א כ‬mُ ôْ *<‫ ْאر‬8 ِّ ‫ ﴿ َر‬Á‫¨ ُ\אر‬tF N ‫ َ
&א‬ñُ ³
ْ Bِ òَ ‫ َ
&א‬Á‫ ِאر‬jَ ³ ْ ‫ א˜א‬Ú!َ "َ Šَ 1‫ﱠ‬F 2َ 3‫א‬
،‫\א‬mnَ WE ‫ כ‬Íِ ÅÎْ "ُ ‫ א˜א‬DFGE ‫א‬ÏÐَF Qَ“ َ ”‫ ْ َ} ِ“א‬²ِ *ْ ‫ א‬Zt‫ ﱠ‬mnُ Wp‫ א‬،8‫א‬ ‫ﱠ‬
ِ ²< bِ 3‫ א‬0\F ِ Åَ ¨tF 5tَ ‫ َوא‬Á‫ ِאر‬F ‫"ِ َ! א‬ ْ ْ ََ ُ ُ َ َ
﴾‫ @ ُ? “ﱠ ِ“ \¸¨ ْ
> َ= ِא َ‚ ًא‚א‬E‫َא‬F W45tَ ‫ةא ْ} ُ
> ٍ= َو ْ א‬j‫א “” ﱠ‬QَF U‫א‬E“ &‫َא َوذ ِّ ﱠ
ر‬F *‫ َو ِ א‬Äْ ‫َא"ِ ْ!א‬F ’t ْ Œَ
َ ْ  ‫َ\א &א‬F ¨Öْ“ 2ِ 3‫ ِ@ ِ? ْ
> َ= َو ْא‬²!ْ "ُ ‫َא‬F ”‫ﱠ‬F َ Lَ“ ،‫ة‬jِ َ *ِ N ‫ ْא˜ ٰא‬8 ‫א َوَ} َ—א‬Qَ
UْF Òs‫א‬
bِ 3‫¬ ِא‬V
‫ى ﱡ‬Ôْ *ِ N !ْ ِ"‫َ&א‬Fjْ * ‫َ َوא‬
ِ ِ
ِ ِ “O our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter, and defend us from the torment of the Fire!”
And cause us to enter the Garden with the righteous. “O Lord, bestow on them Your Mercy as they
O Allah, we beseech You to write in our Scrolls emancipation from the Fire, protection from
cherished me in childhood!” “O our Lord, Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our
tribulations, salvation from reckoning, ability to cross the Bridge, good fortune of the Garden and
eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous.”
success therein, security from the Fire, and amnesty during reckoning. O Allah, give us the best of
endings in all our affairs, give us the best of rewards in our trials here and in our tribulations there, Ending of Supplication [ikhtitāmu-d duʿā’]
let us meet death as those who have submitted [muslimīn] and join us in the company of the
َ ْ ُ ْ ‫َ ُ َ ﱠ َ َ ٰ ٰ َ < ْ َ < ﱠ‬F ّ < ٰ َ ُ ‫َ < ﱠ‬
righteous [ṣāliḥīn]. 8 ِّ ‫ َאن َ ِّ ر&כ َر‬¥َ ¡õ ﴿،/W Y‫و‬Jِ  ِ „1 …‫و‬rِ sِ ‫و}|{א‬uٍ vwx‫&א‬0ِ 
ِ z  {|}#$%‫و|{א‬
Supplication [duʿā’] after ṣalātu-l ʿAṣr َ ْ ْ ْ َ ُ ْ
ْ ْٰ ّ F ً َ َ < َ ُ َ ٔ ْ َF ‫ﱠ‬F ‫َ ﱣ ُ ﱠ‬ ÷ ﴾،=َ >
ْ ?ِ@45tٰ ‫א‬8 ِّ ‫ َر‬#$ِ %ِ 0ُ )1ْ 2َ 3‫ َوא‬،=َ >
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”‫א‬Fِ }َ‫ َو‬،‫ة‬jَ *ِ N ‫א َوא˜א‬Qَ
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ِ DGE Š‚‫א‬aY ‫כ‬W - ‫ ِא&א‬/tmnWp‫א‬ May Allah whelm blessings and peace on our liege Muhammad a and on his family and
َ َ َ ْ ْ companions. “Exalted is your Lord, the Lord of Might, far beyond their (i.e. the disbelievers) descriptions of
€ْ ”“ Šً & َ ْ L‫ َ “و‬،€\ِ ¨t“ 5tَ ‫ א‬DFGE Šً ¥‫ َو ِ… ﱠ‬،‫אš ْز ِق‬ F ً َ ََ َ ُْ َ ْ ْ F ً َ َ َ
ِ ّ DGE Š‫כ‬jَ ³‫ و‬،‫ى‬0\]Ø‫ ِ وא‬W45tِ ‫ א‬DGE ‫ ِ
ز&אدة‬¤ Him. And peace be upon the Messengers. And praise be to Allah, Sustainer of all the Worlds.” (3x)
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‫ ْن‬Ùِّ Œَ 8“ٍ Ùْ < €ِ ‫ כ‬Ú!َ ِ"‫א‬Y‫ َ
& <א‬،8“ِ Ùْ ·َ ‫ א‬04َ 5ْ Kَ ‫ة‬j\َ ¨tFِ 5!N "‫ َ َو‬،8“ِ Ùْ ·َ ‫ א‬0َ \ْF ِ Šً ‫ َر َא‬¤َ ،8“ِ Ùْ ·َ ‫א‬ bū ʿUmāmah al-Bāhilī g narrates: “The Messenger of Allah a was asked as to which
A supplication [duʿā’] was most quickly accepted? He a replied: ‘In the middle of the night and
after the obligatory [farḍ] prayers.’”—Sunan at-Tirmidhī, 5/188.

Tarîqatu-l ‘Arûsiyyatu-l Qâdiriyyah Worldwide Association (Singapore)

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