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Online writing or digital writing is a category of

work that first surfaced due to rise in online
activities. Since then, online writing has brought
about various benefits.
Online writing has provided a wide range of job
opportunities. One of the main challenges in Kenya
is lack of job opportunities. Online writing has
therefore been beneficial since many young people
have started working online. it has massive
opportunities depending on one’s skills and abilities
which include article or feature writing, copy or
content writing, blogging, social media content
creation and editing.
Working hours in online writing depends on ones
schedule hence offering flexibility as one can choose
their own time best time to work. In addition to
flexibility, online writing requires no certification as
long as one has the required skills. This provides a
rare opportunity for jobless youth to earn money and
improve their lives.
In addition to making extra income, online writing
also improves ones writing skills such as spelling
and grammar. Through writing, one is able to
identify mistakes made and be able to improve their
It also provides never ending stockpile of jobs.
Many people are shifting to online activities due to
advancement in technology. This increases online
job opportunities in writing. This is beneficial to
many educated youth who are seeking for
employment opportunities.
Online writing is has location independence. One is
able to choose where they spend their working. One
can work in the comfort of their home, hotel, airport,
coffee shop, and library or even in pubs. This comes
in handy especially when one needs a change of
scene or a break.
There is job security in freelance writing. For
instance, if you are in a regular job and job cuts
occur, you can lose 100% of your income while in
online writing you cannot lose income since there
are numerous opportunities.
Online writing has also provided opportunities for
people especially students to multitask since they
can hire someone to work on their projects while
they concentrate on other important errands. This
has proved helpful to students who operate on tight
schedules and datelines. There are also students who
are parents and online writing offers them the rare
comfort of spending time with their loved ones
since they can always find someone online to work
on their assignments and academic papers.
Online writing also provides the writers with an
opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills
and various fields such as science, medicine,
technology, arts and many others. Armed with such
expansive knowledge and skills, they can always
develop new interests in various fields and choose to
broaden their skills through studying. It can also
provide them with new opportunities which they
wouldn’t get without exposure to online writing.

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