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A Christian education is important because it opens the door for young people to

experience the transformation that comes with accepting God into our lives. Allowing the grace

of God to transform us in every aspect of our lives should be the purpose of our lives, so it is

important that education serves helps fulfill that purpose. Students should develop a thorough

understanding of God’s word and what it means to help them achieve salvation and

sanctification. Otherwise, we risk being corrupted by secular thought systems and not giving the

authority of God its proper weight, but we might also be tempted to think that just learning lists

of facts and knowledge from the Bible is enough to achieve salvation. It takes a true

understanding to allow the Holy Spirit to work its transformation.

The transformation is important because sanctification before God is more than a promise

of eternal life in Heaven or forgiveness for sin. Christians should be disciplines of Christ and

teach disciplines in turn to make changes on the larger world. The Kingdom of God is not

something that is promised in the future. It exists now, and only with a proper education into

Christian principles can people become part of it. With the effects of that education, young

Christians can fulfill their duty to God and work to change society to be a better reflection of

God and work to spread the community of God. What’s at stake is our ability to be effective

messengers of God’s truth.

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