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Names of Group Members: 1.

Bagus Pramudia (017201800045)

2. Monica Ananda Natasya (017201800008)
3. Vinka Anggraeni (017201800036)

Topic 3: Having a Good University Degree

Guarantee People’s a Good Job

In the development of the world of education today, people are very enthusiastic to
get a degree especially if they graduate from the good universities. However, if they already
get the degree that they want, will they get a good job because they have a background as the
best university graduate? Some people believe that a good university is the main factor in
someone's success. Actually it is not necessarily true. Sometimes the degree they have gained
does not determine their future career success. Indeed, hard work and enthusiasm should be
used as a foundation. Our group completely disagree with this idea and in this essay we will
support our opinions with the examples.
Firstly, reality sometimes says differently, many people who have higher education
actually just dwell on the wheel of the economy that is all or more stagnant. Study at any
famous universities do not guarantee them to be successful in the future. For example, the
Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries from the 2015-2019 Working Cabinet, Susi
Pudjiastuti. She only has a junior high school diploma. However, her failure in school did not
make her failed just like that, she proved it in her business engaged in the export of fishery
products before he finally served as minister. Ability and self character are the main things.
Of course, we cannot deny the fact that in this world many people have gone to great lengths
to finally get a high degree. Not only looking at diplomas that in fact graduated from good
universities, graduates will be assessed from the aspects of hard skills and soft skills as well
as from the Emotional Intelligence (EI) aspects that are very important to decide for
graduates to get a work according to their expectations.
In other words, a good university degree apparently does not guarantee easy access to
employment. Even the most popular or the most expensive campus. People will not
immediately get a job as they imagine. Famous university does not guarantee them to be
successful in the future. Especially during college, if they do not really learned and gained
enough experiences or networks, after graduating they will be confused about what to work
for. Data from the Central Bureau of Statistics 2019 shows that the unemployment rate for
diploma and university graduates is in the range of 6 to 7 percent, far above the
unemployment rate for elementary school graduates (2.7 percent) and junior high schools (5
On the other hand, a degree from a good university can guarantee easy access to a
good job, because most of the companies look from the background of the prospective
employees. Many companies see where they studied, and what are the experiences of the
prospective employees. In addition, when they got a degree from a good university, usually
they have a lot of connections. Therefore, a degree from a university can actually be a
guarantee to get a good job.
In conclusion, many people who have higher education actually just dwell on the
wheel of the economy that is all or more stagnant. Study at any famous campus does not
guarantee people will be successful in the future. For example, the Minister of Maritime
Affairs and Fisheries from the 2015-2019 Working Cabinet, Susi Pudjiastuti. People will not
immediately get a job as they imagine. On the other hand, a degree from a good university
can guarantee easy access to a good job, if they have gained enough experiences or networks.

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