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Name _________________________ Group Members ____Lili, Sam, Andrew, Molly,

PLC Lesson Application for ________Intellectual Disabilities_______________________________________

Instructions: Identify and Rationalize/Explain at least 1 accommodation/support in each category for the given lesson.

Location(s) in Lesson
Type of Support Specific Support
Sequence & Instructional Strategy
This assignment would be given as homework, due the day of this “Organizers have been shown to be useful in building relationships
lesson, and students will go over the me map during the small between students by sharing personal information such as hobbies,
group discussion. dreams, family and experience with other students through ‘me

(Lee, et. Al., 2006)

Lesson Logistics Rational for Support

How will you incorporate the support? Why use this support? In what way does this support the learner?
This support would be incorporated by giving a homework This support should be used because it allows the students to better
assignment, this assignment should be finished before class. get to know each other and their interests in movies and music taste.
Students will be asked to create a me map about their favorite This supports the learner because it gives them a chance to build
music from a movie, they will talk about why they like this music, relationships with their classmates, and work more collaboratively on
and why they enjoy the movie. assignments. The learner will have an opportunity to work with their
peers and get to know one another. A positive way for students with
and without special needs to talk to one another.

Location(s) in Lesson
Type of Support Specific Support
Sequence & Instructional Strategy
Instructional Sequence -> Small Groups “Offer choices as a strategy for preventing challenging behaviors”

(Kabashi & Kaczmarek, 2019)

Lesson Logistics Rational for Support
How will you incorporate the support? Why use this support? In what way does this support the learner?
In using this support, the students are still split based off of
As we “divide each section into two smaller groups of 4 students instrument groups and into small groups of 4, but in allowing them to
each”, we can give the students the choice of who they would like pick who they would like to work with the student can have the
to work with (within their particular section). choice to be in a group with peers that they might feel more
comfortable with. This hopefully would result in the student being
more comfortable engaging, answering questions, and otherwise
brainstorming on the google doc (positive behaviors) and lessen the
chance of the occurrence of any undesired behaviors.

Location(s) in Lesson
Type of Support Specific Support
Sequence & Instructional Strategy
Instructional sequence: Small Group “Recognized that the arrangement prevented [student] from getting
to know her classmates...arranged for peers to sit next to Jenny and
assist her with in-class activities”

(Crushing, et al., 2005)

Lesson Logistics Rational for Support

How will you incorporate the support? Why use this support? In what way does this support the learner?
This support is beneficial for students with Intellectual Disabilities
Environmental Previously to this lesson, the teacher will have given students a because they are seated next to a peer who they are already familiar
Support “partner” within their small groups to work together and help each with as their partner. This helps them to maintain consistency within
other during the small group portion of the class. This will also the classroom environment as well as be prepared for the physical
reflect the groups of two that eventually work together to answer seating arrangement in class, which will be less stressful as they
the google document question. already know where they will be seated when they enter the

Location(s) in Lesson Specific Support

Type of Support
Sequence & Instructional Strategy
Organizational Pre-class/Introduction “The calendar, which includes picture symbols, helps Jenny
Support anticipate and make choices about daily activities... it allows her
to have control over her environment”

(Crushing, et al., 2005)

Lesson Logistics Rational for Support

How will you incorporate the support? Why use this support? In what way does this support the learner?
Have a “Calendar/Itinerary” on each student's desk going over what This support is important because it allows a student to have some
we will be doing today as well as provided it in large print with form of control over their class period. By being able to know exactly
symbols to help emphasize the tasks. what’s coming up next, they will be able to avoid any issues that may
arise from a sudden change in environment/lesson/etc. This will in
turn help the students stay on task and know when they should be
moving on to the next activity or section.

Type of Support Location(s) in Lesson Specific Support

Sequence & Instructional Strategy
Class Discussion “Teaching students to develop their own concept maps or
graphic organizers (Heward, 2006) that might visually display the main idea in
the center of a diagram and the supporting details as attached “spokes”
around the center.”

(Kleinert, H. L., et. all, 2009)

Lesson Logistics Rational for Support

Instructional How will you incorporate the support? Why use this support? In what way does this support the learner?
Support This will be incorporated by having the students work on their This support is important because it allows the students to gain new
concept maps while doing the class discussion to help them bounce views from their peers while also creating their own concept map to
off ideas with one another. help them better understand Incidental vs. Thematic music. This
supports the learner because it allows them to be able to use other
students' ideas to support their own.

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