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[Jikook au] story of a 2nd generation 

chaebol Jeon
Jungkook who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder
(DID) or multiple personalities after faced terrible
experience during teen ages. He share life with: Jeongguk
Jeon, twins Kookoo & Jungoo.

One day jungkook met with Psychologist Kim Seokjin(26)

who willing to help him to heal through Namjoon(25),
Jungkook older brother.

Let's meet the personalities one by one.

Jeon Jungkook (21)

The lead initial personalities. Have a good personalities
but introvert. He obeyed as any Namjoon told.
Suppressed his emotions in order to keep himself out of
uncomfortable situations. Witness his parents accidents
lead into big suppression for him. This suppression
caused his subconscious to create other personalities
that would relieve him of the stress.Every personalities
was born from his good and bad past memoriess that he
want to keep or refuse.

"Appa~ eomma~ hyuuung, appa eomma~" 14 years old

jungkook keep scream and shouting his parents name in
Namjoon's hug. Refused to believe that his beloved mom
and dad has gone.

Kookoo (14)
The twin of Jungoo, represents Jungkook's sad
personality. Personality was created because Jungkook
was unable to express or acknowledge his own sadness
after his parent's accident.
Kookoo constantly goes to high place because he loves to
stargazing, see moon and star clearly in the night sky,
which is sometime makes him in dangerous situation, last
week he nearly fall from rooftop because of his sudden
unconsiousness from the personality changing.

Busan, 2001
14 years old Jungkook close his eyes and open his arm
freely, takes a deep breath and feeling the wind that
embracess his body. Smile widely forget about the
sadness that he felt about 30 minutes ago.
"Are you feeling happy now, kookoo ya?"
"Eung.. im very happy, appa. Watch so many star and big
moon, they're so beautiful. Eumm.. did appa always
comes here if appa sad?"
"Comes to rooftop in the night and see moon and star
can relieve appa's stress, so appa not sad and will always
be happy if appa comes here."
"So, if i comes here i will never be sad?"
"Of course, baby."
"Okay, let's come here again if Joonie hyung steals my
banana milk again, so kookoo not sad."
"Hahaha... okay baby."

Jungoo (14)
His purpose is to relieve Jungkook from the strain of
society's expectations of him. As a child, other people
expected him to become mature and have good
leadership, as he is the heir of his parent's big company
with Namjoon. This drove him to concentrate his
childishness personality.
Jungoo love goes to beach and will play anythings that
would make him happy. Swimming, make sand castle,
makes origami, eat ice cream, etc. Constantly makes
Jungkook suffer with tiredness after play all day long and
forget the time.

Busan, 2001
14 years old Jungkook running and playing with water on
the beach, his brother and mom's favourite place. Smile
widely while running to hug his mom.
"Is our baby really happy now?"
"Yes mom, very very very happy."
"Today, my baby can play everything all day long and
eats everything all that baby wants."
"Really? Play water? Drinks banana milk? Eats banana
kick? Play with sand? Okay, i'll make Joonie hyung's crab
a castle then. Eung.. mom, what's joonie hyung's crab
"Should we give a name? Eum.... Jungoo?"

Jeongguk Jeon (Gguk/25)

This personality came into being due to emotional and
psychological trauma he suffered after witness his parent
death in accident and the tense that namjoon and he got
from company.
Gguk is asshole, rude, gayest, act like brat. Love to go
club to express his anger with drunk and dance all night
long. Actual Namjoon and Yoongi club buddies and being
good company of joon and yoon only, not other.

Busan , 2001
Namjoon cupped jungkook face and swipe kook tears
with his thumbs. Give his little brother weak smile and
pat on his brother hair.
"Our ggukkie should be strong. Hyung will become appa,
mom, hyung, and friend for gukkie from now on. We'll
face this together. We should support and being good
company for each other, okay? So appa and mom will
happy and proud of ggukkie and joonie."
"Okay, joonie hyung."
"I love you, jungkookie."
"I love you, too hyung."

Treatment makes Jungkook befriended with Kim seokjin

since they always have consultation schedule weekly. It's
also make jungkook know Park Jimin, Seokjin step
brother. Day by day, the 3 of them become a good
friends. Especially, jungkook and jimin become
inseparable, cause each have put on interest
Park Jimin (23)
Collages student in Art and Dance Department. Have a
good personality, kind, humble, and social butterfly. Have
been crushing a boy from bussiness department for over
1 years yet didn't have courage to befriend or confess.
Only busy staring the boy from counter when the boy
comes to cafe that he's work.
"Taetae, look he wears his cute grey hoodie again today.
He's very handsome and cute. Omg, i might combust.
Taetae help me i cant handle it anymore, the whole Jeon
Jungkook infront of my face."
Jimin can't handle his excitement when witness that his
crush walk toward the counter to make an order.
"Jimin-ssi. I'll take order as usual. Latte and cheese cake

@ Club
Jimin stunned for awhile after he thinks that maybe he
saw someone look like his crush but in hotter version
dancing abrubtly on the club dance floor with girls. Jaw
dropped when the boy walks toward him and start act
like asshole toward jimin, write his phone number on
jimin hand and kiss him on the cheek.
"Dont forget to call me, princess. I'll waiting for you."
What? Ggukk? He's 100% not the Jeon Jungkook that i've
been crushing for years. But, they really look alike. But,
who is he? Why he look like Jungkook? Twins? Huh?

Later on jimin knew that Jungkook is one of his brother's

patient, makes him know one by one of the personalities
of Jungkook.
Treatment makes Jungkook befriended with Kim seokjin
since they always have consultation schedule weekly. It's
also make jungkook know Park Jimin, Seokjin step
brother. Day by day, the 3 of them become a good
friends. Especially, jungkook and jimin become
inseparable, cause each have put on interest
Jimin's good personality and beautiful appareances also
makes other personalities put interest on him. Lead the
personalities makes a competition to win jimin heart.

- Home movie date and overwatch match
- Ability: makes jimin comfortable around him, end up
cuddle entire movie date
- Weakness: play overwatch 24/7
"Jimin-ssi. Did you maybe want to watch some movies
with me tonight? Maybe we could play games too. I
would like to spend this weekend in home.. with you!"

Jeongguk (Ggukk)
- Amusement park date, time zone date
- Ability: makes jimin blush cuz he's hot as fuck
- Weakness: childish, jealousy, brat, asshole, shitty, old
boy, makes jimin anger 24/7
"Min-ah. Wes should go to Namsan Park, now! Dont
wear leather pants outside! Wear cap, mask, and
glasses! I hate people keep staring at you!!!!”

- Beach + banana milk date
- Ability: makes jimin cooed 25/8 at him, too cute to
- Weakness: [not found yet]
“Hyunga~ hyunga~ jungoo wants to make ship origami
for Joonie hyung’s crab. Let’s makes one, hyunga~ jungoo
also want to make heart origami for Minnie hyungie

- Stargazing date
- ability: makes jimin awed cuz poetic as fuck, very
creative, IQ 149
- Weakness: sensitive (sadness overload), makes jimin
worry 24/7 for his clumsiness (dangerous high places)
“Sharing with the other hyung and Jungoo makes me
have a little time that i could spend with Minnie hyung. If
only i had just one day, i want to peacefully fall asleep
there with stargazing beautiful moon and star.
Intoxicated with Minnie hyung sweet scent.” (remake
from Just One Day)


“Within each person’s heart is dark basement. If you look

away or stand by, that darkness thickens. You must
summon your courage to go down and turn on the light.
If you’re scared to go alone, you can hold my hands. The
wind is rising, we must try to live. So, from now on, my
love Jungkookie should be strong for our Gukkie, Jungoo,
Kookoo, and me. I always here for you.”

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