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In everything we do, plan is the fundamental thing that we need to

do because it facilitates smooth flow of the sequence we need to accomplish.
Plan is can break uncertainty because it shows direction and clarity to the
things we are doing. Basic example is planning for a simple gathering to
celebrate success, plan can make the gathering successful because it is then
the function of the plan to give a greater and clear picture on what to do to
make it successful. It is the framework of the whole event which then be the
springboard to its success.

Research design is considered as the plan or the framework of the

research process which basically guide the organization of collection,
gathering and interpretation of the data in the study. It is also the steering
wheel of the research because it directs the whole research process into its full
completion. It is the brain of the study as it guides and gives clear direction
into the different part to accomplish smoothly the processes. It has the strong
control into the success of the study because this the blue print of the research.
This concept therefore will be discussing the basic component of the study
design. This will enhance your understanding of the research design so as to
facilitate the conduct of the study smoothly and successfully.


Sampling methods is a basic concept in the process of research in

which it helps the researchers outline the approaches to be used in selecting
the respondents in which selecting the respondents is a necessary thing to be
done because they are so precious in the research process, they are the source
of data that will be analyzed to be a powerful tool to be used to guide
decision-making. Selecting and allocating the respondents properly is one of
the key concept that will make the research result valid and reliable. This will
pave the way of a good and credible data for the consumer. Laying the
foundation in good sampling technique is also a good foundation of
establishing scholarly done research.

In any kind of research, errors in selecting and allocating

respondents for the study will invalidate the result of the investigation. A good
sample therefore is the springboard for the study to be valid, reliable and
credible. This concept therefore will shed light for you to understand the basic
of sampling for you to allocate and select your sample for your study.

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