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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:

Name: Verlyda P. Fiedalan Date Submitted: October 9, 2020

Course/Year Section: BS Entrep 2 A Ethics Requirements-Week: 5

“Personal Moral Development Chart”

Stages Experiences and Nature of Moral Reasoning

Stage 1: Punishment avoidance and Back when I was 4 years old, a Grade one pupil, one time, my
obedience best friend was bullied by two Grade 2 pupil in the schoolyard, I
wanted to help her and punch those two bad children. Seeing
her crying as a friend is hurtful. My father as a pastor always
taught me to be good and don’t hurt other person. I asked him
one time, “Papa, what if one of my classmate hurt me because
she is jealous to what I have?” I still remembered what he says,
“Remember what Papa Jesus experienced in the movie ‘The
Passion of Christ’. He never fight back and hurt those people
who said bad and hurtful words to Him, because hurting other
people means hurting Lord God. Hurting is bad act. Bad people
go to hell. So when somebody hurt you, give her a smile and
offer the things that she is jealous of.” So back to the story, I
remained looking at them wiping my tears because my father
taught me no to hurt other kid or else I will go to hell. I don’t
want to go to hell, nobody want to go there.
Stage 2: Individualism and Exchange Way back then, my mother always command me to sell
vegetables in our village. She will interrupts me in the midst of
having fun. I as a child will not be easily convinced to sell
vegetables. I will always asked my mother, “Why would I do
that?” “It is fun doing that?” My mother will always said
“Remember the doll you wanted to buy, you will going to have it
after you sell all this vegetables.” I was so excited to sell all those
vegetables and finally own the doll I wanted to have. But after I
sell it and there are some left overs, she will only gave me 10
pesos and told me to keep it until the money is enough to buy
the doll I wanted. Eventually after two weeks we finally buy the
doll I always wanted. Thru these I learned that every hard work
pays off.

Vision Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, professional
and technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and development and research-
driven outreach programs.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:
Stage 3: Good Interpersonal When I was a high school student I always come to school on
Relationships time. I never skip classes. I never cheated on exam and quizzes.
I always passed my activity and assignment before the due date.
I always wear prescribed uniform. I always lead the prayers. I
never bully somebody. I never get involved in a fight. I may
sounds boring but I enjoyed this kind of life way back then,
because my circle of friend id doing the same thing. I satisfied
and pleased my parents, teachers, and my siblings. Hearing
compliment after the long tiring day is the best reward after all.
But this action leads me to ask myself every night, “Who am I?”
“Do I only lived for them?” “How about my happiness?” “What is
my purpose?”
Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order As a SSG Officer way back 2013-2015 it is our duty to help our
teachers to maintain peace and order at school. During Monday
and Friday, I and my co-officer are assigned to check if students
wears the prescribed uniform. We also check if all the boys has
appropriate haircut. We also check if they bring bottled of water,
because we are required to bring 1.5 bottled water every day for
cleaning purposes. We also monitor the cleanest classroom and
section who has perfect attendance. Every time there is a chaos
we usually act as a mediator. But when they did not listen to us,
one of the officer will call our SSG adviser. When he arrives and
see the commotion he will yell, “Stop fighting or else both of you
will go to the principal office with your parents”. Hearing those
words end the chaos. I learned that social orders is important in
achieving orderliness, set boundaries, limitation, impose
penalties, prevent negative consequences, prevent abuses of
power, and to become more civilized
Stage 5: Social Contract and Individual Every individual has a point and reason of doing
something. I will never forget this event, these happen just
recently. As of 17TH of March 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte
places the entire island of Luzon under “enhanced community
quarantine” because of the coronavirus, the Department of
Justice (DOJ) warned that those who will “seriously” resist or
disobey enforcers will charges and arrest. My father delivers
vegetables to Santa Cruz amidst the pandemic. He has food
pass and quarantine pass. On the way to Santa Cruz, he
delivered vegetables in Matuya-tuya. An officer asked him what
is doing there. My father replies and says, “Sir, gadeliver laang
po akong gulay dine ay.” The soldier argued, “Alam mo bagang

Vision Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, professional
and technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and development and research-
driven outreach programs.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:
bawal magpauli-uli ngayon ha? Ikaw manong ay pasaway ha,
kaya nataas ang kaso ng nagapositibo ay. May mga papel ka
bagang magapatunay na ikaw ay napayagang magdala ng
gulay dine? Baka hindi gulay inadeliver mo at droga ha!” My
father gave the permit and the letter which serves as a proof
allowing him to deliver vegetable in Santa Cruz. The officer said,
“Oh Santa Cruz laang pala nakalagay dine, anong inagawa mo
dito ha?” My father answered, “Sir, dinaan ko laang po ideng
ibang gulay. Laking tulong na po nide sa amin. Kung di po ako
gahanapbuhay anong apakain ko sa pamilya ko?” The officer
replied, “Ay manong, bawal muna po ngani ngayon maglalabas.
Makatiis pa naman kayo ng walang kain siguro ano po. Hintay-
hintay laang kayo at may ayudang abigay ang gobyerno. Kayo
ay nagaalam-alaman ay.” My father explains and said, “Ay kung
hindi mo po ako apayagan na magtuloy sa Santa Cruz, ay
mauwi na laang po ako kaysa iquarantine nyo po ako dine.” The
officer doesn’t allowed him to go to Santa Cruz, instead he tells
my father to go home. My father go home with a lot of
undelivered vegetables. When my father tells these to my
mother, I silently cry to my room. I was so very hurt for what
happens to my father. I understand the point of the officer but
my father doesn’t deserved those hurtful words. Pardon me for
saying this, “People are being told to stay at home to prevent
the spread of COVID-19. But what happens if you don’t have
money to finance your daily needs, and no home to stay in?
Continuing to implement short-sighted and incentive lockdown
policies will deepen existing community inequalities, drive
poverty and hunger, and magnify the health risks to entire

Vision Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, professional
and technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and development and research-
driven outreach programs.
Republic of the Philippines
Main Campus: Boac / Branches: Santa Cruz • Torrijos • Gasan
Panfilo P. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque 4900
Tel. No.: (042) 332-2028 Email Address:
Stage 6: Universal Principles The basic moral principles that I have established and accepted
as a guide in my life in making moral decisions and actions as a
rational person is, “the basic need of life, to survive”. Why?
Way back then, when we were a child, we follows what our
parents taught. Both my parents didn’t finished their studies but
they knew all along what is right and wrong looks like. What’s
good and bad looks like. They guided and raise us, as a
reflection of their own moral values. Way back then, I just need
to follow and obey them to be able to survive and I did. But as I
get exposed in a wider environment, i.e. society and culture, I
found out that I need to conform to its rules, laws, and orders to
live harmoniously. We cannot fully discount the impact of society
in creating who we are and the choices we make operate in our
social and historical contexts. Social interaction and group
affiliation, therefore, are vital factors in helping us makes
decision in life. Change is indeed inevitable. Human makes
decision and action accordingly to their need to survive. I
therefore conclude, human action is somewhat a product of
being defensive and protective of themselves.

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Vision Vision: Marinduque State College is a research-driven higher education institution pursuing excellence and innovation by 2025.
Mission: Marinduque State College is committed to pursue progressive and innovative lifelong education founded on humanistic, professional
and technologically advanced programs across cultures and communities by establishing centers of excellence and development and research-
driven outreach programs.

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