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İş ve İnsan Dergisi ǀ The Journal of Human and Work

Yıl ǀ Year: Nisan ǀ April 2016

Cilt-Sayı ǀ Volume-Issue:3(1)
ss ǀ pp: 53-63
doi: 10.18394/iid.28545
e-ISSN 2148-967X
Research Paper

Employee Relations Strategy: Implication for Performance in Lagos

State University, South-West, Nigeria

Çalışan İlişkileri Stratejisi: Lagos Devlet Üniversitesi, Güney-Batı, Nijerya’da

Performans Çıkarımı

Rowland Adewale Olaleke Odunayo Paul Ebeguki

Worlu* Osibanjo Ogunnaike Salau Igbinoba
Department of Business Management, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria


Keywords: The incessant industrial action, strike, boycotting among workers in the educational sector
Organizational policies, especially in the public universities is becoming a worrisome phenomenon. This paper examined
Promotion, Equity,
Recognition, Mentoring,
the impact of employee relations strategy (Organizational policies, Promotion, Equity,
Retention,Performance. Recognition and Mentoring) on job performance in Lagos State University, Southwest, Nigeria.
A model was developed and tested using One hundred and thirty six (136) copies of valid
Article history: questionnaire, which were completed by staff in the State owned university, Lagos, Nigeria.
Received 11 November 2015 Structural Equation Modeling was adopted to test the hypotheses and relationships that might
Received in revised form - exist among variables. Results of the analysis indicates that equity, promotion, mentoring and
Accepted 15 December 2015 recognition have positive influence on employees’ performance. While in the opposite direction,
organizational policies have negative and insignificant effect on job performance which suggest
that increase in employees’ performance will require that managers pay more attention to
friendly organizational policies.


Anahtar Kelimeler: Özellikle devlet üniversitelerinde gerçekleşen kesintisiz işçi hareketleri, grevler ve çalışanlar
Örgütsel politikalar, Terfi, arası boykotlar; eğitim sektörü için kaygı verici bir olgu haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmanın temel
Adalet, Takdir, Mentorluk, amacı, Lagos Devlet Üniversitesi, Güney-Batı, Nijerya’da, çalışan ilişkileri stratejilerinin
Elde tutma, Performans
(örgütsel politikalar, terfi, adalet, takdir ve mentorluk) performans üzerine etkilerini
incelemektir. Geliştirilen model, Lagos, Nijerya’daki devlet üniversitesinin çalışanları
Geliş 11 Kasım 2015 tarafından doldurulmuş yüz otuz altı (136) geçerli anket kullanılarak test edilmiştir. Değişkenler
Düzeltme Geliş - arasında bulunması muhtemel ilişkilerin ve hipotezlerin test edilmesi için Yapısal Eşitlik Modeli
Kabul 15 Aralık2015 kullanılmıştır. Analiz sonuçları adalet, terfi, mentorluk ve takdirin çalışanların performansı
üzerinde olumlu etkisi olduğunu göstermektedir. Aksine, örgütsel politikaların çalışanların
performansı üzerinde olumsuz ve önemsiz etkisi olduğu görülmüştür. Elde edilen sonuçlara
göre, çalışanların performansındaki artış, yöneticilerin daha uygun örgütsel politikalara önem
vermesini gerektirmektedir.

Correspondent Author: Odunayo Paul Salau, Lecturer, Covenant University, College of Business and Social Sciences,
54 | İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2016; 3(1), 53-63.

1. INTRODUCTION industrial action can be attributed to many factors

associated with employment relations. Studies have
Management of people at work is an integral part indicated specific issues that can adversely affect
ofmanagement process in providing enabling work employee relations and ultimately lead to workplace
environment and retaining employees. Employees conflict within the public university system. One of
are one of the most important determinants and the imperative factors is inequitable pay which has
leading factors that facilitate the success and failure an adverse effect on job performance (Adeniji &
of any organization in a competitive environment. Osibanjo, 2012). Inequitable pay is an indispensable
The survival and prosperity of a company in the factor that occurs as a result of cost reduction
turbulent and highly competitive environment of (Aluko, 2007). Rigid bureaucratic structure and
today depends mainly on the quality of its organizational climate (Spector, 2008) and
employees. This quality itself is a reflection of the uncertainty (Pinder, 2008) also affect employees’
breadth and depth of the managers’ knowledge of satisfaction negatively. Carter and Aston (2002)
the functions to be performed in engaging revealed that coercion and poor team building
competent employees and promoting flexible affects corporate performance. Other mitigating
organizational policies. A growing number of sources include lack of participation/involvement in
organizations see human resources as major decision making (Nolan, 2012); longer working
contributors to accomplishing corporate objectives. hours (Aluko, 2007), inadequate capacity
While others now recognize the fact that employing development (Gennard & Judge, 2002), insufficient
effective employee relation strategies can be the welfare services (Cooper & Payne, 2008); poor
greatest strength of their organizations. Ever since relationship with supervisors and colleagues
the conception of modern economic organizations, (Oakland & Oakland, 2001); increased industrial
employee relation has been the most critical hazard (Siegel, Schraeder & Morrison, 2007;
element in both public and private sectors Harlow & Lawler, 2000); job insecurity (Manjunath
(Albrecht, 2010). The growing competitions in & Rajesh, 2012) and delay in payment of salary.
Nigeria especially in the tertiary institutions have The fulfillment of the above factors ultimately leads
called for consistent implementation of effective to employees’ retention and increased involvement.
strategies to enhance harmonious relationship Numerous studies (Albrecht, 2010; Hameed, 2009;
between employers and employees, thereby Crandall & Perrewe, 2005) proposed that increased
reducing workplace conflict. Many studies (Cooper level of employment relationship leads to higher job
& Payne, 2008; Aluko, 2007; Crandall & Perrewe, satisfaction. Other studies (Manjunath & Rajesh,
2005; Allen, Eby, Poteet, Lentz, & Lima, 2004) 2012; Albrecht, 2010; Pinder, 2008; Oakland &
have indicated that workplace conflict is a Oakland, 2001) indicated that when employees are
significant factor that may affect job performance. satisfied with their jobs, they tend to be more
Hameed (2009) posits that managing the committed and productive in their organization. The
relationship between an employer and employee is a level of employees’ retention and involvement is a
contentious issue that may affect the performance of function of employees’ relation strategies
both management and staff in Nigerian tertiary experienced by the workers especially in the tertiary
institutions. It is also argued that this relationship institutions. Thus employer relations strategy in
can influence employees’ attitudes (Falola, Ibidunni State universities is an unexamined genre in
& Olokundun, 2014; Redmond, 2013), commitment scholarly literature. It is this dimension that is of
and involvement (Wagner & Harter, 2006) which preponderant concern in this paper which is, to
eventuallycan result to retention (Taiwo, 2010; examine the effects of employee relations strategy
Stajkovic & Fred, 2003) or turnover (Robbins & (organizational policies, recognition, promotion,
Judge, 2008), displeasure, tiredness, dissatisfaction equity & mentoring) on job performance in a State
and low productivity (Kaufman, Chapman & Allen, owned university.
1.1. Statement of the Research Problem
The incessant industrial action such as strike,
boycotting among workers especially in the public University’s continued existence and sustainability
universities, is becoming a worrisome phenomenon in competitive environment requires the provision
in the educational sector. The causes of these of an environment that stimulates labour
Rowland Worlu, Adewale Osibanjo, Olaleke Ogunnaike, Odunayo P. Salau & Ebeguki Igbinoba | 55

management relations. It is essential to note that equity and mentoringare not being addressed.
when employment relationship is defective, there Studies (Majunath & Rahesh, 2012; Mike, 2008;
are tendencies for many factors to emerge which Wagner & Harter, 2006) have also revealed that
will adversely affects job performance. However, peaceful co-existence between the parties
university management must have the capability not (government/employers and employees) largely
only to enhance peaceful co-existence, but must contributes to employees’ satisfaction, but these
also intensify efforts to prevent work related studies failed to identify the strength and degree of
conflict occurring at workplace via consistent the relationship between employee relations and
promotional opportunities, appropriate work performance.
communication style, healthy ethical attitude,
change management, propermanagerial style and However, previous studies (Albrecht, 2010; Cooper
other motivational factors (Taiwo, 2010; Wagner & & Payne, 2008; Mike, 2008; Hicks & Caroline,
Harter, 2006). 2007) reveals that employee relations is no longer a
new practice of human resource management and
Employee relations strategy comes in many forms organizational behavior but in spite of the attention
depending on the nature and size of the and resources paid to the practice, public (State)
organization. Employee relations strategy has been universities are still prone to incessant industrial
found to be an important aspect for effective and action. Though few studies have been conducted in
efficient management of organizations, yet there is the Western world using other sectors, but limited
little evidence for the implementation of such or no empirical studies have been conducted using
strategy in the Nigerian University system tertiary institutions especially State owned
especially the State owned universities. universities in South-West, Nigeria. Therefore, this
Employeerelations strategy as an independent study attempts to examine whether the results
variable can be influenced by other variables such achieved in the western world can be replicated
as organizational policies, recognition, promotion, with a wider scope in Nigeria. Hence, the
equity & mentoring and so on.The significance of relationships between independent variables (such
employee relations in maintaining peace is well as organizational policies, recognition, promotion,
known, but this becomes challenging where equity, mentoring) and dependent variable
inequality and poor implementation is on the high (performance) were discussed and this necessitated
side.Over the years, it has been observed that poor the need for specific research questions for the
implementation of collective agreements reached by study as follows:
the parties/actors and increase in pay inequality has
led to the development of distrust, apprehension and 1. To what extent has organizational policies (H1)
emotional exhaustion which are quite obvious in the and recognition (H2) been impactful on employee
public universities. retention (direct) and performance (indirect)?

In the Nigerian university system, employee 2. In what ways has equity (H3) affects employees’
relations strategy and performance are linked with retention (direct) and performance (indirect)?
wages/salaries, workplace climate and other
benefits, whereas other factors such as 3. To what extent has promotion (H4) and
organizational policies, recognition, promotion, mentoring (H5) influence employee satisfaction
56 | İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2016; 3(1), 53-63.

(direct)? 2.1.1. Organizational Policies, Employee

Retention and Performance
Research questions are depicted in Figure 1
(Conceptual Framework). Organizations formulate and implement effective
HR policies that accurately reflect their core values
and philosophies; and the relationships between
2. LITERATURE REVIEW management (employer) and employees; sometimes
the policies are established to solve current and
2.1. Employee Relations future contingencies. The more flexible and
consistent these policies are, the greater the level of
Employee relation has become a vital ingredient for employees’ involvement (Osibanjo, Salau & Falola,
enhancing performance and the productivity of an 2014). The organizational policies mostly cover
organization. The management and co-ordination of areas like: promotional system, change
human activities have become the cornerstone for management, compensation packages (Pinder,
achieving organizational survival. This achievement 2008), recruitment strategies, occupational health
facilitatesthe protection of employees’ interest and and safety, labour-management relations,
their welfare for the purpose of avoiding conflictual information and communication system (Oakland &
relations between the employer and the employee Oakland, 2001).The study therefore hypothesized
(Mike, 2008). Employee relations focuses on the that:
management of the relationship between the
employees and the employers in order to heighten Hypothesis 1: Organizational policies have positive
their commitment (Gennard & Judge, 2002), effect on employees’ retention and performance.
passion, performance (Hameed, 2009), loyalty,
productivity (Mike, 2008) and motivation (Crandall 2.1.2. Recognition, Employee retention and
& Perrewe, 2005). Employee relation largely Performance
focuses on the prevention of conflictual issues and
solving problems in the workplace (Cooper & Recognition has become a strategic method of
Payne, 2008). Some problems arise in the facilitatingemployee retention in the recent days
workplace especially when supervisors correct (Kaufman, et al., 2013). Some studies (Leblebici,
performancesthat are below expected results. This is 2012; Mike, 2008; Huges, 2007) added that
why Human Resource managers should provide recognition has contributed to mutual relationship
disciplinary approaches that are progressive and and cohesiveness between employers and
also ensure that humane procedures are followed employees and this thereby help in reducing their
while settling disputes and resolving grievances of intention to leave or absent from work (Nelson &
employees (Harlow & Lawler, 2000). Good Quick, 2005; Rothwell & Kazanas, 2004; Banjoko,
employee relations also ensures that employees are 2002). Al-Anzi (2009) pointed that lack of
given necessary guidance and information which recognition, career development and career
can help to promote the practices, programmes, opportunities are major reasons for employees’
philosophies and policies of the organization intention to leave an organization for another. A
(Redmond, 2013; Dessler, 2004). It also ensures Study by Greenberg and Baron (2003) also
that the employees have information about their indicated that recognition in terms of workers
rights and are helped to resolve their poor participation in management, respect, self fulfilment
performance issues or workplace misconduct. are important factors that help in influencing the
Employee relations strategy arises in a wide range satisfaction and retention level of an employee.
work situations but become worse when employees Based on the above, the study therefore
perceived that they are underpaid or have little or no hypothesized that:
control over work processes. Poor employee
relation strategies adopted by employers of Hypothesis 2: Recognition has positive influence
labourcan be caused by numerous factors such as on retention and performance.
lack of recognition, lack of workers participation in
decision making, rigid bureaucratic structure 2.1.3. Equity, Employee retention and
(Leblebici, 2012), poor organizational climate Performance
(Pinder, 2008), poor management style (Nelson,
2005), non-supportive environment (Al-Anzi, Equity is of great importance to most organizations.
2009), pay inequality (Redmond, 2013; Stecher & An essential strategy for talent retention is the
Rosse, 2007), inadequate mentoring programmes establishment and sustenance of an equitable work
(Dessler, 2004), amongst other factors. environment (Redmond, 2013; Siegel, et al., 2007;
Adams, 1963). Equity is fundamental to
employment relationship because it is necessary for
Rowland Worlu, Adewale Osibanjo, Olaleke Ogunnaike, Odunayo P. Salau & Ebeguki Igbinoba | 57

employees to perceive a sense of fairness in terms outside the protégé’s chain of supervision) and the
of compensation, support, appreciation, recognition, other a junior protégé. Mentorship is an
support, growth and advancement for the work they interpersonal (Parsloe, 2000) and
are doing (Stecher & Rosse, 2007). Inequity raises developmental relationship (Pompper & Adams,
dissatisfaction, displeasure and disillusionment 2006; Allen, vd., 2004) in which a more well-
(Albrecht, 2010; Hicks & Caroline, 2007). informed, knowledgeable, educated and
Dissatisfaction and disillusionmentpromotes work experienced individual assist in building, guiding
related stress which eventually can lead to low and directing the efforts of a less skilledand
involvement and commitment. When workers sense knowledgeable individual. The mentor may be an
that management are treating them unfairly, they adult or young person, but have a special area of
turn out to be less committed and sometimes proficiency and expertise. It is a capacity
counter-productiveand if this is not controlled, it development relationship between someone with
can lead to low capacity development, low immenseknowledge and a learner (Allen, Eby &
commitment, absenteeism, and high attrition rate Lentz, 2006). Mentoring is a systematic process for
(Aluko, 2007), therefore we hypothesized that: transferring formal and informal knowledge,
cognitive support and the psychosocial support
Hypothesis 3: Equity has positive influence on observed by the receiver as appropriate to work,
retention and performance. occupation, business or profession (Brashear, Boles,
Bellenger & Barksdale, 2006).Numerous studies
2.1.4. Promotion, Job Satisfaction and revealed that mentoring has helped employee to
Performance inspire the protégé’s development in specific areas
and to facilitate successful completion of a task
Promotion is an indispensable and strategic tool for (Bozeman & Feeney, 2007; Glomb & Welsh, 2005)
enhancing job satisfaction and increased and sometimes lead to high retention (Parsloe &
performance. Numerous studies like (Chan & Mak, Wray, 2000). While these mentoring relationships
2012; Demet, 2012; Dessler, 2004) pointed that can produce positive developmental and
employees feel motivated when they perceive organizational outcomes, it can sometimes fail due
consistent promotional opportunities. Redmond to a variety of causes and problems such as lack of
(2013) argued that some factors such as involvement, inadequate experience on the part of
advancement, promotion, learning and career the mentor, no leadership involvement, poor
development, appreciation and enabling planning, unrealistic expectations, and “fuzzy”
environment give employees greater opportunities goals). This study therefore hypothesize that:
which significantly influence their attitude to work.
However, when promotions are not delayed unduly Hypothesis 5: Mentoring has positive effect on
and free from mediocrity (Finegold & Frenkel, employees’ involvement and performance.
2006), employees tend to make outstanding results
possible in the organization (Salau, Falola &
Akibonde, 2014; Albrecht, 2010; Banjoko, 2002). 3. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
To buttress this fact, Al-Anzi (2009) adduced that
absence of promotional system and opportunities
may lead to absenteeism, high turnover rate, low Several theories underpin the subject of employee
commitment and performance which make the relations. Three (3) theories (class theory,
realization of organizational objectives invisible. In involvement theory and equity theory) were
order to ascertain the relationship between examined.
ergonomics and employee satisfaction, we
hypothesized that: 3.1. Labour Process / Class Theory

Hypothesis 4: Promotion has positive effect on Labour process or class theory was originally
employee satisfaction and performance. formulated by Karl Marx (translated in 1976).
According to Marx, labour process refers to the
2.1.5. Mentoring, Employees’ Involvement and process whereby labour is materialized or
Job Performance objectified in use values. Labour is here an
interaction between the person who works and the
Mentoring has become a predominant factor of natural world such that elements of the latter are
career and professional development in both the consciously altered in a purposive manner. Hence
public and private sector.Mentoring is typically a the elements of labour process are; three-fold: first,
formal or informal affiliationthat involves effective the work itself, a purposive productive activity;
communication between two persons (Bozeman & second the object(s) on which that work is
Feeney, 2007). One may be senior mentor (usually performed; and third, the instruments which
58 | İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2016; 3(1), 53-63.

facilitate the process of work. The labour process is production and feel part of the organization when
sometimes loosely termed "work organization". The they perceive there is equality between their inputs
theory largely focuses on class struggles between and the resultant output. Hence, equity theory has
bourgeoisie (employers) and proletariat actually examined the relationship between
(employees). This struggle becomes predominant employees work behavior and employment
where management of the organizations are trying relations. Equity theory explains that employees
to maximize profit and reduce cost; on the other cognitively make comparison of their inputs
hand, employees striving to improve their standard (knowledge, skills, abilities, time, energy,
of living and condition of work. The struggle qualification, experience, etc) into an organization
between these classes if not properly controlled and with that of comparable person or persons (similar
harmonized ultimately leads to workplace conflict. in inputs) within and outside the organization. By
One major aspect of Marx class theory that fully implications, where employee perceives a wide gap
elucidates the subject matter under study is what he between input and output in terms of pay inequality,
termed the pre-alienated worker. He opined that at such organizations may be a victim of increased
the point of alienation, the worker is only directed insecurity, anxiety, low organizational commitment,
not by self but by organizational forces which he high labour turnover, low productivity and
does not have controlled over. involvement (Gallagher & Sverke, 2005).

3.2. Theory of Involvement

This theory was propounded by Astin (1984). The
ideology of Astin centered on the significance of
employee involvement. He sees involvement as a This study is descriptive in nature using survey
strategic means of facilitating almost all the aspects research design. The study population from which
of employees’ cognitive and emotional the sample was drawn comprises of staff and
development. He identified three components of management of a Public (State) university in South-
employee involvement which includes informative West, Nigeria. The population of the state
involvement, involvement with management, and university is 1158.Using Mason (1978) formula,
involvement with other co-worker. By implication, 212 was adopted as the sample size. Therefore, two
this theory implies that, the more involved an hundred and twelve questions (212) copies of the
employee is with the organization, the higher questionnaire were administered to both academic
likelihood of employee retention. In order to cope and non-academic members of Lagos State
with the changing competitive environment, University, South west, Nigeria and only one
Roberts, Thomas and Bartram (2012) contended hundred and thirty-six (136) copies of the
that organizations need to engage people who are questionnaire were valid and used for this study,
capable of being both managers and leaders in the yielding sixty-four (64) percent of the total
way they influence, mentor and develop others in questionnaire administered.
formal and informal capacities.
The structured questionnaire for the survey
3.3. Adams’ Equity Theory contained two (2) sections; the first section sought
for the demographic characteristics of the
J. Stacy Adams, a workplace and behavioral respondents while the second section contained
psychologist in 1963 adduced that equity theory fifteen (15) items out of which the employment
shows how a person views fairness in regard to relation strategy items were adapted from
social relationships. A person identifies the amount Armstrong (2005). However, the independent
of input gained from a relationship compared to the variables (organizational policies, equity, career
output, as well as how much effort another person development and mentoring); moderating variables
puts forth. Equity Theory suggests that if an (employee retention, satisfaction and involvement);
individual thinks there is an inequality between two and dependent variable (performance) were adapted
groups or individuals, the person is likely to be from literature reviewed and each item was based
distressed because the ratio between the input and on 5-Likert scales ranging from strongly agree (5)
the output are not equal which will lessen to strongly disagree (1). The procedure result of the
motivation and lead to decrease job commitment by reliability statistics test based on standardized items
the party which feels cheated. Employees compare has Cronbach’s Alpha of .793, considering the fact
the outcome of their input to that of similar worker that .70 is the acceptable cut-off value.
performing similar activities. Hence, the work place
relationships would be decided by the degree of Responses were analyzed with the use of Statistical
equity provided by the conditions of work. Workers Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) AMOS 21,
would discharge their duties more and improve with the adoption of Structural Equation Modelling
Rowland Worlu, Adewale Osibanjo, Olaleke Ogunnaike, Odunayo P. Salau & Ebeguki Igbinoba | 59

(SEM) to obtain regression and correlation between various research concepts. Further, the higher the
observed variables and also regression between the number of the indices of indicators, the acceptable
dependent and independent constructs of the study. of a good fit such as Normed Fit Index (NFI) =>.90;
Various fit indices were utilized in assessing the and Comparative Fit Index (CFI) acceptable value
overall fit of the study model. =>.90. Other informative indices that measure the
close association between the model and the data
4.1. Results and Discussion include Root Mean Squared Error of
Approximation (RMSEA); Goodness of fit (GFI);
The demographic characteristics of the respondents etc.
are depicted in Table 1. The male gender
constituted 67.9% of the population; age 30 to 39 The goodness of fit explains the close association
years old represented 42.6%. In terms of relevance, that exists between the observed and expected
the age distribution of the respondent could be said values. Obtained scores are therefore compared
to be adequate for this survey. Expectedly, with the cut-off values (Bentler & Wu, 2002;
employees ranging from 30 to 39 years tend to be Bentler & Bonett, 1980) in order to establish the
prone to be old enough to handle relationship with degree of fit. The fit index shows that NFI = .958;
the superior. In addition, 65.9% of the respondents CFI = .962; GFI = .987; CMIN/df = 3.303 and
are married. Furthermore, 55.4% are with minimum score as indicated in the cut-off values
MSc/MBA. This shows that the respondents are was achieved as shown in Table 2.
literate and educated to provide reasonable answers
to the questions; while 35.3% of the respondents Figure 2 depicts standardized estimates of the
have worked with the organization for 6-10 years. structural model outlining the path coefficient
scores of the observed variables in the study. It is
Table 2 displays the model fit summary for the evident in the coefficient scores obtained that close
survey. Bentler and Wu (2002); Bentler and Bonett association exists amongst the tested variables
(1980); and Kaplan (2000) argued that different (mentoring, recognition, equity, promotion and
indicators of goodness-of-fit are usually adopted in organizational policies), while the regression
60 | İş ve İnsan Dergisi, 2016; 3(1), 53-63.

weights are depicted in Table 3. The parameter results obtained from the survey are contrary to the
estimate as depicted in Figure 2 indicates that earlier studies in which positive and significant
promotion is the most significant predictors of relationship were identified between organizational
performance with aid of the mediating variable policies (Demet, 2012; Albrecht, 2010; Dessler,
(retention). When recognition goes up by 1 standard 2004) and performance. By implications, since
deviation, retention goes up by 0.11 standard employees have no control over policies such as
deviations. When mentoring goes up by 1 standard sick days, insufficient provision of conference
deviation, retention goes up by 0.065 standard supports and research grants, workplace safety
deviations. When promotion goes up by 1 standard procedures and policies regarding career and
deviation, employee involvement goes up by 0.133 capacity development, these may be the factors that
standard deviations. When equity goes up by 1 could be responsible for low performance.
standard deviation, retention goes up by 0.113
standard deviations. When organizational policies
go up by 1 standard deviation, employee 5. MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS AND
involvement goes down by 0.208 standard CONCLUSION

Mentoring (H5), recognition (H2) promotion (H4) The principal objective of the study is to identify
and equity (H3) were found to be indirectly and the relationship between employee relation
statistically significant of the prediction of strategies and employees’ performance using a case
performance. Therefore, the study hypothesized organization within the Nigerian educational sector.
statements were accepted. While organizational It is evident that employee relation strategies
policies (H1) exerted negative and insignificant influence employees’ performance. Therefore, the
influence on performance. As obtained in the study provides insight to the effect of employee
literature, organizational policies play a significant relation strategies taking into consideration
role in employees’ performance. However, the variables such as flexible organizational policies,
Rowland Worlu, Adewale Osibanjo, Olaleke Ogunnaike, Odunayo P. Salau & Ebeguki Igbinoba | 61

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