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1. How To Get Everything You Want... And Quickly! 3
2. I Was, Quite Literally, The Creator Of That World 9
3. How I Attracted A Specific Person 14
4. Here’s the key to getting what you want quickly 16
5. I'm Back!..... From China! 19
6. The Neville Goddard Method 21
7. I Never Lied, This Is How You Get Everything You Want 23
8. The Reason Why You Fail 25

1. I Have Risen! Here's My Most Popular Post: How To Get Everything 
You Want... And Quickly!  
Okay - heads up, this is going to be a long post, and there's not going to be a TLDR 
because you'll need to read everything I write to understand the information I'm trying 
to get across. 
Having said that, let's get started. 
I'm going to be honest - this will be difficult, not physically difficult, but difficult 
The reason for this is because as human beings, we begin to ingrain in our own minds 
certain ways of doing things.  
When attempting to change that, every cell in our body except our conscious mind is 
telling us "ugh, no thanks, we'll just stick to what we know'.  
Now, you're going to have to ​DO IT​!  
That is the thing that people don't understand.  
They read and read and listen and listen and research and research and on and on, but 
the thing that they neglect to do is to ​ACTUALLY PUT INTO PRACTICE WHAT 
You're gonna have to do it, and you're gonna have to do it ​EVERY SINGLE DAY​ until 
you get what you want.  
But the good thing (other than getting what you desire) is knowing from that point on 
that you can accomplish everything you set out to do, no matter the earthly obstacles.  
But you're gonna have to do what I tell you to do. 
1: Get off your phone, get off youtube, get off netflix. 
These things steal your mind power.  
In essence, they fill your imagination with their own images and prevent you from 
creating your own.  
This is because your mind already thinks that you're imagining what you want. 
Your mind will neglect to put in its own work because it thinks that your fancy for 
imagination is already fulfilled.  
What I mean by this first step; when we supply an endless stream of music, movies 
and tv shows, our mind gets lazy and doesn't want to make its own images, which 
makes it harder for us to vividly visualize.  
When you're bored, instead of watching TV, read a Neville book! 
2: Decide ONE thing that you want - yes, ONE.  
Not multiple things, ​ONE.  
It is going to be easy to focus on this one desire, and when you accomplish your first 
desire (and hopefully your biggest) you can go on to any of your numerous other 
3: Think of ONE scene that implies that you ALREADY have what you desire.  
Make it something that you can easily add sensory vividness to. ie: touching a door 
handle, walking up the stairs, eating, touching someone, etc. 
4 (AND PROBABLY THE MOST IMPORTANT): Get into a drowsy, sleepy state 
BEFORE bed.  
An easy way to induce this:  
As you lay down, put your hands underneath your butt.  
Then focus on your heart beat you feel from the pressure of your butt on your palms.  
This is an easy way to focus on a one-minute thing that will move you into the sleepy 
Now I'll tell you why the sleepy state is important. 
It will become ​SO EASY​ to touch anything or see anything you desire, your conscious 
mind is turning out ​TERRABYTES ​of data per second and it becomes difficult to begin 
to use your mind's eye when your brain is already processing all of this data.  
Many have equated to to the Alpha state, but don't dabble in that terminology because 
Neville sure has heck didn't.  
I digress, just get in that state as you lay down before bed. 
5: Begin looping that scene that you determined before you laid down.  
Keep adding sensory details. 
You can do it!  
While you're adding sensory details, also ​FEEL ​the emotions, the happiness, the 
excited-ness, etc. 
This will only quicken the images.  
You will begin to ​ACTUALLY SEE​ your scene, as if you were there. 
6 (and probably the hardest): Keep replaying that scene over and over.  
You'll want to think of other scenes but ​DON'T​ just keep replaying it over and over. 
Eventually, your conscious mind will "pass out" and before you know it, you'll wake up 
in the morning. 
But Orion, how do I know if I did it correctly? 
Easy; When you wake up you will ​KNOW ​that you did it correctly. 
You may even full-heartedly believe that you actually do have it!  
During the day, if you face anything that negates your imagination or makes you feel 
bad, just say to yourself: "Well that's funny, because it's already done".  
Your subconscious will ​BLESS ​you with faith, but only if you did it correctly.  
You don't need to wow about visualizing during the day or "getting in the vortex" or 
changing your 'frequency" or any of that nonsense because you will ​KNOW ​it is done! 
Now on to my recent successes: 
I wanted to go to Disney World.  
My family usually goes every year, but because this was my first year in college and I 
had classes so I had missed out.  
I imagined staying in the Contemporary Resort at Disney World (if you've ever stayed 
there, you know what I am talking about) and fell asleep in the bed next to my 
2 DAYS LATER:​ My boyfriend's dad gave us an early 3-month anniversary gift, just 
guess what it was.  
Yep, a four night stay at the same hotel with a park hopper pass to Disney World (so 
we can visit animal kingdom and EPCOT - my favorite') for all 4 days!  
And first class air accommodations!  
My boyfriend's father won this from his work and since he and his wife aren't too fond 
of Disney, he gave it to us! 
A Range Rover.  
My apartment has 3 underground parking spaces (it is a 3 bedroom apartment, but 
obviously only my boyfriend and I live there, so we're only using 2 of the 3 assigned 
I imagined a Range Rover similar to my mom's Range Rover in my 3rd assigned 
parking space for one night, and promptly forgot about it.  
That very weekend, I went home with my boyfriend, which mind you, I wasn't planning 
to do. 
We had planned a weekend in the city.  
My mom asked me if I wanted to borrow her Range Rover just for giggles since she's 
getting a new Jaguar for her company car (it's an easy tax write-off - she doesn't really 
need a new car).  
So that Sunday my boyfriend drove my Mercedes back downtown while I drove my 
mom's Range!  
Now I know that it's not actually mine, but nonetheless, there's a Range Rover in my 
3rd parking spot! 
Entrance into upper-division business classes.  
Now mind you, this would be the seemingly hardest to achieve.  
Upper-division is by far the hardest of all classes to get into since they're all honors 
and usually only juniors can take them after they've declared their major.  
I fell asleep for 1 week hearing my mom congratulating me on getting into 
upper-division classes for next semester.  
Now the rest of this story plays out as a dream:  
One of my teachers from last semester recommended me to the dean of the business 
school since I've had such a great and advanced grasp of business foundations of 
thought, the dean's office literally just called me today to come down to her office at 
'her request'.  
The dean then asked me if I thought my current classes 'were challenging enough' for 
me, to which I responded 'no'. 
RIGHT THEN AND THERE​ she ​LITERALLY ​cleared the 36 credits to even request 
She then said: 'You'll be able to add upper-division classes to your cart for next 
semester. Make sure to talk to you advisor to ensure that you're taking the correct 
classes for your major. Is there anything else?'  
I was shook! 
It truly is amazing, but there is hard work. 
And all of that hard work is done within. 
Ask me anything. 
I love helping people and gain much pleasure from seeing all of the success on this 
Love all of you beautiful human beings! 
2. I Was, Quite Literally, The Creator Of That World, Everything Was 
Under My Control 
Hey all, 
This is another long post, but I’m sure many of you will like it because I tell the story of 
how I literally ​INSTANTLY ​manifested my reality.  
Some of you may have known my desire to reach the ability Neville had of “entering 
into a world just like this” among his many other mystical experiences. 
Last night I told myself to enter into another world by proclaiming to myself: “You will 
enter a world that is entirely under your control, and you will stay there until you desire 
to leave”. 
Mind you, for the past two weeks or so, I have been trying this but have yet to be 
Last night was the first success I had when attempting this and may I tell you, it was 
literally “out of this world”! 
Now, I’ve experienced both astral projection and lucid dreaming. 
Both were incredibly different from this experience.  
If you’ve ever experienced astral projecting, you know that everything is a bit 
disconnected as in people not being “alive.”  
Not to mention knowing that you’re astral projecting.  
The same goes for lucid dreaming. 
You know you’re dreaming, and you’re also easily awoken. 
This experience was unlike either of them, but more importantly, my experience was 
exactly as Neville explained his experience.  
It’ll seem completely crazy, and in a sense, it is. 
As a preface, this was all in ​ONE ​night of “earth time”, last night, the 28th of March.  
While in this other world, I had experienced it for ​3 DAYS YES!  
Three freaking days!  
Also as another preface, I have never done any form of “drugs” (even marijuana) nor 
have I ever had alcohol, so this wasn’t some intense trip.  
I had been in this world for ​3 ACTUAL DAYS​, such as I fell asleep in that world and 
promptly woke up in that same world and it was morning!  
Now, this wasn’t like a “Wow I am here for 3 days” but instead; I was conscious that 
ENTIRE ​time I was in this new world for the full three days (obviously minus the 
The way I entered this world was strange, after falling asleep telling myself that I will 
enter this new world, I woke up normally.  
Like the past 2 or so weeks, (exactly, I think I started trying this out on the 15th of this 
month) I woke up normally and went about my day.  
Not until I thought about breakfast did I notice I was in this new world…. that’s how 
real this was.  
Upon leaving my room, I went to the kitchen, only to see a platter of fruit and my 
favorite Chicago Raw acai bowl on the counter… huh?  
Walked back into my room to hug my boyfriend for getting breakfast for me (he had 
done this before, so I wasn’t completely surprised that breakfast had already been 
He was still groggy, so I kissed him and thanked him for breakfast…  
“Huh? babe what do you mean?”  
I replied: “The fruit and acai bowl, you didn’t get that?”  
He looked at me like I was crazy and said: “Wasn’t me. You just woke me up.”  
Right then I knew I had done it. 
Now I won’t write the entire account of my 3 days in this world, but the entire time 
everything was so completely real. 
Even the people I knew were completely oblivious to the fact the I was dropped off in a 
Rolls Royce by my new driver.  
Now I didn’t go buck wild with creating things since I was a little afraid I would wake up 
and notice that it was all a dream.  
It wasn’t so much me creating things out of thin air, but more me going along my 
regular day and then decide to leave class in a Bentley until my third day. 
I decided to travel to Shanghai. 
My father regularly goes there for business, but I have yet to tag along.  
Guys, I don’t know how to explain this in any other way than Neville explained it.  
People were going along in their regular lives, like each individual person on this Earth! 
The city was beautiful.  
Now, if things weren’t crazy already, they were about to be.  
I had never looked at pictures of Shanghai before this, but somehow my mind entirely 
filled up the city with seemingly accurate detail.  
Now, if you astral project or lucid dream, you notice that your mind makes up the 
locations based off of memory or preconceived ideas.  
But just before I wrote this post, I looked at pictures on google and I am not lying when 
I say this… it was 1:1.  
Now here’s the crazier part:  
I was in this building that had like pentagonal shaped windows looking down at the 
As I researched more, I was witnessing in full detail ​AND ACCURACY​ the Shanghai 
World Financial Center Observation Deck!  
I am still ​COMPLETELY ​blown away as I write this!!!  
Isn’t this the most peculiar thing? 
I finally left Shanghai on Saturday, my final day in this new world.  
In total, I did this for 3 days and 2 nights and finally decided to go back to “earth”.  
So, I sat down on a park bench in Shanghai, closed my eyes, and imagined myself 
back into my bed.  
Next thing I know, I wake up at 4:00 in the morning ​TODAY ​next to my boyfriend!  
I woke him up and told him to remind me in the morning that “it wasn’t just a dream”. 
Being the good boyfriend that he is, he reluctantly opened the note app on his iPhone 
and wrote it down.  
I kissed him and told him to get some rest (and promise I make it up to him tomorrow 
lol sorry, naughty, I know). 
Additionally, I opened my dream journal and also wrote down “It was not just a dream” 
and headed off to sleep. 
Now here I am, 5 hours later typing this up still completely dumbstruck.  
It hadn’t even been a full 7 hours in “earth time” when I had just lived 3 full days in this 
brand-new world that I had control over.  
Now, unlike Neville, I was unable to stop time or control others, ​BUT​ I was able to 
close my eyes and “see” a car or what have you and when I opened my eyes, it be 
right there, as a physical reality.  
I have just completely shattered my idea of the world as if Neville hadn’t already done 
that with the technique I have been using these past few months.  
I literally don’t even know what to say, how to interpret this, or if I should ever try it 
again (heaven forbid I get stuck in a world like that and leave my boyfriend and family 
behind in this one!) 
If anyone has had any similar experience to this or any ideas on what the frick this 
means please tell me!  
I can’t even begin to comprehend what this means about this world.  
Are we just puppets for someone else in the world we are in right now?  
Are we all currently in a matrix type world and have the ability to leave this “main” 
world and enter our own that we control?  
My mind is operating at a trillion miles a second and I have my stats class at 10:00!  
Good Lord!  
Trying to crunch averaging algorithms after I just experienced this?  
Yeah right! 
I honestly don’t even know what to think anymore lol 
3. How I Attracted A Specific Person 
Okay, to be honest I wasn’t going to write this post because it seems a bit personal for 
BUT​ so many people are asking me about this so I might as well just write a post. 
I found the most attractive man in my business statistics class my first semester of 
Not only was he physically beautiful, he was also incredibly smart, planning to double 
major in two finance majors.  
At first glance, he seemed like an entirely straight dude. 
He was in a frat, and a football player in highschool so I didn’t have much confidence 
in getting anywhere near him, relationship wise. 
This is a two semester class. 
We had been “eyeing” each other and exchanging looks the entire last semester, but 
nothing flourished.  
I never asked him out because i was positive he wasn’t gay, so i didn’t want to 
embarrass myself in front of a seemingly straight, popular frat bro. 
(btw, I started doing my scenes one week after winter break, so this is after i got my 
apartment and car, so I had the entire confidence in Neville’s teachings) 
Literally a little less than one week after falling asleep in the state, (I started on the 
Saturday following our return from spring break and we talked the following Friday) he 
came up to me and said: “I haven’t had the balls to ask you this, but here I am. Do you 
want to go on a date with me tomorrow night?” 
That’s it.  
I did not worry about any resistance, nor if he was gay or not. 
All I did was fall asleep repeating that same scene.  
I didn’t even have to ask him out!  
Neville never talked about resistance, did he? 
All you need to do is ​** do the technique.**​ . 
It’s that simple, but it’s not easy!  
Obviously, it will be easy when you gain mental strength when looping the scene, but 
nonetheless, it’s not as easy as it is simple. 
There’s a rare tv lecture that Neville had, (we only have the audio, no visual, 
unfortunately) but he talks about the sleep aspect.  
I’m not quoting directly since I don’t have it with me but it’s similar to “I do believe in 
sleeping in the scene, since it seems to hasten the outward externalization.” 
I’ll find the video and post it later. 
Good luck everyone!  
You can do it!  
But remember, there’s no cheap way if you want to manifest like Neville did!  
Just do it the way he did.  
Fall asleep while you keep repeating your scene, adding as much sensory vividness 
you can.  
That’s all you have to do! 
4. Here’s The Key To Getting What You Want Quickly 
Many have asked me how I get everything so quickly, but little do they realize, Neville 
also frequently got what he desired in a few days or less.  
If you remember the story of when he was stranded in Barbados, you will remember 
that ships were not leaving the harbor until September, (and even then there was a 
waiting list) and this was January.  
He slept repeating the scene of walking up the gangplank and feeling a sweet sadness. 
In a few hours, he got the call.  
Not only was he leaving before the first ships in September, he was leaving on a ship 
that wasn’t even supposed to leave, a little less than a month away, exactly when he 
wanted to leave! 
Now many ask: “Orion, what’s your secret of getting things so quickly?”  
The answer is simple, but the application of said answer is not so much. 
But don’t worry!  
Just keep trying. 
I can’t speak for any other technique, only the one that I use to realize all of my goals 
and the one that neville taught above all else. 
You ​NEED ​to fall asleep repeating that scene!  
Not only doing it for 10 minutes before sleep and then falling asleep, or doing it during 
the day and trying to find that feeling before sleep. 
You ​NEED ​to keep repeating it as you fall asleep! 
Now, many have also asked me about not being able to visualize clearly.  
It’s fine if in the beginning you don’t.  
But as you begin to cultivate this skill, you’ll be able to vividly visualize as Neville did 
and as I recently have been able to. 
The most important thing is seeing the general outline of your scene.  
Neville talked about this in some of his earlier lectures. 
It’s okay if it’s not as vivid as waking reality, but you have to be able to at least make 
an outline of what you want to see.  
Also, an equally important aspect is trying to add sensory vividness.  
Many people complain about not being able to add sensory details, but you ​HAVE ​to 
This is the discrepancy between those successful and those not.  
You need to apply the technique to the best of your abilities.  
I’m still trying to understand why so many people were successful at realizing their 
goals in Neville’s time compared to now, but the common theme in their testimonies is 
that they continuously fell asleep every night repeating their scene! 
I’d suggest watching E.O Locker Jr's testimony on youtube.  
It is one of the first that I watched and showed how successful you can become using 
Neville’s technique.  
At one point, Mr. Locker was worth over $3 million dollars (worth well over 50 million in 
today's money!) 
Good luck everyone!  
The most integral part of Neville’s technique is ​APPLYING IT​!  
He talked about it frequently. 
You can’t just know the law, but you need to use it! 
5. I'm Back!..... From China!  
Hey all! 
Sorry for the leave of absence.  
I've been traveling in China for the past month!  
Boy, has it been beautiful!  
My love for China was probably ingrained in me from a young age, since my parents 
put me in a Chinese immersion program from first grade to sixth grade.  
It has always been a place that I have wanted to go for as long as I have remembered, 
and my father frequently travels there to visit his factory, but I have yet to tag along! 
Unlike my other stories, this one was quite simple.  
My dad is planning to launch a new product soon so he needed to go to China to 
oversee the beginning of production, and was only planning on staying for 3 or 4 days. 
He had invited me to go and visit with him, which I planned on doing.  
I desired to stay there longer than 3 days, and explore the beautiful country with my 
boyfriend, so I began to apply Neville's technique.  
I fell asleep imagining I was in Shanghai holding my boyfriend’s hand hearing him say 
"Well, we've had a wonderful past month, ready to go home?"  
I did this for roughly 2 weeks and a half after first planning with my dad to leave on 
April 17th and come back to Chicago on the 21st. 
Both my parents were proud of my 4.0 and other acknowledgements for my Freshman 
year and knew I was in love with China, so they decided to send both me and my 
boyfriend to China for over a month to celebrate!  
My dad left on April 21st so me and my boyfriend were free to explore!  
My dad did have a friend who lives in China to help us get situated, but from there on 
out, we were on our own! 
Without my influence, (aka using Neville's technique) all of my teachers were more than 
willing to support this adventure and allowed me to continue my studies and submit 
assignments while in China!  
I have all of my Finals, Capstones and Final Papers submitted, and the official last day 
is June 8th, but I have all of my grades in and kept my 4.0! 
Off to greater and grander things!  
I plan to do so many things this summer!  
Good luck all!  
And remember, ask me anything! 
Here are a few pics I took while in China, while not nearly all of the memories that I 
They include some of my fondest: The Great Wall of China, Hong Kong and the 
beautiful lush scenery! 
6. The Neville Goddard Method  
Hi all! 
Welcome to the Neville Goddard subreddit.  
Here you'll find a group of supportive people who are not only willing to help answer 
questions, but also here to share stories and experiences. 
Neville Goddard was a self-proclaimed mystic who wrote a dozen of era-defining 
books and gave hundreds - if not thousands - of lectures, for free. 
Here's a brief overview of Neville's technique and the technique that Neville applied 
and shared most frequently: 
Choose a scene. any scene that would come after the realization of your desire.  
Ensure that you can add sensory vividness to your chosen scene. 
Create a drowsy, sleepy state.  
Many wonder what this means.  
It is simply a state where you feel completely relaxed and can either be in a laying 
down or in a comfortable chair. 
Begin repeating your scene in this sleepy state.  
Keep repeating this scene until it seems real to you.  
This does not necessarily mean that you can see it as you see things in the waking 
world, but instead so real that you have forgotten that you are imagining.  
Many people say they can't reach this state. 
They are simply not repeating the scene long enough.  
Go back to the start of the scene if you become distracted and keep repeating it. 
Feel as if you have already accomplished it.  
Many still argue what Neville meant by "feel."  
Neville frequently talks about "feeling" both as emotion and the feeling of 
The best way to reach this feeling is an inner "knowing" of that is done, one of 
Happy emotions should follow if you have done it correctly. 
Either fall asleep while repeating the scene or wake up from this drowsy state once you 
know it is done. 
Live during the day from the end of your desire. 
Repeat the technique until you have an inner conviction that your desire is already 
That's it!  
We're all here to help if you have any questions.  
Remember to follow his technique and you will succeed! 
Good luck, and much love! 
7. I Never Lied, This Is How You Get Everything You Want 
Unfortunately, I’ve had many people message me telling me that they don’t believe me, 
and that’s unfortunate for them.  
I have never once lied on this subreddit about my successes, nor will I ever. 
I have become very good at getting into the state of my wish fulfilled, and once you’re 
in that state, it comes about naturally and quickly. 
There has been a lot of dissection of Neville’s techniques and speculation on other 
techniques that he infrequently talked about.  
I can only vouch for ​ONE​ and that’s falling asleep while repeating a scene.  
That technique has ​NEVER ​failed me, and I have achieved all of my desires in under a 
month using it. 
I fear that people are becoming lazy and are looking for the easiest way to apply 
Neville’s technique.  
That’s not how it works!  
Neville has said multiple times throughout his books and his lectures that this work is 
hard work, and physical labor in the fields all day is by far easier. 
My suggestion to everyone that has found any success is to follow the technique he 
most commonly taught and almost always used. 
Don’t make any excuses for yourself!  
Just do it!  
If you continue to complain or believe that you can’t do it, you’ll keep failing! 
Add as much sensory vividness as you can to your scene and fall asleep doing it. 
I don’t care if it takes you forever to fall asleep or if you basically fall asleep when you 
first hit your bed, just do it!  
This is a call to action. 
Follow through and see that it works for yourself! 
The secret is repetition.  
Many people give up after they are unable to add sensory vividness or can’t focus. 
Keep repeating the scene and when you notice you lose your attention, go back to the 
I think this is the difference between success and failure.  
Just keep resorting the scene, even if it takes you an hour.  
Isn’t your desire worth that?  
Don’t make excuses and just do it! 
I know you can! 
Here’s further evidence for those who don’t believe me, proof that I really did get the 
8. The Reason Why You Fail   
Hey everyone!  
I'm back!  
Since summer ended I traveled Europe and took classes through my business school, 
and haven't had much time to browse this subreddit let alone write anything. 
After looking through the frequency of new posts, I have become discouraged with 
how people attempt to apply the law and it doesn't surprise me that so many are 
Like my recent post, I fear people are too lazy and don't truly attempt to apply Neville's 
teaching in it's true from, and then enter into a toxic cycle where they don't only 
disbelieve Neville, but also themselves. 
Neville's teachings are true but you cannot fake it nor put in half the effort.  
After my most recent successes, I have realized that it is not emotion at all that makes 
your desires come to you, but instead the feeling of reality.  
Yes, that is making your imagination as vivid as the world in which you are awake now. 
If you already have an excuse or a "question about what other techniques I can use", 
then you have already failed.  
I know Neville talked about certain lullaby techniques or whatnot but the main 
technique he talked about, and the only one that he has ever used is that of entering 
the state of your wish fulfilled and falling asleep therein.  
Now, I may argue that falling asleep is not entirely necessary, but entering into the 
drowsy state being able to see your wish fulfilled with all of the distinctness of reality. 
The distinctness of reality is the key here. 
The point to where you intrinsically believe when you're in that state that it is truly 
This is easy to achieve. 
Repeat your scene over and over adding more sensory vividness, but only after you 
enter into the drowsy state 
This is the only way I've achieved my desires.  
I'm not saying that any other "technique" doesn't work but this one is most certainly 
the most effective.  
I've achieved new physical things literally the next day using this, without ever worrying 
if I'd get it or not.  
I'll do a post later tonight talking about what I have most recently gotten. 
Here's the technique that you should employ: 
Define exactly what you want. 
Imagine one, short scene that would imply that you have already achieved your desire. 
Get into a sleepy, drowsy state one in which you can move if you want to but don't 
want to.  
This is easily achieved by sitting on a sofa or chair with your hands in your lap.  
Relax your entire body and dismiss any thought that comes to mind. 
Repeat the scene over and over, continuing to add sensory vividness to each time you 
repeat it. 
That's it.  
Don't over complicate it but also don't look for "easier" techniques. 
That'll be your downfall. 

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