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ECEN415/715:Physical and Economical Operations of Sustainable

Energy Systems
Spring 2021 Homework Assignment #2

• Please summit your homework only in PDF format

• Due on Feb 10th (Wednesday), 2021.

Problem 1 (35 pints)

On June 1, the stock price was $50 per share. Bob purchased 10 shares of this stock. John purchased
a call option for 10 shares of the stock with an expiry date of July 1st. The exercise price is $60
per share and the cost of this option is $50. Alice purchased a put option for 10 shares of the stock
with an expiry date of July 1st. The exercise price is $40 per share and the cost of this put option
is $50.
What are the profits for Bob, John and Alice if the stock price on July 1st is $85/share and
$25/share, respectively?

If the price on July 1st is $85/share,

• Bob’s profit is 10 × (85 − 50) = 350 $.

• John’s profit is 10 × (85 − 60) − 50 = 200 $.

• Alice’s profit is -50 $

If the price on July 1st is $20/share,

• Bob’s profit is 10 × (25 − 50) = −250 $.

• John’s profit is -50 $.

• Alice’s profit is 10 × (40 − 25) − 50 = 100 $.

Problem 2 (35 points)

Suppose both sources are operating at the same frequency. Find the complex power generated by
each source and the complex power absorbed by each passive circuit element.

Vx − 100 Vx Vx − j100
+ + =0 (1)
6 + j4 −j10 5
1 100
=> Vx + j0.1 + 0.2 = + j20 (2)
6 + j4 6 + j4


Vx = 53.356 42.66◦ (3)

100 − 53.356 42.66◦
I1 = = 9.8066 − 64.44◦ A (4)
6 + j4
S1,gen = × 100 × 9.8066 − 64.44◦ = 211.5 + j442.3 VA (5)
S6Ω = × 6 times9.8062 = 288.5 + j0 VA (6)
Sj4Ω = × (j4) times9.8062 = 0 + j192.3 VA (7)
j100 − 53.356 42.66◦
I2 = = 14.996 121.6◦ A (8)
S5Ω = × 5 times14.992 = 561.5 + j0 VA (9)
S2,gen = × (j100)14.996 − 121.57◦ = 638.4 − j392.3 VA (10)
1 53.35 2
S−j10Ω = ( ) (−j10) = 0 − j142.3 VA (11)
2 10

Problem 3 (30 pints)

For a two bus power system, Bus 1 is slack bus with voltage magnitude 1pu. The load at Bus 2 is
200 MW and 100 MVar. The line impedance is 0.1j pu. Assume the power base is 100 MVA.

• Use PowerWorld to solve AC power flow solution (please also attach the screen shot of the
PowerWorld circuit)

• Calculate the DC power flow solution by hand

With DC power flow, the voltage at Bus 2 is 1 pu. Because the power is flow from Bus 1 to
Bus 2 and the angle of Bus 1, θ1 , is zero, the angle of Bus 2, θ2 , should be negative. The power
transmitted from Bus 1 to bus 2 is 200/100 = 2 pu.
(Notice that in DC power flow, we don’t consider reactive power flow)

1 1
P12 = θ12 => 2 = θ12 => θ12 = 0 − θ2 = 11.46◦ (12)
Xline 0.1
Therefore, θ2 = −11.46◦ .

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