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Programming Fundamentals Lab

Complex Engineering Activity


Name: Hassan Bin Khalid and Talha Bin Tauseef

Enrolment: 01-133202-125 –- 01-133202-149
Section: BEE 2B
Instructor: Qasim Hussain

Department of Electrical Engineering

Bahria University, Islamabad Campus


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Table of Contents

1- Abstract ..........................................................................................................3

1.1 Brief Discussion.................................................................................................3

2- Problem Solving...............................................................................................3

2.1 Key features......................................................................................................3

2.2 Follow the Units of Measurement………………………………………………………………..3

2.3 Overview of Problem Statement …..…………………………………………………………….6

3- Discussion........................................................................................................4

3.1 Equivalent Resistance Calculator.....................................................................5

3.2 Flowchart..........................................................................................................6

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Engineering Calculator 1

We have made a basic engineering calculator that emphasis on how to solve different
circuit problems, finding equivalent resistance in DC circuit up to a specified number of resistors,
measuring current in a RC circuit, RLC circuits and calculating the impedance and the inductance
of the circuits like RLC circuit, RC circuit, capacitive reactance and the inductive reactance of a
DC circuit.
Now, coming to the output the advantages of making this calculator, will benefit
individual in the future, will get to know about a different experience of coding in C++
programming language as it will enhance our coding skills and knowledge. This calculator is all
about the basic engineering knowledge a student should have, solving those circuits practically
and theoretically.
The project that we have chosen is basically and electrical engineer calculator. This
will help us solve any our issue solving the circuits. If someone’s stuck at any point he can just
give values by selecting the formula he want to use or find current, capacitance, inductance as
well as the RLC, RC circuits etc. We have given detailed information about our project in this
report as you can see below.
Our report also includes problem solving statements in which we have given details of
key features that makes our project user friendly.

Problem Statement:
A problem statement should describe an undesirable gap between the
current state level of performance and the desired future state of performance. A problem
statement should include absolute or relative measures of the problem that quantify that gap but
should not include possible causes or solutions.

Key Features:
1. Gap:
Identify the gap that exist.
2. Time frame:
Describe when and where the problems were first discovered.
3. Impact:
Quantify the gap (cost, time, environmental.)
4. Importance:
To the organization. How much it would be beneficial for the org and individuals and

Follow the units of measurement:

If you are ever performing mathematical calculations as
part of a problem-solving procedure, and you find yourself unable to apply each and every
intermediate result to some aspect of the problem, it means you don’t understand what you are

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doing. Properly done, every mathematical result should have practical meaning for the problem,
and not just be an abstract number. You should be able to identify the proper units of
measurement for each and every calculated result, and show where that result fits into the

Overview of Problem Statement:

This should include
(a) A clear statement that the problem exists,
(b) Evidence that supports the existence of the problem,
(c) Evidence of an existing trend that has led to the problem,
(d) Definitions of major concepts and terms (this can be provided below in a subsection),
(e) A clear description of the setting,
(f) Probable causes related to the problem, and
(g) A specific and feasible statement.

The project which I and my group member have chosen is engineering calculator 1.
The reason behind making this engineering calculator is to enhance our coding skills by not just
regular coding tasks and projects but by also making things more clear and to make a strong grip
on our coding in C++.
This project is based on the basic engineering knowledge as it has all the features
which we can used to calculate different voltages, current, equivalent resistance both in series and
parallel circuits, calculating impedance for AC circuits, capacitive reactance and inductive
reactance and many more as per mentioned in the feature list of this projects.
By making this projects not only we will be able to polish our skills but also will
get to know about the different strategies to make a different program other than the normal
routine life C++ projects.

Equivalent Resistance Calculator:

• Equivalent resistance calculator

 Series: up to 6 resistances
The equivalent resistance for this kind of circuit is a sum of all individual
R = R₁ + R₂ +... + Rn
R is the equivalent series resistance
R₁, R₂,,,,,,, Rn are the resistances of individual resistors numbered 1...n

 Parallel: up to 6 resistances
The equivalent resistance for this kind of circuit is given below:
When you have only 6 resistors in parallel: REQ=R1×R2R1+R2

• Equivalent inductance calculator

 Series: up to 6 inductors

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The equivalent inductance for this kind of circuit is given below:
Ltotal = L1 + L2 + L3 + ….. + Ln etc

 Parallel: up to 6 inductors
The equivalent inductance for this kind of circuit is given below:
1/Ltotal = 1/L1 + 1/L2 + 1/L3 + ….. + 1/Ln etc

• Equivalent capacitance calculator

 Series: up to 6 capacitors
The equivalent capacitance for this kind of circuit is given below:
V = Q / C,
as well as for each one individually:
V₁ = Q / C₁, V₂ = Q / C₂, etc.
Once again, adding capacitors in series means summing up voltages, so:
V = V₁ + V₂ + ... → Q / C = Q / C₁ + Q / C₂ + ...

 Parallel: up to 6 capacitors
The equivalent capacitance for this kind of circuit is given below:
Ct = C1 + C2 + C3 …….. etc

• Capacitive reactance and inductive reactance calculator

 For single inductor or capacitor
The single inductor or capacitor for this kind of circuit is given below:
XL = WL = 2πFL
XC = 1/WC = 1/2πFC

• Impedance calculator for AC circuits.

 RC circuits
For a series RC circuit, the impedance is given as
Z=√R2 + (1ωC) 2 Z = R 2 + (1 ω C) 2

 RL circuits
The impedance Z in ohms is given by
Z = (R2 + XL2)0.5 and from right angle triangle, phase angle θ = tan– 1(XL/R)

 RLC series circuit

Current, voltage, and impedance in an RLC circuit are related by an AC version of
Ohm's law: I0=V0Z or Irms=VrmsZ I 0 = V 0 Z or I rms = V rms Z .

 RLC parallel circuit

The total admittance of the circuit can simply be found by the addition of the
parallel admittances. Then the total impedance, ZT of the circuit will therefore be
1/YT Siemens.

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• Finding current in a DC circuit
 Series circuit: with up to 4 resistances in circuit
The current through the circuit is the same for each resistor in a series circuit and is
equal to the applied voltage divided by the equivalent resistance:

 Parallel circuit: with up to 4 resistances in circuit

Total current in a parallel circuit is equal to the sum of the individual branch
currents: I Total = I1 + I2 + . . . In.

• Finding current in AC circuit

 RC circuits
Let’s begin analyzing this circuit the same way you analyzed the AC RC circuit,
via Kirchoff’s
Rules. As before, you’ll find
Vs(t) � VR(t) � VC(t) = 0

 RL circuits
Use of Ohm's Law and find the value of the total current: I = V/Z amp. Calculate
the voltages across resistor R and inductor L by using Ohm's Law. Since the
resistor and the inductor are connected in series, so current in them remains the


Variable Declaration

Display Calculator Options


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Case: 11 Case:
Case: 22 Case:
Case: 33 Case:
Case: 44 Case:
Case: 55 Case:
Case: 66 Case: 7
Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Cap, Case: 7
Equivalent Equivalent Equivalent Cap, react
react &
& Impedance
Impedance Finding
Finding Finding
Resistance Inductance
Inductance Capacitance
Capacitance Cas
inductance Calculator
Calculator Current
Current in
in current in
Calculator Calculator
Calculator Calculator
Calculator Calculator
Calculator for
for AC
DC ACcurrent in

END Default

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