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_cAdsersibsrudDosktoplconereteproecttomework lincurveam Wichnesday, October 25, 2016 6:11 PM ¥e CLEAR WORKSPACE AND ALL VARIABLES ¥& clear all;cle; 38 INEUT PARAMETERS § fe = 3; % Compressive Strength ef Concrete (ksi) fy = 60; = Strength of Steel (ksi) Es = 29000; & Elastic Modulus of Steel lbd = 9/8; 8 Longitudinal Bar Dia sbd = 4/3; & Transverse Bar Dia @ Rebar Layer Arrangement as = (2:21; % 2 layers having 2 rebars each ecu = 0,003; 8 Ultimate Strain in Concrete Section Dimensions Deis; © Depth (in) b= 15; 8 Width (in) cover = 2; 8 Cover to transverse rebar face (in) beta = 85; & Factor for Whitney's Stress Block 2% CALCULATED PARAMETERS As = piQ#lbar2/a; 4 Area of Longitudinal Rebar Ans = Astns; % Area of all Rebars ey = fy/as; 2 Ultimate Strain for Steel A= Db; 2 Gross Area of the Section a 4 + d_ = covertlbd/2+sba, Depth to topmost layer of rebar d= D-cover-lbd/?-sbd; 4 Effective Depth ar = size(ns,1); Number of Rebar Layers 2 Spacing of Rebar Layers (c/c) sl = (decoversLba/2-sba) /(ar=1) 5 2 Depth of each rebar layer pos = zeros(nr, 1); for 1 = i:nr pos (1) = desl (1-1); end 38 DRAW SECTION 38 db = b-cover-Ibd/2-sbd; i to find Spacing in each layer g = figure() set (a, ' ; twhite', "Position’, (0, 0, 600, 6001); rectangle (’ 905, 1{0'0 b DI, "Ed "FaceColor', [0.9/0.9 0.9], ev = covertsbd/?; rectangle (' ont, fev ev... be2hey DoZwev) , ort, "black" ys. "PaceColor", {11 0.7], "LincWidth" ,sbd#24) shold off, oy: ht, 4) shold ony axis(’ axis( for 1 line Le = (b-2#cover-2#sbd-1bd) ; sb = Le/(ns(1)=1); for s = i:ns(1) poss = covertlbd/2+tsbdtsbt (s-1) ; Grancirele (poss, pos (1) ,1bd/2,'=0d") shold on; end end 8% INTERACTION CURVE _cAdsersibsrudDosktoplconereteproectHomework lincurveam = D/beta; eslim = cout (red) /z; zmin = eslim/ey; Po = 0.85¥£c8 (A-sum (Ans) )+fy#sum (Ans) 7 @ PURE TENSION Pt = -1¥fy#sum(Ans); 3 INTERMEDIATE POINTS 2 = Linspace (zmin,-20,1000); for n = \:8ize(2,2) § Strain Profile 3 Topmost fiber — ec % Bottormest long reinforcement level = ey*z ebm = ey#z(n); 2 Neutral Axis Depth = ecutd/(ecu-ebm) ; 2 Conerete Compression Zone be = betate; % Compression force in Concrete co = 0.e5#retbebetate; @ Strain and Force ar each Rebar level es = zeros(nt, 1)? Fs = zeros(nr,)) for 1 = linr es (1) = eca/ct(c-pos(1)); Fs(1) = es(1)*Es*Ans(1); end Fes = Estes; Fes(Fes>fy)= fy; Fos (Fes<-1*fy] Fs = Fes. Ans; Ms = Fs.*(D/2#ones (size (pos)) pos) + witty; 3 Axial Load B(n) = CCHeun(Ps) % Moment, M(n) = (CCH (D/2-betate/2)+sum (Ms) + 3 Pai factor if zim) > 0; phi (a) = 0.657 end if (2(a)<0) 68 (2(2)>-2) phi(a) = 0.65 40.25 tabs (ebm) fey; end if z(n)= 0.2#0.654Po phiP(n) = 0,880. 658P0; end paiM(n) = M(s) *pAL (a); Wichnesday, October 25, 2016 6:11 PM ‘cAdsersibsrudDosktoplconereteproectHomework Alintcurveam Wichnesday, October 25, 2016 6:11 PM end 38 PLOT INTERACTION CURVE paiP(phip>d.o* 0.6580. 88Po; = figure(); set(h, ‘color', ‘white’, ' plot ({0 M0], {Po P Pt]," ition’, [0, 0, 600, 600]); arkere lack plot ([0 phi 0}, (0.8 "LineWidth’,2) shold on; xlabel (Moment, Ma (kips-in}' ylabel (‘Axial Load, Pu "Font legend(! Pa - Mu set (gea,"TickDir', t(gea, "Box" axis ("square");

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