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Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School

A Learning Continuity Plan (LCP)
of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS
for the School Year 2020-2021

Prepared by:

Dr. Herman M. Lagon

School Principal

August, 2020

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School


A Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021

Table of Contents

Title Page
Title Page 1
Table of Contents 2
I. Rationale 4
II. School Situation Analysis 5
A. Enrolment for SY 2020-2021 Based on Early Registration 5
by Grade Level
B. Number of Classes to be Organized Considering Social 5
Distancing by Grade Level/Offering
C. Number of Existing Teachers 5
D. Facilities/Equipment/Materials in School that will Enable 7
Online Learning
E. Number of Classrooms and Ancillary Structures 9
F. Available Modules and Learning Materials 9
III. Learning Continuity Plan (refer to Appendix J) 10
IV. Action Plan (refer to Appendix K) 10
V. Risk Management Plan (Refer to Appendix L) 10
Appendix A CBL Infographics 12
Appendix B Types of Blended Learning 15
Appendix C The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP) 17
Appendix D Student Handbook 19
Appendix E Definition of Terms 20
Appendix F Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 23
Appendix G CBL in a nutshell and related videos link 31
Appendix H CBL Version 2.0 Infographics 34
Appendix I Social Media Policy in the “New Normal” 37
Appendix J Learning Continuity Plan 40
A. Rationale 40
B. Objectives 40
C. Learning Program 41
D. Course Offerings 48
E. Assessment, Grading, Honor System 48
F. Formation Program 48
G. Sample Student Schedule 50

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

H. Sample Teacher Schedule 51

I. Learning Management System (LMS), Video Conferencing 52
Applications (VCA) and Recommended Gadgets
J. Roles and Responsibilities 53
K. Major Schedules for the School year 2020-2021 54
L. Tuition and Other Fees 55
M. Health and Safety Measures 55
N. Health Check and Health Pack 57
O. Other Important Schedules 59
Appendix K Action Plan 63
Appendix L Risk Management Plan 66

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School


A Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021


The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to basic education is immense that it compels schools
not just to innovate but to reinvent itself to ensure students’ continuity of learning. The ‘new
normal’ has served as a healthy challenge for Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS to look at different
scenarios and solutions to maintain the school’s core learning standards and formation goals in
the midst of crisis.

Right after the first Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) last March, we immediately
formed committees and conducted brainstorming sessions to study learning options for the next
school year. This includes a series of face-to-face and online consultations with and surveys for
the different experts and stakeholders of the school. Collaboration with other Jesuit school
educators, curriculum authorities, health and safety practitioners, and technology integration
partners were also done in the process.

The product of all this is our hybrid learning continuity plan called Contextualized Blended
Learning (CBL) Program. The Ateneo CBL program is a way of delivering learning instructions
and activities using a combination of offsite and onsite learning modalities suited to the context
of the students. Generally, it aims to maintain the standard of Ignatian formation and Jesuit
education following a “way of proceeding” that is relatively resilient against the threats of
COVID-19 and other viral infections. With its CBL A (offsite and onsite) and CBL B (offsite)
learning classes, it is designed to be flexible while sustaining students’ learning, without
compromising their health and safety, with focus on “depth” and the “non-negotiables.”
Students’ tasks and subject coverage are designed to be enough to make sure that they are not
burnt out but appropriately challenged, not harassed but fully engaged.

Appendices A to L elaborate more our CBL Program. For further details, kindly visit our school
website at, FB page @AteneodeIloiloSMCS, and YouTube Channel at ADI –
SMCS Official.

Meanwhile, following the directive of the Department of Education (DepEd), in response to the
mandate of the Department of Health (DOH) and the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) on
Emerging Infection Diseases, we have decided to offer Full Offsite (CBL B) classes for all our

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

students in the first trimesters/semester of the school year. The school will transition into its
actual CBL plan should the said government agencies give the green light to do so.

In the final analysis, Ateneo’s CBL is the school’s bold way of accepting the challenge of
creating safe learning experiences in the ‘new normal.’ it is a testament of our desire, passion and
commitment to go the distance and continue to form leaders who pursue excellence that is
ignited by love and service.



As of August 7, our enrollment of 2,050 students has reached 100.00% of the total reservations
and is 96.15% if compared to last school year’s population of 2,132 students. Please see the
enrollment matrix below:
Grade Level No. of Students Grade Level No. of Students
Prep 18 Grade 6 139
Kinder 45 Grade 7 183
Grade 1 117 Grade 8 210
Grade 2 139 Grade 9 207
Grade 3 120 Grade 10 197
Grade 4 126 Grade 11 225
Grade 5 121 Grade 12 203
Grand Total 2,050
From our survey, some of our students opted to do homeschooling, “rest” for the school year,
and enroll in a school in their country or near their province, or town. We have a decent increase
of transferees this year at 12% (250 of 2,s050). We started our online enrollment on May 25 and
onsite enrollment on June 2. Our official last day of enrollment was July 3, 2020 but we are still
accepting enrollees for as long as they fulfill the necessary documents and other requirements for



In the Full Offsite (CBL B) Classes mode, the following are the number of classes per grade
Grade Level Classes Grade Level Classes Grade Level Classes
SHS: Grade 12 STEM 4 JHS: Grade 8 5 GS: Grade 2 4
SHS: Grade 11 ABM 1 JHS: Grade 7 5 GS: Grade 1 4
SHS: Grade 11 STEM 4 GS: Grade 6 4 GS: Kinder 2
SHS: Grade 11 ABM 1 GS: Grade 5 4 GS: Prep 1
JHS: Grade 10 5 GS: Grade 4 4
JHS: Grade 9 5 GS: Grade 3 4 Total 57
If transition happens where students are given the choice to choose to attend onsite sessions, each
onsite (CBL A) class will have 10-15 students sharing an 8m x 9m (72 m2) classroom and
following physical distancing, regular health check, and other health protocols.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal


Ateneo is an Integrated Basic Education School. The following are its administrators:
Position Administrator
School President Fr. Joseph Raymund Patrick Sanchez, SJ
School Principal Engr. Herman Lagon, PhD
Associate Principal for Curriculum and Mr. Michel Guevara, PhD
Associate Principal for Senior High School Mr. Matthew Lasap, PhD
Associate Principal for Formation Mr. Primo Escobañez, MA
Associate Principal for Learning Support Mrs. Ma. Llane Cordero, MBA
Subject Area Coordinator in Chinese Ms. Ann Marie Tan
Subject Area Coordinator in CLE Mr. Reginald Gamba, PhD
Subject Area Coordinator in Computer/LITe Mr. Aldren Camposagrado, MA Candidate
Subject Area Coordinator in English Mrs. Sharon Natonton, Med
Subject Area Coordinator in Filipino Mrs. Mary Jane Aranga, MAEd Candidate
Subject Area Coordinator in HELE Mrs. Nelia Emmanuel, MA
Subject Area Coordinator in Preschool Mrs. Nelia Emmanuel, MA
Subject Area Coordinator in Mathematics Mrs. Buenafe Jimenez, MA
Subject Area Coordinator in MAPEH Mrs. Marianne Motin, MA Candidate
Subject Area Coordinator in Science Mrs. Menchie Pagay, MA
Subject Area Coordinator in Social Studies Mr. Normon Laurista, MEd
SHS Cluster Coordinator for ATM Mr. Matthew Lasap, PhD
SHS Cluster Coordinator for HIL Mr. Anthony Estolloso, MEd Candidate
SHS Cluster Coordinator for S&R Mr. Joevani Peñol, MAEd
Campus Ministry and Social Involvement Office Mrs. Raquel Gargaritano, MA Candidate
Discipline Office Coor/Prefect of Discipline Mr. John Trompeta
Guidance and Testing Office Coordinator Mrs. Rosario Dordas, MA Candidate
Student Development Office Coordinator Mr. Jeffrey June Guirhem
Physical Plant and Facilities Coordinator Mr. Kent Zabalate, MA Candidate
Human Resource Officer Ms. Agnes Gatpatan
Director of Services/Registrar Atty. Edron Bullo, Jr, JD, MMBM
Treasurer Mr. Mark Anthony Yap, CPA, MBA

For Prep to Grade 10, the following is the distribution of teachers

Program Number of Teachers
Chinese 7
Christian Living Education (CLE)/Values Education 8
Computer/Learning Innovations Through Technology (LITe) 4
English 13
Filipino 10
Home Economics and Livelihood Education (HELE) 4
Preschool (Prep and Kinder) 4
Mathematics 13

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Music, Arts, Physical Education, and Health (MAPEH) 10

Science 9
Social Studies 8
Total 90

For Senior High School, the following is the distribution of teachers:

Program Number of Teachers
ABM, Technology, and Mathematics Cluster 7
Humanities, Ignatian Spirituality, and Languages Cluster 9
Science and Research Cluster 7
Total 23

For our Formation Program, the following is the distribution of our formators:
Program Number of Formators
Campus Ministry and Social Involvement (CMSI) Office 5
Discipline Office (DO) 5
Guidance and Testing Office (GTO) 8
Student Development Office (SDO) 3
Total 21

Total Number of Teaching and Non-Teaching Faculty 134

In addition, we have IT, Wellness, Office, and Learning Support staff and assistants who also
help (on call or by demand) as online class co-hosts, IT support, and compliance officers in
Program Number of Personnel
Wellness Center and Compliance Nurses 3
Wellness Center Doctors 2
Health and Safety Compliance Officers 2
IT Support and Computer Laboratories in Charge 4
Science Laboratories in Charge 2
Office Staff 5
Librarians 3
Total 21

No shortage of teachers is projected when onsite classes are to be instituted. A system shall be in
place where classes shall be appropriated in such a way that teachers will continue to follow
physical distancing and still cover the necessary units, loading, sessions, and learning
competencies. The school also follows a Substitution Program that ensures actual or virtual
presence of a substitute teacher whenever the scheduled teacher is not able to teach due to
uncontrollable circumstances such as lateness and absence due to sickness, accidents, pregnancy,
on-leave credits, official or unofficial transactions or trips, calamities, or the like.


Facilities/Equipment/Materials Number

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Internet connectivity
A.ISP 1: PLDT Enterprise – Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) Fiber 1
A.ISP 2: PLDT Enterprise – Dedicated Internet Access Fiber 1
B. Speed 1 (Fiber): DSL 300 mbps 1
B. Speed 2 (Fiber Lease Line): iGate 100 mbps 1
C. Type of Internet Connection:
Functional Computer Laboratories 5
(1 MacLab with 44 units; 3 Windows OS Lab with 42 units per
lab; 1 Speech/MyOn/Research Computer Laboratory with 30)
Functional Innovations (Robotics) Laboratory 1
Functional Desktops (DCP Package-Laboratories) 200
Functional Desktops (DCP Package-Offices/Faculty Rooms) 40
Functional Laptops (DCP Package) 20
Functional IPads 200
TV Multimedia and Monitor Sets 62
LCD Projectors 10
Other IT equipment in school:
1. Functional Mac-Based Desktop Set 42
2. Functional Mac-Based Head Set 42
3. Functional Speech Lab Head Set 38
4. Functional Computer Lab Head Set 45
5. Main Server Room with Complete Set/Panels 2
6. Access Points (APs) 38
7. Mini Routers 6
8. Big Generator Sets 2
8. Robotics Set 37
Facilities/Equipment/Materials Number** Percentage
IT proficient teachers (capable of handling online classes) 134 100%
Teachers with Personal Desktop Computer (in school) 13 10%
Teachers with Personal Desktop Computer (at home) 27 20%
Teachers with Desktop Computer (to be provided in/by school)* 134 100%
Teachers with Laptop Computer 127 95%
Teachers with own IPad 54 40%
Teachers with own Tablet 34 25%
Teachers with IPad borrowed from school 33 25%
Teachers with IPad (to be provided in/by school)* 134 100%
Teachers with Android Phone capable of online classes 107 80%
Teachers with internet connectivity (in school) 134 100%
Teachers with (good-excellent) internet connectivity 114 85%
(at home/boarding house)
Teachers with (poor-fair) internet connectivity 20 15%
(at home/boarding house)
Learners with Desktop Computer 1,025 50%
Learners with Desktop Computer (borrowed from school) 20 1%
Learners with Laptop Computer 1,844 90%
Learners with IPad 615 30%

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Learners with Tablet 615 30%

Learners with TV sets 2,049 100%
Learners with android phone capable of online classes 1,844 90%
Learners with (good-excellent) internet connectivity 1,844 90%
Learners with (no-fair) internet connectivity 205 10%
* Teachers shall be given exclusive teaching/learning Stations with their own computer set,
IPads, extension cord, tables, and chairs provided by the school. The area is situated in a
classroom and is designed following strict health protocol. It has a working wireless fidelity
access point (AP) with enough bandwidth for Teacher-Facilitated (TF) instruction.
** Most of the data are conservatively approximated based on the series of class simulations,
inventories, and surveys held in the past months.

In case of an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) situation, 85% of the teachers have the
capability (with good or excellent DSL/Fiber connectivity and gadgets) of holding TF classes
and online consultations with students (a.k.a. Independent-Learning sessions) at home. The rest
can still manage to do online classes at home but need some level of assistance along the way.
With this, the school plans to offer its boarding house with free wifi connection in the old Santa
Maria Catholic School (SMCS) building in General Blanco Street for the rest of the teachers
with poor to fair connectivity. The school also offers help to them in terms of getting
connectivity from PLDT and Globe in case they wish to. It also encourages “wifi-pooling
among” teachers in their own areas. All these teachers are capable to use pre-paid internet line
for their connectivity. This hopes to ensure 100% instructional service even during lockdowns.


As of the moment, we have the following learning and formation areas:

Unit Number Unit Number
Classroom 57 Apple Mac Laboratory 1
Study Area 9 Innovations Laboratory 1
Guidance Counseling Room 8 Speech Laboratory 1
Mini Basketball Court 6 Research Laboratory 1
Faculty Room 4 Integrated Science Laboratory 1
Music and Art Room 3 Biology Laboratory 1
Home Economics Laboratory 3 Chemistry Laboratory 1
Computer Laboratory 3 Physics Laboratory 1
Multipurpose Learning Space 2 General Science Laboratory 1
Quadrangle 2 Multi-Media Room 1
Play Library 2 Multipurpose Training Room 1
Unit Library 2 Dance and Activity Center 1
Consultation Room 2 Student Activity Center 1
Collaboration Room 2 Multipurpose Hall 1
Testing Room 2 Auditorium 1
Play Ground 2 Football Field 1
Mini-Football and Baseball Field 2 Gymnasium 1
IMRC* Laboratory 1 Prayer Room (Oratory) 1
* Instructional Media and Resource Center (IMRC)

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Note: All classrooms are air-conditioned and multi-media ready. Offices, stock rooms, canteens,
pantries, and rest rooms are not included here. Learning/teaching stations are to be installed in
the select classrooms this school year to be exclusively used by the teachers in their online
classes. Each station has its own personal computer, IPad, extension wire, automatic voltage
regulator, ergonomic chair, and three (3) tables for online classes.


Under the CBL Program, the school will be using the following Learning Management System
(LMS) and Video Conferencing Application (VCA) in its Full Offsite Teacher-Facilitated
Grade Level Learning Management System Video Conferencing Application
Prep-Grade 4 Seesaw Zoom
Grades 5-10 Google Classroom Webex and Zoom
Grades 11-12 Microsoft Teams MS Teams

All modules, power point presentations, supplementary learning materials, and reference links of
all subjects from Prep-Grade 12 shall be sent online via the LMS of each class for free. This
includes pre-recorded videos of teachers that they deem necessary to augment the instruction.

For extreme cases, e.g. select Ateneo scholars and students with difficult connectivity at home,
printed modules or learning packets shall be given to them through drop-off points. Few subjects
also opted to require textbooks this school year. Some others decided to use online applications
such as Cerebry (Artificial Intelligence or AI Application in Mathematics), MyOn (Reading
Comprehension), Britannica Online, and PressReader (Media Resources). Most subject areas
opted to maximize the available free applications in the net.


(See Appendix J)


(See Appendix K)


(See Appendix L)

For more details and updates of our ADI-SMCS CBL Program, kindly visit our official website
(, Facebook Page (Ateneo de Iloilo – Santa Maria Catholic School or
@AteneodeIloiloSMCS), and/or our YouTube Channel (ADI – SMCS Official). For inquiries,
clarifications, and verifications, see the table below:

Office (Services) Contact Details

(Accountabilities, Reservation/Enrollment

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Ateneo Information System,

(AIS connectivity; Online Enrollment/Grades
(Admission Test; Counselling, Sectioning)
Learning Support;
(Library/Laboratory Assistance; LMS and VCA)
(Contextualized Blended Learning Program)
(Enrollment Requirements/Concerns,
Certifications, etc.)
School Landlines: 333-3110, 333-3189, 333-3190, 321-1788.
We hope that the Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS CBL Program herewith has helped clarify things and
has aided everyone in their process of assessment and evaluation. Please refer to Appendices A-
L for additional details, if necessary.

Challenges like the highly complex COVID-19 crisis need to be approached with great
discernment, contextualization, and resolve to the school’s mission. Our CBL Program was
crafted under this principle. And so, we sincerely salute all the stakeholders in participating in
our series of online and offline consultations, brainstorming, surveys, research, prayers, and
reflection. For three (3) challenging months—against all odds—we have shown that it is inherent
upon everyone to give premium to the holistic well-being and formation of our dear Atenean
students. In Omnibus Amare et Servire Domino. AMDG+

Prepared by:


School Principal

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,
˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Santa Maria Catholic School Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Appendix A. CBL Infographics

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

CBL Quantitative Survey Results

CBL Qualitative Survey Results

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

CBL Version 1.0: First CBL version where all students are supposed to follow offsite and onsite learning

CBL Version 2.0: Second CBL version where students are given the option to either choose
CBL A (offsite and onsite classes) or CBL B (offsite classes). In both modalities, students are to take their
summative assessments onsite. This is still considered to be adopted as soon as students are allowed by
IATF and DepEd to go out from their homes and attend onsite (face-to-face) classes.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

CBL 3.0: Full Offsite (CBL B) Option

This is the version to be adopted for the first semester/trimester of the School Year. It may continue to be
such until IATF and DepEd will slowly allow onsite classes (in which case, CBL Version 2.0 shall be

Appendix B: Types of Blended Learning

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

From Helping K-12 Schools Transition to Post-COVID 19 Times by Dr. Ani Rosa Almario and Mr.
Reagan Austria.

Blended learning is similar to the hybrid set up such that it requires gathering the class, in a physical or
virtual school, and maintaining a supervised learning environment via an online platform. Blended
learning, as a pedagogical approach, can be distinguished from remote learning by looking at its different
models. The Clayton Christensen Institute, through its website, the Blended Learning Universe
(, has identified three key elements in a blended learning class:
• Students learn in part, online, with some element of control over time, place, path, or pace;
• Students learn in part, in a brick and mortar location away from home (such as the school);
• Students learn along a learning path that leads to an integrated learning experience.
The Clayton Christensen Institute describes the following blended learning models. The characteristics of
each model may be helpful in designing remote learning environments during and even after the enhanced
community quarantine (ECQ) situation.

a. Station rotation
• Students engage themselves in different learning stations inside the classroom, in a fixed schedule.
At least one of the stations should involve an online activity.
• This may not be applicable during ECQ as this blended learning model requires students and teachers to
be in a physical classroom.

b. Lab rotation
• The students go through different “learning rooms,” following a fixed schedule. One of the learning
rooms is an online station that is usually the computer laboratory.
• This may not be applicable during ECQ as this blended learning model requires students and
teachers to be in a physical campus.

c. Individual rotation
• Each student is given a “playlist” of tasks that have to be accomplished in each subject area.
Students are given individual schedules by the teacher to rotate through different learning stations
on the campus. Their main classroom becomes the “central learning lab”.
• This may not be applicable during ECQ as this blended learning model requires students and
teachers to be in a physical campus.

d. Flipped classroom
• Students in this set up work on assigned readings, watch video clips, listen to audio recordings and
podcasts, and do other coursework similar to listening to lectures, at home. Class time, in school,
is devoted to working on teacher-guided tasks to enrich their learning experience.
• During ECQ, in a remote learning set up, “class time” may refer to synchronous class meetings to
explain instructions, discuss clarifications, and exchange feedback about the assigned coursework.

e. A la carte model
• Students in an a la carte model take online classes with an online teacher, as an option, apart from
the face-to-face (in-person) classes that they attend in school. This facilitates flexibility in the
students’ schedules especially when taking elective classes in high school.
• A la carte classes (electives) may also be offered during ECQ, in a remote learning set up, in addition
to the students’ core subject areas. This model is more applicable in high school.

f. Flex model
• Students work on their course curriculum on fluid schedules. They attend classes depending on
their needs. Teachers are available for consultation and they conduct small group sessions on flexible

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

schedules as well. Different learning spaces are provided on campus such as a collaboration room,
breakout rooms, social area, and science labs, but the backbone of this set up is online learning.
• Flex model may be applicable only to senior high school students. Virtual collaboration rooms,
discussion rooms, and social areas may be created and supervised through online platforms.

g. Enriched virtual
• This is the closest model to remote learning set up wherein students accomplish their coursework
online, off-campus, and attend required face-to-face classes with the teacher in the physical school.
• Similar to the modified hybrid class, during ECQ, online class meetings can be scheduled and
conducted using various online tools.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Appendix C. The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP)

Most teachers want students to leave their classes with more than just a heap of information; ideally the
student has also been transformed in some way, has become more complex in thought and intention, has
an understanding of the significance of what’s been learned, and has made some progress on a larger life
path. As a Jesuit institution, Jesuit schools embrace these possibilities, all of which can be traced to the
practice of Ignatian Pedagogy.

Ignatian Pedagogy is rooted in Spiritual Exercises devised in the 16th century by St. Ignatius of Loyola,
the founder of the Society of Jesus, a community also known as the Jesuits. These exercises called for a
cycle of experience, reflection, and action to help an individual uncover truth, grow closer to God, and
take steps toward bettering the world. Although St. Ignatius did not create the exercises with an intention
of founding schools, his approach to pursuing truth has long been applied in Jesuit education in a form
known as the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm. The idea in this paradigm is not to limit this kind of
learning to special “Ignatian courses” but to consider the possibility that it might be relevant across a wide
range of disciplines and classes.

The Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm is founded on the belief that education has to go beyond the mere
transmission of information from professor to student. More than an exercise in memorization or a purely
cognitive transaction, education is meant to be a transformational experience that affects the students on
all levels—cognitive, certainly, but also emotional and behavioral. The student who has been through this
kind of experience will have had old ideas unsettled in the service of developing a fuller understanding of
self and the world, and in service of helping that world.

The process operates through a cycle,

which, in its simplest form, works like

1. Ignatian pedagogy begins with

context; if the teaching experience
is going to be productive, the
teacher needs to let that
experience be shaped and driven
by the individuality and
complexity of the learners, taking
into account their background,
skills, goals, and anything else
that might be relevant.

2. The next step is experience;

whether students are
doing community-based
learning or completing a math
problem set or analyzing a text,
Figure 3: Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm (IPP)
they are meant to do more than
absorb the facts surrounding what’s in front of them; they are meant to engage the material in a
way that fully involves them. This means both cognitive and emotional involvement; personal
investment; societal engagement; and behavioral investment. In this paradigm, the process of
learning is as important as the content of learning, or perhaps even more so.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

3. The process continues when the experience ends, as the student engages in a process of
reflection on the experiences and all the reactions it caused, again across a range of involvement:
cognitive and emotional (what is this and how do I feel about it?); personal (what does this mean
to me?); societal (what does this mean to the world?); and behavioral (what does this tell me
about what I should do?). This is an opportunity for deeper meaning to arise, and for the student
to see which reactions were fleeting and which ones endure.

4. This is not reflection solely for reflection’s sake, however; the introspection is meant to lead to
action. This “action” can involve choices about a variety of domains: the learning experience
itself (e.g., picking an essay topic, taking on a certain issue to study further, etc.), the student’s
personal life (e.g., implementing a solution for a personal problem, taking up an extracurricular
activity, etc.), the student’s professional future (e.g., signing up for a related class, applying for a
particular internship, seeking out information about one career or another, etc.), and, ideally—this
is crucial in Ignatian pedagogy—the larger world. Specifically, it is hoped that real education will
lead the student to take actions, large and small, to make the world a better place for all, and
particularly those most in need.

5. Because this is a complex process, we can’t just assume that it’s clicking along productively—not
without taking the time to thoughtfully evaluate the learning. In what ways has the student
grown? What changes are happening? Where is the student stuck? The teacher is certainly in a
good position to do much of this evaluation, but the student, increasingly expert at reflection, may
be as well.

None of the actions taken in this paradigm have to be permanent commitments, and none of the
conclusions will be immutable. Indeed, each choice will of course produce an experience of its own—
positive, negative, or (probably) more complicated—and after action the student is meant to seek out yet
more experiences, which will in turn provoke reflection and further action, and so on, in an ongoing cycle
of growth.

And it’s important to emphasize that the teacher has a crucial role in the process, getting to know
students, calling on students to dive into the experience, to reflect, to take action; giving them
opportunities to do all three, and modeling a serious engagement with the exercises.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Appendix D: Student Handbook

To access our student handbook, kindly visit our website password:

Figure 4. Student Handbook (Revised Edition 2019)

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Appendix E: Definition of Terms

Asynchronous Activity – refers to any activity, designed by the teachers, that may be done by the student
at different times but still within the given parameters. This allows for flexibility in terms of the learning
piece of students, availability of gadgets (if shared with other people), studying/working time (if a student
needs to be assisted by parents who have their own busy schedules), strength of available internet
connection, etc. Asynchronous learning may also refer to independent work provided by the teacher to be
done possibly within a learning book, audio-video kinks, or digital apps. This also includes LMS
engagements that are unscheduled.

Blended Learning – refers to a hybrid set up such that it requires gathering the class, in a physical or
virtual school, and maintaining a supervised learning environment via an online and other digital
platform. Please see Appendix B: Types of Blended Learning for more details.

Consultation Time – refers to the scheduled time during offsite (independent-learning) days where
teachers are required to be available for any academic consultation online through the Learning
Management System (LMS) Seesaw for K-4. Google Classroom for Grade 5-10, and Microsoft Teams for
Grades 11-12. Teachers may also be contacted by students through their respective * email
account, if needed. No other online LMS shall be used for consultation unless allowed by the school. For
security reasons, Facebook or any social media platform will not be allowed to be used for any official
class consultations. Each subject area coordinator is tasked to monitor the consultation periods under
his/her academic program.

Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program – refers to a hybrid learning continuity plan of
Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021 in response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
It is a combination of offsite learning and onsite learning. Originally, students are given two choices:
CBL A, having both offsite and onsite classes, and CBL B, having full offsite classes but will be
attending a scheduled and live-streamed/pre-recorded classes. Both require students to take summative
assessments onsite.
Early this school year, however, the school has decided to adopt Full Offsite (CBL B) classes, where even
assessments are done online. The details of which are elaborated in Appendix J: learning Continuity Plan.
Note that the school will transition to the old version as soon ad IATF and DepEd will allow students to
do face-to-face classes.
CBL was crafted through face-to-face and online consultations with and surveys for the different experts
and stakeholders of the school. Collaboration with other Jesuit school educators, curriculum authorities,
medical, safety and policy experts, and technology integration partners were also done in the process. See
CBL explained in video form in the school’s official FB page, YouTube Channel, and website.

Health Check – refers to the daily health check by the school personnel to students reporting (onsite or
offsite) to school. This also refers to either an individual or small group session by the class advisers,

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

guidance counselor, mentor, with students. The health that is being checked here covers not just the
physiological health, but also the psycho-emotional and psycho-social well being of the student/s.
Deliberate Health Check in face-to-face classes is done by the first subject teacher of each class day.

Independent-Learning (IL) Sessions – refers to asynchronous or synchronous sessions held at home or

outside the school that are student-initiated and parent-supervised. It can be holding, doing, and watching
one-on-one consultations, formative and summative assessments, worksheets, assignments, exercises,
research work, watching of pre-recorded videos, modules, video links, podcasts, thought and actual home
experimentations, book or ebook readings, webinars, app activities, advance learning, etc. Learning
materials of teachers are also uploaded in the LMS so students can retrieve it for their IL sessions.

Mindfulness Session – refers to the prayer done before the start of the first period class. It is a daily
reflection, prayer, and/or examen on one’s thoughts, actions, and motivations. It is a purposeful self-
examination, steeped in Jesuit spirituality, that leads one to be more self-aware, and to be more conscious
of the presence of God in one’s daily life. It can help one become a better person by changing bad habits
and transforming personal world views and paradigms. It can also be understood as mindfulness exercise,
but with the content of developing self-awareness.

Offsite Learning – refers to a teaching and learning process where the teacher delivers instruction from
afar, but not necessarily with the use of online resources or tools. Aside from online learning, the delivery
of instruction may also be via text, audio, and video recordings/files saved in thumb drives, textbooks/
teacher’s manuals and slide presentations, or Google drives, radio, television, online/remote
apps/software, and other printed packages such as worksheets, reading materials, guides, textual and book
readings, links, etc. The teacher supervises the learning of students using the school’s Gmail platform and
a Learning Management System (LMS)—Seesaw for Prep-Grade 4, Google Classroom for Grades 5-10,
and Microsoft Teams for Grades 11-12 (SHS)—through regular consultation time and virtual classes.
Here, students can view and download related discussion slides, activities, and worksheets. There may
also be a scheduled live-streamed/pre-recorded class for students under CBL B (and those who, for
whatever reasonable cause, happens to be absent in the face-to-face in CBL A) to watch. Note that other
pre-set asynchronous or, if doable and needed, synchronous classes may be also set within the learning
hours in the offsite days.

Offsite Days – refers to the days where students are doing learning tasks remotely at home or outside the
school premises. Here, consultation happens using Seesaw for Prep-Grade 4, Google Classroom for
Grades 5-10, and Microsoft Teams for Grades 11-12 (SHS). Virtual classes may also happen within these
days under the discretion of the subject teacher with the permission from the SAC.

Online Learning – a.k.a. e-leaning or virtual learning, refers to teaching and learning that relies on the
use of online resources regardless of the distance between the teacher and the students. A teacher may
employ online learning, synchronous or asynchronous, even if both are in the same venue. This is one of
the many options that our CBL offers in school depending on the need and subject/teacher’s preference.

Onsite Days – refers to the days where CBL A students are to report to school for onsite face-to-face
instruction. It is also on these days that the CBL B students are required to “attend” the regularly
scheduled live-streamed/pre-recorded classes to supplement their learning experience. A CBL A student
who happens to be absent due to health reasons, may also prefer to “attend” the same scheduled live-
stream/pre-recorded classes with expressed consent from the subject teacher concerned.

Onsite Learning – refers to the supplementary face-to-face classes where students are to report onsite to
attend actual classes in all the subjects offered by the school. Following safety and health protocols, the
students are to meet their teachers who will facilitate the teaching-learning process with them. They may

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

physically clarify, inquire, or consult concepts or assignments (1) during class discussions and onsite
presentations, (2) given to them in class or in their textbooks/manuals or (3) from their offsite learning
assignments or tasks. Printed materials may also be given to them for their real-time drills to be closely
supervised by the teacher. Hands-on individualized laboratory activities, if deemed pedagogically
essential and safe, will also be done by students, with the supervision of the teacher and a laboratory
specialist, in school. CBL A modality offers this additional kind of learning option on top of offsite

Special and Formation (SF) Sessions – refers to synchronous or asynchronous sessions held at home or
outside the school that are either student-initiated, teacher-facilitated, or parent-supervised. It can be
holding/doing/watching masses and religious rites, psycho-educational activities, special tutorials or
trainings, mentoring sessions, remediation, reinforcements, enhancement activities,
club/class/batch/unit/institutional meetings, webinars, special classes, and sessions initiated by the offices
of Guidance and Testing, Campus Ministry and Social Involvement (CMSI), Discipline, and Student
Development Office (SDO).

Synchronous Activity – refers to any activity that is scheduled to happen at an exact time and in a virtual
place (using video/web conferencing applications such as Zoom for Prep-Grade 4, Webex for Grades 5-
10, and MS Meets for Grades 11 and 12) that has been agreed upon or announced earlier. This may be
used for academic instruction where the teachers facilitate a class in real time to explain concepts or
demonstrate skills. It may also be used for the purpose of ensuring student well-being through real time
peer-to-peer interactions among other things.

Teacher-Facilitated (TF) Classes – refers to synchronous, interactive sessions held online that are
facilitated and supervised by the teacher using video/web conferencing applications such as Zoom for
Prep-Grade 4, Webex for Grades 5-10, and MS Meets for Grades 11 and 12. These are virtual classes,
following the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm, that are deemed to be value-focused and action driven,
following the newly designed curriculum per subject. In these sessions, the student is expected to be at
home while the teacher may either be in school or at home depending on the circumstances.

Virtual Classes – refers to student-teacher engagement done in the Learning Management System
(Seesaw for Prep to Grade 4 and Google Classroom for Grade 6-12) managed by the subject teachers
during offsite days. Here, the teacher supervises the learning of students in the virtual classroom through
regular consultation time, asynchronous and synchronous classes. In this platform, students can also pass
their deliverables, get performance feedback, and view, explore, and download teacher’s slide
presentations, learning resources like video clips, articles, activities, worksheets, links, tasks, and digital
references. Parents may also gain access in the LMS upon request. Furthermore, each subject area
coordinator and select formator shall shall be asked to co-teach in each virtual classroom for monitoring

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Appendix F: Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS’ Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL)?
The school’s Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program is a hybrid learning continuity plan of
Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021 in response to the impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
It is a combination of offsite learning and onsite learning. Originally, students are given two choices:
CBL A, having both offsite and onsite classes, and CBL B, having full offsite classes but will be
attending a scheduled and live-streamed/pre-recorded classes. Both require students to take summative
assessments onsite. Early this school year, however, the school has decided to adopt Full Offsite (CBL B)
classes, where even assessments are done online. The details of which are elaborated in Appendix J:
learning Continuity Plan. Note that the school will transition to the old version as soon ad IATF and
DepEd will allow students to do face-to-face classes. CBL was crafted through face-to-face and online
consultations with and surveys for the different experts and stakeholders of the school. Collaboration with
other Jesuit school educators, curriculum authorities, medical, safety and policy experts, and technology
integration partners were also done in the process. See CBL explained in video, ppt, and text forms in the
school’s official FB page (@AteneodeIloiloSMCS), YouTube Channel (ADI – SMCS Official), and
website (

2. What is the difference between Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) and

Homeschooling is a type of instruction where the parent or adult at home receives some training to
become a teacher to the child being home-schooled. The institution provides the framework and
curriculum, but the adult at home is the teacher. Ateneo does not offer a homeschooling option.
In the CBL, our teachers will continue to serve as teachers of the students, albeit from a distance in offsite
learning, and, if allowed, in scheduled face-to-face classes in onsite learning. Teachers will explain,
demonstrate, and illustrate whatever needs to be learned by the students and assess understanding and
mastery online/offsite (formative) and, if allowed, face-to-scheduled face examinations (summative).
However, given the limited capabilities of younger students, adult supervision will be necessary in terms
of helping the student with operating the device (initially), maintaining attention, understanding

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

instructions, etc. In short, the adult at home serves more as a manager/supervisor of learning than a

3. Why is there a reduction only in Miscellaneous and Other Fees and not in the Tuition?
For the first time in the history of the school, the school’s Board of Trustees has approved a zero tuition
fee increase for this school year. Note that about 80% of tuition income is spent on salaries and benefits
of teachers and other employees. The 20% spent on overhead will still be used for the same purpose
because the campus has to be maintained, the teachers need to be trained, technology in school must be
further updated, bills for utilities and annual fees paid. Teachers will still be based in school at a
contextually-designed time schedule while delivering offsite and onsite-offsite education. They are also
expected to do more preparations and updating to adjust to the CBL modalities. If the situation becomes
better in the latter part of the school year, the school must also be ready for traditional or CBL face-to-
face classes and laboratory activities. Note that the pre-COVID plan is supposed to be somewhere at 4%
increase in tuition. It is worthy to stress that the 10%-30% decrease this school year in miscellaneous fees
is another first. This is set even if the school is gearing towards spending much to enhance our internet
connectivity and technical facilities for better CBL service to students. Essentially, the textbook cost is
also reduced to an average of 50% as some subjects opt to the use of modules and other cheaper and more
virtual learning materials.

4. Because of the uncertainties, can there be friendlier payment options?

Tuition and fees may be paid by trimester for GS and JHS, by quarter for SHS, or, in a manner that the
parent/guardian and the school treasurer specially agree upon due to special humanitarian considerations.
Down payment for enrollment is PhP15,000.00 assuming that one does not have any back accounts. Due
to the crisis, enrolment was also adjusted from three grade levels a day, to one grade level a day, starting
June 2 (see Table 8. Enrollment Schedules). Penalty for late enrollment is also waived by the school. The
usual 5%-discount for full payment (in cash) will still be in effect. Meanwhile, if all enrolled in the same
school year, a family discount of 10% for the third child, 12% for the fourth child, and 15% for the
succeeding children is still in place. Online payment may be done through Metrobank (Account Name:
Ateneo de Iloilo; Account Number: 4997499503543; Swift Code: MBTCPHMM) and BDO (Account
Name: Ateneo de Iloilo; Account Number: 000710564899). Online enrolment may also be an option
(Please see Figure 2. Online Enrollment Procedures). Note that enrollment is a commitment to stay in the
school for the whole year. Thus the rule has always been that those who pull out after ten class days still
have to pay the annual fees. Furthermore, the school has again extended the last day of enrollment
(without penalty) from June 23 to July 3. Thereafter, the slot of old students who decided not to enroll
shall be given to interested new applicants who passed the admission test as institutionally required.

5. What if there is no one in the family who can assist our young children during their classes
or with school work?
Grade school students have always had adult supervision inside the classroom. Now that the “new
normal” makes this unfeasible, the trusted adult at home has to step up to the role of supervising younger
students with their education. Nevertheless, with the consistent implementation of routines and skills
throughout the school year, the students are expected to be more independent as the months go by. We
expect that high school students can manage on their own with minimal supervision. CBL orientation and
training for both students and parents shall also be done to this effect.

6. What if we have more than one child enrolled in school? How do we manage the sharing or
the use of gadgets during online classes or consultation?
Ideally, each child should have a gadget for educational purposes. It will be hard to get them to share a
gadget because, inevitably, there will be an overlap in the times they need to be online. We have
scheduled GS and JHS/SHS to be scheduled alternately to minimize this to happen though.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

The school understands that it may be financially challenging to purchase several gadgets for families
with two or more children studying in Ateneo. It is in this light that provisions for the use of gadgets for
offsite classes are offered in school following set criteria and protocol. Note also that there are many
devices that may be used to accomplish school work (see Table 11. Recommended Device
Specifications). Offsite learning is also designed such that online classes are balanced with non-virtual,
remote tasks and activities.

7. Will physical books and other supplies still be required for offsite learning?
This varies across grade levels. Some textbooks and supplies will still be required and these are listed in
the course outline that students are to receive before the start of regular classes. Many teachers have opted
to use online links, apps, modules (printed and soft copy) and/or worksheets to minimize cost, to cut
“carbon footprint” and to contextualize the learning materials/experience. With this we can say that there
is a decrease of roughly 50% in the use of the traditional textbooks for the year.

8. What if we have limited connectivity or unstable connection at home?

This really is acknowledged most especially in the context of internet connectivity and power reliability
in the country. Students who have limited gadgets or internet connectivity at home may opt to work
asynchronously at times. This may also be an option for those whose gadgets need to be shared.
Provisions for the use of gadget and internet connectivity is offered in school following a set criteria and
protocol. The school is also communicating with tech and telco companies to look for ways to help
students and parents get a more affordable deal in terms of internet connection or purchase of gadget.
Note that offsite learning for both CBL A and CBL B does not only include online classes, but also
delivery of instruction via text, audio, and video recordings/files saved in thumb drives, textbooks/
teacher’s manuals and slide presentations, radio, television, remote apps/software, and other printed
packages such as worksheets, reading materials, guides, textual and book readings, links, etc.

9. Will attendance be checked?

Attendance and punctuality during face-to-face (if allowed by government) class, online consultations,
and engagements in the use of the Learning Management System (Seesaw for Prep to Grade 4, Google
Classroom for Grades 5-10, and Microsoft Teams for Grades 11-12) will be checked and monitored
physically and digitally by the teachers. A digital or remote system shall also be designed to further
monitor online attendance. Supervision of parents and guardians are highly sought after during students’
regular and scheduled live-streaming/pre-recorded sessions and during the conduct of their independent-
learning (IL) or activity/tasks. Another monitoring platform is our email system. Constant feed-backing of
outputs and calling of Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTCs) are also ways to ensure authentic and regular
engagements of students. The school will also adopt formation strategies to train students to become more
responsible and independent learners. This and more will be the things that the school will do to ensure
not just students’ attendance but, more importantly, their active participation in the learning process.

10. Is it possible for the school to schedule my children in just onsite class?
As much as possible, siblings shall attend the same schedule of classes. This will be easy if your children
are all enrolled in one unit (GS or JHS/SHS). This way, the school can assign the schedule of sub-classes
for them to be in just one half day sessions. For other specific concerns on scheduling, kindly address this
to the School Principal for special remedies, if deemed necessary.

11. What support can parents expect from Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCs to be of best help to their
Grade School:
For parents of Prep to Grade 4, orientation and training sessions on the apps, requirements, and routines
to be used and adopted will be scheduled this late July to help them navigate their child’s offsite and
onsite needs.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

For all Grade School levels, parents can also expect the following:
 weekly schedule of activities and academic work to be completed.
 orientation and training on the Learning Management System (LMS) Seesaw (Prep-Grade 4) or
Google Classroom (Grades 5-6)
 parenting sessions to be done by the Guidance and Testing Office
Class advisers and subject teachers will be available for consultation, feedback, and queries via email, and
via fixed consultation hours within and only within work hours and days respecting the personal
boundaries of all parties. Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC) may also be called upon appointment with the
teacher concerned through the Administration Office.
High School:
For the high school parents, the parents’ orientation and training will include a walk-through of the
school’s Learning Management System or LMS (Google Classroom for Grades 5-10 and Microsoft
Teams for Grades 11-12), and Video Conferencing Applications or VCA (Zoom for Grades 5-6, Webex
for Grades 7-10, and MS Meets for Grades 11 and 12) so parents can familiarize themselves with school
work flow during CBL’s offsite and/or onsite, TF/IL modalities. Teachers will also share their course
outlines and calendar of assessments via LMS to help the parents monitor their children’s requirements.
Teachers will be available for consultation during IL sessions. Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) may
also be called upon appointment with the teacher concerned through the Administration Office. Note that
PTC may also be called by the class advisers, subject teacher, and/or formator upon appointment with the
parent/guardian concerned should the need arises.

12. Will the school still be offering Learning Support to students who need extra assistance?
The school will still have its Learning Support Program (LSP) where students, through appropriate
diagnostics, will be invited to be mentored and given scheduled remediation by an assigned teacher. This
mentoring service will be offered for free and will be initiated by the school through its English and
Mathematics programs. Research advisers will also be assigned to all research groups in Grades 9-12 to
guide them with their research work. Furthermore, advanced classes for select students in mathematics
shall also be offered in Junior High School. All students are also encouraged to consult with their teachers
upon appointment. This can be done on or before face-to-face (if allowed) sessions or during the
consultation time during offsite/IL days. All these services are free of change.
Generally, the school does not encourage tutorial sessions in any levels. However, for those who are truly
in need due to failing grades, tutorial sessions are regulated and allowed only as recommended by the
subject teacher, in concurrence with the subject area coordinator (SAC) concerned, following the school’s
Tutorial Policy. Through a Tutorial Agreement (Form 4014), the student (with the consent of the parent)
agree to attend scheduled tutorial sessions in school or online with an assigned teacher. This will require
additional fees.

13. Will there still be a Bridging Program in Chinese and College Entrance Test review
for Grade 12?
Yes. The Chinese Bridging Program will have this August before the start of the formal classes.
It is most specifically designed for our incoming Grades 1 and 7, for our new students from
different other levels, and for our few students who were assessed by their Chinese teachers
having a need of remediation. Meanwhile, the Ateneo Training on Test Readiness for Admission
to College (ATTRAC), shall start in September. Announcement of the details of which shall
follow soon. All other trainings and programs set for the Integrated Summer Program (ISP) 2020
were all cancelled due to the COVID-19 situation.

14. Do you still accept student-applicants?

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

We are already done with our enrollment process and sectioning this August. However, for special
appeals may be done through the Office of the Principal, if deemed necessary and reasonable. For more
admission inquiries, kindly email for instructions, and contact our school
psychometricians at and for more details.

15. What will happen if the COVID-19 Second Major Wave or Enhanced Community
Quarantine (ECQ) or similar crisis strikes?
The good thing with the CBL Program is that it is flexible. If worst happens, the school can still go full
offsite/online at once; just like what we will adopt in the first trimester/semester of the school year. In
worst quarantine conditions, our teachers can still continue to hold virtual classes at the comforts of their
homes just like their students following the regular schedule.

16. How will the face-to-face assessments be conducted?

If allowed by IATF probably in the latter months of the school year, we shall hold onsite summative
exams and assessments in small groups following all the appropriate health and safety protocols. It shall
be scheduled in such a way that traffic is controlled and the validity/reliability of the assessment tool is
protected. Exams, for one, shall be stretched to as much as five (5) full days per trimester/midterms/finals
to make sure that everyone is spread out and the testing areas are disinfected well. Onsite summative
assessments are also reduced into 2-3 tests per trimester/semester. Of course, if the government will
require classes to be full offsite like in our first semester/semester, all assessments, both summative and
formative, shall be done full offsite and/or online as required.

17. What is the process of coming in and out from school?

During moments when onsite classes are already allowed, the school will adopt a scheme that students
shall be thoroughly checked as they enter the school by our health compliance officers. They are to go
directly to their classrooms and not allowed anymore to loiter around the campus. During the dismissal,
students shall go down using their assigned ramp and the stairs one class after another. As usual, no one is
allowed to stay in school for the rooms will immediately be disinfected every after dismissal. There will
be compliance officers who will roam around the campus to ensure that everyone follows all the school
protocol and avoid physical distancing among each other, even inside the rest rooms, libraries, and

18. Why can’t real-time live-streaming/pre-recorded/virtual/TF classes of teachers be recorded

and shared to and by students?
This has to do with many and complex and sensitive reasons. Although it is recognized how expedient
recorded lessons may be, such has potentially damaging implications in terms of child protection,
(individual, collective, and data) privacy, and intellectual property rights of the students, the teachers, and
the school. There is also a psychological need for students to experience a sense of normality and
discipline in “attending” scheduled live-streaming/pre-recorded/TF classes following a regular schedule.
Besides, should students miss live-stream/pre-recorded/virtual/TF classes at home for whatever reason,
he/she has the option to use the regular consultation time to engage with the teacher via LMS and seek
explanation, review, or clarification with the missed class. These live-stream/pre-recorded/virtual/TF
classes and even the onsite face-to-face (if allowed by IATF) classes are considered supplementary
experiences for the students learning process. The hope would still be that all, especially those in the
higher grade levels, would eventually become independent learners with the teachers and parents as
“sages at the side” and facilitators of learning. Nonetheless, the school is currently looking for ways to
polish this part of the program (especially in the grade school) to make it work more efficiently for all
parties. It is worthy to note that recording of live-steam/pre-recorded/virtual/TF classes without the
permission of the school, the student/s, and the teacher concerned is considered a grave school offense.

19. Will the air-conditioners be used during future face-to-face classes?

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Yes, but only for extremely humid cases. As part of our safety and healthy measures, the school will open
its windows and doors to freely allow the flow of air in the room. To ensure ventilation, the four ceiling
fans in the room and the “big-ass” industrial fans in the quadrangle (if necessary) shall be turned on
during class periods.

20. How will physical distancing be ensured for future face-to-face classes?
Considering the results of the recent survey of the school, it is expected that much less than half or even
just a quarter (about 10-15) of the class population are to be assigned in a face-to-face class period,
following the rule on physical distancing. With this, a 72-m2 (9m x 8m) classroom, assures a 6-feet or 2-
meter distance between and among students.

21. Are the reservation fees and enrollment down payment refundable?
Reservation fees are not refundable as stipulated in the letters sent to students and the Entrance Test
passers. Down payment for enrollment, on the other hand, are subject to our policy on withdrawal.
Special concerns regarding this may be directly addressed to the school treasurer at

22. Why are you not planning to do full online classes for the whole school year?
Firstly, there is no substitute to face-to-face classes. Hence, for as long as it is already considered by
IATF to be safe and healthy, the school will move to full onsite at once. Secondly, full online learning has
its own philosophy and methods that therefore require a particular mindset and skill set which we cannot
claim that we have mastered already. At the moment, the school believes that offering a blended learning
which presupposes a mix of traditional face-to-face encounter with students onsite, and online/virtual
learning activities offsite, will be more advantageous to the learner. Moreover, pure online learning
requires an infrastructure that allows uninterrupted electric power source and internet access with a large
bandwidth which, unfortunately, not all students enjoy. It also demands much more responsibilities on
supervision from the end of the parents and guardians. We are currently adopting the full online class
since this is the most that we can do for the moment considering IATF regulations. We hope to transition
into blended onsite-offsite learning in the latter part of the school year if allowed by government.

23. Will there be scholarships still?

Yes. The school will still continue its Entrance Scholarship, Ignatian Scholarship, Academic Scholarship,
Faculty and Staff Discount, and Jaime V. Ongpin (JVO) Scholarship Grant as discussed in the Student
Handbook (See Appendix D. Student Handbook, pp54-55). We currently have more than 160 scholars in
school. That is on top of the government’s Educational Service Contracting (ESC) and SHS Voucher
Program which has almost 1,000 grantees.

24. What happens to teachers and staff who are residing outside the city? What boarding
assistance can the school give them?
The school offers the boarding house with a number of air-conditioned rooms in the Santa Maria Parish
convent and at the fourth floor of the ADI-SMCS General Blanco Site. The place includes strong internet
connectivity where they can still have their offsite/online or IL/TF classes when needed. On the other
hand, the school is also looking for ways to assist them in the purchase of the necessary gadgets and in
their connectivity concerns. Some has also borrowed the desktop, headset, and IPad gadgets in school.

25. What would happen if the enrollment drops?

This is a nationwide concern that our education system faces in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis.
Rightfully so, many of our citizens are still having second thoughts in letting their children go out of their
houses, much so going to school. With this in mind, Ateneo will still continue to resume classes this
school year (unless the government, for whatever reason, will officially cancel or postpone it) but with
stricter preventive measures to protect the health and safety of all its stakeholders. In the advent that

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

enrollment drops, the school is compelled to give the vacated slot to its new applicants in order to “fill the
gap,” sustain the operations, and continue the school’s mission.

26. Where do I address my concerns regarding processing of admission application,

reservation, clearance, accountabilities, enrollment, school transfer, and other related

Kindly refer to Table 1. Offices to Contact for Assistance.

Table 1. Offices to Contact for Assistance

Office (Services) Contact Details
(Accountabilities, Reservation/Enrollment Payments)
Ateneo Information System,
(AIS connectivity; Online Enrolment/Grades
(Admission Test; Counselling, Sectioning)
Learning Support;
(Library/Laboratory Assistance; LMS and VCA)
(Contextualized Blended Learning Program)
(Enrollment Requirements/Concerns, Certifications,
School Landlines: 333-3110, 333-3189, 333-3190, 321-1788.

Old students may also refer to their class advisers should they need to be clarified with the CBL Program.
Kindly contact the concerned offices during school and work hours. For CBL concerns, parents,
guardians, or students may prefer to personally visit the Principal in his office, if deemed necessary, upon
appointment via See Figure 5. Online Enrollment Procedure and Figure 6.
Onsite Enrollment Schedules.

Figure 5. Online Enrollment Procedure

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Figure 6. Onsite Enrollment Schedule

27 Will I keep my slot if the government will declare cancelation of classes for the
whole school year 2020-2021?
Yes. Whether the school year starts this August, or the opening will be moved by the government
on a later date, or it will be postponed next year is irrelevant. The fact is you have a reserved slot
for the next school year and that you have processed your enrollment. If, for whatever reason, the
school year 2020-2021 is canceled and the next school year is 2021-2022, then, you already have
a reservation for that. If the school year starts in August 24 as planned, whether you choose CBL
A or CBL B, the situation remains the same. Your slot remains, unless you decide not to enroll in
the given enrollment dates set by the school. But if the school year starts in August and you
decide not to enroll your child, then you give up your reservation/slot in favor of the waiting
admission applicants and students on appeal in school. You will also lose your slot if you decide
to transfer, do home school, or not to enroll for the whole school year.

27. Will classes be pushed through?

Classes will push through as planned, unless the government by law will declare cancelation of classes for
the SY 2020-2021. Note that the opinion of some of our public officials to cancel classes is simply their
suggestion. The power to cancel the school year resides in the national government through appropriate
legislation in view of the existing Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 or RA 10533 and the newly-
signed Republic Act 11480 that grants the President to reschedule the opening of classes. Assuming, for
the sake of argument, that cancelation shall be declared, the school will not take away from parents the
fees that they have paid for the matriculation of their children. If a parent feels he/she does not want to
enroll his/her child in any school at all for the school year, then it is their right as well not to. As far as the
school is concerned, Ateneo is fully preparing for the school year, including the necessary safety and
health measures required by the government and experts. Note that if the reserved slots are not pursued by

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

the concerned individuals who have made their reservation with the school, the school is compelled to
give the slot to the other waiting applicants on our list in case.

28 What if we decide to let our child stop school for one year? What will be the implications
for our child’s education?
Staying home or not enrolling in any school for one year will have several implications. The student will
belong to a different batch i.e. the lower batch, when the student resumes education. Having been
academically inactive for one year will need her/him to take admission exams again—completing against
all the other applicants—to make sure that the student has the best academic qualifications to proceed to
the next grade level in Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS. This assumes that slots will still be available by then.

29 If we home-school our child, or enroll in another school for this school year, will s/he be able
to return to Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS next school year?
In theory, yes. But the student must again take the usual admission exams and procedures, competing
against all the other applicants, to ensure that s/he is most academically eligible for the next grade level in
Ateneo. This is assuming that slots are still available for the said grade level.

30 The physical return to school will be decided after the first trimester or later in the school
year. If we are not comfortable with the arrangements and decide to stop schooling, what
are the implications?
To enroll is to trust in the competence of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS to make good decisions in the delivery
of Ignatian education this school year. Health and safety will always be the top priority of the school. If
and when physical return to school becomes possible (this presumes that the government agencies such as
the DOH, IATF, and the national and local governments will give their approval to it), there will be
radical changes to the schedule and the classroom set up in order to observe health and safety protocols
such as physical distancing and regular disinfection of areas. Most likely, there will still be a semblance
of blended learning for the rest of the school year. If you do not find the arrangements of Ateneo de
Iloilo-SMCS satisfactory, you will always have the option and right to pull out. You may then stop
schooling this year, shift to homeschooling, or transfer to another school for the rest of the school year.
Please be assured that we share your concern to keep your children safe and make sure that they get
quality holistic education despite the ongoing public health crisis. We believe that we can achieve our
shared goals with our continued collaboration.
Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS has always prided itself in academic excellence and holistic formation, as proven
by the remarkable graduates that the school has produced in its 62 years of existence. While this
pandemic has brought about several unique challenges, it will not dampen our spirits and impede our
efforts to continue our mission of:
a. developing students who animate the 7 C’s: compassion, competence, character, conscience,
culture, community, and Christ-centeredness; and
b. forming leaders who pursue excellence that is ignited by love and service.

For inquiring applicants:

31 May we know more about the school?

For more details and updates of our ADI-SMCS CBL Program and the school, kindly visit our official
website (, Facebook Page (Ateneo de Iloilo – Santa Maria Catholic School or
@AteneodeIloiloSMCS), and/or our YouTube Channel (ADI – SMCS Official).

32. Generic inquiries?

For generic inquiries, kindly email

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Appendix G: CBL in a nutshell and related videos link

To access our CBL Video Clip, kindly visit our official website (, Facebook Page
(Ateneo de Iloilo – Santa Maria Catholic School or @AteneodeIloiloSMCS), and/or our
YouTube Channel (ADI – SMCS Official).
Overview of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS
Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL)
Program by Dr. Herman Lagon, School


Academic Program for Prep to Grade 10 by Dr. Michel

Guevara, Associate Principal for Curriculum and

Academic Program for Senior High

School by Dr. Matthew Lasap,
Associate Principal for Senior High

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Formation Program by Mr. Primo

Escobañez MA, Associate Principal for

Learning Support Program by Mrs. Ma. Llane

Cordero, MBA, Associate Principal for Learning

Vision and Mission of the school in the

“new normal” by Fr. Joseph Raymund
Patrick, SJ, School President:

Orientation in the use of Seesaw Learning

Management System by Mr. John Michael
Panoncio and Ms. Psyche Mae Lagon:

Orientation in the use of Google

Classroom Learning Management
System by Ms. Nneka Marie Solis:

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Orientation in the use of Microsoft

Teams Learning Management System by
Ms. Jessa Baylon:

Appendix H: CBL (Version 2.0)

in a nutshell infographics

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School


A Hybrid Learning Continuity Plan of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021

Appendix I: ADI-SMCS Social Media Policy in the “New Normal”

The school’s Social Media Policy in the “new normal” outlines behaviors that every Atenean
is expected to exhibit while making use of Social Media Platforms or Applications such as but
not limited to email, chatting, photo sharing, posting, or browsing websites. Ateneans
undoubtedly need to engage the social media world, but such an engagement needs to be one
that is respectful and protective of the dignity of the person.


Thus, Ateneans should be mindful of the following:

1. Be respectful
 Accept differences in views and opinions.
 Deal with issues academically or intellectually.
 Avoid derogatory and hurtful remarks.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

2. Be responsible
 Post nothing that will harm your reputation or endanger your safety.
 Like only comments, pictures, and videos that are morally sound and legally
 Report to authorities abusive remarks, threats or intimidation

3. Be discerning
 Understand that your posts or shares reflect who you are, and your school.
 Make it clear to yourself that regardless of privacy settings, all information
shared on social networks becomes public information.
 Use trusted sites in communicating and researching.
 Never like, share, and post malicious posts.

4. Observe confidentiality
 Passwords must not be shared with anyone; otherwise, change it immediately.
 Private or confidential information should not be posted or published.
 Take extra caution in sharing basic information about self and friends such as an
address, birth date, account name, email ad, or cell phone number.
 Personal information must not be divulged on public websites.
 Never access other’s accounts without permission.

5. Be a good listener
 Take note that social media is a platform for others to communicate with you, to
ask questions and share whereabouts.
 Be responsive when communicating online. Be courteous, thank people and
provide answers.

6. Be accurate and appropriate

 Review grammar and spelling before posting.
 Scrutinize carefully the content before sharing any link.
 Correct immediately any mistake made and apologize if the situation calls for it.
 Never spread false and unverified information.
 Properly acknowledge references to avoid plagiarism, identity
theft, or misrepresentation.
 Avoid ranting and ventilating negative emotions and pet peeves.

7. Post photos/images with care

 Treat trademarks, videos, images of the school and of its administrator and
employees respectfully.
 Give credit to whom it is due.
 Post pictures after getting the owner’s permission.
 Ask for parental permission before posting pictures of minors if faces are not
 Intriguing/embarrassing photos need not be published.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

II.The following are some of the acts that constitute social media-related

1. Publishing other people’s personal information without their permission such as

 Name
 Postal address
 Internet address
 Account name
 Email address
 Passport
 other similar identifiers

2. Spreading deliberately false and inaccurate information.

 Identity theft or Assuming Another Person’s Identity
 Publishing and distribution of malicious memes, spliced messages meant to
distort their contents or altered images

3. Publishing inappropriate messages and images such as but not limited to:
 Participation in liturgical celebrations not appropriately dressed
 Selfies which may appear objectionable or suggestive of irresponsible action
 Using of profane languages
 Ranting and ventilating negative emotions and pet peeves through social

4. Digital piracy and unauthorized use of other people’s intellectual property in the
form of text, images, videos and other forms that can be transmitted digitally

5. Irresponsible use or mismanagement of private and confidential information in

social media that resulted in the invasion of one’s privacy

6. Unauthorized use or hacking of media accounts

7. Visiting prohibited sites or unauthorized sites

8. Any other offenses analogous to the foregoing.

Any student found committing such acts for whatever reason, form, or cause will be subjected
to formative or corrective measures. Depending on the gravity of the unacceptable action,
formative and corrective measures may range from post to dismissal.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,
ATENEO DE ILOILO San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Santa Maria Catholic School Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
A Hybrid Learning Continuity Plan of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS

Appendix J: Learning Continuity Plan

A. Rationale

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to basic education is immense that it compels schools not just to
innovate but to reinvent itself to ensure students’ continuity of learning. The ‘new normal’ has served as a
healthy challenge for Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS to look at different scenarios and solutions to maintain the
school’s core learning standards and formation goals in the midst of crisis.

Right after the first Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) last March, we immediately formed
committees and conducted brainstorming sessions to study learning options for the next school year. This
includes a series of face-to-face and online consultations with and surveys for (see Appendix A) the

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

different experts and stakeholders of the school. Collaboration with other Jesuit school educators,
curriculum authorities, health and safety practitioners, and technology integration partners were also done
in the process.

The product of all this is our hybrid learning continuity plan called Contextualized Blended Learning
(CBL) Program. The Ateneo CBL program is a way of delivering learning instructions and activities
using a combination of offsite and onsite learning modalities suited to the context of the students.
Generally, it aims to maintain the standard of Ignatian formation and Jesuit education following a “way of
proceeding” that is relatively resilient against the threats of COVID-19 and other viral infections. With its
offsite and onsite learning classes, it is designed to be flexible while sustaining students’ learning, without
compromising their health and safety, with focus on “depth” and the “non-negotiables.” Students’ tasks
and subject coverage are enough to make sure that they are not burnt out but appropriately challenged, not
harassed but fully engaged.

In the final analysis, our CBL is Ateneo’s bold way of accepting the challenge of creating safe learning
experiences in the ‘new normal.’ This document is a testament of our desire, passion and commitment to
go the distance and form leaders who pursue excellence that is ignited by love and service.

B. Objectives

At the end of its implementation and with COVID-19 crisis in the backdrop, the CBL Program would
1. implemented an effective learning continuity plan that has:
i. designed a programmatic curriculum that is lean, seamless, and
responsive to the call of the times;
ii. achieved the contextualized learning competencies and intended
outcomes through in-depth and supervised offsite-onsite learning
iii. deepened face-to-face and online-offsite student-formator
engagements through re-structured and contextualized formation
strategies; and
iv. strengthened collaboration among offices and stakeholders in the
decision-making, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation
processes of the program; and
2. ensured that the health and safety of all stakeholders are safeguarded thru enhanced and
comprehensive inter-unit health and safety measures.

C. Learning Program

The learning mode of CBL is blended which combines different learning modalities in so far as it is
effective and efficient (See Appendix B for more details about blended learning). The Ignatian
Pedagogical Paradigm or IPP (See Appendix C) remains the “way of proceeding” in the teaching-learning
process. Hence, it is contextualized in its curriculum and instructional design which is tailor-made in the
context, capacity, and limitations of the school and its stakeholders.

The following are the Phases of CBL:

Phase Modality Projected Date
Phase 1 CBL B Full Offsite Learning August, 2020-January, 2021
Phase 2 CBL A: Onsite and Offsite Learning January, 2021-September, 2021
CBL B: Offsite Learning

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Phase 3 Full Onsite Learning October, 2021 onwards

In the first trimesters of the school year, the school will have Phase 1: CBL B Full Offsite learning
modality. Then, if the government will allow it, we shall transition into Phase 2 where students and
parents are given the option to choose between CBL A and CBL B for their learning modality.
Meanwhile, Phase 3 is the Full Onsite Learning in the “new normal” which retains some semblance of
blended learning.

C1. Phase 1: CBL B Full Offsite Learning

CBL B Full Offsite is CBL B of Plan B, minus the onsite summative evaluations. It is divided into three
types as shown here:

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

The regular week for a student will look like this:

Schedules are designed as such in accordance with the American Pediatrics Society’s advice on the
management of learner’s screen time.

With only 40 minutes at hand, teacher-facilitated (TF) classes are expected to be more in-depth, concise,
action-driven, and value-focused. Advanced readings, modular strategies, or flipped classrooms may be
adopted in higher years. Online discussions will focus more in the most essential concepts, processes, and

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

on higher order thinking skills. Evaluation materials may be more project-based and done via
performance tasks.

See Appendix E: Definition of Terms for more details on the terms used in this document.

TF classes will be using the following Learning Management System (LMS) and Video Conferencing
Application (VCA) in its Full Offsite Teacher-Facilitated Classes:
Grade Level Learning Management System Video Conferencing Application
Prep-Grade 4 Seesaw Zoom
Grades 5-10 Google Classroom Webex and Zoom
Grades 11-12 Microsoft Teams MS Teams

C2. Phase 2: CBL A and CBL B

InThere shall be two CBL modalities that each student, with the consent of the parents or guardians, has
to choose from:
1. CBL A: Onsite and Offsite learning
2. CBL B: Offsite learning

CBL A is a learning modality designed for those who prefer to attend both onsite and offsite learning
classes, while CBL B is designed for students who, due to reasonable grounds, prefer offsite learning
classes only. Instead of physically attending the onsite classes, the CBL B student shall be virtually
attending a scheduled TF class that is either online or live-streamed/pre-recorded. All offsite learning
modules and tasks, including online consultations and virtual classes, shall be experienced and delivered
by students in both modalities. Both modalities, following safety protocols, will take scheduled and
regulated onsite summative tests and exams.

For students who will choose CBL B (offsite learning) modality, they are further required to “attend” the
regularly scheduled live-streamed/pre-recorded classes to supplement their learning experience. A student
who chose CBL A but happens to be absent due to health reasons, may also prefer to “attend” the same
scheduled live-stream/pre-recorded classes with expressed consent from the subject teacher concerned.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Onsite Learning (for CBL A only)

1. The students will be in school for three half days a week (See Figure 1: CBL A and CBL
B Phase 2 In a Nutshell). Junior High School (JHS) and Senior High School (SHS) students
will have half day onsite classes during Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday (TThS), Grade
School (GS) students will have half day onsite classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
(MWF). See Table 1 and Table 2 for more details.
2. Each class will have half of the usual class size and will assume strict physical distancing
protocol in a 72 m2 wide classroom, ensuring a 5-feet distance (or farther) from each other.
This will also ensure closer class supervision and more personalized teacher-student
3. In-depth discussion, consultation, output presentation, feed-backing, and/or summative
assessment are done during face-to-face classes strictly following the Ignatian Pedagogical
Paradigm (IPP). Kindly refer to Appendix C for more details.
4. Since the face-to-face classes are limited to just three days per week, subject teachers are
to maximize the contact period for the delivery, presentation, and discussion of the essential
details of the subject curriculum. Classroom interactions are more focused on exchange of
ideas among students while being seated/remaining in their assigned personal learning space.
5. Activities that entail physical contact are not allowed. However, collaboration among
students is highly encouraged through online or similar approaches. Both the teacher and the
students are to maintain physical distancing at all times. In situations where students will ask
for clarification, especially in skills based classes, the teacher must maintain the 6-feet rule
distance. As much as possible, answering of worksheets and other related activities will be
done not during the onsite period (but offsite).
6. Only one student will be allowed to use the restroom at a certain period of time. This is
especially true during recess or breather time to avoid unnecessary congregation of students in
the restrooms. School personnel shall be stationed in these areas to make sure proper distancing
is observed and only three (3) at most are inside the restroom at one time. Everyone is expected
to hand sanitize themselves before returning to his/her seat.
7. Students may bring their (your) own device (BYOD) for downloading of videos and
other materials needed for offsite activities. These devices may also be useful for flipped
classroom and other strategies that teachers may employ in class.
8. The original class section is divided into two sub-groups: the morning (AM) group and
the afternoon (PM) group. Students shall be equally divided by the Guidance and Testing
Office based on the usual set of criteria with students’ residence as an added major
consideration. This hopes to regulate collaboration of students based on their geographic
location and also for easy contact tracing, if needed
9. Each onsite class will be 40 minutes following the proposed schedule below. 

Table 1. Sample Schedule per Half Day for Prep, Kinder, and Grade 1
30-Min Class Kinder Class Prep Class Subject
Health Check 08:40-08:50 01:40-01:50 Health Check/Examen
1st Period 08:50-09:20 01:50-02:20 Reading and Writing
2nd Period 09:20-09:50 02:20-02:50 Language
Breather/Recess 09:50-10:00 02:50-03:00 Breather/Recess
3 Period 10:00-10:30 03:00-03:30 Math
Assuming half or more of the class will choose full offsite (CBL B) classes. If not, scheduling may
change. Chinese, Play, Music, Art, and Crafts are integrated in the class.

Table 2. Sample Schedule per Half Day for Grades 2-12

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

40-Min Class Morning Class Afternoon Class Subject

Health Check 07:35-07:45 01:00-01:10 Health Check/Examen
1 Period 07:45-08:25 01:10-01:50 Mathematics
2nd Period 08:25-09:05 01:50-02:30 Social Studies
3rd Period 09:05-09:45 02:30-03:10 Chinese
Breather/Recess 09:45-09:55 03:10-03:20 Breather/Recess
4th Period 09:55-10:35 03:20-04:00 Science
5th Period 10:35-11:15 04:00-04:40 CLE
6 Period 11:15-11:55 04:40-05:20 Music
* Health Check/Examen may also cover short meetings, sessions, class prayer, and announcements
for guidance, homeroom, and club, if deemed necessary.

5. Students are allowed to bring their own light snacks following rules on basic hygiene and health
safety. Consumption of which shall only be allowed inside the classroom during designated break
times or breathers.
6. Science, computer, speech, research, music, art, innovation, and home economics laboratory
activities may still be done, if deemed essential by the subject teacher, following strict
disinfection and physical distancing protocols. This is true also in the use of school libraries and
the conduct of physical education classes.
7. Daily health check shall be facilitated in by the first period subject teachers per class in
coordination with the school’s clinic/wellness center nurses, doctors, and aide.
8. During classes, electric fans shall be used and windows are to be opened to enhance air
circulation in the classroom. Air-conditioners shall be used sparingly and only if humidity is
unbearable already.
9. The school discipline formators, including the security and maintenance personnel, will serve as
compliance officers to
ensure that all the
health and safety
protocols of the school
are complied by
everyone. On top of
this, each subject
teacher and class
adviser shall make sure
that strict physical
distancing and health
checks are maintained
in the classroom.
10. At the end of last
period’s class, students
will be asked to
immediately go down
to the lobby area. To
avoid close contact,
dismissal will be done
one class at a time.
Figure 1: CBL A and CBL B (Phase 2) in a Nutshell Classes in the front
area shall use the ramp
while classes in the gym/field of dreams area will take the stairs when

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

11. At the end of the last period class, students will immediately go down, one class at a time, using
the nearest exit (stairs and ramps). No student shall be allowed to stay or loiter in school before
and after dismissal.
12. Please see the school’s precautionary measures in Part J below for more details on the school’s
initiatives to ensure that the health and safety of all stakeholders in school are taken care of
following government standards.

Offsite Learning (for both CBL A and CBL B)

1. Students will have online consultation and offline activities for two full days and three half days
in a week (See Figure 1). The degree of tasks for offsite deliverables/assignments is
commensurate with the number of offsite periods set per subject.
2. Teachers are tasked to provide students with alternative printed materials, video clips/links,
research sites, worksheets, reading materials, apps, formative assessments, modules, and other
relevant forms and kinds of learning resources, to ensure continuous, fair, and effective offsite
learning. Activities and tasks are purposively designed to complement face-to-face classes (which
shall be live-streamed in a scheduled time for the benefit of students who chose CBL B modality;
although the school will try its best to beam a decent live-stream, there is no guarantee of high
video-audio quality as this shall be done only inside the actual classroom using the typical gadget
for live-streaming e.g. smart phone, IPad, or laptop).
3. Online personal or group consultation of students to teachers shall be available in two offsite days
a week—Tuesday and Thursday for GS and Wednesday and Friday for JHS/SHS—from 8 a.m.-
10 a.m. Consultation with the teacher beyond this and within working hours may still happen
upon prior appointment with the teacher concerned.
4. Free Google Classroom for Grades 5-10, Microsoft Teams for Grades 11-12 (SHS), and Seesaw
for Prep-Grade 4 shall be the official Learning Management System (LMS) to be used for offsite
classes. In these platforms, virtual classes happen. Parents may also secure access to the learning
tasks to be provided by teachers to students. Other platforms may also be used for online learning
as may deem fit and doable by the subject teacher concerned.
5. All official remote communications are done through the LMS and, if only necessary, via the
official Ateneo email system. Teachers are required to respond to students’ inquiries only within
Consultation Time (8 a.m.-10 a.m.) online, but may accept appointments for individual/group
consultation or inquiries within 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. during offsite days (TTh for GS and WF for
6. A stronger internet connectivity such as Fiber or DSL connection is advised for those who opt to
choose the CBL B modality.

General Points
1. The role of parents and guardians are vital in both the onsite and offsite learning of students. In
tandem with the teachers, they are to monitor the students’ behavior, progress, attendance, and
active participation in the different platforms and activities. This includes, but not limited to,
consultation time, live-stream and online classes, working on worksheets/drills and home learning
tasks, tutorials (if deemed necessary), and (the process of) performing school deliverables. They
are advised to regularly coordinate with their respective class advisers for feedback and to
maximize home-school collaboration.
2. In light of the “new normal,” the school has adjusted curricular goals to prioritize key knowledge
and skills essential to our present context. The curriculum has been purposefully decongested.
Skills and knowledge have been carefully selected and designed to make sure they are relevant to
the needs of the learner and the world, will prepare them for higher learning, and are age-
appropriate. These essential life skills, which are anchored on the school’s core values—the 7 C’s
—and are focused on the 21st century skills such as literacy, numeracy, collaboration, self-
management, and social and global citizenship.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

3. CBL’s onsite learning class requires each student to be in a regular classroom but with half its
class size, and to physically report to school for three half-days per week only. This scheme
effectively reduces the population density in school by 25% which will further improve physical
4. Because half of the rooms are vacant in a given day, the maintenance personnel of the school are
tasked to regularly clean and disinfect these rooms as part of its health measures.
5. Submissions of most, if not all, of the deliverables in both modalities are done in soft copies and
through virtual LMS classrooms or the Gmail system.
6. Students who legitimately do not have internet connections or gadgets at home will be allowed to
use school facilities for their assigned tasks following school disinfection and other safety
protocols. These facilities include the GS and HS libraries, the Play library, the Instructional
Media and Resource Center (IMRC), the six IPad carts, the Innovation laboratory, the six Science
laboratories, and the four Computer laboratories to work on their assigned tasks. Proper inventory
shall be done to identify these students.
7. For privacy, child protection, and intellectual property rights purposes, all live-stream classes and
teacher-made learning materials are considered a school property. For legal and ethical reasons,
no one is allowed to record, share, upload, reproduce, or sell live-stream classes to anyone or in
any form/platform without the expressed consent of the concerned teacher and the school.
8. From the way things are happening right now, the school sees CBL to be implemented in the first
trimester/semester, depending on the findings of the IATF and other government agencies.
However, it may extend up until the second trimester, if need be.
9. By July 16-17, parents/guardians and their students must enroll in the CBL modality of their
choice so proper inventory, scheduling, classification, and preparation shall be done before the
start of the formal classes. This process shall be facilitated in by the Formation Team through the
Guidance and Testing Office.
10. Students are not allowed to transfer CBL modalities until the end of the trimester. Only for
extreme, extraordinary, and compelling reasons, coupled with a formal written appeal addressed
to the School Principal and noted by the class adviser concerned, will a student be given special
permission to transfer modality.
11. All school rules on discipline and right conduct apply in all the offsite and onsite classes. Please
see Appendix D: Student Handbook (pp56-122) for reference. The Formation Team will craft a
Manual on Offsite Learning, a set of rules and guidelines for students, which hopes to ensure safe
and responsible use of offsite modality tools. This includes proper use of the internet, social
media etiquette, digital citizenship, home learning responsibilities, live-streaming rules,
intellectual property and privacy rights, internet/digital addiction, intellectual honesty, cyber-
bullying, cybercrime, consistency in the passing of deliverables, etc.
12. Privacy and child protection continue to be important concerns that the school takes seriously in
this new setting. Data Privacy and Child Protection policies will continue to be observed. When
deemed necessary, synchronous sessions, although to be used by teachers sparingly, will be
recorded for security and future reference if necessary. In the same note, official consultation
period (8 a.m.-10 a.m. during offsite days) is also allowed only in the LMS set by the school.
13. Student personal data, images, and classwork, including videos, will only be collected for official
school or academic purposes. Moreover, submission of such materials will be done through
official platforms determined by the school. The school will comply with age requirements and
ensure appropriateness of apps or any digital/printed references that will be used by the students.
14. The good thing with the CBL Program is that it is flexible. If worst happens, the school can go
full offsite at once. This means that all classes shall be a combination of online, remote, and
virtual learning just like the CBL B learning modality, without onsite classes and assessments. To
distinguish it from CBL A and B, we call this as CBL C. In the CBL C learning modality, both
students and teachers shall be in the safety and comforts of their homes holding regulated classes
with the same topics and learning outcomes to cover. Learning materials (e.g. worksheets,

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

modules, assessments) and students’ outputs/tasks may be submitted by and to both parties using
the LMS and/or the school’s Gmail system. Synchronous and/or asynchronous classes, formative
and summative assessments, and real-time consultations can still happen in each subject’s LMS
(Seesaw, Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams) unhampered.

Kindly see Appendix E for the definition of technical terms used herewith.

C3. Full Onsite Learning

This modality shall be adopted by the school if the COVID-19 situation ceases to exist or at least
be under control. If going to school is already considered safe and free from infection, then the
students will again experience full onsite learning. This modality will have the usual face-to-face
classes but with a twist in terms of pedagogical strategies and school policies as this is already the
“new normal.” Since this is expected not to happen within the school year, we will park this part
of the discussion for a while.

D. Course Offerings
The course offerings of the school remain intact. CBL proportionately classifies the onsite and
offsite classes of each subject depending on its context, competencies, and content. Course
Outlines shall be given to parents and students for their reference.

E. Assessment, Grading, and Honor System

Performance of students will still be computed using the Upper Limit System but with a twist in
adopting the KPUP approach. Shown below is the newly-appropriated grading system. Please see
Part III. Academic Policies (pp 44-48) of the Student Handbook in Appendix D.

We will continue to have three trimesters for GS and JHS and two semesters (with midterm and
final exams per semester) for SHS in the next school year.

Both CBL A and CBL B modalities will require students to take 2-3 scheduled face-to-face
summative assessments and one set of summative examination per subject (face-to-face) every
trimester or semester (midterm and final exams). Formative assessments through worksheets and
related strategies are to be done offsite, unless necessary in onsite classes.

Meanwhile, the school’s Academic Honors and Awards policy (See pp 48-53 of Appendix D.
Student Handbook) will remain to be implemented unless otherwise changed by the school in the
process. As of the moment, both the President’s and the Academic councils of the school are
considering not to have honors and awards for the school year anymore due to the special
learning modality brought about by the COVID-19 crisis situation.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

F. Formation Program

From the very start of our preparation, it is clear to the school that we are in the state of a pandemic. As
such, everyone is aware that our “way of proceedings” will no longer be the same. The challenge to
incarnate the formation thrusts of the school is more daunting. The time-tested formation offerings have
to be re-created. Some need to be archived. However, the fundamental question that guides the school in
re-defining the formation strategy for students remains the same: What will lead students "not only in
touch but in communion, in intimacy with Jesus Christ?.”

Moreover, the school is aware that the students we are journeying with are confronted with multi-faceted
concerns. Their struggles now will no longer be just to cope with academic demands. Among others, they
need to face the reality of isolation as a consequence of being “quarantined,” something that is contrary to
their very nature as young people of this generation. Others are most likely to face financial burdens with
the displacement of their parents in their work. And some others are probably anxious about how smooth
learning will be, now that learning will take place on a new platform. The struggles are real. Some may
cope easily; for others, it may take time. But this is their world. This is where they are now.

Being aware of where our students are at, the constraints of our school, and the anxiety of our teachers,
parents, and guardians about the present situation, the formation team came up with this blueprint to
accompany them as they allow themselves to be formed as men and women for others, persons whose
way of being, loving, and serving resembles that of St. Ignatius, the beloved soldier of Christ.

As a formation school, we desire to pay special attention to:

 accompanying Ateneans in their way of coping with the psycho-emotional and socio-spiritual
demands of the time;
 deepening their desires for growth, care for others and the environment; and
 working with parents and teachers as they journey with young people in this very challenging

With this in mind, the Formation Program of the school will be driven and operate as follows:

Campus Ministry and Social Involvement (CMSI) Program

CMSI desires to enable students to foster a greater sense of responsibility as an individual and as a person
in a community; recognize how their personal choices have an impact on the community; develop a habit
of prayer and reflection; nurture their faith/spiritual growth through regular reception of the Eucharist.

Regular Eucharistic Celebration• Daily Examination of Consciousness • Annual Retreat /Recollection
from Grade 5 to Grade 12 • Prayer Services for Prep to Grade 4 • Regular Confession (once allowed) •
Regular Journal Writing • Continuation of Blue Alert’s Iggy Bank • Alternative Outreach Activities

Guidance and Testing Program

This program desires to enable students to possess a realistic self-knowledge and well-grounded values
that will help them to relate well with others and cope with life’s challenges; plan, monitor and manage
their own learning as well as their personal and career development seek help when needed or avail of
counselling and consultation services; navigate well through life’s challenges, opportunities and choices.

Start of the School Year Orientation of Students and Parents • Psychosocial Counseling • Group
Dynamic Sessions/Symposia • Individual Inventory Record • Interview and Individual or Group
Counselling • Colloquia (Batch/Per Section) with Teachers • Career Guidance • Psychological
Testing • Follow-up on “At Risk” Students • Referral of Students for Professional Help • Training

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

and Mentoring of Class Advisers

Discipline Program
This program desires to enable students to get engaged in understanding appropriate behavior
to attain meaningful and respectable interaction with one another in the community; demonstrate
right conduct and be mindful of potential consequences for failing to adhere to established norms;
report violations and employ means to stop a violation being committed by fellow Atenean or abort
a possible consummation of known violation without endangering one’s health and safety; comply
with the health and safety measures of the school as a way of protecting one’s self and members of
the family.

Preemptive and Proactive Way to Avoid Possible School Violations • Propose and Implement
Strategies for a Smooth and Organized Conduct of School Activities • Positive Reinforcement for
Admirable Behavior of Students • Discussion Sessions for the Understanding of School Rules and
Procedures for Parents, Teachers, and Students • Presence in Major Student Activities • Prompt and
Prudent Action on Referred Cases • Proper Documentation of Office Transactions • Monitoring of
Students’ Behavior • Safe Mechanism Where Students Can Report Violation Without any Fear of

While the Student Handbook policies (See Appendix D. Student Handbook) will generally still be in
effect, certain items may be adjusted to suit the CBL format. Hence, the school—through the leadership
of the offices of the Associate Principals for Formation and Learning Support and in collaboration with
the Online Learning Committee and the Learning Innovation through Technology (LITe) Program—is
crafting a CBL-contextualized manual on the etiquettes, rules, and regulations for offsite learning, which
includes responsible use of internet portals and the social media, learning management systems,
online/offline learning apps and sites, printed materials and worksheets, interactive portals, learning
videos and links, offsite projects/researches, formative and summative assessments, home learning tasks,
online convos, and other related areas. This shall be incorporated in the orientation of parents and
students set this July and August, respectively.

Student Development Program

This program desires to enable students to articulate their thoughts, hone their skills and express
themselves in safe and respectful small communities; nurture their talents/gifts and make use of these in
initiating/participating service-oriented activities; render admirable service in a way they are capable of as
students; practice their leadership skills through different activities they are joining and facilitating

Accessible and Developmental Leadership Training Opportunities for Students Venues/

Opportunities for Campaign and Election of Student Councils • Club Offerings from Grade 5 to
Grade 12 in Second Trimester Onwards • Support Initiatives for and Training of Club Moderators •
Encouragement for Service-Oriented Initiatives • Training on Project Proposal Making • Alternative
Student-led Outreach Activities

Please see Appendix I for ADI-SMCS Social Media Policy in the “New Normal.”

More than ever, the Formation Program of the school is most relevant considering the situation that our
students are experiencing right now. The formation team, in collaboration with all the faculty and staff of
the school, will exhaust all means possible, including acceptable online interaction with students and
other offsite strategies, to guarantee their balanced and holistic formation where they are accompanied
well by significant others while navigating the “new normal.”

G. Sample Student Schedule

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Table 4. Sample Student Schedule in Grade 11

40-Min Class Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Health Check Health Check/Examen Health Check/Examen Health Check/Examen
1st Period Homeroom ABM 1 ABM 1
2 Period Core 4A Core 4A Core 5
3rd Period Applied 1 Core 3 Core 3
Breather/Recess Breather/Recess Breather/Recess
4th Period Applied 2 Core 2 Core 6
5th Period Core 1 Core 1 Core 7
6th Period Research/LSP Guidance/Club/ Research/LSP
Students who choose CBL B are required to “attend” live-streamed/pre-recorded classes following
the given schedule in Table 4. All live-stream sessions shall be done in real time to ensure disciplined
attendance of students. To protect the privacy and intellectual property right of the teacher and the
school, no one is allowed to record, save, and/or share all or any of the live-stream sessions released
by the teacher or of school. For students who missed the sessions, they have the option to clarify
things with the teacher during the scheduled consultation time.

Table 4. Scheduled Live-Streaming/Pre-Recorded Classes

Grade Level Day Time
Kinder, Grades 1, 3, 5 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 07:35 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
Prep, 2, 4, 6 Monday, Wednesday, Friday 01:00 p.m.-05:20 p.m.
Grades 7, 9, 11 Thursday, Thursday, Saturday 07:35 a.m.-11:55 a.m.
Grades 8, 10, 12 Thursday, Thursday, Saturday 01:00 p.m.-05:20 p.m.
Only one set of class discussions per grade level will be assigned for the live-streaming.
This is to make sure that the streaming is uniform, practicable, focused, adequate, and
uninterrupted. Time schedule here may change depending on the context of the grade level and
subject area.

H. Sample Teacher Schedule

Generally, each teacher has 17-20 units of regular teaching load a week. This is distributed as
face-to-face/onsite and offsite classes. Their respective subject area coordinators (SACs) are
tasked to supervise them in their offsite-onsite classes to ensure proper delivery of lessons. Table
6 shows a sample teacher’s onsite schedule.

Table 6. Sample Teacher Schedule for Face-To-Face Classes in Grade 10

40-Min Class Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Morning Class
Health Check Health Check/Examen Health Check/Examen Health Check/Examen
1 Period English 10 (Faith A) English 10 (Faith A)
2nd Period English 10 (Justice A) English 10 (Justice A) English 10 (Justice A)
3rd Period
Breather/Recess Breather/Recess Breather/Recess Breather/Recess
4th Period English 10 (Integrity A) English 10 (Integrity A) English 10 (Integrity A)
5th Period English 10 (Wisdom A) English 10 (Wisdom A)
6 Period Homeroom Club English 10 (Wisdom A)
40-Min Class Tuesday Thursday Saturday
Afternoon Class

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Health Check Health Check/Examen Health Check/Examen Health Check/Examen

1st Period English 10 (Faith B) English 10 (Faith B)
2nd Period English 10 (Justice B) English 10 (Justice B) English 10 (Justice B)
3rd Period
Breather/Recess Breather/Recess Breather/Recess Breather/Recess
4th Period English 10 (Integrity B) English 10 (Integrity B) English 10 (Integrity B)
5th Period English 10 (Wisdom B) English 10 (Wisdom B)
6th Period Consultation/LSP/Guidance/
Homeroom Research English 10 (Wisdom B)
* Teacher here is assumed to be an English teacher, a class adviser, and a club moderator.
Teacher does offsite learning classes/activities and consultations during Wednesday and Friday,
while he/she is free on Sunday and Monday. See Appendix C for the CBL Infographics.

I. Learning Management System, Video Conferencing Applications, and Recommended


For Kinder to Grade 4, the student may use any device that is capable of the first six (6) functions. For
Grades 5-12 CBL A, the device should be able to do the first ten (10) functions. For CBL B, the student
must have all the listed functions below:
1. connecting to the internet to access website or search for information/data;
2. taking photos and videos (camera)
3. joining online discussion
4. creating documents and presentations
5. recording audio file
6. accessing Seesaw Learning Management System
7. editing photos
8. editing videos
9. accessing and using the assigned Learning Management System (Google Classroom for
Grades 4-10 and Microsoft Teams for Grades 11 and 12)
10. accessing and using other Google apps
11. joining video discussions (camera, microphone)
12. accessing to live-stream video (Zoom for Prep-Grade 6, Webex for Grades 7-10, and
Microsoft Meet for grades 11 and 12)

In line with the above, Table 11 shows the recommended device specifications.

Table 11. Hardware Requirements

Device Specifications
Smart Phone iOS/Android
Tablet iOS 10.3 or higher/Android 8.0 or higher.
Laptop MacOS High Sierra or higher/Windows 10 or higher
Core i3 or higher/non-Intel equivalent or higher
Desktop MacOS High Sierra or higher/Windows 10 or higher
Core i3 or higher/non-Intel equivalent or higher
K-4 Seesaw and Zoom
Tablet (iPad iOS 10.3 or higher/Android 8.0 or higher)
Gr5-10 Google Classroom and Webex/Zoom
Ipad/Desktop/Laptop (Core i3 or later/non-Intel equivalent or higher;
Windows 10/MacOs High Sierra)
Gr11-12 MS Teams

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Desktop/Laptop (Core i3 or later/non-Intel equivalent or higher; Windows

10/MacOS High Sierra)

Fiber or, if not viable, DSL internet connection (Globe, Smart-PLDT, and other internet providers,
depending on your location) is highly advised. Data wifi-connectivity may be acceptable only in opening
non-heavy emails and in slowly browsing through the LMS (Seesaw/Google/MS Meet classroom)

Before the start of the regular classes, an inventory of students’ internet connectivity and gadget
capability will be done again, this time in a census way, so the teachers would know the right teaching
opportunity they can use for student learning and for the school to look into ways to assist the few others.

The office of the Associate Principal for Learning Support—together with the Information Technology
Office, the Online Learning Committee, and the Learning Innovations through Technology (LITe)
Program—will serve as the lead agency that will supervise the online service of the school. It is tasked,
among others, to give technical assistance to students, teachers, and parents when needed.

J. Roles and Responsibilities

 Attend classes on time, actively, and regularly.
 Accomplish all tasks and complete home works, assignments, and deliverables with
quality output and on time.
 Be prepared for classes with all the necessary materials.
 Manage time well.
 Ask questions when something is not clear and not understood.
 Maximize the scheduled Consultation Time.
 Ask for more drills, reviews, or supplementary materials during the study period if done
already with the minimum requirement.
 Schedule, set appointments, and/or attend extra encounters/consultations with teachers, if
 Participate in formation activities such as health check, examen, advisory period,
guidance session, etc.
 Maintain good physical health and strong immunity through exercise, proper nutrition,
and adequate sleep.
 Follow school procedures, rules, and policies.

 Set up a study space and provide the technology (gadget and connectivity) required.
 Prepare for technical issues that may come up.
 Reiterate to students that offsite and online learning is just as important as traditional
face-to-face learning.
 See to it that your son/daughter establishes a routine for working on his offsite/onsite
tasks and classes daily.
 Help your child maintain a regular study schedule.
 Monitor your son’s/daughter’s progress using your access to the LMS.
 Impose student discipline to your child consistent with the school’s code of conduct.
 Step up to the role of supervising younger students (most especially for grade school
parents) with our offsite learning.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

 Collaborate and coordinate with the class adviser and, if possible, the subject teachers
and formators, for your students’ progress.

 Design curriculum plan, make course outlines, plan lessons that are relevant and
appropriate to the present learning environment following the Ignatian Pedagogical
Paradigm (IPP) and the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework.
 Prepare appropriate handouts and materials, and make them available to the students in a
timely manner.
 Monitor students’ learning in offsite and onsite classes.
 Make timely feedback with students’ outputs and performance.
 Look for students who have connectivity problems, or are constrained to use online
learning, for possible assistance.
 Be responsive, compassionate, and prompt to the queries and concerns of students and
 Class advisers, formators, moderators, and LSP mentors have a special responsibility to
exemplify personal care for students.

Orientation with parents and students shall be done so expectations and assistance/skills
required are clarified before the start of the regular class.

K. Major Schedules for the School Year 2020-2021

Table 3 shows the major activities of the school for the School Year 2020-2021. It will be
submitted to the Department of Education before the start of the regular class for the agency’s
perusal and reference. Some of the schedules here may change due to unavoidable circumstances.

Table 3. Major Tentative Schedules for the School Year 2020-2021

Date Activity
Faculty and Staff Training and Preparation
In-Service Trainings; Vertical and Horizontal Articulations;
Evaluating, Reviewing, and Designing of Curriculum Map,
Curriculum Plan, Course Outlines, and Learning Plans;
Professional Learning Community Meetings, Consultations,
Research Work, Webinars and Online Trainings; Onsite Training
May 4-8, 11-15, 18-22,
on IPP, Learning by Refraction, Characteristics of Jesuit
25-29, June 1-5. 8-11, 15-
Education, Assessments, Google Classroom, Microsoft Meet, and
18, 22-26, 29-July 3, 6-10
Seesaw, Learning Innovations, Live-Streaming; Collaborative
Meetings on Infrastructure, Technical, Learning Apps
Requirements of CBL; Sharing of Best Practices; Course on
Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for the
TLAs and MLAs (Face-to-face, Online, and Work From Home
Parents Offsite-Onsite Orientation and Training
Offsite/Onsite/Online/Livestream: Kumustahan, Orientation of
July 13-18, 20-25, 27-29 School Policies; Presentation of CBL and Health/Safety Measure;
Simulation; Discussion and Training on Parents Responsibilities
and Tasks under CBL; Protocols
August 3-7, 10-14, 17-20 Students Online Orientation and Training
Offsite/Online/Livestream: Kumustahan, Mental Health and

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Psychosocial Support and Counseling; Students Orientation, Class

Simulations, Class Advisory Simulation; De-briefing; Discussion of
the Syllabus; Testing of Learning Platforms and Protocols; School
Online and Academic Policies; Soft Opening of Classes
August 24 Formal Opening of Classes for Grades 1-12
August 25 Formal Opening of Classes for Kinder
August 26 Formal Opening of Classes for Prep
September 28-October 3 SHS First Semester Midterm Examinations
October 26-31 First Trimester Examinations
November 1-8 Semestral Break
November 30-Dec. 5 SHS First Semester Final Examinations
December 18-January 3 Christmas Break
January 4 Resumption of Classes
January 25-30 Second Trimester Examinations
February 8-13 SHS Second Trimester Midterm Examinations
Third Trimester Examinations/Second Semester Final
March 22-27
Examinations for Graduating/Completing Students
March 28-April 4 Holy Week
Third Trimester Examinations/Second Semester Final
April 5-10
Examinations for Non-Graduating/Completing Students
April 26-28 Turning Over, Completion, and Graduation Ceremonies
April 30 Distribution of Cards and End of the School Year
May 3 Start of the Integrated Summer Program
* To be done either online, offsite, or onsite following physical distancing protocol. Schedules may
due to uncontrollable events.

L. Tuition and Other Fees

This is for the first time in the school’s history that we will have zero tuition fee increase. More than 80%
of tuition income is spent on salaries and benefits of teachers and other employees. The 20% on overhead
will still be used for the same purpose because the campus has to be maintained and annual fees paid.

Teachers will still be based in school at a contextually-designed time schedule while delivering offsite
and onsite education. They are also expected to do more preparations and updating to adjust to the CBL
modalities. Likewise, more than one teacher or personnel may be needed at times to manage a class,
especially if live-streaming and online learning are part of the offering. Students may still be using the
school facilities and the school will still invest in health and safety facilities/supplies for the extra
precautionary measures of the institution. Some hard-up students, like some of our 160 scholars, will also
be served by the school for their online/offsite classes.

Furthermore, miscellaneous fees will decrease by 10%-30% even if the school is gearing towards
spending much to enhance our internet connectivity and facilities for better service to students. Only
textbooks and modules that are useful for offsite learning shall be required to students this school year
which reduces the costing to an average of 50%. The rest of the materials shall be given in soft copies for
free or through hard copies for face-to-face classes.

All these cancellation of tuition fee increase and reduction of miscellaneous and textbook fees, together
with the CBL Program, has already been presented to and with the concurrence of the leadership of the
Parent Teacher
Association (PTA).

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

M. Health and Safety Measures

On top of the school’s security and maintenance program that is already in place, the school will
Figure 2. additional measuresResponsibilities
Stop the Spread, to combat viral of
bacterial infection. Below is its “Stop the Spread”

Figure 3. Stop Spread Precautionary Measures

Furthermore, following health standards set by the Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) and the World Health
Organization (WHO), the school will follow strict health and safety protocols to ensure physical
distancing and overall sanitation during the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. These are:

Physical Distancing
1. chairs in each 72 m2 classroom are arranged to at least 6-feet apart;
2. class size to reduce more than half from the regular number;
3. each student will be assigned a designated seat and will not be allowed to transfer seat
4. total population size to reduce to at most 25% at any given time;
5. all group activities in class or in the laboratories that require physical contact are cancelled;
6. all face-to-face mass gatherings or activities (e.g. usual general assemblies, institutional masses,
parties, ceremonies, intramurals, varsity practices, and tournaments) are cancelled;
7. all off-campus activities e.g. outreach activities, sports competitions, educational trip of Grade 10
in Manila, field study trip and local career visit of Grade 11, career exposure trips of Grade 12 in
Singapore and Cebu, and Work Immersion of Grade 12 are cancelled;
8. school concessionaires and canteens are closed (no mass recess or lunch break) to avoid
opportunity for physical contact;

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

9. class masses, retreats, recollections, class days, class nights, class convos, and group dynamics to
be done online, remote, or in the latter part of the school year; but only to be held in school and in
small groups following the necessary protocols; and
10. counseling sessions to be done online, except for special cases, but will still follow necessary
precautionary and child protection measures.

General Preventive Measures

1. mandatory use of face masks to be strictly required to all stakeholders at all times;
2. daily health check to be done before the start of every half-day classes;
3. everyone is discouraged to take off their face mask when having a face-to-face conversation or
during class discussions;
4. safe greetings such as waving, bowing, or nodding, is encouraged in lieu of doing it with physical
5. all stakeholders are required to use and bring their own pens and school materials;
6. sharing of personal school materials and supplies are not allowed;
7. requirement of faculty and staff to accomplish daily health checkup with the wellness center;
8. health spot checks and inventory of school medical personnel to students, faculty, and staff; and
9. corollary to the latter item, those who have symptoms of infectious disease are strictly prohibited
to report to school, furthermore, those who will be found by our compliance officers with
symptoms upon trying to enter the school, health check in the classroom, or health spot checks
shall also be dealt with accordingly.

Maintenance and Security

1. daily disinfection of classrooms and “high-traffic, frequently touched” areas or spaces, such as
tables, chairs, hand rails, door handles, switches, LED remote, staircases, computer sets
(especially mouse and keyboard), lab equipment, rest rooms, etc.;
2. use of foot and tire baths;
3. use of lines, demarcations, and notices to facilitate physical distancing;
4. tables and chairs in the offices, libraries, and laboratories are arranged and designed to ensure
health protection standards;
5. provision of sanitizers/alcohol located in strategic areas;
6. all restrooms are wash areas available for everyone at all times;
7. strictly, no one is to stay inside the campus, unless with official transaction with the school;
8. use of non-contact thermal scanners in the school gates and building entrance;
9. when entering the lobby, everyone is required to step on the disinfectant foot bath at the entrance,
have their temperature checked by the guard, and spray alcohol on both hands;
10. deployment of compliance officers, floor monitors, and force multipliers to ensure strict
observance of the school’s health and safety standards;
11. enhanced activation of the health and safety committee of the school;
12. processing of certification of and solicitation of professional advice on school health and safety
protocols from infectious disease specialists and other health experts/offices;
13. strong cooperation of the school’s health and sanitation (disaster readiness and risk reduction)
team with the COVID-19 contact tracing personnel of the Iloilo City Health Office (ICHO),
Department of Health (DOH), and the LGUs; and
14. adherence to and adoption of other measures prescribed by the IATF, WHO, DOH, and ICHO
prescribed practices to curb the spread of COVID-19.

For more details, refer to V: Risk Management Plan.

N. Health Check and Health Pack

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Health Check refers to the daily health check by the school personnel to students reporting (onsite or
offsite) to school. This also refers to either an individual or small group session by the class advisers,
guidance counselor, mentor, with students. The health that is being checked here covers not just the
physiological health, but also the psycho-emotional and psycho-social well being of the student/s.
Deliberate Health Check in face-to-face classes is done by the first subject teacher each class day.

Upon Arrival
Upon arrival at school, students will hand sanitize and undergo the first phase of health check. It starts
with the temperature check at the main entrance and followed with flu-like symptoms check; to look for
symptoms like cough, runny nose, and/or sore throat.
1. With Symptoms. Those who failed in the temperature and symptoms check will be
immediately asked to go home. The names shall be written on the clinic’s log and be
forwarded to the school’s physician and POD for proper medical attention and possible
treatment. Once the symptoms are cleared, the student will only be allowed admission upon
presentation of a medical certificate.
2. Cleared. Once cleared, they will proceed immediately inside their assigned classroom. No
one is allowed to loiter in the hallway. Casual talk maybe done inside the classroom but
physical distancing shall be observed. Floor monitors shall be stationed at conspicuous areas
to make sure that this is properly observed.

It the Classroom
Every first ten minutes of the day’s class shall be allocated for the second phase of health
checking. First and third days’ health check will be conducted by the adviser and the second day will be
done by the co-adviser. The teacher assigned, from her vantage point, shall individually check the
attendees for flu-like symptoms. This is to make sure that those with symptoms who may not have been
noticed in the first phase of checking shall be immediately forwarded to the clinic for check-up and be
asked to go home (following the usual procedures of the Discipline Office). If time permits, those who
wish to sanitize their desk with their wipes and alcohol may do so.
1. With Symptoms. After asking the student with symptoms to proceed to the clinic, the class
shall immediately vacate the room and transfer to the reserved classroom. The room shall be
immediately sanitized and will only be used the day after.
2. Cleared. Once cleared, the class will be asked to be ready for the first period class.

Each student attending onsite classes shall bring a Health Pack. It must contain the
Required  personal (allergy; maintenance
 extra face masks (order of or preventive) medicine
efficacy: N95, FFP1 mask,
surgical mask, re-wear mask,
cloth mask) or face shield,
whichever the students/parents
 hand sanitizer or “rubbing
alcohol” with 70% (or higher)
alcohol content (school also
provides this in the gate,
entrance areas, and clinic)
 disinfecting wipes (better to mix
with alcohol when in use)

Strongly encouraged

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

(School provides the same but

bringing own
materials may guarantee safer and
exclusive use of it)
 drinking water (bottled/water jug)
 soap
 camphor (Vicks Vaporub,
Efficascent Oil, White Flower, etc.
to avoid the need to visit the
Wellness Center
 personal light snacks
 food supplements
 disposable body wrap around
(plastic, etc.)

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Note that each student is required to bring their own school supplies and materials. Strictly, sharing of
pens, intermediate papers, writing pads, and other school supplies/health pack items is prohibited.

O. Other Important Schedules

Tables 7-10 shows the important reservation, enrollment, training, orientation, meeting, and
related schedules that all stakeholders of the school must be aware of.

Table 7. Schedule of New Students Reservation, Admission Exams, and Exiting Students Clearance
Date Activity Date Activity
May 19-21 Reservation of New May 29 Deadline for Appeals
Students (Old Students and Entrance Test
(Entrance Test passers) Waitlisters/ Non-Passers; if slots are
May 22 Calling of Waitlisters June 1-July 17 Admission/Entrance Testing
(if slots are still available) * July 4 Enrollment (if slots are still available; c/o
Guidance Office/Psychometrician)
May 22 and Reservation of Waitlisters June 8-11 Clearance Signing of Exiting Students
25 (if slots are still available) (outgoing Grade 12, few outgoing
Grades 6, 10; migrating/transfer
students, etc)
Class advisers are to report in the scheduled enrollment date (See Table 8) for Clearance signing of
exiting students.

Table 8. Onsite Enrollment Schedules

Date Grade Level Date Grade Level
June 2 Incoming Grade 12 June 19 Incoming Prep and Kinder
June 3 Incoming Grade 11 June 22 Processing of Requirements (Exiting Students)
June 4 Incoming Grade 10 June 23 Late Enrollment for Grades 11 and 12
June 5 Incoming Grade 9 June 24 Late Enrollment for Grades 9 and 10
June 8 Incoming Grade 8 June 25 Late Enrollment for Grades 7 and 8
June 9 Incoming Grade 7 June 26 Late Enrollment for Grades 5 and 6
June 10 Incoming Grade 6 June 29 Late Enrollment for Grades 3 and 4
June 11 Incoming Grade 5 June 30 Late Enrollment for Grades 1 and 2
June 15 Incoming Grade 4 July 1 Late Enrollment for Prep and Kinder
June 16 Incoming Grade 3 July 2 Late Enrollment for Grades 7 to Grade 12
June 17 Incoming Grade 2 July 3 Late Enrollment for Prep to Grade 6
June 18 Incoming Grade 1 July 4 Forfeiture of Slots
Online enrollment (See Figure 4. Online Enrollment Procedures) may be a primary option for
parents/students who wish to process their enrollment offsite. Those who will miss the scheduled onsite
enrollment may opt to enroll online. Both online and enroll onsite enrollment may still be done on June
23-26, 29-30, and July 2-3, when needed.
To ensure physical distancing during onsite enrollment, students whose surname starts with A-M are to
process their enrollment in the morning while students whose surname starts with N-Z are to process their
enrollment in the afternoon. During late enrollment, the school will only cater the first 50 enrollees on a
first-come-first-served basis to ensure that proper physical distancing is observed. To avoid this
inconvenience, enrollees are encouraged to enroll on schedule or, better yet, online. Only those students
for the specific grade level will be allowed to enroll during the specified enrollment day. Enrollment of

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

siblings may be done in a day provided that at least one of the siblings is scheduled to enroll on the
specific day and schedule (AM or PM) of enrollment.

Class advisers are to report in the scheduled

enrollment date for Clearance signing of exiting
students. Online enrollment will also be an
option to all parents and guardians. Grades of
students are also accessible in the Ateneo
Information System (AIS). Instructions for both
shall be released by the School Registrar soon.
Clearance is not a requirement for enrollment
for old students. However, the same Clearance
will be required to be processed at the middle of
the school year.

Figure 4. Online Enrollment Procedures

Table 9. In-Service Trainings, Deliverables, and other Concerns of Faculty and Staff
Date Activity/Deliverables
May 4-8 Review and Crafting of Course Outlines
May 11-15, 18-22, 25- Retrofitting of the Curriculum Map
May 18 Kumustahan, Orientation, and De-Briefing
May 26-28 SHS Deliberation of Awards and Search for Valedictorian/Salutatorian
June 1 3rd Academic Council Meeting
June 1-5, 8-12 Crafting of Worksheets and Assessment Tools
June 3-15 Collaborative Meetings on Infrastructure, Technical, and Learning Apps
Requirements of Contextualized Blended Learning
June 3-August 31 Adaptive Design for Learning Professional Certificate Course for Jesuit
Schools and Universities (See Appendix D)
June 3 President’s Executive Council (TLA) Meeting
June 8-10 IIGNITE-Induction Training of Probationary Teachers (Phase 1)
June 8-11 Reporting of LS Personnel and other offices for Clearance Signing
LITE-sponsored Online Boot Camp on Learning Management Systems

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

June 11 4th Academic Council Meeting; Online Baccalaureate Mass

Online Baccalaureate Mass
June 15-19 Grade 12 Graduation Picture-Taking with Parents and Distribution of
Diplomas, Pins, Stoles, and Awards (Tentative due to MGCQ)
LITE-sponsored Online Boot Camp on Productivity and Collaboration Tools
June 15 President’s Executive Council (TLA) Meeting
June 15-19, 22-26, 29- Design of Learning Plans
July 3, July 6-10
June 16 Learning Plan Template (All Teaching Faculty in School)
June 22-26 LITE-sponsored Online Boot Camp on Productivity and Collaboration Tools
June 8-11 Reporting of LS Personnel and other offices for Clearance Signing
PTC Days for Cards
June 17 First Formation Team Assembly
June 24-26 Course on Stephen Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for Top
Level and Mid-Level Administrators
June 26 Meeting of Academic Subject Area Coordinators and TLAs
June 29-July 3 LITe-sponsored Online Boot Camp on Web Conferencing and Digital
June 29 Second Formation Team and Coordinators Assembly
July 1 Start of Daily Reporting of Faculty and Staff
Program Meetings/PLCs for GS and JHS; Unit Meeting for SHS;
Kumustahan; Vertical Articulations
July 2 Horizontal Articulation; Faculty Coop Meeting
July 3 Training-Workshop on Formation in the ‘New Normal’
July 6 Model Plan Making (MLAs and Math Program)
July 6-8 Finalization of Class Advisers and Co-Advisers
July 7 Online Class Simulations and Survey-Research; Launching of St. Ignatius
July 8-9 Training-Workshop on Authentic Onsite and Offsite Assessments and
Performance Tasks (IPP, UbD, KPUP, etc.)
July 10 COVID-19 Disinfection and Dengue Prevention Spraying; Simulation of
Classes/Sessions from Home and Survey-Research
July 13-14 Hands-on Training on Online Conferencing, Apps and on Learning
Management System: Seesaw (Prep-Grade 4), Google Classroom (Grade 5-
10), and Microsoft Teams (Grade 11-12)
July 14 President’s Executive Council Meeting
July 14-17, 20-24, 27 Class/Student Organizations Preparations and Surveys
July 15 General Simulation of Classes following Hypothetical Class Schedules
July 16 Online Orientation of Parents and Guardians of PS, Grade 1, and GS
Transferees of other Grade Levels; Do-Day (General Cleaning of Working
Table and Offices)
July 17 Online Orientation of Parents and Guardians of Grade 7 and JHS Transferees
of other Grade Levels
July 20 Online Orientation of Parents and Guardians of Grade 11 Students
July 21 Orientation Webinar on CBL for all Parents and Guardians; 5 th Academic
Council Meeting
July 22-23 Finalization of Class Sectioning
July 22 Online Orientation of Prep-Grade 4 Parents on LMS (Seesaw) and Online
Conferencing Apps (Webex and Zoom)
July 23 Online Orientation of Grades 5-10 Parents on LMS (Google Classroom) and

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Online Conferencing Apps (Webex and Zoom)

July 24 Online Orientation of Grades 11 and 12 Parents on LMS (Microsoft Teams)
and Online Conferencing Apps (Webex, Zoom, MS Teams)
June 24-26 Course on Stephen Coveys The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People for Top
Level and Mid-Level Administrators
June 26 5th Academic Council Meeting
July 27 In-depth Training for SHS Class Advisers on LMS and Online Conferencing
July 27-30 Survey for CBL A and CBL B
July 28-30 Prayer Triduum for all Faculty and Staff
July 30 Mass for Feast Day of St. Ignatius
July 31 St. Ignatius Day Mass Celebration
August 1 Start of 10-Saturday-Sessions Online Remedial Classes for the “Integrated
Summer Program” Remedial Classes for Chinese
August 3 In-Depth Training for GS and JHS Class Advisers on LMS and Online
Conferencing Apps; Start of the Chinese Bridging Program; 6th Academic
Council Meeting
August 4 and 6, Online Orientation to the CBL for Grades 7, 11, and new students
August 5 Class Simulation 4.0
August 6 Online Orientation to the CBL for Old Students in Grades 5-12 (PS-Grade 4
shall be done through class advisers during Online Class Simulations)
August 7 Online Session for Students on Psycho-emotional Wellness
August 7 and 10 Online Class Advisory Simulation
August 10 President’s Executive Council Meeting
August 11-14 and 17 Soft Opening of Classes with Subject Teachers and Students
August 18 Talk on IPR, Child, and Data Protection Laws
August 20 Mass and Commissioning
August 24 Opening of Classes (Grades 1-12)
August 25 Opening of Classes (Kinder)
August 26 Opening of Classes (Prep)
September 4 Talk on Parenting in the New Normal
September 5 Start of 20-Session Online Classes for the Ateneo Training in Test Readiness
for Admission to College (ATTRAC)

Faculty and staff’s combination of face-to-face reporting and Work-From-Home (WFH) schedules shall
be announced by the HR Office in due time following the advice of the IATF and the local government
units. Other related trainings shall be scheduled soon. Series of webinar/online training of teachers have
started in April and will go on until August.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School 1788
A Hybrid Learning Continuity Plan of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021

Appendix K: Action Plan


Areas of Objectives Activities

1. Enrolment Adopt an enrollment Online Enrollment
Process process that is more Onsite Enrollment
efficient and safe. Online Monitoring
Information and Communication Drive
Adoption of Health and Safety Protocol
2. Modality/ Design a Creation of Online Learning and Info-Com Committees
Platform for comprehensive Situational Research, Surveys, and Consultations
Education learning continuity Crafting of the Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL)
Delivery program that Program
considers the context Information Dissemination and Orientation of the CBL
of the “new normal.” Program for Parents, and Guardians
3. Capacity Enable teachers the Orientation of the CBL program for all personnel
Building for necessary knowledge, Supervisors (Leadership) Training for the “New
Teachers skills, and attitude to Normal’
deliver CBL modality. IIGNITE Induction Program
Boot Camp on the Use of LMS, VCA, and other online
Sharing of Best Practices
Review of IPP, CJE, UAP, and UbD
Review and Design of Course Outline, Curriculum Map,
and Learning Plan (Unit/Program)
Class Simulations and Soft Opening Schemes with
Series of Evaluation
Professional Learning Community (PLC) Meetings
4. Learning Make practical and Review of Alignment of ILOs, Competencies, and
Resources suitable learning CLAS
resources fit for the Review and Design of Learning Modules
CBL framework. Revisiting and Re-Assessment of Textbooks

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Use online tools and Exploration of online tools and applications through
apps for instruction. sharing of best practices.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Use of Learning Resource
5. Monitoring Utilize measures to Identify milestones and performance indicators for
and authentically assess evaluation.
Evaluation the effectiveness and Hold regular “temperature check” meetings with the
efficiency of the CBL TLAs, MLAs, and programs.
program. Students
Midyear and Yearend Performance Appraisal for
Teachers (by Students, TLAs, and MLAs)
Design a phase-based assessment tool to measure
success or failure of CBL.

Persons In- Persons In- Time Frame Resources Needed Source of

charge charge Fund
1. Enrolment Registrar in May-August, Ateneo Information School Budget
Process coordination with 2020 System and Resources
the President, School Facilities
Treasurer and
2. Modality/ Top-Level April-June, 2020 PhP40,000 for School Budget
Platform for Administrators meetings and and Resources
Education and Mid-Level consultations
Delivery Administrators in
coordination with School Facilities
the PTA
3. Capacity Academic TLAs: Phase 1: PhP150,000 for TLA, School Budget
Building for Principal and May-August, MLA Covey training and Resources
Teachers Associate 2020
Principals PhP20,000 for
Phase 2: Induction Program
December, 2020 PhP60,000 for other
meetings, trainings,
Phase 3: January- and activities
April, 2021
School Facilities
Phase 4:
June-July, 2021

4. Learning Associate Phase 1: PhP10,000 for School Budget

Resources Principals and May-July, 2020 meetings and trainings and Resources
Phase 2: School Facilities

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal


Phase 3:
June, 2021
5. Monitoring TLAs ad MLAs Milestone 1: Nov, PhP20,000 for School Budget
and 2020 assessment and tool and Resources
Evaluation Milestone 2: Feb, design meetings
Milestone 3: School Facilities
April, 2021
Evaluation: June,

Evaluation of
CBL: April, 2021

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School 1788


A Hybrid Learning Continuity Plan of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021

Appendix L: Risk Management Plan

The following is our Risk Management Procedures and Protocol with the school’s mitigating
measures in anticipation of the risks that may be brought about by COVID-19, dengue outbreak,
and other natural or man-made threats.

A. Traffic Flow and Physical Distancing

1. Students

a) Arrival
(1) Guests with vehicles may enter and exit the campus to send students (of
all levels and on any day) to their classes.
(2) Gate 1 is designated as an entrance for fetching of students (all levels and
any day). Exit will be via Gate 2. (Opening of two additional walk-in gates
in front of the Administration lobby—not for exit use).
(3) Those without vehicles may enter via Gates 2 and 3.
(4) For pedestrians, keep to the canopied walkway leading to the center area.
(5) Use the pedestrian lane in crossing to the Administration lobby.
(6) Upon entrance, proceed directly to the designated classroom following
strictly the Keep Right Rule.
(7) In proceeding to classrooms on the second to the fourth floor, students
should use the stairs and ramp near the clinic when going up.

b) Recess Time
(1) No student is allowed to go out of the classroom even during recess time
except for comfort room or clinic purposes.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

(2) Floor markers shall be placed to guide students in maintaining a two-meter

distance when queuing.

c) Dismissal

(1) Students with the supervision of the teacher must proceed to the
designated area in the Quadrangle including if necessary, the Grade
School Activity center in the Grade School building and Multipurpose
Room (MPR) in the High School building.
(2) From there, they will strictly follow the dismissal procedure using the
Keep Right Rule leading to the Grade School/High School lobby with or
without fetchers following the exit route leading to either in the parking
area or to the Gates 2 and 3 for those taking the public transport.
(3) Grade School Building/Activity Center (Prep to Grade 3 and Senior High
(4) High School Building /MPR (Grades 4 to 6 and Junior High School)

2. Fetchers
Follow arrival procedures Letters A to C. Upon reaching the main lobby, proceed
directly towards the GS or JHS lobby, passing by the school’s facade. Enter the
lobby to fetch the child/student, following the Keep Right Rule procedure until
you reach the exit that leads to the parking area or gate (for public transport).

The school will:

a) provide tents or spaces as waiting areas for fetchers.
b) use the school gym as a waiting area, following protocol (physical distancing,
wearing of mask, etc.).
c) require Fetchers’ ID as all school rules will be followed.

3. Business Transactions
Follow arrival procedures Letters a) to c). After your transaction, exit via the main
lobby going towards the Grade School façade, leading to the parking area or Gate

4. Vehicles
a) Enter via Gate 3, then turn left towards the Grade School parking area. (Avoid
using the lane in front of the Grade School lobby).
b) For vehicles intending to park, enter via Gate 1, then proceed to parking. Exit
via Gate 2.
c) For Drop and Go, use Gate 3, U-turn to Grade School lobby, and exit via Gate
Please see Appendix on Traffic Flow of Vehicles.

5. Classroom Procedures
a) No transferring of seats (major offense).

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

b) No borrowing of anything (especially ball pen, utensils, money, among

c) There should be designated doors for entrance and exit (should be coordinated
with the Bureau of Fire).

6. Others Features:
a) Limit Rest Room locations for students’ use.
b) Discipline Officers will be assigned as floor monitors (especially second to
fourth floors).
c) Regular mental health checklist/program should be implemented (c/o
Guidance office).
d) Students will be allowed to use or play with phones in their designated area
during dismissal.
e) Dismissal area for students
 Option 1 – Quadrangle
 Option 2 – School Gym
f) Dismissal should be scheduled for different Grades to prevent crowding at the
g) Students should stay/wait at the canteen area.
h) Students should fall in line and observe two-meter spacing from each other as
they enter their classroom.
i) One-way routes in hallways will be designated to avoid crowding.
j) Arrival and dismissal time will be staggered to accommodate students and
k) Student Council officers and student team leaders will be tasked to remind
their classmates about physical distancing and other health protocols. Sets of
student monitors will be reshuffled every two (2) weeks.
l) Tanod and traffic enforcers will be asked to help and assist us in regulating
m) Students are strongly advised not to bring trolley bags/big bags anymore.
n) Additional manpower and staff will be supplemented to guide and watch
students when transferring from their classrooms to the gym during dismissal
o) In the absence of a Fetcher’s ID, a special letter of authorization will suffice
for Grade School students.

B. Health and Safety Guidelines

1. General Guidelines:
The following are health safety guidelines are to be observed by everyone upon
entering the school premises:

a) Anyone who is sick – has fever, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, skin lesions,
body malaise, or other health issues/concerns, should not report or go to
school anymore. Anyone who experienced any of the aforementioned health
concerns must (after having recovered from such health concerns) present a

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

Medical Certificate to the POD upon returning to school and must submit the
same to the Clinic for assessment and documentation purposes.
b) Face masks should be worn at all times (The school strictly observes the No
Mask, No Entry Policy).
c) Use of face shields is highly encouraged.
d) Step on the foot bath (or pass through the car tire bath) for at least 20 seconds
upon entering the school premises (at the gates) or the school building’s
e) Undergo temperature check at the school gates or lobby. Temperature check
will also be done to those inside the car before allowing entry.
f) Logging In/Out as well as filling out of Health Monitoring and Contact
Tracing Form at the Security Desk are required.
g) Wearing of jewelry, borrowing of things, and sharing of foods or materials are
strongly discouraged.
h) Maintain hand hygiene by regular hand-washing or using of an alcohol-based
i) Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.
j) Observe respiratory etiquette: cover your mouth and nose with
tissue/handkerchief when coughing and sneezing.
k) Having a flu shot is highly encouraged.
l) Avoid close physical contact with others like handshaking, hugging, etc.
m) Observe physical distancing of at least 6 feet or 2 meters apart.
n) Small group/mass gatherings anywhere in the school premises are prohibited.

Figure 2. Stop the Spread, Responsibilities of School Stakeholders

2. Specific Guidelines:
The specific guidelines are to be observed by the specific members of the school
community alongside the general guidelines.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

3. For Onsite Academic Activities:

a) Face-to-face classes will be done with at most, only half of the class size at a
given scheduled time.
b) The Academic Program will employ a Contextualized Blended Learning
(CBL) approach.
c) Contextualized Formation activities and counseling interventions are to be
implemented following the aforementioned general guidelines.
d) Club activities will be accomplished as virtual or online engagements.
e) Laboratory activities are done following the aforementioned general
f) Any form of group activities is prohibited.

4. For Students on Face-to-Face Classes:

a) The general guidelines must be strictly observed.
b) Students are to stay in the classroom for the duration of the class period.
c) Going out of the classroom is allowed only during CR breaks and clinic
d) Bringing a personal hygiene kit is strongly encouraged. The kit must contain
extra face masks (of good quality), hand sanitizer or 70% rubbing alcohol,
disinfecting wipes, personal medicines, and camphor – optional; variance is of
personal choice)
e) Students are to bring their own light snacks and bottled drinking water to be
consumed inside the classroom only. Canteen services for snacks and lunch
breaks are suspended.
f) Health check will be done in the classrooms before the morning and afternoon
sessions by the first period adviser or teacher. Filled out health forms should
be submitted or dropped at Gate 2. Health forms will be provided.
g) Change mask when soiled with sweat or perspiration.
h) Bring your own utensils.
i) No Physical Contact in Class Policy will be strictly implemented.
j) Students should fall in line and observe a two-meter distance from each other
as they enter the entrance lobby and classroom.
k) There will be permanent room assignments for AM/PM students.
l) The health check during the first period of every class AM/PM session must
be done by the first period teacher or adviser.
m) Mixing of students between groups will be limited if possible.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal
Figure 3. Stop Spread Precautionary Measures

5. For Teachers and Staff:

Refer to DOLE and DTI Department Order and Guidelines. Content is subject to
deliberation and finalization with the HR Office.

6. For Parents and Visitors:

a) Observe the general guidelines upon entering the school premises.
b) Waiting inside the campus will be allowed for only 30 minutes before
dismissal at the designated area.
c) Car tire disinfection is required before entering the school premises. Tire baths
will be provided at Gates 1 and 3.
d) Elderly and persons with underlying health problems or have increased risk
for severe illness are highly discouraged from going to or visiting the school.

C. Protocols in Case of Suspected COVID–19 Case is identified or discovered to have

entered the school premises:
1. Isolate the patient in the Isolation Room.
2. Immediately inform the School Physician about the case.
3. Notify the parent or guardian or immediate relative (if the suspect is an adult) of
the suspected patient.
4. Inform and request the DOH or ICER to transport suspected patients to a
COVID–19 accredited hospital. Use of school transport is avoided as it has no
available built–in medical provisions to be used to manage the patient or handle
the medical situation. Also, it is to avoid exposing/contaminating the school
vehicle from any viral contaminant.
5. Do immediate contact tracing.
6. Disinfect facilities and areas in the school where the patient has recently been
and/or stayed in.

D. Environment Sanitation and Safety Measures:

The following provisions are preventive measures to support the aforesaid guidelines
and to prevent any contagion from transmitting through or contaminating the school
spaces and facilities. These provisions also consider dengue prevention.
1. Provision of hand washing areas in Gates, building entrances and major activity
areas (with running water, hand soaps, and paper towel/hand dryer).
2. Provision of car tires and foot disinfecting baths in gates and lobby entrances. Tire
bath will be provided at Gates 1 and 3.
3. Provision of hand sanitizer or 70% alcohol solution in entrances (guard areas) and
hand washing soap in toilets.
4. Regular cleaning and disinfection routine in classrooms, offices, laboratories and
in people frequented areas in the school. Disinfection includes all frequently
touched areas and surfaces like doors, door knobs, chairs/tables surfaces, floors,
hand-reached wall surfaces, railings, sinks and lavatories, toilet doors and bowls,
faucets and the likes.
5. Provision of signage, physical distancing markers/decals in hallways, waiting
areas and people-frequented spaces/areas.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

6. Routine brush and weed clearing around the campus, eliminating breeding and
hiding places of mosquitoes and periodic spraying on dark areas in the school are
added provisions for dengue prevention.

E. Security and Traffic:

The Security Personnel shall:
1. Implement the applicable guidelines for everyone entering the school premises at
all times.
2. Remind noncompliant individuals and report to school authorities if the same
concern persists.
3. Deny entry of anyone who does not or refuses to observe the health and safety
protocols of the school.
4. Gate 3 is designated as entrance and exit for vehicles taking students (all levels
and any day) to their classes.
5. Gate 1 is designated as an entrance for fetching students of all levels and any day.
Exit will be via Gate 2.
6. The road fronting JHS, GS and Admin lobby will be closed for traffic.
7. Parking of fetchers at the JHS area will be allowed 30 minutes before dismissal
time only.
8. Drop and Go policy will be followed.
9. Car pass is only issued if your child is enrolled in the school. Different colors of
car passes are issued for employees and students.
10. Employees’ cars should not be allowed to park in lobbies only to time in and time
11. Employees must park at the parking area first before timing in.
12. Parking space for SHS students will have an increased fee of car pass.
13. On-line/personal delivery must be dropped at Gate 3.
14. Only deliveries intended for school purposes will be allowed entry.
15. Provision of waiting/monitoring/holding area for students and visitors/fetchers
with increased body temperature of 37.8 degrees centigrade.
16. Holding area for students will be at the Grade School entrance lobby while
fetchers/visitors should stay in their vehicles, canopies or at the JHS lobby.
17. Student’s health checklist must be signed by a parent/guardian.
18. Students/staff returning from travel to areas with local transmission must be
screened and fill up a health declaration form before being allowed to report to
19. Chairs in the classroom should be at least 6 feet or 2 meters apart.
20. Air-conditioners in offices may be allowed for as long as air flow is guaranteed.
21. All classrooms must turn on the fans during class hours.

Note that the rules and regulations herewith may change depending on the circumstances,
updates, and recommendations from the experts, the school’s risk management team, and
government authorities.

IATF and DOH Memos (no. 2020 – 0157 dated 10 April 2020), directives and issuances.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

怡朗亚典耀圣母学校 Atria Park District, Pison Avenue,

˜ ATENEO DE ILOILO San Rafael, Mandurriao, Iloilo City
Tel. No.: (033) 333-3189/90; Telefax : (033) 321-
Santa Maria Catholic School 1788


A Hybrid Learning Continuity Plan of Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS for the School Year 2020-2021

Appendix M: CBL Program Curriculum (Scope and Sequence)

The following is our Risk Management Procedures and Protocol with the school’s mitigating
measures in anticipation of the risks that may be brought about by COVID-19, dengue outbreak,
and other natural or man-made threats.

Ateneo de Iloilo-SMCS Contextualized Blended Learning (CBL) Program for the School Year 2020-2021
Prepared by Dr. Herman Lagon, School Principal

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