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Name: Talha Bin Tauseef Enrollment no: 01-133202-129

Programming Fundamentals Lab CSL-112

Instructor: Engr. Qasim Hussain

Midterm Exam
Implementation section:
You are supposed to implement the following scenario into code by your own. Prepare a
document containing the question, Flow chart/Algorithm, solution, and console result
screenshots. You must upload the document on LMS today 20-Apr-2021.
To avoid any issue at very last moment, try doing this thing before last time and submit well
before ending time.
Please make sure to produce your own solutions, as copying from internet/ any other source
including your class fellows can cause serious penalties for you.

a) Write a C++ program to calculate the sum of all the numbers whose digit at all places
are same from a given range of numbers. User will input starting and ending number.
Program will calculate the sum.

For example: starting value : 5 ; ending value : 100 ;

Same digit number in range are: 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99

starting value : 5 ; ending value : 1000 ;

Same digit number in range are:


Program will find these numbers from range and add them to find result.

Code :
using namespace std;
int main()
int x, y, sum = 0, temp = 1;
cout << "Starting Value: "; cin >> x;
cout << "Ending Value: "; cin >> y;
for (int k = 0; k <= 4; ++k)
temp = temp * 10 + 1;

for (int i= 1; i<= 9; ++i)
if (x <= (temp * i) && (temp * i) <= y)
if (temp * i > 10)
sum = sum + (temp * i);
cout << temp * i << ",";
cout << "Sum of All is: " << sum;
return 0;


Variable Declaration: x, y, sum=0, temp=1;

Input: x, y.

For loop: (int k = 0; k <= 4; ++k), temp = temp * 10 + 1; (int i= 1; i<= 9; +


If statement: (int i= 1; i<= 9; ++i), (temp * i > 10).

Output: Displayed as sum of all:


Mid term PF Sec B

* Required

Maximum value that we can store in an integer type variable

is? * (1 Point)

(2^8)-1 ; where ^ denotes power

(2^32)-1 ; where ^ denotes

power (2^ 16)-1 ; where ^

denotes power Needs more


A= 1010001 1
B= 01001100
result of A||B will be? *
(1 Point)



Needs more information



Suppose, you want to record the mid term marks of every student in your
section B for programming fundamentals Lab. What is suitable option to write
code for this task.
You can you multiple options if you feel them
correct. * (1 Point)

decision structures

for loop

nested for loop

while or do while loop

Suppose, we are creating an application where user have to input passcode for
access. Passcode needs to be 4 digits long and odd number. What are the
possible operators/operations that we need to use to accomplish this task.
You can choose more than one option, if you feel them as
correct. * (1 Point)

relational operators

decision structures

mod operators

logical operators

Following flow chart is representing which C+ + structure? *

(1 Point)

8oolean Expression
alse True

A statement or block of statements 2 A stotement or block of statements 1

needs more information

Repitition structures

Decision structure

6 code will not execute as it

has errors 4 5 6 7 8 9

B=A< < 3;
what will be the value of B. *
(1 Point)


what is the output of the following

code? * (1 Point) needs more information

no visible output on console

needs more information

int main() for ( j 4; j » 10 ; j t )

int j;
ret urn 0;

what are the possible values returning from a relational

expression? * (1 Point)

can be infinite man

needs more information to determine

depends upon operating system

int main()
Identify the errors in this code.
You can choose more than one bool i;
option. * (1 Point)

awhile(i 20)

ret urn 0;

a part among four loop parts we studied is

missing do while loop syntax issue

data type issue

parts among four loop parts we studied are


what will be the output of the

following code? * (1 Point)
int main()
i nt i ;
i can not determine the output

2 4 6 8 10 for(i 1; i 10; i+ )
code has errors so will not execute
if(i 4 0)

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