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Name: Hallie Benson Grade: K-2 Subject: Social Studies

Lesson Title: Identity Artifacts Museum Date: 3/4/2021

Unit Level Goals:

Students will begin to understand the many aspects and layers of their identities in a healthy and positive way

State Mandated Standard(s):

SSKG1 Describe the diversity of American culture by explaining the customs and celebrations of various families and communities.
SS1G2 Identify and locate the student’s city, county, state, nation (country), and continent on a simple map or a globe.

IEP Goals to be Addressed in Lesson

Given a map of the globe, the student will be able to locate their country of residence with 80% accuracy.
Lesson Objectives: Assessment(s): Planned Feedback:
This lesson focuses on the ability to better Students will be informally assessed on the Feedback will be given verbally while the
understand and reflect on the students’ own creation of their identity artifacts. students work on their artifacts.
identities and the identities of their Students will also be informally assessed Feedback will also be given on their
classmates. verbally when I ask them questions about completed rubric for grading.
Students will be able to answer questions their identities and culture.
when asked about their own cultural identity. Students will be formally assessed by a rubric
Students will be able to answer questions on their artifact that includes content,
when asked about the cultural identities of performance, creativity, collaboration with
their peers. others, etc.
Students will be able to list multiple different
cultures found in America (or somewhere

Key Communication Skills Required: Vocabulary to be Taught: Use of Vocabulary and/or Communication
The communication skills required in this Culture Skill in the Lesson
lesson involve being able to discuss culture Identity At the end of the lesson, students will get with
identity with classmates and teachers and to Customs a partner and discuss and share their artifacts.
ask questions about it. It also involves being Traditions They will be asked how they and their partner
able to communicate and work with a partner. Race are similar and how they are different. The
Gender vocabulary words will be use throughout the
Religion lesson and taught prior to the lesson.

Instructional Resources & Materials: Use of Technology: Assistive Technologies:

Technology is not required for this lesson. If a student lacks the mobility to create an
 Clay However, if a student wants to use a computer artifact by hand, they will be allowed to make
or chromebook to do some research on their a powerpoint presentation about their cultural
 Recycled materials culture they are permitted to. identity.
 Colored pencils
 Paints
 Magazines
 Pencil

Planned Supports: I would ideally have a paraprofessional help me out with this lesson since it involes crafting
through multiple different avenues, it could get hectic with kids very quickly. I would have the
paraprofessional walk around with me and make sure students are staying on task and help me
answer any questions they may have to be sure they fully understand the lesson.
Differentiated Instruction Strategies: Some students may need one-on-one assistance with this activity since the idea of cultural
identity can be new and confusing for younger kids.
If a student lacks the mobility to create an artifact by hand, they will be allowed to make a
powerpoint presentation about their cultural identity.

Planned Collaboration with Others: I would have the paraprofessional walk around with me and make sure students are staying on
task. They would help me answer any questions students may have to be sure they fully
understand the lesson. If any student requires one-on-one assistance, the paraprofessional will
work with that student.
I would also need to collaborate with the art teacher at the school prior to the lesson to secure
all the art materials needed for the students to craft their artifacts with.
Management Considerations Transitioning into a new activity can be difficult for some students and we should be
prepared to redirect them.
It may be hard for a student with ADHD to stay focused during the activities so we will
need to make sure they stay on task.
Since we have lots of materials as options to create their artifacts, we need to make
sure we know what each student is planning to do before they go collect their materials
so we can help them get the appropriate materials and not waste them.
Introduction to Lesson/Activate Thinking: Hook:
I would begin this lesson by reading the students the book “A Color of His Own” by Leo
Lionni. The book is about a chameleon searching for his identity. He can’t seem to find his
place since all the other animals have their own distinct colors except for him but he soon
realizes that having a color is not as important as friendship. This book should get the students
thinking about what identity is. We will then have a class discussion on the centrsl themes in
the book that relate to identity.

Connection to Background knowledge or Previous Learning:

Next, we will brainstorm and review aspects of identity such as social identifiers and identity
group descriptors such as: ability/disability, culture, family structure, gender, language,
national origin, race, religion, and socioeconomic status. Then, we will have students
brainstorm different aspects of their own identities.

Body of Lesson/Step-by-Step Introduce and Model New Knowledge:

Procedures/Teaching Strategies Next, I will model the process of creating an artifact that represents an aspect of identity (i.e. a
cross, a country’s flag, etc). Then the students will prepare decorations and illustrations that
connect to our themes and topics about identity.

Guided Practice:
The students will then be allowed time to work on their identity artifacts. Students are allowed
to create artifacts to represent a single aspect of their identity or multiple aspects of their
identity. The students will also write descriptions about how their artifacts represent their
identity. During this time, the para and I will walk around and make sure the students
understand the activity and we will answer any questions they may have.

Independent Practice:
Next, we will display the artifacts and their accompanying descriptions in a museum format
where, once completed, the students will walk through. They are to walk through it alone and
quietly as to make sure theyre actually learning about their classmates and not goofing off with
friends or disrupting classmates. While the students are walking around they must leave
comments on sticky notes on at least two of their classmates artifacts. If a student leaves an
inappropriate or unfriendly comment we will remove it immediately and that student will be
disciplined and receive a great dedeuction on the score of their project.

Lesson Closure:
Review Standard/Summarize Learning:
The students will get with a partner to discuss and share their artifacts. Then I will ask them
questions like “What did you learn about your partner through their artifact?” and “Do you
relate to your partner in any way?” Finally, we will have the class share reflections on their
discussions with their partner. Some good questions to ask during class discussion are as
“How are you the same as other people and how are you different from other people?”
“What are the differences between how you live and how others live?”
“How are we members of groups but also individuals?”

Connection to Tomorrow’s Lesson:

After class discussion, I will encourage students to journal about their experience and answer
the following questions:
“Why is this aspect(s) of your identity important to you?”
“What was special about seeing other’s artifacts”
“Were there artifacts you wanted to include but didn’t? What were they?”
Notes: 



Identity Artifacts Museum Assessment Rubric

1 2 3 4
CONTENT The artifact and its description The artifact and its description The artifact and its description con- The artifact and its description
do not convey ideas relevant to convey a surface-level idea relevant vey ideas relevant to topics explored strongly convey ideas relevant to
topics explored in class. to topics explored in class. in class. topics explored in class and inte-
grate outside knowledge.
PERFORMANCE The work does not reflect ef ort The work reflects some ef ort and The work reflects palpable ef ort The work reflects ef ort,
or care in presentation. care in presentation. and care in presentation. attention to detail and care
in presentation.
CREATIVITY No evidence of original, cre- Some evidence of original, cre- Evidence of original, creative ideas The work includes an array of
ative ideas. ative ideas. in the planning and presentation of original, creative ideas, combin -
the work. ing topics explored in class with
new ideas in novel ways. It is pre-
sented with the audience clearly
in mind.
CONNECTION TO THE The work does not connect to The work includes a superficial The work clearly incorporates the The work reflects a deep under-
CENTRAL TEXT the central text or its themes in reference to the central text or central text and its themes. standing of the central text and
any way. its themes. its themes.
DEMONSTRATION Student shows emerging Student is progressing toward the Student meets the expectations in Student exceeds the
OF ANTI-BIAS understanding of the expecta- expectations in anti-bias standard anti-bias standard expectations in anti-bias
COMPETENCY tions in anti-bias standard _____________. _____________. standard _____________.
COLLABORATION Students worked individually. Students worked together but contri- Students worked well together and Students worked very well
/ COOPERATION butions were unbalanced. contributions were balanced. together; they compromised and
(OPTIONAL) built of one another ’s ideas.

“Identity Artifacts Museum.” Learning for Justice,


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