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Kathmandu University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Dhulikhel, Kavre

Course: MEEG 213 Material Science and Metallurgy Due date: 16 April 2021
Instructor: Surendra Sujakhu, PhD

Assignment – 1
Q1. How much energy is required, +, (or released, -) if 2.6 kg of acetylene. C2H2, reacts with
hydrogen to produce ethylene, C2H4?

Q2. The unit cell of chromium is cubic and contains two atoms. Determine the dimension of the
chromium unit cell. (Density of chromium = 7.19 g/cm3, and molar mass of Cr =52.0 g/mol)

Q3. Copper has an FCC metal structure with an atom radius of 0.1278 nm. Calculate its density.
(molar mass of Cu = 63.5 g/mol)

Q4. Iron changes from BCC to FCC metal structure at 912 °C (1673 °F). At this temperature, the
atomic radii of the iron atoms in the two structures are 0.126 nm and 0.129 nm, respectively.
What is the percentage volume change, as the structure changes?

Q5. A plane includes points at 0,0,0 and ½. ¼,0 and ½,0, ½. Make a sketch of the plane and
determine its Miller indices.

Q6. Define family of crystallographic planes and direction. List out all the members of {111}
family of direction and <111> family of plane.

Q7. A solution contains 15 g of water, 4 g of ethanol (C2H5OH), and 1 g of sugar (C6H12O6).

a) What is the mass fraction of each molecular compound?
b) What is the number fraction of each molecular component?

Q8. Define Slip and Twinning in metals with illustrations.

Q9. A copper test bar has a 51 mm gauge length. After testing, the gauge marks are 71.6 mm
apart. What is the ductility of that bar?
Q10. A copper wire has a nominal breaking strength of 300 MPa. Its ductility is 77 percent
reduction of area. Calculate the true stress σf for fracture.
Q11. A 212 cm copper wire is 0.76 mm in diameter. Plastic deformation started when the load
was 8.7 kg.
a) What was the force provided in N?
b) When loaded to 15.2 kg, the total strain was 0.011. the wire was then unloaded. What is
the length of the wire after unloading?
c) What is the yield strength of the copper?

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