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A Survey On Drop Shipping Business

1. Are you---------?
a. Buyer
b. Seller
c. Neither buyer nor seller but I know what dropshipping is.

2. Gender
a. Male
b. Female
3. Age group
a. 18 to 25
b. 26 to 35
c. 36 to 45
d. 46 and above
4. Education level
a. Masters/MBA
b. Undergraduate
c. High school
d. School
5. Individual average monthly income
a. $0-$1000
b. $1000-$5000
c. $5000-$10000
d. $10000-$100000
e. $100000 and above
6. Marital Status
a. Married
b. Unmarried
c. Divorce/Widowed

7. Amount of money spent on marketing in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube doesn’t

affect the success of dropshipping business.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree

8. Promotional factors doesn’teffect the success of dropshipping business.

a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)
9. Which social media is best for promoting dropshipping business?
a. Facebook
b. Instagram
c. Twitter
d. Youtube
10. Infrastructure plays a huge role in dropshipping business.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)

11. I think marketing communication and promotional factors are the determinants of success
of dropshipping business.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)
12. Factors other than marketing communications and promotional factors effect the sales and
thus success of dropshipping business.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)
13. It’salmost impossible to be successful without spending lots of money on marketing
communications in the dropshipping business.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)

14. Different dropshipping platforms like Wix, Shopify are designed to be flexible in
implementing whatever marketing communication strategy you want to implement.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)
15. Successful dropshippers almost always spend a huge sum of money in marketing
communications for their dropshipping business.
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)
16. Do you think search engine optimization (SEO) affect sales of dropshipping business?
a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)
17. Do you think social media presence affect sales of dropshipping business?

a. 5(Strongly Agree)
b. 4( Agree)
c. 3(Neutral)
d. 2(Disagree)
e. 1(Strongly Disagree)

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