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The Effect of Distance Learning in Communication

Background of the Research Problem

As the great technological advancement has raised our standard of living especially during this
pandemic, it brought a huge impact on everyone’s life. The COVID-19 has resulted in schools to shut all
across the world and everyone has shifted into the traditional set-up on face-to-face classes has shifted to
online and distance learning. Before the pandemic, the use of language applications, virtual tutoring,
video conferencing tools, or learning online learning software has grown significantly. The sudden spread
of the virus has made everyone transfer and adjust to the “new normal” set-up in daily lives particularly
in education.

Starting from the first two months of the pandemic, almost every country in the world decided to
temporarily closed each educational institution to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic in the
hope of reducing the infections (UNESCO). The aftermath of this closure has affected more than 1.2
billion learners worldwide with more than 28 million learners in the Philippines (UNESCO). Since the
lockdown started, the implementation of online learning and distance learning gives rise to different risks,
challenges, problems for both teachers and students, specifically those who are in higher education
institutions (Bao).

Communication needs to be studied, especially in the education field, for communication

between teachers and students has the potential to enhance the learning process and create a positive
environment. Communication is simply the transmission of information from one person to another or
organization to another. Effective communication is a procedure in which thoughts, ideas, experience and
facts are shared in such a way that the object or intent is achieved in the best possible way. In other
words, in a manner that the receiver knows better, it is nothing more than the sender's expression of
information. Empowering a sense of connection in distance learning can make the learning process of
students more interesting and will help them feel engaged throughout the life of the class. When teachers
engage with students, whether in a face-to-face class or an online class, they interact to acquire
understanding and build relationships for the purpose of providing knowledge or information.

It requires a little more consideration and preparation to communicate with students in an online
setting than to communicate with students in the traditional environment, since body language is limited
in the online environment. In a face-to-face setting, teachers have the privilege of using body language
and facial expression to help them communicate and get their message to their students. Teachers do not
have the option of using body language to help their students interact while engaging in an online class.
Within online environment, understanding of communication weaknesses will help them determine how
The Effect of Distance Learning in Communication

to develop timely and suitable interactions and how to communicate successfully with their online

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to know whether distance learning has an effect when it comes to communication
between teachers and students. More specifically, it seeks to find the answers to the following questions:

1. Does distance learning has an impact on teacher and student communication in terms of:
1.1 participation
1.2 productivity
2. What are the problems that students face in distance learning?
3. How will communication be improved between teachers and students in academic

Theoretical Framework/Basis
The study is all about the effect of distance learning when it comes to communication between
teachers’ and students. The present study attempts to explore the effects

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