Conclusion and Recomendation CPP Exp1

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The purpose of the experiment is to carry out mass balance and energy balance in the framework
of batch processes. Depending on the effect, NaOH concentration decreases as solution
conductivity decreases. It can be assumed that the calibration curve theory obeys the results
obtained when it decreases from 0.0307 M to 0.0244 M. The pattern in conductivity results
shown in the graphs is directly proportional to NaOH concentration. This is because as solution
conductivity decreases, the concentration of NaOH decreases. The result obtained thus obeys the
curve of calibration. The conversion increases as time increases, based on the graph. The
conversion began at minute 5 and increased continuously after 30 minutes. At minute 35, the
reaction of the batch process began to stabilise and the entire conversion process can be said to
have converted NaOH solution during the time reaction. A theory has shown that conversion
increases as conductivity decreases. The result obtained during this method was not fully
implemented by the theory of collision because the temperature obtained during the entire
experiment is 30oC. This is because there is a fault in the temperature sensor at the batch reactor.
Particles of the reacting substances have to collide in order for a reaction to take place, based on
the collision principle. If enough energy collides with them, then the particles can react. The
particles will shift aggressively as the temperature of the reaction increases. Thus, it may require
greater collision activity. It will then allow the solution's molecules to collide with each other,
creating more energy compared to the higher rate of reaction. Therefore, the rate of conversion is
greater as the temperature increases. The benefit of using a batch reactor is that with one pass it
has a high conversion per unit volume and it has the operational versatility for the same reactor
where the same reactor can generate one product at a time and another product at a time. This
experiment, to conclude, achieved its objective.

Any potential errors can occur during the experiment. First of all, the chemical preparation of
NaOH and Ethyl Acetate dilution may not be correct and may interfere with the results. Students
need to correctly dilute NaOH and Ethyl Acetate in order to minimise the errors that might occur
when performing the experiment. The level of the eye must be perpendicular to the solution
being read. In addition, other chemicals that cause irregular results can be contaminated by the
reactor itself. Therefore, before performing this experiment, the reactor must be clean to avoid
any pollutants when the reaction occurs. Finally, the malfunction of the temperature indicator
could result in a slightly different theoretical outcome. Therefore, students need to ensure all the
ready-made glassware or equipment that can be used to avoid any incorrect reading for that
experiment before performing any experiment.

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