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Hathor is the goddess of love, fertility, sexuality, women, motherhood, joy, life, rebirth, precious

metals and stones, and the sky. She is the wife of Horus, and one of the Eyes of Ra. Hathor's cult
absorbed that of Mehet-Weret, and she assumed the title of Celestial Cow. She is represented by
a cow or cobra. The Greeks identified her with Aphrodite.

Sekhmet is the goddess of war, medicine, healing, disease, the sun, life, and protection. She is an
Eye of Ra, and is identified as the Distant Goddess. Her name means "the one who loves Ma'at."
Her epithets include "of the flame" and "lady of life."

In the myth of the Distant Goddess, Sekhmet in her role as the Eye of Ra is sent to punish
humankind. She engages in a bloodlust, and begins to kill at a rate that Ra did not approve of. Ra
sent Thoth to subdue her. Sekhmet gorged herself on beer, believing it to be blood, and was
pacified into the form of Hathor. Thus, as Hathor-Sekhmet she is both goddesses in one.

Epithets include:
● Mistress Of The Sky/Stars
● Golden One
● Lady Of Contentment
● Lady Of The Vulva
● Mistress of Music
○, drunkenness
● Mistress Of Love
● Lady Of The Sycamore
● Lady Of Plague
● Lady Of Protection
● The Serpent Who Is Upon Her Father,or

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