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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Author’s Purpose-PIE
Students will be able to identify if an author’s purpose is to persuade, inform, or entertain.
Students will be able to differentiate the differences in an author’s purpose, such as persuading
informing, and entertaining.
State Standards:
RL.5.1 Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions to demonstrate
understanding of a text; use key details to make inferences and draw conclusions in texts heard
or read.
RL.11.1 Identify the author’s purpose—to explain, entertain, inform, or convince.

This lesson is a fifth grade English lesson. It is important to teach author’s purpose so that
students understand the content they are reading and digesting. Before teaching Author’s
Purpose- Persuade, Inform, Entertain, students will be learning how to compare and contrast text.
They will also be learning how to break down readings by parts of speech. Learning author’s
purpose allows the other lessons to be more understandable when the student learns what the
author is trying to do. This lesson will allow students to look at a piece of writing or such and be
able to identify whether it is a persuasive, informative, or entertaining writing. After this lesson,
students will be able to move forward and be able to identify characters actions and feelings to
help identify writing styles and clues that give it away.
This lesson will have students broken into three different groups. In the previous lesson, I
finished it with an exit slip. The exit slip had a few questions about what would be in the next
lesson. This served somewhat as a pretest, but for me to judge where students are, already. This
will not weigh heavily in groups but just give me an idea of who to put together. I will use the
average grade of each student and how they perform in the classroom to determine the three
groups they will be split into. At the end of this lesson, students will complete an exit slip like
previously done. This will have a max of five questions. This will let me gauge what students
learned in class and how much they are retaining already. I can use the exit slip to then control
what happens in the next class.
Part of Lesson Materials Needed
Introduction Entrance slip on google classroom (device for each student)
Computer and smart board to project:

Teacher Directed PIE notes sheet (each student)

*under teacher directed*
Pencil (each student)
Binder or notebook to put worksheet (each student)

Collaborative Smart device (each student)

Independent Digital Smart device (each student)

Access to:

Closure Student will need access to Google Classroom to complete

the exit slip
Smart device (each student)

Class is one hour (60 minutes) so each rotation will be broken down to fit that schedule.
Introduction (15 minutes):
Students will enter my classroom. They will put their bookbags on the back wall so they will be
out of the way when we are doing rotations. Each student will need to get out their ELA
notebook/binder, a pencil, and smart device. Once they get that, they will notice that the desk is
labeled with their name. They will be split into their groups right then. Video to introduce the
topic that we will be learning today. Students will see on the projector or smart board what we
will be doing that day. The board will tell them to get seated and open google classroom on their
devices. They will open Miss Cassidy’s ELA class and see that they have an entrance slip on
Author’s Purpose. They will begin this entrance slip and I will be walking around making sure
students are on the correct app and activity. Once students have completed the entrance slip, they
will need to put their device down, so I know they are done. Once all students have completed
the entrance slip, I will introduce what we are doing. I will explain that we will be talking about
PIE. PIE in Author’s Purpose is to Persuade, Inform, or Entertain. I will then start the YouTube
video that I have picked out. The video is three minutes and nineteen seconds plus adds, so
relatively four minutes. After this video I will ask students if they have any questions. I will
answer brief questions but will let them move onto the next rotation so that they continue to
learn. Students will rotate at this point.
Teacher Directed (10 minutes):
In this section, I will be making sure students truly understand what Author’s Purpose is. I want
them to be familiar with PIE as that will make it easier to understand. I will ask students, from
watching the video, what did they learn or take away? I will then ask each student to get their
pencil and notebook out for this following part. They will get those out and I will pass out the
PIE notes sheet (shown below). I will then read each section and explain what it means and break
it down for each student. Once I have explained the sheet, students have filled in the blanks and I
have answered questions, students will put it in their notebook. They will then rotate.

Collaborative (10 minutes):

In this section, students will work together and somewhat individually. Students will get out their
own device and be sitting in the group of desks together. They will already have their device so it
does not take up time moving around to get them. They will use the link provided to access
Gimkit. They will allow get on gimkit on their own devices and play the game provided. The
gimkit game provided is 28 questions so it should take relatively five minutes or so to complete.
Students should have enough time to complete it. They can work together to answer questions
and see who can get the highest score/amount of money. Once students have finished the Gimkit,
they will then use their device and go to InkFlow. On this, they will discuss what they have
learned and write their own definitions of PIE. Students do not have to finish this part of the
collaborative group. If they do not finish, it can be done at a later time. Students will rotate again
when the 10 minute timer goes off.
Independent Digital (10 minutes):
In the independent learning section, students will use their own device again to complete this
activity. Students will go to the website provided, Room Recess, and play the game. This game
will open, and students will click if they are on a computer or tablet. They will then click start,
pick out their game piece and begin the game. The game will give a small reading prompt.
Students will read that and click if they think it is persuasion, informative, or entertainment.
Students play against the computer and will play until one of them gets to the finish. If a student
completes the game before the timer is finished, they will then get out InkFlow again and finish
their definitions. If the timer has gone off, students will put away the game and move.
Closure (15 minutes):
In the last remaining fifteen minutes of class, students will be on their smart device again. They
will complete an exit slip on Google Classroom. Students will notice that the exit slip is the same
as the entrance slip. This is purposely done so that I can see who was paying attention and
actually learning. I will be able to gauge if students understand what was presented to them. I
will give them time to fully answer these questions and not be rushed so that I know how to base
the next lesson. If a student finishes and has not completed their definitions on InkFlow, they can
do so in the remaining time. I will stop students 3-4 minutes before class change so they can put
their smart devices in the proper place and pack up their belongings.

Google Classroom:
Google classroom is on online platform that allows students and teachers to communicate and
learn. Google classroom is a site where teachers can post assignments, test, videos, worksheets,
PDFs, announcements and much more. This platform was chosen in this lesson because I plan on
using google classroom in my classroom. This platform will be what my students are familiar
with and use to access everything that I do not physically hand out to them. Their entrance and
exit slips will be on Google Classroom. They can easily access them on here and they
automatically submit to me.
Authors Purpose PIE Video:
When wanting to explain something to students, often times its easiest to show them a brief
video before explaining. The video that I chose, breaks down Author’s Purpose and explains
PIE. In the beginning it shows what students will be able to do after the video. The video uses
good visuals, colors, and pictures to grab the viewer and explains well. The video breaks down
each letter in PIE. It uses persuasion, gives a definition, and then shows examples of persuasion.
The video does this with each piece of the “PIE”. This video is such a great choice because no
matter what learning style somebody needs, they get it from this video. They see pictures,
definitions, and talked to in the video. At the end the narrator does a review to drive it home one
last time for students. No matter how many years down the road, students can look back to this
video because it covers each topic and will not change.
GimKit is an online review game that is fun for students. Gimkit is similar to platforms like
Kahoot. It allows a teacher to create their own questions or use an already made review. Students
can play the game live with their classmates to see who can get the most money. They answer
questions and for each question they are given money. They can “shop” on gimkit to double their
money or get power ups. Not only are students reviewing Authors Purpose and persuasion,
information and entertainment, they are learning how to be competitive while dealing with
money. This game helps learners because they are learning while having fun. The game can meet
your state standards if you make your own game instead of using somebody else’s. This game is
very easy for students to use. It has a great color scheme, easy to access, covers the topic they
need, and the teacher can track their progress.
Ink Flow:
Ink flow is an app that can be downloaded on iPads or other smart devices. Students can use this
app to create their own content. Instead of keeping up with a notebook or binder, students can
use Ink Flow and write their notes on that app. This is good for learners because they can write
them however, they please. The notes do not have to be a set way. It can be done in the way that
best suites them. This app does meet state standards as students can write what they need to, that
covers the instructional topic. It is easy for students to access and a great way to make students
feel in control of their education.
Room Recess:
Room Recess is an online game that students can play. This game allows students to play a
computer or other users while playing an online board game. Students can play this on a
computer/laptop or tablet. This game is fun for students while they are learning. It is not as fast
paced and competitive as other games in the lesson but allows for students to have a fun end
goal. This game is easy for students to use! Students get to spin the spinner and watch their game
piece move across the board just as they would with a normal board game. The student reads a
small piece and then answers whether it is persuasive, informative, or entertainment. It is not too
difficult for kids but lets them apply what they know to a game. This game uses different features
but is still easy for students to use. It is very clear how it works and keeps kids motivated to keep
answering questions. From my knowledge of the game, teachers cannot keep track of how a
student is doing. Room recess is great for all learners. If a student gets a question wrong, they
can see the correct answer and still move on. The game will not let their playing piece move, but
they can continue and see what they got wrong. For somebody that is an auditory learner, this
game is okay for them as it has many sounds but does not read the prompt to them. If a student
has trouble with reading or comprehending, that can be an issue but is easy to use.

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