Practice: John David M. Pisigan 12 - (STEM) Nitrogen

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John David M.

12-(STEM) Nitrogen
1. Give an example of a force causing an object to accelerate.
A rock that falls faster than a piece paper from the building because rock has heavier or it
has more mass than a piece of paper.
2. Give an example of a force causing an object in motion to stop.
The best example is ‘friction force’, friction can stop the object that is in motion.
For each problem, draw a free-body diagram:

1. A rope pulls a box at a constant speed across a horizontal surface where there is
2. A book on a desk

1. An airplane has a mass of 35,000 kg and a

take-off acceleration of 1.20 m/s2. What is the
net force accelerating the plane?
2. A Lexus accelerates from rest to 27 m/s due north in 6 s. The mass of the car is 1,500 kg.
What is the magnitude and direction of the average net force that acts on the Lexus?

Identify the action and reaction forces in the following situations.
1. A flying rocket ship
The action is when the rocket is gases’ burning fuel creates a push on the front of
the rocket pushing it forward. And the reaction is when it creates an equal and opposite
push on the exhaust gas backward.

2. A man jumping from a small boat to the shore.

When the man jumps from a boat to shore, the action is when the force is applied on
the boat due to which boat moves backward or slightly sink and the reaction is when the
equal amount force is exerted by the boat on the man which helps the man to jump to the
3. Two teams playing tug of war.
Team 1 pulling the rope and exert the same amount of force as Team 2, so it has the same
force and tension on the rope.
1. Write everyday applications which demonstrate the Newton’s laws of motion. (do not use
the examples given in this module. Write one situation for each law. 1st law of motion:
1st law of motion:
Rock that is tend to stay at rest.
2nd law of motion:
When a certain object falls from a certain height, the acceleration will increase because of
gravitational force.
3rd law of motion:
When we kicked the rock there’s a force applied on it because our toe exerts force in the
rock. Equal amount of force is exerted by the rock to our toe thus it makes our toe hurt.

2. Mariel wants to diet this summer. Is she aiming to lose mass or to lose weight? Defend
your answer.
Mariel wants to lose mass because she wants to lessen the amount of matter in her body or
fats. Weight is the gravitational attraction of matter while matter is the amount of mass in an

3. For each situation, draw its free-body diagram.

a. A rope pulls a bucket upward at constant speed (ignore air

b. A skydiver jumps and falls

downward through the air at
constant velocity (air resistance
is important)
4. Suppose that a car is accelerating at a rate of 5 m/s2. If the net force is doubled and the
mass is tripled, what is the new acceleration of the sled?

5. While driving down the road, a firefly strikes the windshield of the bus and makes a quite
obvious mess in front of the face of the driver. The firefly hit the bus and the bus hits the
firefly. Which of the two forces is greater: the force on the firefly or the force on the bus?
The bus has the greater force because it has more mass compared to the firefly.

6. An astronaut weighs 931 N here on Earth. (a) What is his mass on Earth? (b) What is his
mass on the surface of the moon? (c) What is his weight on the surface of the moon? (hint:
the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is 1.62 m/s2)
Try to explore tensions with unequal angles you may watch videos on the internet to gather
techniques in solving first condition of equilibrium, then try to calculate the Tensions of the
rope in the previous sample if the angle was change to:

1. A Christmas decoration consists of three identical balls, each with a mass of 0.15 kg. It
was hanged from a ceiling as shown. Find the tension in the portion of the string supporting
each ball. Neglect the mass of the strings.

2. Determine the tension in each of the ropes holding the object

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