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Developing Applications using .

Who Should Attend?
This course is aimed at people who wish to:

· Gain professional knowledge of .NET

· Use .NET capabilities to develop Windows, Web and Console Applications

Participants should have basic computer literacy including databases and an

understanding of the Internet. Familiarity with elementary programming concepts
such as storing of data in variables, data types, arrays, functions and control logic is
mandatory as the course will assume familiarity with these concepts. An elementary
knowledge of HTML programming and JAVA Script are desirable but not essential.

Course Objectives
At the end of this short course the student will be able to:

· Understanding the basics of .NET

· Accessing databases (such as MSSQL, MS Access etc.) using .NET

· Set up sessions and create website using .NET

Course Description
.NET is a platform used to produce windows applications and web pages, accessing
databases, produce dynamic web pages and run e-commerce web sites..Net is a
product of MicroSoft Corp. and runs on a variety of platforms including Microsoft
Windows systems. This course will teach C# programming, how to use ASP.NET to
access databases and how to run websites using ASP.NET.
Course Outline

I. Introduction · Data Types

· .NET and Visual Studio 2008 · Variables

· .NET Projects · Operators

· Common Language Runtime · Conditional Statements

· Intermediate Language · Looping Structures

· .NET Languages · Functions

· IntelliSense · Exception Handling

· Creating Projects IV. Create Reusable Objects in C#

· Project Anatomy · Object Oriented Programming

· Using the IDE · Structures and Classes

II. Fundamentals · Visual Studio Class Diagrams

· Introduction to C# and · Partial Classes

· Methods, Properties and
· .NET Framework Class Events
· Constructors
· Value and Reference types
· Enumerations
III. Language Syntax
· Reference Vs. Value Types
· C# v/s VB
· Structures
· Comments
· Namespaces
· Inheritance · Creating Win Forms

· Polymorphism Applications

· Interfaces · Displaying and Updating Data

Validating user input
· Collections
· Object Binding (connecting
· Generics
Controls to Data)
V. Newer Language Features
IX. Scalable Application
· Lambda Expressions Development

· Extension Methods · Creating Layered Applications

VI. Error Handling · Presentation/ Business/ Data
· Creating Robust Applications Access Layers

· Exception Handling X. Accessing Databases

· Try/catch/finally · Creating a Data Access Layer

VII. Debugging Applications · Create/ Read/ Update / Delete

/Select Data
· Breakpoints
· ADO.NET types
· Stepping through code
· Using SQL Statements and
· Data Tips & Visualisers
Stored Procedures
· Watch windows
XI. Creating Business Layer
· Command Windows
· Business Objects
· Call Stack
· Creating Class Libraries
VIII. Windows Presentation Layer
· Collections of Objects · Developer Settings

XII. Web Presentation Layer · Administration Tools

· Creating Web Forms XVI. Membership & Personalisation

· Membership Providers
· Displaying and Updating Data
· Login Controls
· Validating user input
· Roles
· Object Binding (connecting
· State Management
controls to Data)
· Security
XIII. ASP.NET Introduction
· Personalization
· HTML & Server Controls
· Web Parts
· Postbacks
XVII. Create Distributed Services
· Page Lifecycle
· Web Service Development
XIV. User Interface Development
· Creating Web Service Clients
· Master Pages
XVIII. Versioning and Deployment
· Themes
· Private and Shared
· User Controls
· Navigation
· Versioning
· Validation
· Deploying Applications
XV. Configuration
· Setup Projects
· Configuration Files
XIX. Create Rich Client Applications

· Windows Presentation
Foundation (WPF)

· Declarative Programming

· Imperative Programming

XX. Using LINQ

· Introduction to LINQ

XXI. Additional Topics


· JavaScript

· Ajax

· SQL Server 2005

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