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Unit 01 – Is the knowledge the Prime Max 5 – Turma 66

same as wisdom? Quarta-feira, 19 às 21h

Knowledge is the understanding or information that has been obtained by experience or study.
We can get it from reading a book studying different subjects or we can get from doing and
practising things. Some people think knowledge and wisdom are the same, but others say that a
person with knowledge can be without wisdom.
Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions based on experience Or what do you have learned
from it. Knowledge is knowing how to use a gun; wisdom is knowing when to use it inland to keep it
Prepositions by and from
Take a look at these sentences from the text:
... information that has been obtained by experience or study. We can get it from reading about
studying different subjects or we can get strong doing and practising things.
By: preposition (cause) is used to show the personal or thing that causes something to happen
or to exist:
• The car was driven by a short, bald man.
• I'm reading some short stories by Chekhov.
• I took her umbrella by mistake.
From: preposition (origin) is used to show the origin of something or someone:
• I heard music coming from my room.
• someone from the bank just called.
• where are you from?
• US Route 1 runs from Maine to Florida.
• Wisdom (sabedoria) • Smart (inteligente)
• Knowledge (conhecimento) • Useful (útil)
• Insight (perspicácia) • Useless (sem utilidade)
• Low-down (desonesto, injusto) • Close-minded (mente fechada)
• Expertise (conhecimento especializado, • Open-minded (mente aberta)
perícia) • Self centred (auto-centrado)
• Philosophy (Filosofia) • Compassionate (compassivo)
• Wise (sábio) • Foolish (insensato)
• Knowledgeable (conhecedor, bem informado)
Useful Expressions
• As far as I know (Até onde eu sei)
• As far as I'm concerned (No que me diz respeito)
• What was that? (O que foi isso?)
• It doesn't matter (Não importa)
• It seems to me that ... (Me parece que ...)
• As you are aware ... (Como você está ciente ...)
• To whom it may concern (A quem possa interessar)
• By the way (A propósito)
Guiding Questions
• What's the best way to increase your knowledge?
• What‘s the most useful knowledge to have?
• Have you ever been frustrated because of a lack of knowledge?
• People say “knowledge is power” – is this true?
• Is all knowledge useful?
• What's the biggest threat to society, knowledge or ignorance?
Guiding Questions II - Science
• Do you like Science? What kind of people love Science?
• What images spring to mind when you hear the word ‘Science’?
• How important is Science? Is it always good? Do you always trust it?
• Were you good at Science at school? What were your Science teachers like? What science
projects or experiments did you like at school? Why is Science becoming less and less popular in
• Would you donate your body to Science after you die?
• Do you like visiting Science Museums?
• What has Science done for humankind? What will Science uncover in the next few decades?
• What questions will Science never answer? Do Science and religion fit well together?

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