Egp 335 Unit Plan Lesson Plan 1

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EGP 335: Unit Plan Lesson Plan

Unit: Voting
Lesson 2: Historical Documents

Lesson Preparation
I. Learning Objectives
a. Students will be able to list key details from each document in regard to voting
b. Students will be able to describe the main ideas of historical documents pertaining
to voting.
c. Students will be able to differentiate between different historical documents based
on key ideas.
II. Standards
a. Pennsylvania Standards
i. Standard-5.1.4.C- Explain the principle and ideas shaping local and state
1. Liberty/ Freedom
2. Democracy
3. Justice
4. Equality
ii. Standard-5.1.4.D- Identify key details found in significant documents
1. Declaration of Independence
2. Unite States Constitution
3. Bill of Rights
4. Pennsylvania Constitution
b. NCSS Themes
i. Time, Continuity, and Change
1. D. Identify and use various sources for reconstructing the past,
such as documents, letters, diaries, maps, textbooks, photos, and
2. F. Use of Knowledge of facts and concepts drawn from history,
along with elements of historical inquiry to inform decision-
making about, and action-taking on public issues
ii. Civic Ideals & Practices
1. A. Identify key ideals of the United States’ democratic republican
form of government, such as individual human dignity, liberty,
justice, equality, and the rule of law, discuss their application in
specific situations.
2. B. Identify examples of rights and responsibilities of citizens
c. List the 21st Century Standards
i. Communication and Collaboration
1. Communicate Clearly
a. Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written
and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms
and contexts.
b. Communicate effectively in diverse environments
2. Collaborate with Others
a. Demonstrate ability to work effectively and respectively
with diverse teams.
b. Exercise flexibility and willingness to be helpful in making
necessary compromised to accomplish a common goal.
c. Assume shared responsibility for collaborative work, and
value the individual contributions made by each team
ii. Creativity and Innovation
1. Think creatively
a. Use a wide range of idea creation techniques (such as
iii. Information, Media, and Technology
1. Information literacy
a. Access and Evaluate Information
i. Access Information efficiently (time) and
effectively (sources)
ii. Evaluate information critically and competently.
2. ICT Literacy
a. Apply technology Effectively
i. Use technology as a tool to research, organize,
evaluate and communicate information.
ii. Use digital technologies (computers, PDAs, media
players, GPS, etc.), communication/networking
tools and social networks appropriately to access,
manage, integrate, evaluate and create information
to successfully function in a knowledge economy.
III. Academic Language
a. Constitution
i. A set of rules that guides how a country, state, or political organization
1. Example- The United States constitution holds the rules and laws
for our country.
b. Declaration of Independence
i. Important document stating that Americans are no longer under British
rule, and the colonies are coming together to become one union of
independent states.
1. Example- The declaration of independence was sent to Great
Britain to say that America was becoming its own country.
c. Bill of Rights
i. A document that explains the basic freedoms and rights of citizens.
1. Example- The Bill of Rights is located in the Constitution of the
United States of America.
d. Democracy
i. A government run by the people. Each citizen has a say in how the
government is run.
1. Example- When the United States of America was becoming its
own country, the people decided that they wanted the citizens to
have the power, not a king or queen like Great Britain.
e. Liberty
i. People have the right to act as they want to.
1. In the declaration of independence, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit
of Happiness, are named as rights every citizen should have.
f. Justice
i. People behave in a way that is fair, equal, and balanced for everyone.
1. Example- the justice system was created in a way that ensures
every citizen gets the same, fair treatment from government.
g. Equality
i. All citizens having the same rights and opportunities regardless of race,
gender or social status.
1. Example- Everyone being treated the same way is an example of
IV. Technology, Materials, Resources
a. Student iPads
b. YouTube Links
i. The declaration of independence:
c. Interactive Activity Links
d. Article Links
e. Station Activity Packets
f. Pencils
g. List of the Bill of Rights
h. Stations set up through-out the room

Instructional Delivery
V. Anticipatory Set
a. The students will be reminded about the lesson from the day prior, “what is
voting?” and the teacher will ask students to recall some of the ideas and concepts
talked about. (call on 3-4 students)
i. What is does it mean to vote?
ii. Does everyone get to vote?
b. Teacher will use the students answers to transition into talking about the history
of voting, and how we got our right to vote.
c. The teacher will Pull up a PowerPoint Presentation with 3 slides on it
i. The Constitution
ii. The Bill of Rights
iii. The Declaration of Independence
d. Teacher will pass out activity packets

VI. Instructional Activities (75 minutes total, 25 minutes per station)

a. After pulling up the presentation, the teacher will go through each slide and ask
the class if any of them are familiar with each of the documents and ask them to
share with the class what they know or have heard about the documents.
b. Teacher will explain station activity to students
i. Station 1 is going to be working with the US Constitution
ii. Station 2 is going to be working with the Declaration of Independence
iii. Station 3 is going to be working with the Bill of Rights
c. The students will be placed in diverse groups based on abilities.
i. 2 groups of 4 students per station, 24 students total
d. Stations:
i. Station 1- The United States Constitution:
a. Article and Quiz:
2. In this station students are going to first start off with reading the
3. Students will follow along in their packet and answer the questions
4. After they have completed the reading, students will take the quiz
at the bottom of the article.
5. Students will collaborate with their group and discuss answers.
6. Students will answer question at the bottom of their page- “How
does the US Constitution relate to voting?”
ii. Station 2- The Bill of Rights
a. Interactive Game Link:
2. Students will read over the bill of rights
3. Students will use the copy of the bill of rights to play the game
from the provided link- can select multiplayer
4. After the game, students will be familiarized with certain
5. Students will then highlight which amendments are related to
6. Students will answer the question at the bottom of the page- “how
does the US constitution relate to voting?”
iii. Station 3- Declaration of Independence
a. YouTube Link:
2. Students will begin with answering the background information
questions before watching the video
3. Students will watch the video explaining the declaration of
independence and answer the corresponding section of questions
while watching.
4. At the end of the video, students will discuss answers with their
group members.
5. Students will answer the last question on the worksheet- “how does
the Declaration of independence relate to voting?”
VII. Closure
a. Teacher will bring students back together as a class
b. Teacher will go through each historical document and ask students :
i. how this document has made a foundation for voting in the United States
of America
ii. How it may relate to voting rights.
c. The teacher will collect the completed packets as exit tickets as a source of
formative assessment.

Meeting All Learners

VIII. Differentiation
a. The lesson will use multiple forms of information to support the needs of all
i. Visual Learners: this lesson provides videos and picture sources to show
them what they are learning to support visual learners.
ii. Auditory Learners: this lesson has videos for students to listen to, and
articles that also have an audio version so the students can follow along as
the computer reads the article to them to support auditory learners.
iii. Verbal-Linguistic Learners: This lesson has articles the students will be
reading that will support verbal-linguistic learners.
iv. Social Learners: this lesson is mostly group activity which will support the
needs of social learners because they have different forms of input from
their peers.
IX. Accommodations
a. For students who are visually impaired, all articles will be able to be switched to
an audio article.
b. For students who are have a hearing impairment, subtitles will be at the bottom of
each video.
X. Modifications
a. To accommodate students who have an IEP or Section 504 Plan, the teacher will
strategically group students based on their abilities.
b. Students with an IEP or Section 504 Plan will also be given extra time in a free
period to work to finish their activity packet if not completed during class time.
Meeting Objectives
XI. Assessments
a. Students ability to differentiate key historical documents will be assessed through-
out the activity through teacher observation and monitoring
b. Students ability to describe main ideas of historical documents will be assessed in
the closure of this lesson and with the collection and completion of the activity
c. Students ability to list key details of each document pertaining to voting will be
assessed through the collection of the activity packet.

Materials Attached:
1. PowerPoint Presentation (uploaded under lesson plan)
2. Activity Packet (next page)

The United States Constitution
Directions: Answer the questions below as you read the article.

1. The first constitution was called

______________________________________ and it was

ratified in__________________.

2. What happened in May of 1787?


3. What was the primary aim of the constitution?



4. What are the 3 branches of government?




5. How does the constitution relate to the topic of voting?




The Declaration of Independence

Before Watching: Answer the following question before

watching the video.
What do you already know about the Declaration of


While Watching: As you watch the video, answer the questions below.

1. The Declaration of Independence was first signed on _____________________________.

2. Where is the Declaration of independence as well as other historical documents kept?

3. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Independence?


4. What is the main Idea of the Declaration of Independence?




After Watching: Answer the following question after watching the video.

How does the Declaration of Independence relate to voting?



Bill of Rights
How does the Bill of Rights relate to voting? ____________________________________

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