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Inventory Use Cases

I. Cycle Count Input

Actor: Inventory clerk
Prerequisite: Cycle counting report is generated
1. Clerk obtains the cycle counting report
2. Clerk physically goes out into the warehouse inventory and counts the parts listed in the
3. Clerk returns to a terminal with the actual counts
4. Clerk enters the item ID of the item counted and the quantity counted in the warehouse
and the system automatically uses today’s date for the date stamp.
Post Conditions: Database is updated, Inventory Adjustment Report is updated

II. Cycle Count Report

Actor: Inventory clerk
Prerequisite: None
1. Clerk wants to know about cycle count of a item, items, or the cycle counts on a specific
2. Clerk enters in the item ID(s) or the date and hits the Display button.
3. The system returns all the entries in the database that matches the search parameters.
4. Each entry displays the date of the count, the item ID, the quantity, the date of the last
count, and the date of the next scheduled cycle count.
5. The Clerk may hit the print button to generate a printed report.
Post Conditions: The printer generates a formatted copy of the Cycle Count Report if the Clerk
chose to print the report

III. Scrap Item Report

Precondition: The item is already in inventory database
Actor: Inventory Clerk
1.) Clerk inputs item ID number into text box
2.) Clerk presses search button
3.) System report is created with the item ID, quantity, worth, send to, date, and reason
4.) If the Clerk wishes to, he may print the report.
Post Condition: The printer generates a formatted copy of the Scrap Item Report if the Clerk
chose to print the report.

VI. Scrap Item Input

Precondition: The part is already in the inventory database and all information is available to fill
form out.
Actor: Inventory Clerk
1.) Clerk enters the item ID number, the quantity to scrap, the reason why the item was
damaged, the worth of the item scrapped, who the scrapped items were sent to
2.) The form is submitted with a click of a button, though the Clerk may also cancel the
input as well.

V. Inventory Adjustment Report

Actor: Manager
Prerequisite: None
1. Manager enters ID of the part he/she wishes to see the inventory adjustments for and
click Search
2. The system retrieves the inventory adjustment information from the database
3. The system displays the information reflecting the change in inventory about the part
such as Part ID, Date of Adjustment, Reasons for Adjustment, and Adjusted Quantity.
The system allows the Manager the option to print the report.
4. The Manager repeats the process as needed for different parts.
Post Conditions: A report of adjustment information about a particular part is displayed/printed.

VI. Look Up Item Information

Actor: Inventory Clerk
Prerequisite: None
1. Inventory Clerk enters ID of the items he/she wants to look up and click Search.
2. The system retrieves the inventory information from the database
3. The system displays the information about the part such as Item ID, Description, Status,
Quantity, Cost, Weight, Size, and Cycle Count. The system allows the Clerk to print out
the report.
4. The Inventory Clerk repeats the process as needed for different items.
Post Conditions: A report of information about a particular item is displayed/printed.

VII. Update Item Information

Actor: Inventory Clerk
Prerequisite: Part to be updated already exists in the database
1. Clerk enters an item ID and hits the Go button.
2. The system retrieves item information from the database and displays it in user ediable
3. Clerk changes any information in any of the fields.
4. Clerk hits the Update button to commit the change or Cancel to discard the changes.
Post Conditions: Database is updated

VIII. Failed Item Look Up

Actor: Inventory Clerk
Prerequisite: Item does not exist in the database
1. Clerk tries to look up a single invalid item during a look up in any UI window
2. The system reports an error looking up the item and asks if the clerk wishes to enter a
new item or to try a new search
3. If the Clerk wishes to add a new item, go to Add a New Item, otherwise, return to
previous window
Post Conditions: Change UI window to either Add a New Item or the previous window, and
retain the item ID from the failed look up

IX. Item Status Report

Precondition: The item is already in inventory database
Actor: Inventory Clerk
Work Flow:
1.) Clerk inputs item ID number into search box
2.) Presses search button
3.) System will return with whether the item is in warehouse are being stocked.
Postcondition: None

X. Inventory Valuation Report

Precondition: Name/ID of item are entered in the inventory database.
Actor: Inventory Clerk
Work Flow:
1. Inventory Clerk enters ID of the item and clicks the Search button.
2. If the Inventory Clerk wants to see the valuation reports for all the items in the
database, he/she does not fill in the ID of the item and just clicks Search button.
3. The system matches up this ID with the item ID from the database and retrieves
information about that part from the database.
4. The system display to the screen these following fields for each of the item: Item ID,
Description of the item, Status, Quantity, Unit cost, and Total cost. The system
allows the Clerk to print out the report.
5. The Inventory Clerk repeats the process as needed for different items.
Post Condition: A valuation report for items is displayed/printed. The Inventory Clerk knows
about the value of all items in the database.

XI. Delete Part

Precondition: Item already exists in inventory database
Actor: Inventory Clerk
Work Flow:
1.) Clerk enters an item ID, then clicks the Search button.
2.) Screen displays the item ID, description, quantity in inventory, the cost of the
item, and the total cost of all the items.
3.) Clerk clicks on the Delete button.
4.) System brings up confirmation on the deletion of the part.
5.) Clerk verifies the deletion by clicking on Ok or he can Cancel the deletion.
Post Condition: If verified, the data associated with the item is deleted from system .
Notification will appear on the next inventory status report.

XII. Add Item

Precondition: Item is not already in database and unknown part is received
Actor: Inventory Clerk
1.) Enters the ID for the item
2.) ID number is entered into the system and verified to make sure ID number
does not already exist
3.) If ID number is not being used ID number is added to system
4.) Clerk enters information about the item such as weight, cost, size (length,
height, width), description, and the period between cycle counts.
5.) The system sets the quantity to zero and the last cycle count to this date.
6.) Clerk clicks the OK button to submit the information.
Post Condition: Item is added to database and notification of addition with description will
appear on the next inventory status report.

XIII. Add Item on Order

Precondition: Item is not already in database and part is being ordered for first time
Actor: Clerk
1.) Clerk orders a new item not in database
2.) System displays the Add Item screen
3.) After entering and confirming the data, the system returns the Clerk to the previous
Post Condition: Item is added to database and notification of addition with description will
appear on the next inventory status report, and the system returns the user to the previous screen.

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