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Ayurveda and natural products drug discovery

Bhushan Patwardhan†,*, Ashok D. B. Vaidya‡ and Mukund Chorghade#

Interdisciplinary School of Health Sciences, University of Pune, Pune 411 007, India

Bhavan’s Swami Prakashananda Ayurveda Research Centre, Juhu, Mumbai 400 049, India
Pharmaceutical Sciences Division, D&O Pharmachem, Inc., 14 Carlson Circle, Natick, MA 01760-4205, USA

benefits in health care and improvement of quality of life.

This review attempts to portray the discovery and de-
velopment of medicine from galenical to genomical, Natural pharmaceuticals (Naturaceuticals), nutraceuticals
with a focus on the potential and role of ayurveda. and cosmeceuticals are of great importance as a reservoir
Natural products, including plants, animals and min- of chemical diversity aimed at new drug discovery and
erals have been the basis of treatment of human dis- are explored for antimicrobial, cardiovascular, immuno-
eases. Indigenous people derived therapeutic materials suppressive and anticancer drugs. Around 80% of all such
from thousands of plants; however discovering medi- products are of plant origin; their sales exceeded US$ 65
cines or poisons remains a vital question. Ayurveda is billion in 2003. Examples of plant products and deriva-
a traditional Indian medicinal system being practised tives used by the pharmaceutical industry include pacli-
for thousands of years. Considerable research on taxel, vincristine, vinblastine, artemisinin, camptothecin,
pharmacognosy, chemistry, pharmacology and clinical
podophyllotoxin, etc. The nutraceutical marketplace in
therapeutics has been carried out on ayurvedic medi-
cinal plants. Many of the major pharmaceutical cor- Europe is estimated to be US$ 9 billion, while the US
porations have renewed their strategies in favour of marketplace, estimated to be US$ 10–12 billion in 2003,
natural products drug discovery and it is important to is expanding at a compounded rate of more than 20% per
follow systems biology applications to facilitate the year. The US Congress has fuelled the rapid growth of
process. Numerous drugs have entered the interna- nutraceuticals with the passage of the Dietary Supplement
tional pharmacopoeia through the study of ethno- Health and Education Act (DSHEA) in 1994. Globally,
pharmacology and traditional medicine. For ayurveda there have been efforts to monitor quality and regulate
and other traditional medicines newer guidelines of the growing business of herbal drugs and traditional
standardization, manufacture and quality control are medicine.
required. Employing a unique holistic approach, ayur-
vedic medicines are usually customized to an indivi-
dual constitution. Traditional knowledge-driven drug Introduction
development can follow a reverse pharmacology path
and reduce time and cost of development. New appro- Natural products, including plants, animals and minerals
aches to improve and accelerate the joint drug discov- have been the basis of treatment of human diseases. His-
ery and development process are expected to take
tory of medicine dates back practically to the existence of
place mainly from innovation in drug target elucida-
tion and lead structure discovery. Powerful new tech- human civilization. The current accepted modern medi-
nologies such as automated separation techniques, cine or allopathy has gradually developed over the years
high-throughput screening and combinatorial chemis- by scientific and observational efforts of scientists. How-
try are revolutionizing drug discovery. Traditional ever, the basis of its development remains rooted in tradi-
knowledge will serve as a powerful search engine and tional medicine and therapies. The history of medicine
most importantly, will greatly facilitate intentional, includes many ludicrous therapies. Nevertheless, ancient
focused and safe natural products research to redis- wisdom has been the basis of modern medicine and will
cover the drug discovery process. remain as one important source of future medicine and
therapeutics. The future of natural products drug discov-
ery will be more holistic, personalized and involve wise
Background use of ancient and modern therapeutic skills in a comple-
mentary manner so that maximum benefits can be accrued
THE R&D thrust in the pharmaceutical sector is focused to the patients and the community1 .
on development of new drugs, innovative/indigenous The Greek physician Galen (AD 129–200) devised the
processes for known drugs and development of plant-based first pharmacopoeia describing the appearance, properties
drugs through investigation of leads from the traditional and use of many plants of his time. The foundations of
systems of medicine. In addition, many nutraceuticals are the modern pharmaceutical industry were laid when tech-
being consumed in unregulated markets for perceived niques were developed to produce synthetic replacements
for many of the medicines that had been derived from the
*For correspondence. (e-mail: forest. Natural products chemistry actually began with the

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004 789


work of Serturner, who first isolated morphine from medicines; many products could act as poisons in toxic
opium. This, in turn, was obtained from opium poppy doses.
(Papaver somniferum) by processes that have been used
for over 5000 years. Many such similar developments fol-
Discovering medicines or poisons?
lowed. Quinine from cinchona tree had its origin in the
royal households of the South American Incas. Before the
A major problem with traditional, indigenous medicine is
first European explorers arrived, the native people of the
discovering a reliable ‘living tradition’ rather than relying
Americas had developed complex medical systems re-
upon second-hand accounts of their value and use. In
plete with diagnosis and treatment of physical as well as
many parts of the world the indigenous systems of medi-
spiritual illnesses. Indigenous peoples derived medicines
cine have almost completely broken down and disappeared.
and poisons from thousands of plants. A review of some
This includes mostly developed countries and some de-
plants that originated from Central and South America
veloping countries where the indigenous population has
indicates that most of them either had potentially toxic
been marginalized. In others, the system is fragmented
characters or were from food sources. The following are a
with the use of indigenous materials being limited to
few examples2 : In the early 1500s, Indian fever bark was
small tribal and geographical areas, as in many parts of
one of the first medicinal plants to find appreciative con-
Africa. In anthropological terms these are ‘little tradi-
sumers in Europe. Taken from the cinchona tree (Cin-
tions’, while the Ayurvedic Indian and traditional Chinese
chona officinalis), the bark was used as an infusion by
systems are living ‘great traditions’. Although the little
native people of the Andes and Amazon highlands to treat
traditions are an excellent repository of knowledge about
fevers. Jesuit missionaries brought the bark back to
medicinal and poisonous properties of botanicals, resear-
Europe. By the early sixteenth century, this medicine was
chers have mainly exploited poisonous sources. This may
known as ‘Jesuit fever bark’, quite a transformation. The
be primarily because of many reasons. First, it is relati-
name coca (Erythroxylum coca) comes from an Aymara
vely easy to present and demonstrate poisonous charac-
word meaning ‘tree’. In Andean cultures, the leaves of
teristics of botanicals. Second, there may not be a written
the coca tree have been primarily chewed to obtain per-
documentation and poisonous characters get predomi-
ceived benefits. From ancient times, indigenous people
nance by word of mouth. Third, for an outsider, poisonous
have added alkaline materials such as crushed seashells
characteristics differentiate between ordinary and extra-
or burnt plant ashes to the leaves in order to accentuate
ordinary material for pharmaceutical development.
the pharmacologically active moiety of coca. In 1860, a
Fourth, a considerable time period is required to demon-
German chemist Carl Koler isolated cocaine, the chemi-
strate true medicinal activities with proven safety profile.
cal responsible for the biological activity. He found that
Great traditions have relatively organized database, and
cocaine could act as a local anaesthetic in eye surgery. As
more exhaustive description of botanical material is
the years passed, scientists observed that cocaine para-
available that can be tested using modern scientific meth-
lyzed nerve endings responsible for transmitting pain. As
ods. Ayurveda and Chinese medical systems thus have an
a local anaesthetic, it revolutionized several surgical and
important role in bioprospecting of new medicines.
dental procedures. Pot curare arrowhead poison used in
the East Amazon is predominately from the species
Strychnos guianensis. Tube curare in the West Amazon is Serendipity and synthetic dominance
from Chrondrodendron tomentosum; curare in modern
medicine is made from this and named as tubocurarine. Pharmaceutical research took a major leap when along-
The jaborandi tree (Pilocarpus jaborandi) secretes alka- side natural products chemistry, pharmacologists, micro-
loid-rich oil. Several substances are extracted from this biologists and biochemists began to unravel the chemistry
aromatic oil, including the alkaloid pilocarpine, a weapon of natural processes in human, animals, plants and micro-
against the blinding disease, glaucoma. American Indians organisms. Advances in synthetic organic chemistry led
on the island of Guadeloupe used pineapple (Ananas co- to the identification of many key chemical molecules that
mosos) poultices to reduce inflammation in wounds and offered more opportunities to develop novel compounds.
other skin injuries, to aid digestion and to cure stomach- Many new drugs emerged by this route, particularly those
ache. In 1891, an enzyme that broke down proteins (bro- now being used to treat infections, infestations, cancers,
melain) was isolated from the fresh juice of pineapple ulcers, heart and blood pressure conditions. Many drugs
and was found to break down blood clots. Other pharma- were developed through random screening of thousands
ceuticals that have their origin in botanicals include of chemicals synthesized as dye-stuffs and the like; many
atropine, hyoscine, digoxin, colchicine and emetine. Re- others resulted from serendipity (happy chance) arising
serpine, an anti-hypertensive alkaloid (Rauwolfia serpen- from sharp-eyed observations of physicians and scien-
tina) became available as a result of work carried out by tists. Examples of such drugs include sulphonamides,
Ciba-Geigy in India. It is pertinent to note that most of isoniazid, anti-psychotics, anti-histamines and penicillin.
these early discoveries are mainly based on traditional Emergence of the modern pharmaceutical industry is an
790 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004

outcome of all these different activities that developed based largely on various species of plants and animals–
potent single molecules with highly selective activity for for their primary healthcare. Four out of ten Americans
a wide variety of ailments. The drugs produced in many used alternative medicine therapies in 1997; total visits to
cases improved on nature, viz. a new range of local an- alternative medicine practitioners increased by almost
aesthetics from cocaine avoided its dangerous effects on 50% from 1990 and exceeded the visits to all US primary
blood pressure; chloroquine is much less toxic than qui- care physicians5 . The current scope of this article pre-
nine. These successes and many more like them resulted vents a comprehensive discussion of alternative and com-
in reduced interest in natural products drug discovery and plementary medicine (CAM). Every medical system or
many major drug companies almost neglected such divi- therapy has certain advantages and limitations. Modern
sions. Work on developing new drugs for the treatment of medicine is no exception to this6 .
the world’s major diseases, malaria, trypanosomiasis, fila-
riasis, tuberculosis, schistosomiasis, leshmaniasis and
amoebiasis came almost to a standstill. In addition, al- Botanical medicine: research, development and
though botanical medications continued to be produced in markets
every country, the clinical efficacy of these was usually
not evaluated and the composition of these complex mix- Thirty per cent of the worldwide sales of drugs is based on
tures was only crudely analysed. Thus, herbal medicines natural products. Though recombinant proteins and pepti-
became the domain of ‘old wives’ tales’ and quack medi- des account for increasing sales rates, the superiority of
cine, exploitation of the sick, the desperate and the gulli- low-molecular mass compounds in human disease therapy
ble. Sadly, herbal medicines continued to reflect poor remains undisputed mainly due to more favourable com-
quality control both for materials and clinical efficacy. pliance and bioavailability properties. Approaches to
improve and accelerate the joint drug discovery and deve-
Back to traditional wisdom lopment process are expected to take place mainly from
innovation in drug target elucidation and lead structure
Lag phase for botanical medicine is now rapidly changing discovery. Therefore, the need for new concepts to gene-
for a number of reasons. Problems with drug-resistant rate collection of large compounds with improved struc-
microorganisms, side effects of modern drugs, and tural diversity has been correctly emphasized by Grabley
emerging diseases where no medicines are available, have and Thiericke5 . There are number of problems connected
stimulated renewed interest in plants as a significant with the search for new prototype drugs of biological ori-
source of new medicines. Pharmaceutical scientists are gin. Investigations of plants used in traditional and mod-
experiencing difficulty in identifying new lead structures, ern medicine in China serve as a source of inspiration and
templates and scaffolds in the finite world of chemical as models for the synthesis of new drugs with better
diversity. A number of synthetic drugs have adverse and therapeutic, chemical or physical properties than the
unacceptable side effects. There have been impressive original compounds7 . The World Health Organization
successes with botanical medicines, most notably quing- also has recognized the importance of traditional medi-
haosu, artemisinin from Chinese medicine. Considerable cine and has been active in creating strategies, guidelines
research on pharmacognosy, chemistry, pharmacology and standards for botanical medicines8 .
and clinical therapeutics has been carried out on ayur- Commercially, these plant-derived medicines are worth
vedic medicinal plants3 . Numerous molecules have come about US$ 14 billion a year in the United States and US$
out of ayurvedic experiential base, examples include rau- 40 billion worldwide. Americans paid an estimated US$
wolfia alkaloids for hypertension, psoralens in vitiligo, 21.2 billion for services provided by alternative medicine
holarrhena alkaloids in amoebiasis, guggulsterons as practitioners9 . A 1997 survey estimated that over 12% of
hypolipidemic agents, mucuna pruriens for Parkinson’s adults had used herbal medicine during 1996 compared
disease, piperidines as bioavailability enhancers, bacco- with 2.5% in 1990, resulting in a business of US$ 5.1 bil-
sides in mental retention, picrosides in hepatic protection, lion10 . Lilly Research Laboratories markets several million
phyllanthins as antivirals, curcumine in inflammation, dollars worth of vincristine and vinblastine – the peri-
withanolides, and many other steroidal lactones and gly- winkle derivatives used to treat childhood leukaemia and
cosides as immunomodulators4 . A whole range of chronic Hodgkin’s disease. The US National Cancer Institute
and difficult-to-treat diseases such as cancers, cardiovas- regularly earmarks large appropriations to screen 50,000
cular disease, diabetes, rheumatism and AIDS, all require natural substances for activity against cancer cell lines
new effective drugs. Most developing countries have re- and the AIDS virus. China, Germany, India and Japan,
lied and will continue to rely on traditional natural medi- among others, are also screening wild species for new
cines due to the deterrence of high costs of modern drugs.
allopathic medicines. Proven agro-industrial technologies need to be applied
Current estimates indicate that about 80% of people in to the cultivation and processing of medicinal plants and
developing countries still rely on traditional medicine- the manufacture of herbal medicines11 . The mass screen-
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004 791

ing of plants in the search for new drugs is vastly expen- ernment of India also underlines the importance of tradi-
sive and inefficient. It would be cheaper and perhaps tional knowledge17 .
more productive to re-examine plant remedies described Opportunities for multidisciplinary research that joins
in ancient and medieval texts12 . Many higher plants pro- the forces of natural products chemistry, molecular and
duce economically important organic compounds such as cellular biology, synthetic and analytical chemistry, bio-
oils, resins, tannins, natural rubber, gums, waxes, dyes, chemistry, and pharmacology to exploit the vast diversity
flavours, fragrances, pharmaceuticals and pesticides. Ad- of chemical structures and biological activities of natural
vances in biotechnology, particularly methods for cultur- products are best discussed by Clark18 .
ing plant cells and tissues, should provide new means for The exploration of structural chemical databases com-
the commercial processing of even rare plants and the prising a wide variety of chemotypes, in conjunction with
chemicals that they produce. These new technologies will databases on target genes and proteins, will facilitate the
extend and enhance the usefulness of plants as renewable creation of new chemical entities through computational
resources of valuable chemicals. In future, biologically molecular modelling for pharmacological evaluation19 .
active, plant-derived chemicals can be expected to play In natural products drug discovery it is important to
an increasingly significant role in the commercial follow systems-theory and systems-biology applications
development of new products for regulating plant growth to facilitate the process20 . Routine random efforts are not
and for insect and weed control13 . likely to increase the desired success rate of discovery,
Some of the prominent commercial plant-derived me- while experience indicates that a modified collection pol-
dicinal compounds include: colchicum, colchicine, betu- icy offered better chances for the discovery and develop-
linic acid, camptothecin, topotecan (Hycamtin®), CPT-11 ment of agents for treatment of AIDS and cancer21 .
(irinotecan, Camptosar®), 9-aminocamptothecin, delta-9- Numerous drugs have entered the international pharma-
tetrahydrocannabinol (dronabinol, Marinol®), beta lapa- copoeia through ethnobotany and traditional medicine22 .
chone, lapachol, podophyllotoxin, etoposide, podophyl- There are many similarities in traditional systems of
linic acid, vinblastine (Velban®), vincristine (leurocristine, medicine as well as ethnomedicines being connected to
Oncovin®), vindesine (Eldisine®, Fildesin®), vinorelbine each other as ‘great traditions and little traditions’. All
(Navelbine®), docetaxel (Taxotere®), paclitaxel (Taxol®), botanical drugs will have to fulfil the international requi-
tubocurarine, pilocarpine, scopolamine. The ultimate goal rements on quality, safety and efficacy 23 .
of ethnopharmacology should be to identify drugs to alle-
viate human illness through a thorough analysis of plants
alleged to be useful in human cultures throughout the Ayurveda – the ancient science of life
world14 .
Natural products research continues to explore a variety Ayurveda remains one of the most ancient and yet living
of lead structures, which may be used as templates for the traditions practised widely in India, Sri Lanka and other
development of new drugs by the pharmaceutical indus- countries and has a sound philosophical and experiential
try. While microbial products have been the mainstay of basis 24,25. Atharvaveda (around 1200 BC), Charak Sam-
industrial natural products discovery, in recent years phy- hita and Sushrut Samhita26 (1000–500 BC) are the main
tochemistry has again become a field of active interest. classics that give detailed descriptions of over 700 herbs.
Drug discovery programmes based on microbial products A scholarly description of the legacy of Caraka in con-
and phytochemicals have been discussed and con- temporary idiom, best attempted with a commentary from
trasted15 . Glaxo PLC, embarked on a programme wherein modern medicine and science viewpoint, gives some
extracts and fermentation broths were screened in order glimpses of ancient wisdom27 . Indian healthcare consists
to detect bioactive principles16 . Many other multination- of medical pluralism and ayurveda still remains dominant
als and academic institutions have created joint research compared to modern medicine, particularly for treatment
programmes for plant medicine research, for example, of a variety of chronic disease conditions28 . India has
Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Bedrijf Geneesmiddelen about 45,000 plant species; medicinal properties have
Voorziening Suriname, Conservation International–Suri- been assigned to several thousands. About 2000 are found
name, and Bristol–Myers Squibb Pharmaceutical Research in the literature; indigenous systems commonly employ
Institute. Several such projects were sponsored by the about 500–700. Some recent work in drug development
federal agencies of USA. University of Chicago at Illi- relates to species of Commiphora (used as a hypolipi-
nois, University of Mississippi, Xeenova, Ayur-Core, Inc. daemic agent), Picrorhiza (which is hepatoprotective),
and Bio-Ved Pharmaceuticals represent additional exam- Bacopa (memory enhancer), Curcuma (antiinflammatory)
ples. Indian pharmaceutical companies have launched and Asclepias (cardiotonic)29 . Currently, with over
new projects: Dabur, Zandu, Arya Vaidya, Nicholas Pi- 400,000 registered ayurvedic practitioners, the Govern-
ramal, Lupin and Ranbaxy are few prominent examples. ment of India has formal structures to regulate quality,
The Pharmaceutical Research and Development Commit- safety, efficacy and practice of herbal medicine30 . With
tee (PRDC) Report of the Ministry of Chemicals, Gov- unique holistic approach, ayurvedic medicines are usually
792 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004

Summary of basic principles of ayurveda that illustrates relationship between panchamahabhoota, tridosha, rasa and gunas.

customized to an individual constitution. Exhaustive in- botanical names. This is mainly because similar botanicals
formation is available in ayurvedic literature that can be are used and researched in different parts of the world. In
converted into a large database giving information of case of Curcuma, its popular name is ‘turmeric’ and the
various foods31 , herbs, medicines and other materials with ayurvedic name is rarely used. Some of the ayurvedic
their taste, actions and utility in different disorders. An drugs when searched for Sanskrit names did not give any
innovative method to provide quantitative representations hits, which indicates potential researchable areas. In some
of various ayurvedic concepts, including, Prakruti, Rasa cases, such as Phyllanthus emblica (earlier known as Em-
and Guna has been developed by the Indian Institute of blica officinalis), the number of hits is less than that an-
Chemical Technology, Hyderabad. This patented techno- ticipated because of the recent change in its botanical
logy has been registered as Herboprint and essentially name. For some drugs such as ricinus (source of castor
gives a three dimensional HPLC fingerprint with ayur- oil), maximum hits were obtained but most of the research
vedic property profile32 . is related to industrial and not medicinal use. Ashwa-
The ayurvedic database available in classic texts has gandha remained the most researched plant drug from
many applications. It can be used for bioprospecting to this list.
identify new sources of medicine and to provide informa-
tion about likely effects ranging from primary taste to its
post-digestive effects. Information about safety, efficacy Herbal drug development: issues and regulations
along with possible indications and contraindications is
secured. Valuable information of therapeutic potential Herbal drug development includes various steps, starting
and selective benefits to people with different constitu- from a passport data on raw materials, correct identifica-
tions can be obtained. This will greatly facilitate inten- tion, pharmacognostic and chemical quality standardiza-
tional, focused and safe natural products drug discovery tion, safety and preclinical pharmacology, clinical phar-
and development. A glimpse of ayurveda’s heritage re- macology and randomized, controlled clinical trials.
ferred hitherto, is obtained from our selection of the top Addressing standardization is vital and needs broader
20 ayurvedic drugs (Table 1). For ready reference we consideration. Ayurvedic medicine was developed at
have given one indicative key reference for each of them. times of limited access to technologically variable norms
To augment this effort, we have shortlisted some broad of standardization. The dynamic process of evolution
reviews3,33, database34 and compendium35 generally cov- could alter and affect the identity and structure of natural
ering research on most of the popular ayurvedic drugs. materials. For commercialization, correct identification
We have used Medline search number of hits as an indi- and supply of raw material to avoid adulteration has be-
cator. Search after giving the ayurvedic name resulted in come a challenge. Additionally, some botanical species
much smaller number of hits compared to their respective might have been extinct. Lastly, the properties of botani-

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004 793

Table 1. Top 20 ayurvedic drugs

Medline hit Key

Sl. no. Sanskrit name Botanical name Main activity (26 June 2003) references

1 Amalaki Phyllanthus emblica Rasayana 30 66

2 Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Immunomodulatory 100 67
3 Bhallataka Semecarpus anacardium Antiarthritc 36 68
4 Bilva Aegle mermelos Antidiarrhoeal 17 69
5 Chandan Santalum album Antiviral 20 70
6 Chitraka Plumbago zeylanica Antitumour 18 71
7 Dadima Punica granatum Antidiarrhoeal 41 72
8 Eranda Ricinus communis Hepatoprotective 1490 73
9 Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia Immunomodulatory 46 74
10 Haridra Curcuma longa Antimicrobial 209 75
11 Haritaki Terminalia chebula Hypolipidemic 36 76
12 Manjishtha Rubia cordifolia Antioxidant 36 77
13 Maricha Piper nigrum Bioenhancer 46 78
14 Nimba/Neem Azadirachta indica Antidiabetic 252 79
15 Pippali Piper longum Bioenhancer 26 80
16 Sariva Hemeidesmus indicus Antiulcer 15 81
17 Shunthi Zingiber officinale Antiemetic 116 82
18 Vacha Acorus calamus Psychotropic 34 83
19 Vidanga Embelia ribes Antifertility 26 84
20 Yashtimadhu Glycyrrhiza glabra Antiulcer 95 85

cals as recorded in classics may have undergone change (HPTLC), liquid chromatography–mass spectroscopy. In-
due to time and environmental factors. Standardization of house monographs need to be evolved and critically fol-
ayurvedic botanicals and medicines is required, although lowed. For example, a multi-component botanical formu-
one cannot readily apply the typical modern pharmaceuti- lation (Artrex) designed for the treatment of arthritis
cal pharmacopoeial standards. The concept of active contains four botanicals and all ingredients, their respec-
markers in the process of standardization needs a flexible tive extracts and the formulation are standardized using
approach in favour of the complex nature of these materi- HPLC and HPTLC fingerprint profiles with known mark-
als. ers. This formulation has been granted a US patent40 . Pre-
Recently, many international authorities and agencies, clinical studies on ayurvedic medicines are more impor-
including the World Health Organization36 , European tant for validating drug safety resulting from new proce-
Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products and dures, or extractions are used during its preparation. The
European Scientific Cooperation of Phytomedicine37 , US value of animal testing to establish safety and toxicity is
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research 38 , European not so critical if the botanicals are used in traditional
Pharmacopoeia Commission, Department of Indian Sys- forms. Suitable animal models help in understanding the
tem of Medicine have started creating new mechanisms to mechanism of action or pharmacodynamics of medicines.
induce and regulate quality control and standardization of However, it is well known that no good animal models
botanical medicine. For ayurvedic medicine and other exist for some human diseases; for example, asthma, dia-
traditional medicines, newer guidelines of standardization betes and rheumatism.
are required. A botanical drug or a preparation thereof is The basis of traditional medicine is in its use for a
now regarded as one active substance in its entirety, number of years and therefore its clinical existence comes
whether or not the constituents with therapeutic activity as a presumption. However, for bringing more objectivity
are known. This will be a major step in the development and also to confirm traditional claims, systematic clinical
of new generation standardized botanical medicines. The trials are necessary. In ayurvedic medicine research, cli-
WHO has published official documents on medicinal nical experiences, observations or available data becomes
plants and WHO monographs on selected medicinal a starting point. In conventional drug research, it comes
plants39 . Global definitions of botanical products are be- at the end. Thus, the drug discovery based on ayurveda
ing developed with international cooperation and a new follows a ‘reverse pharmacology’ path41 . Nevertheless,
perspective of standardization, validation, safety and effi- all the critical pharmacopoeial tests such as dissolution
cacy of botanical medicines is evolving – this is a good time, microbial, pesticide and heavy metals contamina-
sign. Multi-component botanical formulations can tion, etc. must be in accordance with global standards. It
be standardized with newer techniques such as DNA fin- is important to ensure that all the ayurvedic medicine
gerprinting, high pressure thin layer chromatography manufacture is in accordance with current good manufac-
794 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004

turing procedures for herbal products42,43. There have Drug discovery, development and genomics
been concerns about quality standards and safety issues
of herbal medicines44 . The need for new regulations for Opportunities for multidisciplinary research that joins the
botanical medicines has also been frequently stressed and forces of natural products chemistry, molecular and cellu-
some such regulations are coming into force in different lar biology, synthetic and analytical chemistry, biochem-
parts of the world45,46. istry, and pharmacology to exploit the vast diversity of
chemical structures and biological activities of natural
Drug discovery: intentional not coincidental products are discussed18 . The exploration of structural
chemical databases comprising a wide variety of chemo-
In the sequence of their appearance, the scientific disci- types, in conjunction with databases on target genes and
plines involved in drug discovery were chemistry, phar- proteins, will facilitate the creation of new chemical enti-
macology, physiology, microbiology, biochemistry and ties through computational molecular modelling for phar-
molecular biology. It can be shown that new therapeutic macological evaluation19 . After the Human Genome
classes of drugs like muscle relaxants; diuretics, L-dopa, Project (HGP) was launched in 1990, applications of ge-
antibiotics, recombinant proteins, monoclonal antibodies nomics in drug discovery became more evident. Soon after
and others were generated on the basis of scientific op- the first draft of the HGP was completed, simultaneously
portunities rather than therapeutic need. All these drugs the first biotechnology company, Genentech celebrated
were created within the confines of a chemical paradigm 25 years with number of new biotechnology products. US
of medicine and drug therapy. We are now witnessing the FDA has granted approvals to many biotechnology-based
entry of a new informational paradigm into medicine that products, including Novartis: Gleevec – for treatment of
is most prominently represented by genomic sciences. CML; Genezyme: Carticel – cartilage regeneration; Im-
This paradigm will bring two important changes in the munex: Enbrel – for RA; Genentech: Herceptin – for
therapy of diseases. First, molecular biology has matured Breast cancer; CDR Therap: Integrilin – for heart diseases;
to such a degree that it can now study complex genomes Organogenesis: Apligraft – a skin substitute. Over 300
and their functionality in complex organisms such as hu- drugs are in Phase III and over 200 are expected to be in
mans. Therefore, results from these studies no longer have the market by 2007.
to be translated into the context of medicine: they are There are many alliances, collaborations, mergers and
already within this context. Secondly, drug therapy that acquisitions that have become part of the new trend in
used to be largely symptomatic, will now aim at targets drug development. A business cooperation of US$ 1.5
that are closer to the causes of diseases. Therapeutic pro- billion between Bayer and CuraGen for genetic targets of
gress, which used to be indirect, conjectural and coinci- small-molecule drugs, and a Novartis and Vertex Pharma
dental, is about to become more directed, definitive and deal of US$ 800 million for rational drug design techno-
intentional. The future drug discovery will be more often logy, and a strategic alliance between GSK and Ranbaxy
based on intent rather than coincidence. Proper biopros- for new discovery leads sets the standards. This strategy
pecting of medicinal sources will be an important fac- is primarily coming from the pressing need to increase
tor47 . productivity and success rate of new drug discovery. The
expected growth rate cannot be maintained if the present
0.5 new drug registered/annum/industry is not increased
to a minimum of 3 new drugs registered/annum/industry48 .

Rediscovering drug discovery

The drug discovery process is becoming more and more

complex and capital-intensive, and such companies remain
‘target rich’ but ‘lead poor’, with lead discovery as a
greater bottleneck49 . In such a situation, industrialization
of drug discovery process is underway. Although high-
throughput screening (HTS) and combinatorial chemical
synthesis are explored with great hope, general experi-
ence tells us that in most companies the investments in
these technologies have not reaped rewards in new lead
discovery as expected. Despite technological advances,
genomics and bioinformatics predictions, actually the
Reverse pharmacology helps in reducing three major bottle-
number of new molecular (chemical and biological) enti-
necks: costs, time and toxicity. ties has dropped during the year 2002 to less than 20/year
CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004 795

compared to over 50/year in 1996 (ref. 50). It is estimated technologies would not suffice. Currently, approaches to
that to develop one successful drug, about 12–15 years improve and accelerate the joint drug discovery and de-
and US$ 900 million are required. The pharmaceutical velopment process are expected to arise mainly from in-
industry is currently spending over US$ 45 billion every novation in drug target elucidation and lead structure
year with about 20–25 new potential drugs and the aver- discovery. Therefore, the need for new concepts to gener-
age cost of a successful drug that enters the market is es- ate the collection of large compounds with improved
timated to be about US$ 5 billion per drug51 . These call structural diversity has been correctly emphasized by re-
for systematic and critical review of methods and mindset searchers5 .
involved in drug discovery today and indicates the need
to rediscover the drug discovery process afresh52 . The
critical retrospection of the whole drug discovery process Ayugenomics
indicates that it is becoming more complex, with drugs
failing at the end of the pipeline even in Phase III or Better understanding of the human genome has helped in
Phase IV, making it more expensive and time consuming. understanding scientific basis of individual variation. If
New drug discovery must overcome such problems and it were not for the great variability among individuals
become more dynamic, focused and predictive, where medicine might as well be a science and not an art. After
safety and efficacy issues are addressed along side the the HGP, Wilam Osler would have changed his view of
developmental costs. Development of new chemi- medicine as an art and not as a science55 . While medical
cal/molecular entity into therapeutic drugs takes several practice will continue to remain an art, medicine per se
years and is capital-intensive. The risks are also high and has become a science. It has become more predictive, in-
the success rate not good. Powerful new technologies dividual and customized. For years physicians have noted
such as HTS and combinatorial chemistry are revolution- these differences, but had no way to predict them. Phar-
izing drug discovery. But natural products still offer macogenetics is the study of the hereditary basis for
unmatched structural variety, especially as new environ- differences in response of populations to a drug. The
mental niches are explored, and their usefulness can be same dose of a drug will result in elevated plasma con-
further extended by engineering the proteins that produce centrations for some patients and low concentrations for
them and using them to probe biological pathways53 . Re- others. Some patients will respond well to the drugs,
discovery of the connection between plants and health is while others will not. A drug might show adverse effects
responsible for launching a new generation of botanical in some patients, but not in others. Populations and
therapeutics that include plant-derived pharmaceuticals, enzyme polymorphisms are known. Large differences
multicomponent botanical drugs, dietary supplements, among racial groups also occur for GST, an enzyme
functional food and plant-produced recombinant proteins. involved in detoxification of environmental toxins. These
Many of these products will soon complement conven- differences affect the susceptibility of individuals to vari-
tional pharmaceuticals in the treatment, prevention and ous forms of cancer. CYP2D6 (a variant of the enzyme,
diagnosis of diseases, while at the same time adding cytochrome P450), an enzyme that metabolizes at least 30
value to agriculture. Such complementation can be accel- or 40 commonly used drugs, shows great variability in
erated by developing better tools for the efficient explo- individuals: some individuals are poor metabolizers,
ration of diverse and mutually interacting arrays of while others are rapid metabolizers. While 5–10% Blacks
phytochemicals and for the manipulation of the ability of and Caucasians are poor metabolizers, few Asians are
the plant to synthesize natural products and complex pro- poor metabolizers. Ethiopians and Saudi Arabian are ultra-
teins54 . rapid metabolizers. Another example is phenylthiourea
Many research institutions and companies together are related taste blindness that demonstrated a chemical sen-
exploring this opportunity. Biosearch Italia and Myriad sitivity to be heritable and that chemical sensitivity could
Genetics have formed a drug discovery collaboration. serve as a means of distinguishing between individuals.
Biosearch Italia will provide Myriad Genetics access to African Blacks had an incidence of around 6%, American
its natural products library. Development of activity– Blacks 2–23%, American Whites 30%, Chinese 6% and
extract libraries will remain one of the most exciting tools Eastern Eskimos 40%. All these earlier studies indicated
to facilitate the drug discovery process. Advanced separa- that the differences in response to disease and drugs dif-
tion techniques such as SEP Box coupled with LC–MS fer from population to population, and truly from
and newer techniques like super-critical extraction will individual to individual. The human race is believed to
play an important role in systematic studies on natural have originated in Africa and has 98% of the genetic
compounds. Although in the post-genomic era we have make up similar to chimps. Generally speaking, humans
specific information and supporting HTS systems, unfor- are classified into three major groups: the Negroid,
tunately the same old mindset and strategies are being Mongoloid and Caucasoid, and genetically all are 99.9%
continued in the drug discovery and development proc- the same. The difference in terms of colour, physique,
ess. We really need a high-throughput mindset and only behaviour, etc. is due to single nucleotide polymorphism

796 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004


(SNP) which constitutes just 0.1%. Importance of such nes. Development of standardized herbal formulations is
individual variations in health and disease is an important underway as an initiative of the Council for Scientific and
basic principle of ayurveda and was underlined by Industrial Research (CSIR) New Millennium Indian
Charaka some time 4000 years ago as follows: ‘Every in- Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI). Randomized
dividual is different from another and hence should be controlled clinical trials for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis,
considered as a different entity. As many variations are hepatoprotectives, hypolipedemic agents, asthma, Parkin-
there in the Universe, all are seen in Human being’56 . son’s disease and many other disorders have reasonably
Ayugenomics57 describes the basis of individual variation established clinical efficacy. A review of some exemplary
and it has clear similarities with the pharmacogenomics evidence-based researches and approaches has now re-
that is expected to become the basis of designer medi- sulted in wider acceptance of ayurvedic medicines41,60.
cine4 . Understanding the possible relationship between Thus the ayurvedic knowledge database allows drug re-
Prakruti and genome will be important. Functionally, this searchers to start from a well-tested and safe botanical
will involve creation of three organized databases that are material. With ayurveda, the normal drug discovery
capable of intelligently communicating with each other to course of ‘laboratories to clinics’ actually becomes from
give a customized prescription. These are human consti- ‘clinics to laboratories’ – a true reverse pharmacology
tution (genotype), disease constitution (phenotype) and approach61 . In this process safety remains the most
drug constitution. Nearly 5800 clinical signs and symp- important starting point and efficacy becomes a matter of
toms are available in ayurvedic texts. Effects of season, validation. Globally, there is a positive trend towards holi-
time and environmental conditions according to ayur- stic health, integrative sciences, systems biology appro-
vedic chronobiology principles need to be considered to aches in drug discovery and therapeutics that has remained
advice lifestyle modifications followed by dietary advice. one of the unique features of ayurveda63 . A golden trian-
More than 1200 species of plants, nearly 100 minerals gle64 consisting of ayurveda, modern medicine and sci-
and over 100 animal products comprise the ayurvedic ence will converge to form a real discovery engine that
pharmacopoeia58 . Thousands of single, multiple combina- can result in newer, safer, cheaper and effective therapies.
tions and processed formulations are described in ayur- It will be in the interest of pharmaceutical companies, re-
vedic literature along with details of drug actions. The searchers and ultimately the global community to respect
extent of this database is large and it can be best managed the traditions and build on their knowledge and experien-
with the help of suitable computer and software. tial wisdom65 .

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1999, 6, 119–123. Applied Chemists. We thank our research team: Joshi Kalpana (geno-
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ton’s ascitic lymphoma. Indian J. Pharm. Sci., 1996, 58, 194– Grandhi Anuradha (pharmacology). We thank all the institutes and re-
196. searchers who responded positively to our appeal and provided impor-
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in rats. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem., 1999, 3, 595–597. from the Technology Network and Business Development Division
74. Manjarekar, P. N., Jolly, C. I. and Narayana, S., Comparative (earlier known as NMITLI) of CSIR for providing valuable inputs and
studies of immunomodulatory activity of T. cordifolia and T. chi- resources. We wish to especially mention Drs Yogeshwar Rao, P.
nensis. Fitoterpia, 71, 254–257. Pushpangadan, G. N. Quazi, I. Sanjeev Rao, Arvind Chopra and other
75. Banerjee, A. and Nigam, S. S., Antimicrobial efficacy of the es- associates of the NMITLI team.
sential oil of Curcuma longa. Indian J. Med. Res., 1978, 68,
864. Received 14 November 2003; revised accepted 14 January 2004

CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 86, NO. 6, 25 MARCH 2004 799

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